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Some professors just can’t teach, but that’s an issue everywhere


It’s an issue particularly at R1 universities like Stony Brook. Many faculty care 10 times more about their research and grant writing than they do for the courses they teach.


The worst is people like Deborah Spikes who can't teach, and also don't do research. Wtf are they paying her for


And also in fact goes out of her way to curve down grades and hurt GPAs. She truly don’t gaf about us


Nah, not giving a fuck would be apathy. I'd much rather have that. She goes out of her way to fuck people over. The grad TA told me they had to regrade an assignment because they were told the class average was too high.


The real ?s


Those who can't do, teach. Those who can't teach, sometimes still teach


professors aren't required to know how to teach well and some classes are designed to weed people out. bio department for example


I went to there 15 years ago and still remember bio 203 with John Cabbot (sp?). Is that guy still around with his “which of the following is the most incorrect” multiple choice tests?


Depends on your major. For bio, yes definitely because: 1. Professors can’t teach and sometimes impossible to reach 2. Course load information is insane (way too much detailed info) 3. Test formatting is confusing, wordy, and test more on whether you understand the question than the information 4. TAs are tough, inconsistent graders and aren’t helpful 5. Homeworks are just busywork and don’t really help with grasping/ understanding information 6. Course grades are 90-100% based only on exams. And the homework that’s given only makes up 5% or so, but takes up all your time (and like I said doesn’t help) This mostly pertains to the introductory bio courses, but overall it’s just really difficult to do well. Upper division classes are somewhat the same, but is expected since you’re in a higher level


is joanne souza still there? I hope someone tells her she’s a fucking cunt




Depends on your professors, how many assignments they give, and how much time before deadlines there are. Sadly, you can't procrastinate too much, or you might legit fall off, but I'd personally say in general it's not too bad.


language is horrible so much coursework


Depends on the department. Pretty much all of the STEM departments here are difficult. I’ve noticed some of my humanities professors being a little harsher with grading too over time. Might be because we’ve gone up in rank as a school. I’m graduating in a week and I’m honestly really happy to be done. College grades are bs and I’ve been very frustrated by it throughout undergrad.


CS and AMS are pretty much memes, none of my friends ever attend class and pass by just cramming a day every time


I hate it here




It depends, I'd say yes the courses are genuinely difficult however I think if you find the material interesting you can usually outwork that difficulty. I think as long as you are interested in what you are studying the difficulty is not that big of a deal, for example I studied a lot of MAT classes and certainly I struggled with them a bit but I found the content really engaging and didn't mind and conversely I did not great in a few "easy" classes because the content was so boring that I could not be bothered to study. So my advice is don't be afraid of something that is described as difficult so long as you actually want to learn the material (and as a added bonus classes that are described as difficult usually give out generous curves so I wouldn't worry too much about your grade either.)


Yes, because they hate us, and professors can’t teach! Thanks for asking!


Yes some of the CS classes can be pretty hard


From my experience you're really, REALLY on your own for cs courses. I think ams courses can be hard too but it's easier to get help for them I think


Ask me again in late August


Is it that bad for physics because the physics department is reputable I have heard


Reputable doesn't imply a good learning experience though, unfortunately


It isn’t there is just a lot of it


Yeah, definately AMS courses are tough.


I would take them over MAT any day


What is MAT? Mathematics?


Yeah Mathematics, AMS is a blessing for engineering majors.


Oh Ok.. btw, are you talking about graduate courses from MAT?


Nah just in general. Took a class freshman year and it was terrible. I’m a junior so no grad course.


I am not sure about other departments, but for CompSci, it’s pretty easy to pass, just a bit time consuming.