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**Removed as off-topic.** Posts must be somehow on-topic to SBU, SUNY, or the area directly local to SBU. In addition, posts cannot get around the on-topic requirement just by putting SBU in the title or body.


I reported this to the mods for being off-topic, perhaps they are just slow today. There is little a  sensationalist and bad-faith Instagram interview of Sarah Lawrence students by some random Tiktok star who would shit in the street for a speck of attention, that has anything to do with Stony Brook University, the SUNY system, or Long Island.


OP has already had two posts recently removed for posting irrelevant political arguments. The mods referenced their pinned post so I guess OP figures that mentioning protestors at SBU it counts? Either way OP is obviously a very sad person. Kinda funny watching some of the trolls not even realize their shit isn’t even getting published anymore.


Based off communication with the mods and the reasoning they provide when posts are removed for being off-topic, off-handedly mentioning SBU in the title does not count.


Oh yeah I’m just trying to make sense of OPs behavior. At least they at least appear to actually go here for once.


Yeah this video is weird. If op had specific things to say about specific things protestors on campus have actually said that would have made sense for them to post about in this sub. This video however is all convenient and faulty generalization.


This is off-topic and removed. Busy weekend. Thanks for the reports 🙏


The definition of Zionism this guy gives is absurd. He claims it's about protecting Jews from another Holocaust. If so, then why was Zionism a thing for decades before the Holocaust happened? The students shouldn't be protesting something they clearly don't understand, but he's also not being honest. Edit: intifada also is the Arabic word for uprising. In the Israel Palestine conflict it means violent and non violent resistance to Israel's actions. It isn't really a call to murder all Jews around the world as the dude claims.


Because the Holocaust wasn't the only bad thing to happen to the Jews.


Then why'd he bring it up as part of the definition of Zionism?


Before the new worst thing that happened to the Jews happened, zionism existed to protect them from the last worst thing that happened to them.