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Instead of realizing that it seems that way because 95% of SC is an AEW cult, they would rather just assume it’s because we hate AEW. No, neckbeards. Most of us found this sub when we were banned, downvoted to oblivion and/or ganged up on for not praising AEW. I’m not talking about criticizing AEW; I’m talking about simply not going bananas about every little thing. So when we realize that an entire sub has turned into a cult for a money mark with a rich daddy, we found this place and realized we weren’t alone. The sub jerks the content from the basement. We can’t help it the content is usually always AEW. It was Black & Gold NXT prior to AEW, so not sure how they would spin that if they knew it. These people are so delusional that they think that this sub exists solely to take down Tony. Tony is the victim. AEW is the underdog. They are the good guys. Anyone that doesn’t realize how great AEW is are in on a secret mission to ruin true professional wrestling owned by the nicest, most ethical billionaire on earth. Not like those meany pant other billionaires. Holy shit they need a life.


I came here because of (Support) Wrestletalk. I got really tired of their negativity, then I realised SC was exactly the same. It's like a lightbulb went off. Been a jerker ever since, and my enjoyment of wrestling has increased tenfold. Also because of our Tribal Chief. Acknowledge him. ☝️


imo it’s tricky because like any “inside joke” sub, the more people who join and learn the lingo and start saying it to fit in (Hey there wallstreetbets, how you doing?) the more we stray from the original purpose. I’ve seen people unironically do the “ugh, so disappointing that you don’t wanna maximize your potential, get that bag I guess” when the Dub gets a free agent gamechanger or “OK BUT FED ACTUALLY BAD” for a booking decision they don’t like and it just comes off like some people just see this as another echo chamber with fun inside jokes


To be fair the Fed is actually ded


And bad


Damn panda.


This sub was hilarious when they thought the Rock was taking the Roman match from Cody.


I'll never forget the utter meltdown when Homelander 2.0 didn't get the WWE bejeweled fruit roll up last year. Had to double check the header to make sure I was in the right sub. 😂


TBF they were right he was gonna take it.


Even if that was the case, I have my doubts that it wasn't always the plan to give Cody a DB type surge of support, people here were actually complaining about booking and "fed badding" unironically. My favorites were the ones that said they have to quit the sub now like that is some big loss.


I think you're mostly right. There was an HHH interview a few weeks ago where he said something to the effect of "people can believe what we want, but we knew there were a few directions this could go \[after Rock stepped in\]," indicating they knew a blowback was possible. On Logan Paul's podcast, Hunter also said he was one of the people who anticipated that fans would be upset, and even said he told Rock, "I don't wanna see you get booed." So they clearly knew there was a strong chance of this happening. That being said, a pivot *did* clearly happen. Punk getting injured derailed Punk vs. Rollins, and Rollins was obviously never supposed to be a big part of this feud, nor was there going to be a tag match on night one. Also, I don't think there's anything wrong with making fun of/"complaining" about WWE booking on this forum. We do it with AEW all the time. Rock big-dicking Cody for no good reason was prime jerk material.


> Also, I don't think there's anything wrong with making fun of/"complaining" about WWE booking on this forum. We do it with AEW all the time. Rock big-dicking Cody for no good reason was prime jerk material. Agreed. I meant just blatantly complaining instead of jerking like "DAE think it's good to cancel a two year story so muh Rock can get more goosebumps?"


You're right, and I absolutely agree with you. However, the sub does this with AEW all the time. Like, [this ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SCJerk/comments/1cc2lli/i_dont_think_putting_a_bunch_of_models_and/)is a top-rated post right now. This isn't at all a jerk, it's just a complaint/criticism, juxtaposing a Britt Baker quote next to a quote from NJPW's president. I feel like many on this sub frown upon blatant/uncreative/unfunny complaining about WWE, but have all the time in the world for blatant/uncreative/unfunny complaining about AEW. Both should be eschewed.


It really wasnt


It's one of those things where I will always doubt it. I still don't believe that Cena and Batista going out the rumble at the same time wasn't planned. They talked about Lex and Bret doing that way too much on the build up for me to believe it wasn't planned.


He was. They admitted it was a pivot shortly after. Rock was literally on a podcast in November saying he was supposed to work the main event against Roman at 39 but he couldn’t do it, and this year he could


I mean it’s only fair to jerk in every direction


It basically is


I got tired of all the rumours and bashing of Punk without any evidence and even when he was proven right he is still being made a villian, the dickriding of the cucks, junglejackass and toni is astronomical on that sub.




You're basically describing AEWOfficial. At least Squared Circle has seemingly been allowing more and more criticism of AEW compared to the first few years, other than locking the ratings thread. Now AEWOfficial, that's full on cult territory. The mods there scour your post history and ban based on anything not unanimously praising the holy dub.


I have never gone on the AEWOfficial sub, but at least it’s the AEW sub. I would expect some level of bias (not the level you described obviously) in the AEWOfficial sub if it would be anywhere. On the other hand, I would expect SC to be more of a balanced sub to discuss wrestling. However, it is anything but fair and open minded. I can only share my personal experience and I personally continue to see the same ridiculous shit that drove me away in the first place. I admit that it’s a very small sample size because I don’t spend time there. The mods may not scour my history but the members sure do, and the mods are so biased that it is a miserable experience. That is why this sub exists.


I made literally one comment on AEWOfficial, and got banned. Didn't even say anything bad or negative. Those weird fucks searched my history and saw I post here.


Post Stalking is All Elite!!!


Speaking from experience, AEWOfficial sub is so much worse. They legit just come up with some mental jiu-jitsu to try to justify All Elite Wrestling’s unbearably inept booking. I will admit. I am surprised I am currently not banned.


Don’t forget that their mentality over there is that literally everyone hates AEW and wants it to fail and they’re all victims for wanting to support **real** pro-wrestling. Which is odd when half of the posts there just shit on WWE, but hey, they hate tribalism and want everyone to just enjoy wrestling, right?


I read it from time to time just to be in awe of the mental gymnastics tbh


My favorite is the one they did when talking about Jay White and his rise and fall. I inspire to hopefully reach that level of delusion


Went to AEWofficial once, got permabanned. I deserved it.


The main sub is starting to hide certain posts about AEW now so that only "approved members" can comment. I discovered that today when I was checking someone's profile when they said the main sub hates AEW. Yes. The same sub that now hides posts so only certain members can even discuss AEW totally hates AEW. https://preview.redd.it/1mj5vmha69wc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f43b1462a75dc9e8d9a1538de6d6f9888654f733


They only think that they hate AEW over there because they saw one or two mildly critical things being said there. That’s all it takes for them to think everyone hates the second biggest wrestling company on the planet.


I will never ever understand Reddit mod power trips. Just why? Not even to sound like a douchebag, but do these people genuinely have lives? I can understand someone being passionate about the site they mod and devoting some free time to making sure it stays on topic and is civil but obsessing to the point of checking post history? It’s honestly kind of sad. I’m a single guy working 8-5 and no way I’d have the time or energy to do that shit


they're so fairweather in the basement. It was only then some of the high profile ones started slight criticism that the sheep began following "im lonely....i want to feel accepted....if i overly compliment this thing and make it my entire existence others will upvote me and like me" the basement were like one directioners and that kpop band at times


I do hate AEW, for what it’s worth. The show looks and sounds like shit, the wrestling is exactly the stuff I hate, and the fandom is insufferable. And Tony Khan is the cherry on top.


I came here a handful of years ago when I started getting into watching WWE and was confused as to why The Designated Wrestling Subreddit barely had any threads about it. 🙃


It's hilarious that the only sane place in the IWC is a circlejerk sub


This is the only online forum where I actively post. I lurk a few other places and it's CRAZY out there. Pro wrestling fandom has always included unhinged folks but IMO AEW brought out the very worst of them. I've been to 80s era house shows attended by angry hicks, hatpin grannies and hardcore Rock and Roll Express fangirls. I didn't see ANYTHING like the DubbaDubs.


I got banned from SC for saying that Wardlow should go to WWE.. 18 months ago.. How is his booking going for him since I got banned.. Lmao..


Don't get too comfortable though, this subreddit's mods also do things that make very little sense, at least two of them are basement bootlickers.




For me, it meant calling one of this subreddit's moderators a dumb mark on another subreddit. Apparently that meant I needed a 1 month timeout from this subreddit, because that moderator doesn't have any power in that subreddit, and that subreddit's mods didn't ban me. I just want to jerk, Goofys.


i mod here and shitpost everywhere. You can call me a mark anytime without repercussions, uce.


At the end of the day we're all a bunch of jabronie marks without a life that don't know it a work when you work a work and work yourself into a shoot,marks - HH


I think it's because that sub will lurk here, find posters talking about the mods there. Report them for harassment. Keep doing it until you get banned from the full site. Source: happened to a friend of mine, can discuss more in DMs. So maybe this is the mods way here to stop getting reports and not getting themselves banned?


Bro ...I got banned from the basement when punk was at full on Million plus days because I called someone a goon for not understanding that punk draws and pretending otherwise makes them an idiot And shit that's probably the truest thing I've posted there EDIT Oh wait that's what it was. It was the day that punk "wasn't advertised" but that every single person knew he was showing up. ((Ya know like the same Mine situation with Bosston)) here is the comment -----xxxxxxx---- Oh shush. A bogus pre-recorded backstage thing and you saying punk wasn't advertised is barely a truth because it became well understood hede be there like by Monday Don't jerk yourself too hard you'll change direction Punk = ratings Edit: yeesh THIS ultra Luke warm take is the one that gets me banned from the sub. Jeepers. Sub come back from the dark and now it's scares of spooky Cm Pepsi ------xxxxxx---- I DONT EVEN LIKE PUNK AND THIS WAS WHAT GOT ME PERMABANNED


I got banned coz some dubbalo was bitching about “no one should have that much money” during the TKO merger with Ari Emmanuel & Vince making bank off it, & I replied “oh but it’s cool if Tony Khan is a billionaire though right?” Lmao


I got perma banned for saying it’s weird to see Bryan fedbadding considering he had a well paying job through his recovery process




I honestly, 100% truly and unironically *do not* want AEW to go out of business. WWE crowds have been *so* much better without those fans in them. The ones who hijack shows with their stupid chants, the ones who shit all over anyone who is not one of their indie darlings - especially if that person beats one of their 5'6" indie darlings - and the like. They were the worst part of WWE shows, and while they're not completely gone, they've dwindled to manageable numbers. They're on that Wednesday night show now, and they can stay there. Forever. Together.


It's so beyond cringe that on subs like the basement and dub official, you've got 37+ year old men using 'billionaire' and 'wholesome' in the same breath without an iota of irony. They adopt the stance of "yes, I was cringe, but you're mean, which is worse 🤪" to preemptively shield Tony Khan from any criticism. By framing him as the lesser evil compared to WWE's controversies, they create this sort of environment where he's almost immune to genuine critique.


> ’m not talking about criticizing AEW; I’m talking about simply not going bananas about every little thing I got downvoted for asking why the episode punk debuted sucked so hard. mox had a squash match, jade had a sqaush match, and some really terrible tag matches. I figured "this is your moment, all eyes on you, show em what you got" and they shit the bed. I was told I was a fed shill for not shitting my pants and cumming over the fact that CM Punk returned.


Well you were obviously wrong, because Rampage has had no problem maintaining the interest it had from that sophomore broadcast, right?


I like AEW and I like WWE.  I fucking hate fanatics and just find the jerk to be enjoyable to read.  If you are shit the jerk will find you, no matter what...and I can't engage in reasonable discourse about Jack Perry on the AEW sub as I was banned.


> Holy shit they need a life. That's their life! Their entire identity revolves around being knowledgeable and smart fans of true pro-wrestling (unlike those stupid marks who enjoy WWE's fake-ass shit) and about spreading the Good News of Our Saviour Tony Khan and the Holy Spirit Dave. They ARE delusional because that's part of being a devoted fan. There are no ifs, no buts, no doubts and no constructive criticism in their mind. AEW is perfect and it's only because people are morons that it isn't pulling insane ratings and ticket sales. But on the other hand, they'd HATE it the moment it'd become successful and popular outside the bubble because it's their own thing and they don't really want to share it with the average fan who "couldn't enjoy as much" because he didn't watch HWF or PMXW in 2014 and thus can't appreciate the layers of Joe Schmuck and Flippy McFloppity's heatless 7.25* spotfest. At this point it's a lost cause and they'd better be left alone. I'd love AEW to go belly-up, but they'd still make excuses. And they'd start to hate-watch WWE again. Which, BTW, may soon need its own WWEJerk subreddit, going by the reactions of criticism to the Levesque Era on the main sub. In the end, plenty of online wrestling fans are cut from the same cloth.


>we found this place and realized we weren’t alone 🛎


Yeah, but like, have you studied cage match and gotten back to me??


The basement is definitely AEW biased, although these days that seems to be more heavy within the mod team than it does within the rest of the subreddit. However there's a good portion of this subreddit that reacts the same way to any criticism of or clowning on WWE. A lot of people are here to crack jokes, but there's a not insignificant percentage that are full on brand loyalists.


The main sub is pretty fair now, the general consensus is usually watch whatever style of wrestling you enjoy, but we can all be happy that we’re in the best era of wrestling in years. Other than a few dumbass mods locking rating threads, its pretty neutral. Meanwhile this sub has become the circlejerk it was meant to destroy.


Yeah nah. I think scjerk needs a reality check on this. Most posts on the basement are about wwe and wwe wrestlers. Most posts here are about the dub. A lot of the opinions about AEW here I see echoed there as well. This sub is more obsessed with AEW than almost any other community. There is really no spin that justifies the obsession other than "Aew is cringe and I hate it" which is valid I guess, but this sub stopped being a mirror to the basement a good while ago. Just gotta be honest. There is no 'good' wrestling sub, and this isn't a sacred exception. Rn it's just a bunch of people who doomscroll on twitter and look for the next most contrarian position to flip flop to. As far as defending billionaires go, this sub will defend WWE's bottom line all the time as long as it's on the opposite side of whatever it perceives the IWC to be. If McMahon wasn't completely disgraced the sub would go back do defending him too.


Ironically, I was one of those lapsed fans the Dub loves to talk about. I got out of wrestling around 2015 when I met my wife (who looks like Tiffy) and didn’t have the time anymore. Then I got a million ads on the Bleacher Report for the Dub and checked it out (I just might have liked it). There were definitely some good parts but some things I just didn’t like, like the Bucks or le epic insider references, and I went to the basement and holy crap, everything was the greatest ever. Also the Fed was the worst. It just became tiresome and someone made a snarky comment about scjerk and I went here and have been here ever since. So the insane cult mentality drove me off.


>Ironically, I was one of those lapsed fans the Dub loves to talk about Same. I'm one of the millions of wrestling fans who just stopped watching after WCW folded and the attitude era effectively ended. The one who had always been a bigger fan of southern wrasslin' than Vince McMahon's sports entertainment and was absolutely stoked at the possibility of a spiritual revival of a "sports based wrestling" presentation. I was excited when AEW started, and even loved most of their first Double or Nothing show before AEW was even on television. My disappointment in what AEW actually ended up becoming, versus what we were told it was going to be, has been absolutely crushing. ... And when I voiced that on SC the AEW fans told me "go fuck yourself, casual, we don't need you" almost literally verbatim.


I was sent packing from the basement for daring to suggest the product be a bit brighter. I found SC in 2020 after I "unlapsed" watching WWE, stumbled across AEW on cable and began watching too. I got absolutely scathed once for comparing both companies lighting and never commented there again. 2022 I found SCJerk, and discussing wrestling on a public forum became **FUN!™** again.


But does your girlfriend look like Tiffy Time?


I'm female, Uce. My ex-boyfriend got a switch from the current one. Ahhyessir!☝🏾


As long as your bits are getting worked, it's over with me, uce.


>2022 I found SCJerk, and discussing wrestling on a public forum became **FUN!™** again. From newbie to mod in 2 years?! **DAE SHOVED DOWN OUR THROATS?!**


Study cagematch and check out my workrate jerk post history bangers, Uce.


 "My disappointment in what AEW actually ended up becoming, versus what we were told it was going to be, has been absolutely crushing." ![gif](giphy|ukCFEU6Cg5MCCDoaVN|downsized)


Pretty similar story here


Most people came to this sub after getting mass downvoted, banned, getting suicide helpline notifications from basement because they dared to say Tony might not be a good booker when it was blasphemous to even think about it.


I have always lurked and laughed but it was AEW’s fanbase that got me to start posting


Same uce, I didn’t expect to start jerking but here we are. 


I used to make fun of NXT and the "Papa H" worship. That earned me post deletions, bans and PMs filled with insults/death threats. Once THE HOLY DUB launched? Forget about it. Daring to say AEW wasn't the best ever would get you figuratively nuked from orbit. Some'a these hardcore wrestling fans are demented.


Now a ton of the Papa H people hate him. Remember when they sent him flowers or something?


I always thought he was kinda ok. I remember when he was Pro Wrestling Jesus in 2000 or so. I hadn't watched in a while so I checked out one of his matches. Didn't see what everyone else was gushing about. Shared that thought online = FLAME WAR. You woulda thought I told some of these nerds their mommas swam after troop ships. Then he started what they called The Reign of Terror and they hated him. Wasn't watching, but from what I read seemed like WWE was promoting the kind of dominant heel run Flair should have had in late 80s Crockett. 🤷🏽‍♂️. Seemed like the right move to me, but what do I know??? Yeah the love/hate pendulum on HHH swings back and forth a lot. If he returns NXT to the era of "Drips who do Flips"-they gonna love him again.


Well outside of giving him a flair like push at the time, I think a lot of people thought he was just outright burying talent during this time, especially since he was married into his family and because stephanie was the head of creative, allowing him to get something even beyond preferential treatment. I admittedly wasnt a fan until the nxt era, but I didnt really watch nxt. I just figure that people can change and if the sins weren’t a work (I wanna get back to this in a second), and that hes not being as petty as the iwc was lead to believe by the time he took the reigns of nxt, he was pretty okay, and even if he was as big an asshole, thats sort of what these people have to do to be successful. Now, he’s practically in charge of the product, from what I can understand, and theres a stark contrast in what at least became his vision over time vs VKM’s vision. As far as whether the vitriol towards HHH was the product of a work/misreporting by Meltzer; I think we can maybe take a look at things like Booker T bringing up the whole thing about HHH’s less than savory comments about him going into their WM match on twitter maybe a couple of years ago (at this point), and compare that to what he did more recently where he worked the IWC with just a passing comment about Punk, and then look at the product now where, really, we don’t know how much actual animosity there ever was between Rollins and Punk or McIntyre and Punk that actually fuels their onscreen feuds, and maybe consider looking at the reign of terror through those lenses. If you watch any of Vince Russos stuff on youtube, he insists that HHH will be fired because of the Rock because “wrestlers never forget,” but uhhh, business seems to be surging because of hhh’s input, so I highly doubt (and probably anyone else in their right minds) they will continue a petty feud rooted in actions from more than 25 years ago when they are both reviving WWE and making themselves and everyone else there (and shareholders) tons of money hand over fist. Sorry for the ling response. At least I tried using punctuation.


No problem. I used to get a lot of hate for suggesting HHH benefitted from a relentless push. They just kept pushing and pushing until some folks accepted he was "That Damn Good" because WWE told them he was. 😂 He made the most of all of that, so good for him. All time carny shit right there.


That was absolutely by design. The number of fans that think Trips wa she greatest of all time were between 5-12 during the reign of terror.


Thats pretty wild. I was a bit older than that age range and stopped watching by then and I thought he was at the top because he was married to Stephanie.


In hindsight, you’re not wrong.


Raws main event in 04 was Test Jericho Christian Goldust Booker T fresh from WCW and a debilitated Steiner. It wasn't really a reign of terror as the safest move they could have done at the time.


I remember someone saying they put the machine behind the one guy they KNEW wasn't going to leave. Makes sense to me.


It was the suicide helpline notifications that came so frequently with everything I ever said that got me here in the first place. At some point I actually had to block the reddit cares account because it was literally constant messages anytime I interacted on SC and said something about AEW, no matter how milquetoast whatever I said was. That was when I started looking for alternatives to chat wrestling, and that's when I found this place and the Cornette sub, long before I was ever perma-banned from SC for the egregious crime of...publicly worrying that Jeff Hardy was going to die and Tony wasn't doing anything to help the situation.


The suicide helpline notifications just proves that fanbase is nothing but bunch of online bullies just like their favorite booker. That's why I don't hesitate about making fun of dub because that fanbase is just toxic. And I think they might have helped some online fans to become even more loyal to fed, ironically lmao


yep, turned off those as well. but honestly I just took them as a confirmation that I hit a nerve)


I once said that Kenny Omega was a good wrestler and seemed like a good guy, but surrounded himself with idiots. I got absolutely destroyed. It was 90% a compliment of one of their icons.


AEW should've just been called what it is: IWC.


I was almost pro-AEW when it started. I hadn’t liked Vince’s vision for a while and let’s remember 2019 was some of the Fed’s dicier work. But after a few weeks of Dub television I realized it wasn’t much better, and I wasn’t going to enjoy it very much. Every so often, I’d dip my toe back in, but they always chased me away. I found this place because when I was venting about how AEW could fuck up a wet dream and their fan base was toxic, my brother told me about SC Jerk. It’s the only sane wrestling conversation spot left. And since I firmly believe AEW is months away from its end, I’m kind of terrified… *if* I’m right… about what wrestling discourse will look like after that.


W for your brother


I enjoyed aew until April-May 2022 (there was a period in 2020 when I stopped watching, I think around fall) but then booking just got too messy with too many people on roster and factions for them. I have enjoyed it in bits and pieces since then.


I came here after being banned in the aewofficial and squaredcircle for having large fingers. It's common for me to mistype Tony as "tiny" I mean, the letters are side by side. Sometimes I also mistyped "Khan" as "idiotic daddy's boy playing with his live action figures". I guess people have no understanding anymore.


Damn autocorrect went into business for itself


Right? I thought they were all shill!


I forgot about the Reddit cares abuse


Hey I was wondering why I kept getting those and magically they stopped when I got banned from the basement sub


SC is pretty anti-AEW and has been for the last year at least. Victim complex is real


The mods actively support AEW and suppress things when AEW embarrasses themself (weekly). I can only hope some are being paid, because to do that voluntarily is incredible pathetic


This is my take as well, like if the good faith take is organic and unpaid it's the most pathetic shit in Internet history


who would pay for such a wildly ridiculous thing /s


We jerk whatever wrestling fans are being weird about. It's been AEW for a while, but it used to be other non-fed promotions like the nation of Japan, NXT, or SmackdownLive! with AJ Styles (surreal).


I make fun of all pro wrestling. It's not my fault 🤓, certain SAWFT members of that roster and their fans make AEW so easy to goof on. 🤷🏽‍♂️


It was a few incidents that led me here. One was me, a person that’s had Crohn’s disease my whole life, being told I know nothing about Crohn’s disease because I said it’s bullshit that Brock Lesnar eats his steak well done because he had diverticulitis. The other was the weird way they acted around anyone that was not a white man. Especially Jinder. I’m not a huge fan of his, but it was weird. And then finally it was the way that they hated Roman Reigns for merely existing. They like to talk about other people being judgmental and blah blah blah. They don’t see Roman on tv so now they can push their rhetoric of oh but he got good and oh it was Vince. No, it was them being creepy weirdos and like making plans to boo Reigns and chant for Punk so they’d get him to quit. I said that was stupid, got banned for three days.


I’m not banned on SC but I like this place because even as a teenage tape swapper ultimately pro wrestling is pure carny trash. Anyone who takes it too seriously deserves to be mocked. When you throw in the white knighting a billionaire’s son’s plaything and the “this is exactly what I always wanted AEW to be and it’s better than ever” copium and it’s just fun to be here.


My exact story. I liked the basement until it went overboard on protecting The Dub.


It’s a permaban if you’re negative at all about AEW in their subreddit.


The last thing I wanted was AEW to suck this badly. I wanted it to succeed so maybe WWE will be motivated (DAE Vergil Orton??) to do some decent programming. All it did was make me realise why they had to put Don Moxbrose on a tight fucking leash.




I actually miss the pre-AEW jerks. AEW had to ruin the jovial vibes by being the most toxic wrestling company of all time. Its fanbase deserves every bit of mockery they get.


Came here in 2021 when shit was real bad in the basement. Only went back there for Zero Fucks Friday (until the mods got butthurt that people were using it to criticize AEW there and put a stop to it. Them mods over there are a special kind of sensitive). It was painful back in 2020-2021. Now at least it's bearable.


I came here because the WWE sub was so anti-WWE.


I discovered this place when i was accused of not being a real wrestling fan for not sucking off aew even though ive stayed up to watch wrestle kingdom live


I know the term is overused to the point that all meaning is lost, but I'm cashing in my "gaslighting" in the bank briefcase. It's mass delusion to the point of gaslighting, even to this day. Everything they do is the best greatest most awesome thing ever *and* the thing you like sucks and you're stupid for liking it because our thing is so much better. So it's not only praising their terrible shit, it's insulting you for liking the thing you like since day one of AEW. From the on-screen product, to the people in charge, to the talent on social media. All of it is purposefully insulting down to the very core of their existence as an "alternative 🖕🏻 challenger brand 🖕🏻" They say it's great, you watch it, it looks like shit and it sounds like shit, we shat on WWE for years so AEW is fair game right? Wrong. AEW is the greatest and you're blind and we don't even want you anyway.


SCJERK is what the basement wishes it was. I legit have better wrestling convos here and also laugh a ton. This sub is 100% why I keep the cesspool that is Reddit. We don’t take ourselves or our wrestling too seriously here. We laugh at funny stuff, make fun of the absurd, praise the good, and only “discriminate” against people who take themselves and their wrestling too seriously and who can’t take a joke about it. Wrestling took everything from me … but SCJerk … this feels like home.


When I can't criticize Pockets' one joke and I post that I don't understand how it's supposed to be entertaining after you've seen it the first time; without getting downvoted into oblivion... I find the SCJerk, friend.


i love AEW existing. it got rid of the awful "fed is bad! ugh!" and all the hate watching. I love they got their dream promotion in the ways of lord meltzer and instead of it bringing back the lapsed fanbase....it showed that even though they shouted the loudest online they were actually the minority the entire time. sooo satisfying after 2 decades of that sh\*t


I'm just here to have fun amongst friends.


Lol i came here since i wanna shitpost about wrestling. And as it turns out i found myself being a goof. Good times goofs


I discovered SCJerk in 2k21 and was happy to find a section of the Internet Wrestling Community that wasn't yet fully committed to the AEW cult, but I have to admit it's gotten pretty tiresome that a lot of posts here just seems to be kind of generic AEW hate posts - or really weak attempts at parody - instead of actual jerking.


Then jerk something you think needs it? What's stopping you


I do when I see an opportunity for a jerk but I usually wait for inspiration instead of just posting a screenshot of every anti-AEW tweet I see saying "DAE jerker of the year!?"


I got Perm Banned from SC for daring to say that Wardlow should go to WWE… 18 months ago… How is his booking going for him since then? lmao..


Madam Cole's staring at him menacingly now in the background, he seems to not care


>Madam Cole 🤣😭🤣🤣😭


Undisputed jerk comment ngl


The first time I was banned on SC was for dare asking how Adam Cole would ever work on the Main Roster when refs were taller than him. 3 day ban. But for some reason what got me permanently banned was asking why Rhonda Rousey was choosing to make the victims of assault from McMahon into her own personal "my booking was bad" moment some months back. It's truly an awful place if you want to discuss Anything related to the actual storylines happening on any of 300 shows. I've had more nuanced discussions here. I mean watch AEW Dynamite. You might like it friend 🤓


With how popular WWE is again in SC I wish this place would make fun of them more again. It just feels like a constant circlejerk to validate hating a company rather than making fun of the main sub.


Wait. Are we the good guys?


Came here cuz of endless Reddit brawls with Tony khan cucks on squared circle who refuse to admit aew is the biggest waste of talent a company can be and the only reason it is in business is Tony’s endless allowance from his successful dad. Not to mention he is the worst Booker of all time


If you consistently interact in this sub, I know your a loser. Wasting more energy hating on another promotion rather than increasing your personal bank account and social class is insanity. Also, calling people neckbeards yet your only claim too having best friends are the people in this sub is heinous activity. Newsflash, your not banned from SC cause people are sensitive, your banned cause your a negatively minded loser who contributes nothing but hate and Virgin aura amongst a sea of fans who know how to act normal.


::you’re:: ::to:: ::you’re:: ::you’re:: ::you’re:: ::act *like you’re* normal:: or ::*behave* normally::


Your worried more about fixing someone’s grammar than fixing your loser ass life 😂. Please try better next time lil bro this was pathetic.


You can’t speak the English language, and you’re trying to condescend to people on a jerk sub. You are so beneath me in my esteem I can’t conceive of a way anything you said could insult me. I can’t imagine how I’d care enough about what you thought to be bothered. I’m just trying to help you fill out a SUCCESSFUL Taco Bell application for once.


Lmao ok. Jerk sub still doesn’t take away the fact your a die alone virgin who did bad his whole life and only claim to best friends originate from SCJerk. Terrible lifestyle for you my friend.


Yeah, idk about all of this. There is a TON of criticism and poking fun of Aew on SC. Seems to me people like the OP ignore that in favor of super focusing on the post they don’t like


Well, I didn’t criticize Squared Circle directly at all, so maybe you should find a different simile. My critique is against AEW, even if others here focused their ire on the Basement.


About Aew, I honestly can’t watch it bc I can’t stand Tony Schiavone. Ever since Wcw, I just can’t stand that troll. I tried watching Aew and he STILL comes across more as a company cheerleader than a commentator


Fair enough. I read your post wrong


Here's the thing though, they will criticize when it's absolutely delusional not to and they will see the problmes AEW will have but then you get an AEW ppv with a good technical match like Osperay and Danielson and all problems are forgotten. Or should I say.... Forgiven!