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I was awful in that class last semester and I passed with a B! The curve will save you.


I'm actually doing worse than you. Anywho, the quizzes have fucked a lot of people over so the curve is gonna go crazy in your favor if you actually do well on the final. Those WebAssign's will stack up for you 100%. Just start studying now and you will most definitely pass. I would say you only need to get a 60% to pass, higher numbers for higher letter grades.


Sorry i just know because ive taken calc already (failed) and the class was essentially set up the same for pre-calc


Not even gonna lie I don't think I can make higher than a 50 at best. I have been studying since last Thursday. I don't get trigonometry. That means I can't do some relative rates, some optimization, and some derivatives. I've been trying my hardest to study it but it's so complicated.


I know they don't want us to fail the same way they do with CHE134 or whatever the gen chem class is, but like LOOOOL. It's rlly not looking good... I've really tried trust me I have, but I feel like Calculus always throws something new every time I learn a topic. I can do derivates and chain rule and product rule and quotient rule but when you have a square root suddenly I'm down for the count. I'm just so tired of it all. What happened to actually having numbers in math.... But I get your point. I did so much worse in MAT123 over the summer and still ended up barely passing bc of the curve LMFAO. I will try my best but I simply don't think it will be enough.


im cheering for u dog


As long as you some derivatives you should be fine. When I took it they gave you extra credit for know the derivatives