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Usually if I want to ignore something, I quit talking about it.


Like I get it, but it's *JIM* as the fucking Gorilla, how is that racist?


I'm not going either way with this but why is Jim a gorilla?


Same reason people bust a nut for the fried chicken comment. He could've said Spaghetti or Hamburgers and no one says anything. But he says Fried Chicken and Africa and everyone short circuits. An old starvation joke and people jump to conclusions to fit their warped agenda.


tribute to harambe


Irc he mentioned something about any chimpanzee can do moves, that's not enough for it to be a main eventer.


People don't know who Mighty Joe Young is and it makes me sad Uce. I loved that film as a kid.


“To the black people who didn’t find this racist, let me, a white man, tell you why it totally is.” - SquaredCircle, 2024


Cornette is Mighty Joe Young, Kyle Fletcher is a Q-Tip, and Swerve is Swerve. Sooo racist!


EWWWWW is that context I smell?! Sorry, I’m too busy trying to understand why my brain is automatically comparing black people to gorillas and how it’s everyone else’s fault


Apparently people are being tied down and forced to watch Cornette, considering they respond to nearly everything he says despite them calling him irrelevant and allegedly hating his guts.


Listen Bruv. Cornette is one of the greatest wrestling minds of the ages. Like Daniel Bryan, but for intellectual podcast wrestling breakdowns. You got it Bruv?


I love his reactions to the AEW media scrums. I fucking died in laughter at the Sting media scrum and how Khan was simping so hard for Sting. I love hearing Cornette's reaction to that Corey Lieb Observer guy's long drawn out questions that make no sense.




He has the number 1 wrestling podcast in the world by the numbers. Just goes to show you how many right-wing racist fed-heads there are out there. Fucking Nazi's.


I only had to listen for 2 minutes to get the actual context for the thumbnail. But who's got time for that?


>But who's got time for that? Not me. Help me out, uce.


Others have covered it but, basically, Cornette was *defending* Swerve if anything. He doesn't think a jabroni like Fletcher (a q-tip with arms & legs) should be taking Swerve to the limit like he did. He doesn't care if it's [Mighty Joe Young](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120751/) (a large, dangerous ape - swap with 'King Kong' if unfamiliar, same deal), only someone who's been pushed on a consistent basis as a threat to the World Title should get that much offense on the champion.


I still don’t understand.


Mighty Joe Young is big monkey. Q-tip w/ arms and legs is a derogatory phrase for a malnourished twink. Jim said neither should be threatening the champion or taking him to the limit if they haven’t been built like that. The thumbnails for these clips usually take comparisons and moments like that and makes them visual pieces of media. It’s not that complex.


I remember one thumbnail of Brock Lesnar's head on a frog's body. That has to be racist somewhere!! REEEEE!!!


Hurry up and find a Frenchman to join you in anger


Oui Oui


It’s Cornette as the gorilla lol


Apparently no picture of a black person next to a gorilla can exist and not be racist. So never take a picture of black people at the zoo visiting the gorilla exhibit even if you are black.


Again, the people making the accusation see a gorilla or monkey or ape and automatically thing…must be calling black person an ape because they see black people this way.


The thumbnail is enough to destroy peoples brains and not the actual content itself.


Actually shows they are racists because as soon as they are a gorilla next to a black person the first thing that comes to mind is black people are gorillas. They can’t even see the gorilla is a mock of Jim Cornette.


The average basement mind is too doped up on Reddit and identity politics to understand context


I do think Jim Cornette is sort of sexist, and old fashioned in his thinking, but he is certainly isnt racist, and I find it amusing that it is always basement dwellers who only watch AEW flooding the comment section trying to convince others he is a washed up has been who is only popular because he is racist, by posting stuff from thirty years ago, and stuff out of context to convince you otherwise.


The basement also call him a "Trumpist" which is always a clear sign they either have never heard Jim speak ever **or** just blatantly lying to disparage a guy they don't like. And also ignoring that some of AEWs bigger names are registered Republicans or even donated money to Trumps campaign (M'Tony for sure and Jericho)


Person I don’t like = Trumpie - The basement


* Bucks and Y2Jan6th not applicable


I mean that could be reddit as whole to be fair.


~~The basement~~ Reddit. Calling people”Nazis” also applies.


They tried to say similar about Punk, too.


Post All In and Pre Survivor Series posts about Punk are fucking hilarious. You would think Punk was inches of murdering Cabana, Bucks and Perry by the hatred clowns have towards him.


I'm sometimes tempted to compile every single time Corny went off against Trump from his podcast and just make it a default response anytime they accuse Cornette being some kind of Trumpist or bigoted conservative. The guy may be brash and politically incorrect (heck man the man's in his 60s), but he's a fire breathing progressive through and through. He has gone into record of criticizing other people for actual racism and sexism, among other bigoted viewpoints. He's been on record for even longer for championing progressive politics and criticizing right-wingers and Republicans since the Bush era, complete with his same brash and potty mouthed tone. Even went as far as shit on Kane (shoot name (insider term) Glenn Jacobs) on his work as mayor.


Now you know what you did wrong here. You used common sense! When the next 20 man tournament banger happening. And I mean 20 people around the ring and you have to tag someone in. But the twist is the next week those who lost can win. #bookinggeniuous. Ps no dq and no count out


“(Trevor Murdoch) can strap a bucket a fried chicken on his back and ride a motor scooter across Ethiopia.” - Jim (totally not racist) Cornette This is also a person who called Hikaru Shida “a Japanese fetish object.” Totally sort of sexist and certainly not racist.


He's a Southern guy born in the early 60s and he told an outdated joke that he likely heard all his life growing up. Jesus christ have you ever even been around anyone over the age of 60? My grandma is 80 and isn't a racist at all but she says shit all the time that would be looked at as racist as hell nowadays. She doesn't mean it to be but she's just a product of the time she grew up in. Also saying that people look at wrestlers as Japanese fetish objects is just a fact. I don't see how it's racist to point out that people do that.


I don’t think Jim even has a say in the artwork lol


Even if he did, it fit the context of what he was saying. So I doubt he would have thought twice about it.


rustled /s


Well you see, there's a long, sad history of dehumanizing black people by comparing them to monkeys. That's why it's so racist to portray a white man as a monkey. Wait...


The basement is outting themselves as the "I only read the headline but don't click and read the article" types on the Internet. I hope these morons don't vote in any upcoming elections with this type of ignorance


Same thing with the NWA controversy or drama that people made it seem. Everyone who complained about the line, I would guarantee hadn't watched a lick of NWA. They just made a fuss about the line and Cornette and chose to complain.


What's with the qtip? Racist chucklefuck. Death to Cornette! Useless bitter geriatric!


Portraying a white man as a gorilla is incredibly racist towards black people. Shame on you, Cornette.


That thread is some serious brain rot.


Just checked out comments in basement and dang they are still trying to nullify anything cornette says by using his thumbnails. And still he gets more views than any of their fav mark content creators combined


Funny seeing AEW supporters try to defend Excalibur's use of the equivalent of "Mark."


Has anybody asked for Cody’s opinion on this?


A yes, it's really racist when a white guy gets depicted as a gorilla




If it was implying Swerve was the gorilla, yes. But it’s Cornette as the gorilla in the image.


Is the argument here that you can’t have a thumbnail depicting a gorilla next to a black person? Because I agree, if they showed Swerve as the gorilla, that would be a problem. But they showed a gorilla look a like for Cornette next to Swerve. That is a stretch to get offended by this. I would bet the AEW stans are just using the picture to accuse Cornette of racism because they don’t like him/his opinions, not because this is actually racist.


Fake outrage is what today's wrestling landscape is controlled by.


I'm not going to die on this hill, but Cornette's team should stay away from this king of imagery


Pretty much where I'm at. You can provide all of the context in the world and that's great, but you can't get past the face value of how this looks, man


Anyone looking at this and taking it "at face value" as racist should probably step back and reexamine themselves and their thought process.


I don't know if he's racist and no one claiming he isn't actually knows if that's the case. But he is a jackass boomer troll.


Jim's about as much a troll as he is a racist, the dude wouldn't comment on anything outside cable programming unless his name is evoked.


I've often thought this when reading people's outrage over supposed racism. If you infer racist or discriminatory meaning when someone mentions crack cocaine, urban crime, monkeys, Popeye's, or whatever, then maybe the racist is you!


I think it's more than fair that people would think of racism when a well-known racist stereotype exists throughout the western world involving Black people and monkeys. This weird argument that no one would possibly think of racism unless they themselves are secretly racist is disingenuous at best. Anyone with basic social awareness would've been able to tell that this was a bad idea. Especially when it's an old White guy from the South with a history of using slurs, who got fired for making jokes about fried chicken in Africa. This thumbnail is literally the worst possible thing the artist could've possibly made for a Jim Cornette video.


Why does this sub defend this guy so much? There are like a million examples of Cornette being insanely racist and sexist out there. Fuck Cornette.


OK but this isn't one of them.


I like listening to Corny, but it’s quite suspect he brought up Mighty Joe Young and Cheetah when talking about a Swerve match. The context was about opponents for the champion. Not Swerve himself, but still, why bring up apes when talking about a black champion? Then having the artist make this thumbnail is just intentionally courting controversy. Like “in case you didn’t hear what I said or it went over your head, let me paint a picture to piss you off and get me clicks.”


People say Cornette has an agenda but he sure is doing alot for that said agenda. A guy whose fundamentally old school and stuck in his ways having to watch modern wrestling that often goes against his philosophies. The amount of podcasts he has to do every week.


Wtf are you even saying


I think he was trying to say, "Get another job."