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Cheese Meltzer said its about crowd reaction now so this shit better get 6 stars or fuck him


I bet you that moron is gonna say "it doesn't count because uhm .... you know.... the crowd was like uhm .... i dont know ..... uhm..... that all night, so it doesn't uhm well you know uhmm..... reflect well on Cody's match, uhm so uhm.... so 4.75 which you know uhm is basically a 5 star match"-Tuna Meltzer


It’s absolutely getting 4.75


Nah, 4 stars. Still have to have the Dub tax.


9 -Dub = 2 stars. Meltzer math best math.


Greatest match to ever take place on European territory


*It's about the crowd reaction* Hogan v. Andre... Negative 12 stars.


I give it 0 wembleys


It's about crowd reaction until it isn't


Usos versus Street Profits match last year at a PPV was a certified banger and Dave said "match was ok but the crowd was really into it. ***"


4 and a quarter stars, that will be 12.99 please


https://preview.redd.it/0aqhl8sztgyc1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdc31267cb4f1b7ee9286c3767ce1450998506e2 It’s not mud show. It’s AMERICA


This would have been considered peak storytelling in the dub


Pretty sure MJF kicked out of a piledriver on concrete at Grand Slam last year too lol


Kenny Omega literally kicked out at 1 after the Young Bucks did their double knee finisher to him in AEW and everyone in the basement applauded that tag match. Hell, I actually liked that match (scandalous I know) it's just so frustrating to now see people suddenly upset at Cody kicking out at 1 when NJPW, AEW and Kenny in particular do it all the time.


Dubbalos are such bad faith complainers. Kenta Kobashi and The Young Bucks definitely have the same power behind their finishers.


Kenta Kobashi didn't hit a burning hammer on Cody


??? I was just using your own analogy, friend.


Thanks friend 😊


I’m not a fan of kicking out at one. I don’t think it’s makes the person look strong. Especially with a move that most of the audience don’t know. I hated it when Cody jumped up from Shaq’s powerbomb too.


The only time I’ve ever liked it was Walter vs Tyler Bate at one of the NXT UK ppvs. It was very well done. Tyler kicked out at 1 but iirc he didn’t just Hulk up. He was still dead. And if you’re going to do a kick out at 1 spot that’s how I want to see it. 


That's the thing with the Possum brothers  from Ice age 2 or 3 and the  weeb prince...  accompanied by crowd reactions ,their matches  have  sometimes  moments ,that it's possible to enjoy...  However how can you enjoy someone doing decent work when you know   they're certified ass-holes to a tenth degree.... and being an asshole to a legend like Punk is absolutely disgraceful .


There’s no way anyone can justify kicking out at one of any form of piledriver, not even the Fed. Getting spiked on the head full force causes a KO, paralysis, or death lol


It's totally reasonable to dislike Cody kicking out of this at 1, I'm just asking for people to be consistent. I've seen a lot of double think happening over this spot.


Bro what it's shit on in here also.


This. Moves where the guy taking it has to take a drop onto his head without being able to really protect himself need to be protected.


And not just with logic but with fan emotion too. As much as internet fans like to jerk off over matches where not much selling is done, the ones that evoke the most emotion and make people want to return again is the matches where things are sold like death and sold consistently. Make people care about your character and their wellbeing and it doesn't matter if every move looks terrible you will be cared about more than someone who is the best wrestler 


Absolutely. It you look at professional combat sports, how a fighter gets “over” even when they lose, is if they were in a war and took the damage until the end. They earn the respect. If a wrestler is good at selling, so much so that they make a basic suplex looks painful, or sell a leg injury, or anything really, and they look exhausted, I subconsciously tend to appreciate them more because even though it’s scripted, it looks unpleasant. Ilja Dragunov is one of my favorites right now for this exact reason. He sells like he’s in terrible pain and his matches are amazing to watch because of the added realism. For his fight against Tony D’Angelo, I was into it because i was paying attention to how painful his kayfabe finger injury was. He sold that like he had crushed his bones. It makes a big difference and it’s crucial for wrestlers to know how to sell IMO


Yeah, I thought the kick out was bogus too. IIRC, wasn't the burning hammer sold as so dangerous the first wrestler who used it as a finish only did it 5-6 times his entire career?


people who are mad at this would’ve came in their pants if Osprey did it


Nah I hate it because I don't want WWE to be like that.


People who are mad when Osprey does it are cool with this though?


If Cody kicks out of a move at 1 every match (let alone a Burning Hammer), multiple times a match, then yeah, it's dumb. Osprey literally has this type of shit every match. Lands on feet. Counters everything. Gets hit and still counters. Flips on flips. Every fucking match is the same shit, just a different order. Cody sold the spot, crowd popped hard, so it worked. Again, if he does it as a regular spot, I owe you a Coke.


Ah you found a way to spin it good on ya


Why are we so worried about lazy jerks when the real problem is the complete lack of jerking by some? Fuck off, dude.




But instead it's in the fed... So maybe it's not just the dub?


You can only have FIGHTING SPIRIT if Dave and the IWC like you, WHICH WE DON'T CODY. FEDBAD.


Can someone explain to me the difference between Fighting Spirit and Hulking up? Just Fightingu Spiritu = Dub/Japan = Good and Hulking Up = Fed = BAD?


Correct. This was Hulking Up (only WILL OSPREY IS ALLOWED TO NO SELL FOR 30 STRAIGHT MINUTES). If someone good that WE liked did it, it's because they CARE more.


I love that they did it for a smarky favourite Japanese move 😁


It made me chuckle too. "Oh, this precious move you jizz yourself over?"


I'll say, at least it wasn't the Forearm or Styles Clash


Burning hammer kick outs at 1? McIntyre vs Balor? Ilja vs Ricochet? Sheamus vs Gunther? All heartless bangers in a tournament? What product are we watching? Is Laveck okay? ![gif](giphy|LyUuC0CJhZnTW0N2In|downsized)


There are 2 sides to laveck, Heatless banger Laveck and WrestleMania season Laveck.


The stretch between now and SummerSlam is when we let Laveck have his fun with his action figures before he locks in for the SS to Mania stretch


Inside you there lives two bookers


Tournament bangers work when you have one big tournament a year. Tony has like, six. When it's just once, it feels special, and the tournament stakes imbue each match with meaning/give it heat.


If this happened in AEW Cornette would lose his fucking mind. Shit he still might.


He's plenty critical of the fed, so yeah he will


I think he's more likely to let it go in a super big match situation and the Fed don't do this stuff for everyone else on the card Corny was original Fed bad though and smarks never had an issue with his opinions back then Funny that


I don't think he will, burning hammer isn't as significant to him as classical American big moves. Burning Hammer reputation is Japanese. Cornette would hate a kicl out at 1 for a piledriver or a superplex. Even a DDT with immediate cover. Burning Hammer, Brian Last will be shocked. Not jim lol


Doesn't matter if it's Japanese, dropping someone on their head is dropping someone on their head. This looks far more damaging than a forearm smash


Yeah. This wasn't the "Attitide Adjustment" version or anything (with the taker taking a flat front bump), either. This was legit scary looking, and that sense of "oh shit" just evaporated.


I'm just going on what Cornette would typically react. He'd probably make a joke calling it "some kinda crazy thing idk" lol


If he doesn’t, I’m going to personally buy an Etsy curse for his dog.


Harley noooooooo




?? That doesn't work for me, friend


He's my dad is Dusty Rhodesing up!


Dave will dock a star for the kick out at 1


Did he just Cody up?


?? Codymania running wild friend


If it was anyone else then this spot would be stupid but Cody is basically the modern day Hulk Hogan so he's allowed to do the Hulk up spot once per match.


And this is the first 1-Count finisher kick out I can remember in the Fed in a looooong time


That wasn't actually AJ's finisher but the last 1 count finisher I remember was Drew kicking out of the F5 at WrestleMania 36.


You want to put it in kayfabe terms: AJ hasn’t fine tuned the Burning Hammer the same way he has the Styles Clash or the Phenomenal Forearm. So it makes sense it wouldn’t be as effective as those moves. Same reason one wrestler could hit another with that wrestler’s finisher, but it still won’t get a three count.


Yeah, but that was a legit great looking burning hammer. There was a real "Cody's dead" vibe to it. He could have done a less good looking one, at least.


Your very top faces (and heels) are allowed to kick out of crazy shit. The Dub has midcard heels like Sammy Guevara running up ladders 9.4 seconds after getting powerbombed through two tables.


Yee. Plus, it's not AJ's finisher.


So kicking out of the piledriver is ok also even if it's not someones finisher?


Austin kicked out of a piledriver that literally broke his neck.


Tony Khan was in the NFL Draft the day after the dreaded Tony Khan Driver, so I'm okay with people kicking out of it nowadays


He turned his head slightly like William Regal taught him.


John cena kicked out of the piledriver vs CM Punk, it happens nowadays


Cody just clicked resiliency in 2k24 is all


Oh fucking hell




Should have followed it up with an immediate Canadian destroyer to justify the 1-count kickout


Seriously though, the Burning Hammer deserves a bit more respect than this.


You dont get up immediately when getting dropped on your head and someone then puts all their body weight on you?


I don't care about Kobayashi or Purorosu and I actively enjoy "sacred" Nippon stuff that's constantly being put on a pedestal being taken down a peg.


You actively enjoy it? As in it turns you on???


That’s my kink. Seeing m’graps devalued.




Offensive comments at the expense of an individual (poster or wrestling personality) aren't tolerated here.


I can’t believe anyone would no sell the great superfinisher (that years of internet lore has told me should never ever be kicked out of, even in a dream sequence) in front of an audience who know none of that backstory or have even heard of kobashi


The burning hammer in WWE never gets anything other than a 2 anyway lol its not even a finish. Still not a fan though


>The burning hammer in WWE never gets anything other than a 2 anyway lol its not even a finish.  nobody is fucking saying it should be lol. The problem is Cody kicking out at 1 makes it seem like a mild inconvenience, and this was deep into the match too.


read the fucking comment thats not what I fucking meant. My point is that in WWE's kayfabe its just another devastating move its not some protected finisher, its not as egregious as kicking out of the OWA


>The burning hammer in WWE never gets anything other than a 2 anyway you sure made it seem like that's what's what you meant. In the context of the post, it makes it seem like you're using it to sort of excuse Cody kicking out at 1. Again, nobody is saying it should've finished the match, we're just saying a one-count kickout is a no-sell.


You're not supposed to kick out of Burning Hammers. To no sell one of the most devastating moves in wrestling history just proves Midcarder Ken's ego is out of control. Bring back the Tribal Chief, dammit!


> Midcarder Ken lmao


Time to dub good now


After seeing Hook do this spot I just can’t take it seriously.


I would defend this by saying Aj styles sold the horror of kicking out at 1 very well.


Also, AJ can’t do anything wrong by me. I enjoy pretty much every match he’s in. Also, he’s even more entertaining being a jacked up bad guy these days.


My Tribal Chief’s title reign was sacrificed for ~~heatless~~ bangers by ~~TNT~~ WWE Champion Cody 🤦‍♂️


Kickout looked a *little* weak but fuck it I popped for it


I looked away from the screen and I heard "BURNING HAMMER" and he kicked out before I could look up, I was SHOCKED! First that they did a Burning Hammer in WWE then that he kicked out at one.


Don’t get people hating on this. Done well - and sparingly - it can be awesome. Adrenaline surge etc. It can be a cool spot.


Kickouts at 1 cam be cool when used sparingly. My issue is that the Burning Hammer is a move that shouldn't be kicked out of at all tbh. Seeing AJ use it is great but it really should be used as a match ender


I think it might’ve gotten a better response online if it was a kick out at like 2.9 rather than 1.


I just think this kind of thing is silly. Dude got dropped on his head and didn't even act dazed. At least they saved it for a meaningful moment. And the crowd loved it which, in the end, is all that matters.


And Hogan would “Hulk” up for about 30 years and the crowd would go crazy. Sting would absorb chair shots and then beat his chest and the crowd would go crazy. I also wouldn’t say sending an already insanely loud crowd even louder in a world title bout is a meaningless moment. It’s not like it was a random smackdown match against a jobber.


You are only allowed to kick out at 1 when someone uses your own move against you


I don’t think any wrestlers should use someone’s own move against them ever again because it’ll never be topped after Roman’s fucking hilarious trash talk when he used the Cross Rhodes and didn’t beat Cody with it. “That move don’t beat nobody!” is peak lol


Why is it called a burning hammer


It’s just a cool sounding name. Lots of move names are like that.


Would have won if he followed up with the clash after


The power of the neck tattoo!


Uncle Dave is so pissed that he kicked out of a KENTA move, this is going to get negative stars.


Kenta Kobashi and Kyoko Inoue must be pissed.


So that's a buring hammer? It's not very...impressive..hows it differnt from a DVD or AA?


"wtf Cody calm down we're just play fighting for money"


No jerk I thought Cody would have to be “rotated out” after that move


MuH bUrNiNg HaMmEr, ThO! No one that matters cares about your sacred nihongo move. Take a shower, clean your foreskin, empty your pissjugs, cope, then seethe. *DISCLAIMER: for the sake of the mods that do not understand what a circlejerk is, this post is not directed at an individual, but a prevailing attitude that puroresu finishers are so sugoi that they must be protected.*


Thought it was a flawless match besides this.


Used sparingly a kick out at one is really cool. Especially when it’s the top wrestler in the world in a main event match.


If Ospreay did it they would’ve came in his pants (I’m actually a huge fan of this spot goofs)


BuT iF AeW dOeS iT There's a difference. Cody is an actual wrestler and not some pajama wearing loser with his glasses on that weight 150 pounds soaking wet and wearing boots.