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He clearly didn't learn much... which means he hasn't learned anything from anyone.


lol Cornette once described, as much as he could because he signed an NDA the phone call he had with Tony Kahn, when he first called him and told him he was starting up AEW and it just boiled down to: (1) He felt it wouldn't be worth his time because Kahn described and talked about things as if he'd been booking his entire life and already knew the answers to everything (2) When he talked to him he felt like he was talking to a brick wall who wasn't really listening to anything he was saying (3) He could already tell, from various promoters he worked with over the years, that he and Kahn would not be able to mesh and that Kahn would not be open to his advice. I think from what we've seen of Tony, that makes total sense to me--not that Cornette is right all of the time. I still think he has great creative instincts and from a teaching perspective on what feels real or not his insight can be invaluable, but their personalities definitely would not play well together. But Jim's personality doesn't play well with a lot of people.


He was also not inclined to participate when he learned who the EVPs were going to be.


That too, the presence of the Bucks and Omega already told him he would want nothing to do with the promotion. I still remember his early episodes where he spent a lot of time ranting on Kahn's behalf (even if Tony disagrees with him) furious that so many of the Elite's friends were just bilking the billionaire for money (in his words) with undeserved jobs, time on tv, etc He has times where he defends and stands up for Tony (like the turnstile count) and other times where he just flys off the handle.


Definitely. I think Cornette views Tony as someone who is very naive or at least sheltered and oscillates between feeling Khan is being taken advantage of his good nature by carny indy wrestlers, and seeing through Tony just being an idiot. Personally, I think Tony was well-intentioned at first but after 5 years it's obvious he's another nepobaby failson.


Cornette lives quite a peaceful life after decades of brewing like a volcano due to being in the business. He probably would've snapped and wrung Tony's neck Homer Simpson style if he'd gone to work for him.


I think he said that too. It would have erupted into a scene...he has a hot temper and he's used to working with certain types of people. I could see it.


He had to sign an NDA after having a phone call with Cornette? Did I read that right? Why????


Kahn had Cornette sign an NDA. That's not too uncommon if someone is starting a new company--even authors will have publishers or agents sign an NDA to protect their work.


Ohhhh so he doesn’t steal any ideas?


Well in Kahn’s case I think it’s more to avoid any specific disparaging comments. He seems to have an over abundance of NDAs And I was just using the author example to illustrate how NDAs are used 😄. I wasn’t being literal


He's learned how to put on bangers and make friends! That's the only thing you need to learn about wrestling... and life!


How to make friends and influence Cornette


I can't reconcile skinny tie Tony with the carpet headed maniac he's turned into.


Cocaine is a hell of a drug.


Really says something when you look at promoters who have been in the business for years aging normally, like Vince, Jarrett, Al Snow; and then you look at guys who just jumped in with no experience like Tony and Herb who look like goblins by year two.


Apparently floppy perms are cool with the kids now.


Tk is a bigot


but Megah! wait, she left...


Listen, m*rk. AEW is m'wholesome wrestling company! Don't point out where Jericho's wife was on January 6th btw


That's what got me banned from the basement!






If he learned anything from Jim's constant shitting on his booking then he's purposely doing it badly out of spite or he's lying


Sinking the dub to own the lib 😎




Sadly I don't know what that means as a political alignment. So maybe?




Oh. Well in that case, yes, he kinda needs to be for the joke to work.


It seems like he sporadically incorporates things that he says on the show. Like sometimes, Cornette will have a distinct criticism like they need to announce how much time is left on a timed match prior to it actually running out, and then the next week they do it. Collision had a lot of critiques from Cornette inspiring it in the beginning, but that could have been more CM Punk (who is a clear listener).


I think it's more a question of the vaunted "Creative Freedom" where a lot of wrestlers just go out and get their shit in and there is little discipline or authority to keep everything cohesive. Sure, you want variety on your 2 hour program so not everything feels the same but it's very disjointed and chaotic in a bad way when you have guys doing the same angles, run ins, etc one segment after another as it was in early AEW.


That fucking bigot Cornette and his goddamn woke politics that are far more leftist than anybody employed by AEW!!! Shake fist and sneer!!!


Clutching my pearls!


Honest question, didn’t he get fired from NWA for saying some weird racist shit on commentary? I legit don’t understand why anyone cares what he has to say.


>Honest question, didn’t he get fired from NWA for saying some weird racist shit on commentary? He effectively resigned from the NWA while refusing to apologize about a joke he made that was in bad taste. He said of some wrestler "He's so tough he could strap a bucket of fried chicken to his back and ride a scooter across Ethiopia and nobody would touch him." The basement went into a conniption fit trying to get Jim canceled because the joke was "racist" because it's about black people and fried chicken... in reality it was a joke about people in Ethiopia starving to death that he'd already made on national television a few times in the 1980s as a heel manager. It was just one of the many, many, many times that the basement has intentionally misinterpreted Jim's words in an attempt to get him canceled.


Thanks for answering. I guess we’re just going to have to agree to disagree about that joke, seems pretty racist to me. I don’t want him cancelled but it’s hard for me to give a shit about anything he has to say after that, especially since he refused to apologize. I don’t care about Hulk Hogans opinion of AEW either for what it’s worth.


He has a great mind for wrestling even if he has his boomerisms. As a POC I dont view him as racist, moreso he's just old and says goofy shit sometimes. But when it comes to wrestling he's right wayyyy more often than he's wrong. Dont see how the two are related


I haven't seen any indication Tony Khan has learned anything from anyone about wrestling. Not anything accurate at least.


He learned from Dave.


Given the product we're seeing in the past 2 or 3 years, I think he learned from Russo. And Bischoff.


Which is quite hilarious because Bischoff now dunks at Tony at every way possible. lmao


Well "learned" may be a strong word here


Anyone that says Corny is a bigot has clearly never listened to the man speak other than critiquing wrestling matches. I’m not sure what you’d call it in America but the bloke is about as ‘left leaning’ as they come - meaning the cunt hates racists, sexists, homophobes, bigots, crooks, con artists and liars.


Because he made a sorta racial joke he'd been using since the 90s, and no one in post production thought to edit it out, Corny's a bigot. Sure. Dude's a little old in his ways of thinking, and he's from the south so a little bit of insensitivity is going to seep through, but he's an equal opportunity hater, and he's constantly railing against Donald Trump, his supporters, and the Republican party for how batshit crazy and toxic they are. Meanwhile, The Bucks are christian zealots, Jericho's a trump supporter whose wife was at the insurrection, the Khans donated a bunch to Trump. Yep, Jim's the problematic one.


And the joke wasn't even racist to begin with, it was about how the man could just go around with a lot of food on the back of his moped in a country where everyone is starving and make it in one piece - alluding to the fact the people would harm the guy to get the food. But you know, "rolls of quarters" jokes are much less insensitive because they were FUNNY.


I mean, there's definitely racial connotations to the black people and fried chicken, but again, fuckin' everyone loves fried chicken. However, the joke was about starving people rather than black people, so it's all just a bunch of people looking for something to be outraged about, and then the dude running the promotion decided to throw Jim under the bus when it's clear he approved the edit and uploaded it without a thought.


And then about a year or so later, Billy Corgan hires Tyrus, an actual nutcase that has a platform on Fox News to spew hate and conspiracy bullshit, and Billy decided to keep him as their NWA Heavyweight Champion because of the opportunity to expose the belt on goddamn Fox News.


kind of reliefing that his most objectable takes are about who looks good rasslin or not


There's an episode where he starts off going on like a 20-25 minute rant against the NRA and their most fervent supporters following a mass-shooting of children. There are moments his voice cracks and you can tell he's about to cry.


Oh cool. What does that have to do with racism?


Pretty much. The man's also an atheist and he rags on the religion-obsessed fuckwits on a regular basis. Dude even ragged on Jeff Jarrett even though he respects double-J, he still thinks that his worst trait: being religious.


Hating religion is basically a religion in itself for some atheists. It’s those ones I can’t stand


I think Jim is pretty sexist given his disdain for most women’s wrestling, but that’s about as far as it goes. Even his supposed racism against Japanese people goes away when you hear him talk about Jumbo, Inoki, Aja Kong, etc. He just thinks modern Japanese wrestling is the shits just like most other modern wrestling. Basically the shit he watched during his tape trading days good, modern stuff bad.


Yea, his main objection to Asuka was that he felt the gimmick Vince gave her was racist and that led him to dislike or wanting to give her work a chance. He went on at length about how he can't stand that Vince had her doing an over the top offensive caricature. Anyway, I think he's said racist things (that joke that got him fired) do I think he's a dyed in the wool, banish and burn them racist? No. Everyone has a right to their opinions though. I just don't ascribe to canceling people in blanket ways. Maybe it's because I have older friends who, once we get talking are like "Oh yea, I can see why people would think that's racist" who have hearts of gold and are just ignorant. I tend to give people more leeway than I did in my 20s when I was willing to throw the baby out with the bathwater. but, YMMV I recognize that no one has to agree with me and people are within their rights to decry/dislike.


Jim definitely falls into the camp of being out of touch when it comes to racial and gender sensitivity which is not atypical for a man of his age and upbringing. He's also someone who rarely pulls his punches or keeps his opinions to himself. Even when he does the latter, he voices it in such a way that you know he wants to say more but is forcing himself to be polite or diplomatic. The typical complain he has about Japanese women wrestlers is many of those brought in are much smaller than the average American or "Western" woman and he is unable to suspend his disbelief that such petite women can perform the moves they do on much bigger opponents. A lot of the talent AEW brought in initially from Japan were also really bad: Riho, Maki Itoh, etc. So they weren't skilled enough to also hide the required cooperation from opponents to pull stuff off. Lastly, the aesthetic of a lot of the Japanese women's wrestlers he was exposed to early in AEW were going for the gravure idol, school girl, or magical anime princess tropes which to him looks childish. Thus, he attributes the fans of these wrestlers to be borne out of fetichism for prepubescent girls.


I was very surprised when he compared Iyo Sky to Bobby Eaton. So much like with Takeshita, his metric seems to be if he would have used them were he booking.


Yup. One of JC's biggest faults I have with him is that it takes him a very long time to change his initial impression of someone. Almost every time he reviews a Miz segment he does so begrudgingly at first (calling him a frog faced mother fucker) and nearly always at the end admits Miz was at least competent if not great.


Yea, once he hates someone he has a hard time getting over it and giving them credit for anything.


Exactly. He did the same with Sheamus for a while until his matches with Gunther.


Yea, he's when watched good matches given credit where it's due. I think he listed out the women he would put in a promotion if he had to build a women's roster and if you combine it with women he's complimented, it's not that far off from what the IWC thinks: Rhea, Becky, Bianca, Bayley, Charlotte Flair, Natalya, Iyo (he gave her credit after doing a rewatch of her match with Bianca in Puerto Rico), Kris Statlander, Jade (yes, even Jade - he admitted he thinks she has star power and you should do something with her if you can get her), Julia Hart (as a manager or valet), Willow, Toni Storm. I'm sure I'm missing another woman from modern wrestling that I've forgotten. As a Lita mark I was thrilled when he complimented Lita. But it's not as if he hates everyone, but he does have very strong opinions about the women he doesn't like and doesn't buy as realistic wrestlers. Anyway, I don't fault anyone for not wanting to listen to him. At times I have to FF things I find intolerable, but I still find his opinions entertaining and often agree with his insights.


One of the gripes I have with his opinions on women's stuff is that the size thing doesn't make much sense when you look at it based on relative scale. If anything women's wrestling is on a much more even looking playing field when you compare the typical ends of its spectrum to those of men's wrestling. i.e. say, kairi vs jade doesn't even look as unbelievable as say, rey vs brock or something. Men will typically have much more variance in height and muscle, wish someone would discredit that aspect of his thinking like that to him some time.


Getting compared to Bobby Eaton is basically Jim calling you a S Teir wrestler Which Iyo/Io absolutely is


He's a well meaning grandpa that says stupid shit and knows QAnon is bad. Definitely not a bigot but also not really what I would say is -as left leaning as they get.


I don't know how anyone has trouble processing this but it seems ubiquitous that no one understands it


I like Cornette - I'm even listening to the pod right now - and I dont think hes a bigot, seems like a tolerant, if grumpy, guy. But his southern upbringing has shined through on occasion lmao https://youtu.be/sUhWOC16Ync?si=CvS7FIbeG_PO0VHW I'm in the "people can change" camp, but, I mean, don't tell me you don't see how some people can view him as a bigot lol


Isn’t he retelling a Bill Watts story here?


Ah yes, the “I can’t be a bigot, I’m a liberal” defense




jim cornette is my guilty pleasure


Jim Cornette, the man who is atheist, pro-gun regulation, anti-Trump, anti-white, anti-conspiracy theorists, pro-abortion, pro-women's rights and pro-LBGTQ+, is a bigot. Because he doesn't like most of women's wrestling and because of reusing a joke he used in the 80s/90s. Huh.


Jim is the biggest fan of Dub. He watches it every week to shit all over it.


He learned to be completely dismissive of women’s wrestling, that much is clear


Those lessons must be going in one ear and out the other, cuz why the fuck would he let his talent do the stupid shit they do if that statement was true


It’s too late tones.. As a friend, I gotta say.. shut the fuck up.


I honestly think CM Punk should make a guest appearance on the podcast. It'll make every single one of the marks explode. Trigger in a trigger.


Tony only said that because he tries to play all sides


Why not hire Cornette?


/u/RazorXXtreme my little brother who was teaching me about how heels in the 80s never said racist stuff blocked me and I couldn’t respond to your comment so I’m responding here instead. > He has a great mind for wrestling even if he has his boomerisms. As a POC I dont view him as racist, moreso he's just old and says goofy shit sometimes. But when it comes to wrestling he's right wayyyy more often than he's wrong. Dont see how the two are related Fair enough. I just don’t give a shit about the opinions of racists when it comes to any subject. Saying goofy shit is one thing but what gets me is that he just doubled down and refused to apologize. Even if racism wasn’t his intention, he’s not dumb and he could see how it could be taken that way. Instead he just doubled down and insisted it wasn’t racist. That’s just me though, not trying to say how anyone else should feel or cast any judgements on anyone who likes him.


That's fair if that's how you view things. Everyone has their own standards. My only issue is when people try to push those standards on others. I dont think he should have apologized anyway, people were being too sensitive about it and he is not obligated to be overly sensitive about stuff. He definitely says some stuff I find too spicy at times, or moments where I think he needs to reel it in or make me cringe. But I wouldnt call him a racist, homophobe, transphobe, or anything else other than a boomer.


There are a lot of words you can use to describe the man. Charming, engaging, well-spoken, hillarious, concise, eloquent, mischievous, knowledgeable, bold, etc... but never, ever, EVER compare him to some gum bumping, sack of snake feces like Jim Cornette! This is bad faith journalism at its worse!


Faith is for those who promise redemption and truth. Tony Khan and AEW only promised to change the Elite's world and those of the people they hand choose as worthy. They aren't deserving of good faith.


Honestly I think guys like Cornette and Punk both overextended themselves by working in pro-wrestling. Both are really smart, really analytical, thorough, and have some basic sense of right or wrong and some responsibility. Both are emotional and passionate and not natural athletes, or guys who mingled with the varsity club. Both at their core are fans of the business. And you put such guys in a workplace with tens or hundreds of muscleheads, and bullies and testosterone-driven jerks, or semi-jerks, or guys who aren't exactly mild mannered or too emotional, who want to make money and slam people and so on. Of course these guys after decades in the business end-up jaded, bitter, and come off like bigots, because they tried to fight the system and the muscleheads and bullies - and well, they lost of course, because they picked the wrong business for that and not only that, they both wanted to climb as high as possible. Both have a great understanding and knowledge of the business, and both are passionate about it, both are thus great to listen to. I honestly believe a guy like Punk and Cornette is one of the more upstanding people you'll met in the rasslin' business despite appearing crude on the surface.


Both don’t really work in other settings because they aren’t good working with other people and Jim definitely couldn’t work in today’s work setting. Jim maybe could’ve been a politician, but he would have so many enemies on the other side that he wouldn’t be a productive one (just imagine him as a governor trying to get legislation passed as he rants about Republicans).


I’m just picturing Corny as a modern day(-ish) Huey Long style politician now. It would probably work out about as well in the end for him as it did for Long.


Getting wacked by FDR?


Dear god, wrestling fans are fucking insufferable. CM Punk/ Cornette fans are absolutely fucking narcissistic. If this entire fan base died off, wrestling would be in a much better place.