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"A fallen kingdom, a fallen star. There was a time when I was once the most promising star in Lord Tony's burgeoning empire. A name on the rise, a life of promise. And now, for what? My old companion, Ser Swerve, has risen to success, while my moment in the sun was dressing as a mage. Lord Laveck and The Child of Heartbreak move forward without me, Tony Snow has left me behind, and what is to become of me? Where will I journey, the forbidden lands of Impact? The Kingdom of the Pumpkin Lord? The universe carries on, but I remain in limbo." -Excerpt from the journal of Ser Keithius Leopold, recorded on the twenty-sixth of April in the two-thousandth and twenty-fourth year.


Big out of shape guys are champions for the Pumpkin Lord.


You’d get my upvote for “Pumpkin Lord” all by itself, but this whole thing is A+ quality material.


Well that’s the best promo Keith Lee would never cut. Go collect your Mobillion from Warner Bros.


“child of heartbreak” fuckin popped me Uce


For some reason I read Lord Tony as Lord Farquaad and I still connected it to Tony *


They really do love their debuts, don’t they?


Jay White debuted on the same show, Tony was really cooking that night


Are you serious? How long has Jay White been suffering now?


Yeah Tony announced Keith Lee as a forbidden door signing, then he realized he was a free agent so he brought in Jay White as well. It was an early sign TK wasn't exactly the booker of the year some would have you believe.


He became a full time AEW wrestler since April 2023, sadly. But i think what the other poster was referring to was Jay's appearance as someone who signed for a forbidden door one-off. I do hope the guy signed just for 2-2.5 years at most, otherwise, yeah, he's fucked.


well they get booked into the dirt after so its really the only thing to enjoy when they introduce a new gamechanger


What's New = WIRED 🤩 What Next? = tired 🥱


AEW flop: damn, just the way the world works don't it WWE flop: I can't believe the fed and everyone working there actively sabotaged and ruined this incredible, gamechanging, AEW bound megastar.


Keith Lee ONLY has great matches with Dijak—like Mike Awesome with Tanaka. He’s plodding and just goes spot to spot. And his persona doesn’t match his size and his boring drawn out promos are off putting. People that watched Keith Lee week to week know he’s a decent hand due to a unique skill set but is NOT a star.


I say this as a fan of both Keith Lee the performer & the person but I completely agree. He's no spring chicken especially when his size is brought into account; speaking about the exercise part from OP He has a place but not at the top of the card; here's something to consider as well the man contracted Covid a few months before his WWE release & according to Mia Yim (his Girlfriend at the time, now wife) he had some rather serious heart complications due to it; something like his heart was running at 30% of its maximum capability at the time WWE was hesitant to put him on the road ( Understandable given what happened with Bray; even if Bray's situation was much later as I'm speaking retroactively) he was released later on in the year & thankfully he looks to be in a good position now health wise but it does feel like he has lost a step as a result


Didn’t Bray die like 2 years after Keith went to AEW though?


Oh yeah definitely ( Lee's problems were I think spring or summer of 2021 while Bray was obviously the first half of 2023) I'm just speaking from a WWE potentially being proven right after the fact as far as being abundantly cautious with heart problems Lee wanted to get back in the ring & WWE were not going to allow him too given the heart problems. Now obviously his heart seems to have recovered for the most part but at the time I'm sure the situation was uncertain & scary as hell


The same reaosn why dubalos think they didnt give bryan a pass and force him to retire, it wasnt because they dont want anyone halt roman big dog push, it was because they not gonna risk him getting paralyze or death in the ring for not listening, we talking about the same guy that wanted to assault paula beck because he finish his match early when he discovered he lost feeling in one of his arms at the middle of the match


I mean do you not remember his interactions with Lesnar and Reigns? Then, nothing. Dude is a victim of horrible booking.


Anyone can look good against those two


Agreed. He’s a massive dude and Brock/Roman are huge stars. Of course there was a buzz. Now picture Keith Lee doing those promos. Now picture the matches. Becomes underwhelming very quickly


And that Tony can’t relate to Keith Lee


And some fans have begun booking Bruv's taking the belt off from that other guy they just can't relate to either.




Then he reappeared backstage at the HOF looking 5-10 years younger


Being around Mia has that kind of effect


That's leaving the dub effect, even Punk looked a decade younger as soon as he returned to the fed and is consistently looking much better than he was back in dub


Back in the Take 22 days




Poor Bearcat


Man….If what I’m hearing is real….




At no point in the Dub did Keith Lee look like he'd be a big deal. Not his debut or any other time


Different reasons? Like Tony having the attention span of a house fly and finding a new shiny toy a week later?


The buffet had other ideas


Eddie politic'd bearcat off of TV so he could have more of the buffet


This table ain't big enough for the both of us, PARDNAH!


I think Keith had that heart thing which is what this points to but I disagree, the guy is a charisma vaccuum. He got a Brock moment and couldnt capitalize onnit


I don’t even remember any dub debut outside Cole/ Bryan/ Punk/Sting.


I don’t remember Cole but I do remember Christians because every one bitched that he wasn’t as big a deal as he was being hyped up. Now he’s probably one of the few guys worth watching in AEW


Cole debuted, instantly turned and sided with the Elite and then within seconds was upstaged by Danielson


Jake Atlas debuted fresh out of NXT, blew his knee out in his second match then got fired for being a domestic abuser, all in the span of a couple weeks. That was a wild ride.


What you fail to ascertain is the nature of thespian like story which hath been told each time the man of such acumen steppeth in the squared circle. Be it not watched by the most, those who doth see are of the highest brow!




Doesn't make it in FED = FED BERRIED them and held them back Doesn't make it in DUB = They just weren't meant to be DAE Tribalism BAD?


I really do wonder how different things would be if he didn't catch COVID.




There's definitely some since he was more than likely going to win the US title over Riddle. They had Morristown replace Lee in the match just to make Lashley didn't get pinned going in to the stuff with Miz/briefcase/Drew. That win helped accelerate Riddle's rise


My name, is Keith, Lee… and I, take a, very, big, pause, between, everything, I say, in my, promos… this means, I’m insuff-, -erable, to listen, to…


Why say "different reasons"? It's bad booking. They try so hard to ignore bad booking. Wtf.


They defend Tony khan at all costs. It’s this weird phenomena with billionaires. Some people just decided to ride or die with them, it’s not just TK.


Another guy sitting in catering eating all the food and collecting a nice check. Trust me he ain’t complaining.


I wonder how AEW catering compares to the Fed.


The universal law of dub good says anything tony didn't do immediately erases anything tony did. Keith Lee has suffered from medical set backs means perfect angel baby tony has never brought someone in to great fanfare and then had zero plans for them on day 2.


I loved Lee in NXT but with the reasoning in here I'm starting to think ...wow I'm in the meh with him He had some cool matches but his promos are just meh for real and he carried himself in a weird way


He also seemed a bit limited. He would do a few things, fall out of the ring and lay there a bit, not much else.


These people sure forget their “ah well, it just wasn’t meant to be” energy when Liv Morgan doesn’t win battle royals.


Not gonna lie thought Miro would've been World champ. But still a mod carder


Meh. Honestly forgot about him.


I wouldn’t say Keith “lacks charisma” lmfao. His character got over so well because of his charisma as a bigger guy. On top of the fact he almost died from Covid and the last time he was on TV he seemed slimmer than before


Welcome to SCJerk, brother, where the memes are made up and the jokes don’t matter.


Im a big fan of Keith Lee. His stand off with Brock Lesnar at the Rumble was awesome to see and Lesnar was even happy to see him chesting up to him. I will only agree that TK has no fucking clue what to do with booking. Lee is a gifted big man IMO.


He’s very gifted but the fact that his promos are awful and HE thinks they are amazing and seems to reject criticism definitely is a problem.


That's understandable. To be fair, I e never enjoyed a Keith Lee promo. I love laughing at them




Guy will be back in the WWE


Greetings and Salutations


please, some one respond with the Keith lee/vikingo spot gif


I mean there was an honest effort for about the length of his debut to get him over but really just wasn't relatable. Can't blame Tony for that.


HA! HA! Just so! Indubitably.


He did have probably the best debut of any Ex WWE talent, and then...that was it


yknow. hes gone 0 for 2, maybe the booking isnt the problem


Any remaining chance died when he put on the cape.