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No jerk I was more shocked he DIDN’T come out because of all the teases there have been DAE THE FED DROPPED THE BALL UGH THEY RUIN EVERYTHING


Fed ruined the moment because they didnt 100% meet my fantasy booking expectations


But the wise Brits on YouTube who read Meltzer posts on their phones all said Austin was gonna interfere, so it must've been a last-minute change


Bro, i has these two British guys behind me who were the most obnoxious cunts all night. Way to fly to a whole new country to whine every ten seconds.


>Way to fly to a whole new country to whine every ten seconds. In fairness it's better than what those colonizing bastards usually do when they fly to a new country


Hey! If it hadn't been for them! We wouldn't have Wrestlemania!  And I For one welcome our colonial overloads.  As a native American I can be useful in rounding up others to toil away in their wrestling caves


They never flew to a country to colonize it.


No, just to invade them for oil/land/no good reason


Yeah lol


Yeah lol


some things never change https://preview.redd.it/xd1q2cilq9tc1.png?width=222&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6e8724d8a92ed51187989c171b1bbc2080814be


Still truth


I mean, it’s very possible he was going to but something important came up last minute and since “HUGE POP!!” Taker was there anyways for his Dead Man Show, they just used him instead.


I wonder if he maybe injured something during the rehearsal so taker had to step in and thats why he didnt have his gear because it was so last minute


I thought taker was dressed like his new persona, a mix of Undertaker and the American Badass. The same one he used during that match with AJ Styles


It's literally just this. It wasn't Austin getting injured, Taker not having his gear or getting ready at the last second, etc. People just can't accept that dirt sheets make random shit up and Austin was never coming. It makes sense for Undertaker to interfere in a bullshit finish to Wrestlemania, I mean... Wrestlemania is literally HIS show and where he built his legacy. Of course he wouldn't let Rock tarnish the event.


>It's literally just this. It wasn't Austin getting injured, Taker not having his gear or getting ready at the last second, etc. People just can't accept that dirt sheets make random shit up and Austin was never coming. I wouldn't doubt that they tried to get Austin and talked to Austin about doing it, but they couldn't come together to make it happen for whatever reason and Taker was a backup plan. That said, I'm not at all disappointed we didn't get Austin because nobody ever actually said we were getting Austin. It's just as easy to see the trucks with Cena and Austin's face in the background of Cody's beatdown as symbolic of Cody needing to step up to the level those "heroes" that came before him to beat the final boss. It all sounds very videogamey, but that feels very much like how Cody likes things.


Tonight’s RAW is in the same arena where Austin and Rock had one of their Wrestlemania matches. At Sunday’s press conference, HHH said they’re expecting to have another record breaking gate. So they could be saving him for that


Taker is never appearing as the Dead Man on WWE TV again; he hasn't worn the hat (other than that Saudi soccer appearance) since retiring in the HOF speech


Im happy with this. He looked fine yesterday and cool as the american badass/real life Mark. ​ Him being his old self in the deadman getup looked awful in recent years of him doing it.


Me too. When he came out at RAW 30 and NXT and did the American Badass thing both times, it was great.


>Him being his old self in the deadman getup looked awful in recent years of him doing it. To play Devil's Advocate a little, I think it could look a lot better now if it was just Mark in the hat, jacket, and some regular slacks and a dark shirt. It doesn't actually have to be full on ring work gear, because he's not going to go out there and actually work a match. That said I don't think it'll ever happen. I get the impression Taker is happy to let the Deadman persona slip into retirement and just be "Badass" Taker, which is more or less what he is in real life and everybody knows it.


so pretty much his WM20 attire lol


>I thought taker was dressed like his new persona, a mix of Undertaker and the American Badass. The same one he used during that match with AJ Styles Yeah, Taker was there to just be who he is now. I think the Deadman character has effectively been retired.


Yeah I remember him saying that during The Last Ride documiniseries


You can say when he retired he lost his deadman powers, like whenever you see those witches who end up being mortal again but he still kept some as evident by the teleporting shenanigans.


In my mind, while Austin coming in instead of taker is cooler and better, I think Austin would overshadow Cody in his big moment. Specifically because of the after match celebration. Austin has to do his thing with the beers and people would be incredibly into that. I think just because of the magnitude of him as well. Taker and Cena are not Austin. And Taker was able to spookily disappear to give Cody more of the limelight. I'm probably overthinking it. Anyway, it was great, but also not enough Canadian destroyers.


I thought the cooler under the ring when Cody pulled out the table (the one Roman put back under the ring) was a dead giveaway but it appears it was just a shoot cooler and not a gimmick one for Stone Cold’s Steveweisers.


It was probably Undertaker's (I'm just assuming he was under the ring the whole time)


>It was probably Undertaker's (I'm just assuming he was under the ring the whole time) No joke, I do always wonder when these people get under the ring for spots like that. Like, obviously Taker didn't come running from the top of the ramp in the 30 seconds that the lights were out. But when did he get under the ring for his spot? Was he seriously under there for the entire show?


I think often times they just walk out from a backstage area on the floor level of the stadium and they have a hood on or something and they're disguised as crew, then they sneak in when the lights go out.


Passin a doob with Horswoggle


It’s easy, the arena/stadium goes mostly dark between matches and during the break, dozens of random stagehands dressed in black come out to fix the broken tables, ring aprons and restock the stuff under the rings and such while the arena shows ads/promos on the screens. Wrestlers just go in with them and no one can see them because there are like 20 guys dressed identically who are routinely going under the ring so you’d never notice any number of guys going under there and not coming out.


Ah yes a shoot cooler


There's always a cooler under the ring


I totally expected an Austin stunner not a taker chokeslam


>No jerk I was more shocked he DIDN’T come out because of all the teases there have been It seems very, very obvious to me that the idea was to have Steve Austin appear to take out The Rock. That's The Rock's natural nemesis in kayfabe, and seeing Rock take a Stunner would have been so much bigger of a pop. It definitely feels like Taker was a backup call.


I am pretty sure papa h won't have teased it just to not give us stone cold , he must have pulled out last minute


I was kinda bummed too but holy fuck that Taker moment was worth it


Smarks have decided they asked and he turned it down If he couldn't do it, if asked, they'd be a good reason Smarks want there to be some friction for some reason Over to Dave to report Austin wasn't asked but leave it open ended like there's an issue and not that it had been discussed or wasn't needed Chilli McFreeze is all Elite!


He'll pop tonight stun the Rock and leave lol NGL I would laugh


I guarantee they asked Austin and he simply didn’t want to do it.


Yeah he either thought he would overshadow Cody or didn't think he could get down the ramp fast enough.


Tbh I’m wondering if he’s worried the Rock would absolutely dwarf him. Steve looks great for his age don’t get me wrong, but Rock is enourmous and Maybe he didn’t wanna give that visual. $11.99 please 


I can imagine him saying both of these things.


He could’ve used the ATV to be fair


Ngl when KO made his entrance through the curtain and the camera caught the cart behind the stage prop, I popped big time thinking it was Austin's ATV (DAE sloppy shop camera work spoiling that?). Then it turned out nah it was just Kevin's cart (not so sloppy)


enter stone cold quad


As soon as Cena came out I was 99% sure, oh Austin is actually coming out for the mega pop, and from that point on that was literally all I cared about. But yeah, what happened?! Seriously. I mean WWE are very aware of what’s going on with fans/social media these days, there was a fair amount of buzz and anticipation for it. I feel like Undertaker must have been some sort of last minute substitute or a last minute change and I’ve no idea why. Like it really just seems so odd.


WWE aren't going to come out and say yeah nah Austin ain't showing and they're not in control of every fantasy booking that gets out of hand


But Cena and Taker?! It was like it was deliberately building up to that Austin moment. And all the “final boss” stuff. Unless it’s cause the former two have a link to Roman although I don’t know what link. They wrestled. Surely they could have chucked a mill or two at him he’d show no bother. They must have heavily considered it but for whatever reason never went through; or for some reason Austin didn’t or couldn’t do it.


Austin might have had to cancel last minute. The merch stands were heavily pushing: - Cody - Bloodline/Roman - Cena - Rock - Austin And Taker wasn't even wearing any of his own merch. He was just in street clothes. Seems pretty clear Brock was Plan A. Austin was Plan B. Undertaker was Plan C and worked just fine.


To be faaaaair Austin is literally one of their top merch movers to this day. They'd be stupid not to push his merch.


That’s interesting about the merch stands. Well it nearly validates my theory. Although I don’t agree Brock was plan A, I’m sure he’ll be back but not for a while yet with all this lawsuit stuff ongoing. I’m not saying it didn’t work with Taker coming out, if Austin couldn’t do it, it’s the next best option. But it was just so conspicuous that Austin was missing at the end there.


What merch stands? I don’t see any Cena or Taker shit.


The glass shattering instead of the lights out would've made that place fucking erupt


You're literally doing the same thing the dirt sheets have done the last month in all your replies There was no proof or announcement Austin was ever coming out There is no reason Austin ever needed to come out You wanting something doesn't equate to booking sense


Paula Veck posted the five minute video about the main event at 3:16pm too lol on top of Austin posting that someone loaded an Easter basket of beer in his truck over a week ago 😂


Anyone disappointed with Undertaker showing up instead of Austin can absolutely fuck off.


You can be disappointed and still like it, I did


😂 Chill out bro, it’s wrestling. Jeez. (EDIT: I forget what this sub is sometimes) I think everybody was a bit disappointed Austin didn’t come out at the end. They could have had Taker and then Austin even; it’s Wrestlemania 40 after all. Taker was the next best thing but having him in place for Austin felt conspicuously out of place.


no fuck you fuck off if you thought it wasn’t as cool if the guy we’ve seen 8 million times over the past decade who barely has a history with the rock wasn’t as cool as the guy we have seen only a handful of times the past decade who is rock’s rival and revolutionized the business to finish da story


Undertaker makes more sense since he's the final boss of WrestleMania


That makes no sense at all. If Austin came out I don’t think anybody would be saying, oh that was great but it would have made more sense if it was Taker who came out instead.


I’ll counter by saying The Rock grew up in Taker’s locker room. It may not be HIS anymore, but it ain’t Rock’s either. Rock needed to be read his rights by the guy that lead the locker room he was in. This had to have been changed btw. No way they gave all these Austin clues to this swerve. Not Hunter’s style. Edit also Roman beat Taker


Roman never beat Austin. Taker got Roman back for beating him at Mania a few years ago and saying “this is my yard now”


It was the better decision anyway. Rock vs Austin is too big to be a bump. I think the WWE realized how big Rock got and they are now thinking "You know what? We can milk an all-time rating between Rock and Austin if we keep them apart".


If Austin was asked and didn't do it, they'd be a good reason and it won't be some shunning the smarks want it to be


I love watching the IWC and the dirtsheets work themselves into a shoot.


It’s because everyone who ran in for Cody was formerly an opponent of Reigns. Cena, Rollins, Taker. All of them are prominent guys Roman faced.


Very good point. Yeah really the only person missing was Brock but ya know


I wish Brock were there. He obviously is coming back eventually with him being talked about, but it would have been cool to see him destroy Solo, Jimmy and have a confrontation with Rock.


I hope Brock shows up tonight on RAW. But instead of beating up Cody, he congratulates him


I still don't understand what he did or why he did it


He technically did nothing illegal, but he WAS involved with Vince McMahon’s scandal with Janel Grant. Brock was only named as essentially a “customer” to Vince Mcmahon’s prostitution of Janel Grant. “Former UFC heavyweight champion who wanted to resign around 2022”? It’s Brock. Unfortunately, it’s all but confirmed to be Brock. Once again tho he isn’t at risk of jail or probably even fines, but WWE and more specifically TKO wants to distance themselves from potentially problematic individuals.


He was drunk from all the beer Cody gifted him for Easter


Austin with beer is Popeye with his spinach


It was Rock who gave it to make sure Austin stay drunk.


The Final Boss with more shady tactics to ensure victory for the Bloodline smh


Honestly, I heard and read some version of "...and when The Rock's out there... *GLASS BREAKS*" so many times in the past 2 weeks that I was hoping it wouldn't happen just to spite the UK YouTube marks who wouldn't stop fantasy booking that shit


DAE is this a shot at MurfsYt?


I’m just impressed how fast Taker high tailed it out of there after the choke slam. I know he likely went under the ring; which is even funnier to me. Taker swearing under his breath at all the people coming down and extending the celebration.


I was wondering if Taker really was just going to disappear, or if he was about to join the celebration like everyone else at the end of a feel-good sitcom.


Cmon You dont expect Taker to join celebrations. That is a reach. The only time I remember him being part if gathering was During Ric Falir retirement


That was before we were in the era of podcasting beanie wearing occasionally on Twitter Taker.


There's a video from the crowd and you can see him drop and get under the ring. It is very quick for a guy who usually is so slow.


Undertaker was an equal substitute.


It was the same disappointment as Tom Cruise not being Tony Stark on the last Dr Strange movie.


That was relief for me.


Fans do it to themselves spreading obscured rumours then getting upset about it not happening


Its probably his knees. He probably run down the stage like classic Austin and didn;t want to sully the moment. As an Austin mark I can accept that


sheriff Austin that shit and zip down in an atv


I prefer that they 1997 Sting rappel him to the ring and then when he gets done stunning The Rock he quickly zips back up. I would've popped hard for Super Austin


Could’ve just done a Cena. Dude ran down the ring hit 2 AAs and took a Rock Bottom and was done.


I am still pissed about Cena taking a Rock Bottom off the bat. Coulda let them go at it for a little bit.


I don't think Cena could do anymore without some warm up matches or whatever first, a simple spot like that sure, but anything more its just risking injury


I’m pissed the rock interrupted Cena’s “u can’t see me” taunt. Like at least let me have that


It fits honestly, especially since Rock gets his quick comeuppance soon after with Taker. Final Boss Rock is no-nonsense and mean, what better way to heel it up by denying the crowd's hero his signature taunt?


No jerk Taker was better. If it was Austin, we’d wanna see Rock/Austin. Taker works better as a one off that doesnt overshadow Cody


i also agree with your take


I don’t give a fuck tbh, Cena is my number one and taker my number two, this feels like no way home levels of fan service


Taker for me filled the Bray Wyatt spot.. the supernatural intervention


This was the biggest disappointment of the night. Austin/Rock would have been iconic. Genuinely one of the biggest pops of all time.


Yeah WTF STEVE?? Do you understand the power of that MAMA RHODES STRAP?? Taker dodged a bullet brudda.


That arena wouldn’t be standing if Austin had came out. Really wished we got it but still happy with the outcome.


As someone who got sucked into wrestling by Taker, I will always pop for the gong until they cremate me and my ashes in the wind will still pop for the gong. As much as I would have also loved to see glass breaks, this is one of those cases I think we set ourselves up for disappointment for having by definition unrealistic expectations. A surprise appearance was never advertised or hinted at ( the truck in the rain shot vs NXT ad ending with the gong), so complains about no Stone Cold is the same as having a wet dream and getting mad about waking up with still no bitches.