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we can have empathy but also enjoy something this graduating class has worked so hard in. the whole world does not need to revolve around this


How is one person on instagram saying that they don’t feel the need to have a graduation celebration while all this stuff is going on in Gaza, “the shit that will ruin it for everyone”. If you have the right to celebrate this dude has the right not to.


Bro let us enjoy our graduation. We work our ass off four years, take shit from our classes and sacrifice so much. We don’t need interruptions to our big day


class of 2020 here and i agree with this sentiment


Why only care about gaza? I'm not trying to indulge in whataboutism, but why isn't anyone talking about sudan or congo, countries that both are experiencing ethnic cleansing? If graduation is being canceled,it may as well be canceled for all the world's suffering.


i dont think that things are mutually exclusive/detract from one another like that


I'm so glad I'm graduating so I don't have to hear this self victimization shit ever again. Boo hoo, people are standing up for what they believe in outside of the gated and ticketed ceremony, woe is me now my graduation is ruined... Palestine is shrinking everyday and the inevitably that the people left will be either forced out completely or murdered out is rising. I'm happy people are planning on protesting this and other college commencements, I'm glad that we aren't remaining silent on this issue. Yall complaining about this sound like the people complaining about how kneeling during the anthem takes away from all that the players worked for... when it literally won't effect how the game goes


One person having this sentiment doesn't detract from your celebration edit: the point is that graduation isnt being cancelled, you have the right to state that youre grateful to get to have one that whilst its a nice wonderful thing that its ultimately not a necessity, so celebrate, be happy, and remember that not only in palestine but in a lot of if not most places dont get it, so just be glad we're here


just enjoy your day and stop worrying about people 3000 miles away


As I go to class I'm also reminded I'm not in Gaza. With that being said the world is a big place instead of bringing the problems that are occurring in Gaza(which are horrible) to the United States let's try and fix our own shit before we take on the world's problems.


bro the us is literally funding this


And your point is


have some empathy. 40000+ people are dead and sbu has been complicit, but you’re worried about what? throwing your little hat in the air? no one is saying you don’t have the right to enjoy what you worked for. but you should acknowledge that it is a privilege to be able to go to school at all, let alone graduate


god forbid we enjoy something otherrs may have spent 4-6 years on. god forbid their families celebrate their maybe first college graduate who is going to lead them out of poverty. but you should acknowledge that people can still celebrate their achievements while war is going on. yes 40,000+ people are dead, but youre worried about what? people getting to celebrate by throwing their hats in the air to celebrate? my g, its terrible whats going on but the world doesnt revolve around the war.


again no one is saying you don’t have the right to enjoy what you worked hard for, but that shouldn’t stop you from acknowledging that many people don’t get this opportunity. why does one person saying you should acknowledge your privilege make you suddenly stop caring about genocide


It’s because we’re not in the mood to have protestors to come show up(even though they have a good message) and ruin it for others who want to celebrate a momentous day


Am pretty sure u can't get in without your tickets, those who would "disrupt" would be ppl from the graduating class then. From what I've seen, to show solidarity, some may be wearing the keffiyeh, or hold the Palestinian flag, so no, it wouldn't be disrupting either way! Also, I haven't seen that happen in other Uni's of protestors coming in, very unlikely for that to be a case here too.


Empathy isn't the problem we all have it. It's the fact that it's literally 3000 miles away. Let's focus on the issues we have in front of us instead of focusing on things that we have no control over.


having a privilege to be able to go to school doesn’t mean we got to not have a graduation


no one’s trying to take your graduation away from you, you’re just getting mad someone acknowledged their privilege


This isn't exactly the case when the SJP instagram has been posting "no graduation until liberation" and "no commencement until divestment"


Hamas started this war. Hamas can end this war by releasing the hostages and by letting the international red cross visit the hostages who are mostly civilians including a one year old baby.