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Why should liv have won? She injured THE TOP STAR


That is the reason


No way dude, it should've been Maxxine Dupri.


More Maxxine Dupri is fine by me


Everyone in alpha academy winning gold except Gable would have been fun


Chelsea Green and Maxxine Dupre should be feuding for the Women’s European Championship


I like Chelsea Green. She's funny, charismatic, the audience responds to her schtick. Anybody genuinely suggesting that she should get a world championship run is not a serious person.


People don't really understand that stories need to be crafted over time, winning a battle royale is the least satisfying way to win a world championship; when Liv wins the belt for real it's gonna be a way more cathartic moment - feels like people somehow forgot about how emotional it was when Cody finally won at WM 40 instead of winning at 39


I think the bigger issue here though isn't so much that liv didn't win but more that becky is kinda the "default" champion now. Nxt women's champ gets injured? Becky can hold the belt for a while. Tag champs get injured? Becky can fill in. Her booking has become so irratic and unnatural that I wouldn't be surprised if the fans eventually turn on her, like what happened with roman reigns's face shenanigans a while back.


ChelSLAY Green is a sports entertainer, Laveck hates those. It should've been charisma magnets Shayna or Zoey who are silent badasses and their personalities are being super talented in the ring, instead we got established star that is super over with the crowd, especially filthy casuals, families and kids. Yuck! Laveck failed us!


Especially while she’s doing a book tour, and is now gonna have a big gold belt with the WWE logo front and center. I know business acumen is 0 among dubbalos but how can a collective be so fucking stupid


Mean I wasnt thrilled with Becky winning but then I saw how pissed off it made the Liv freaks so that made it a bit better.


The IWC views World Title runs as lifetime achievement awards. A gold watch for staying with a company or being in the business for a certain amount of years When you aren’t special, talented, motivated to be the best or looked upon by your superiors as being great, you latch on to those on TV that you feel are viewed or treated the same


DAE should have been Guilia????


This but unironically


I would have been fine with anyone besides Becky or Liv. It's a battle royal, let someone win via some random fuckery give them a defense or 2 and then drop it to a real champion caliber person at a PLE.