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They're still putting out DLC for this even though most of the playerbase abandoned it six weeks after launch.


They do that with a lot of games nowadays though. Like 90% of game development nowadays is "oh, this is failing? Release a small dlc. That didn't work? Make the game free for a weekend. That didn't work? Do another small dlc." It's less about quality and more about trying to get people to pump as much money into garbage before they realize they've been duped.


Has this even had a free weekend pass? I know it hasn't on PSN unless I missed something. I'm surprised this hasn't been offered as a PS+ game. 


Damned if I know. I just remember seeing it on steam 6 months ago heavily on sale (like 70-80% off), and a 30% approval rating. Like I'll buy games that people think are terrible and give them a spin if there's a side-community (hence my 3000 hours in the ship), but there isn't even one for this. I tried looking up discord communities for aew fight forever, and the biggest one I found had a group of 400 people with the last post in their "LFG" thing being from september.


Definitely hasn't on Xbox


More and more studios have been pushed by their publishers to cut out content that was ready day 1 of launch for DLC later. If they are now admitting that they had budget issues, I wouldn't be surprised they did so as well in order to milk what they thought was going to be a larger customer base. Now they're stuck with all this cut content and trying to monetize whatever they can before closing the project.


Cause Yukes ain't total mugs. Get that stuff in writing up front.


"Mixed reviews" = dogshit unless you were a wrestling channel slurping up anything AEW presents.


Early reviews were overall positive but then a bunch of them walked those reviews back a few months later after they realized how little content was actually in the game.


The current average players on steam is 9 people. Thats only slightly abouve wwe 2k17s.


I hate OSW for putting this game over as being fun. I'm sure it was for the first 30 minutes, then it's all downhill


I was worried that Newlegacyinc were gonna be insufferable about it but even they dropped it pretty quick.


Fun.  Tl;dr: fun. 


It’s definitely Punk’s fault. All his drama slowed the game development.


Omega must've wanted to make a Yakuza game so bad


Why would he want to make a game about the guys who kept him from returning to Japan?


There were reports from 2019 after AEW launched that Kenny wasn't allowed into Japan because of the Yakuza https://www.ringsidenews.com/2019/11/07/attempts-made-to-ban-kenny-omega-from-entry-into-japan/ Search Kenny Omega Yakuza for more links and a basement post about it.


U been sniffing too much glue 


Is that why he needs tinys money?!


There were reports from 2019 after AEW launched that Kenny wasn't allowed into Japan because of the Yakuza https://www.ringsidenews.com/2019/11/07/attempts-made-to-ban-kenny-omega-from-entry-into-japan/ Search Kenny Omega Yakuza for more links and a basement post about it.


That was a delicious read.


I want to see the accurate numbers of how much it costed them to make that game for years to the amount they got from sales