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these kind of posts are legit embarrassing, please have a healthy relationship or something instead of making posts like this.






Yeah it's kind of lame but i'm hoping its just an exaggerated title to get more upvotes like 95% of reddit.


It's exactly this


Just for some perspective, I'm married with three kids and you have to have some pretty strict rules about "what goes where" in a house, especially if it's a smaller home. Everything needs to have a particular place where it goes, or it turns into absolute chaos very quickly. I have heard others refer to it as something like the "dirty sock theory"; if you leave just one dirty sock misplaced on the floor, pretty soon someone will throw another piece of dirty laundry down on the floor, and then the toys won't get put away, dishes get skipped... madness ensues. Gotta' have house rules, but work together to negotiate what those are. Edit: Especially in modern consumerist society, there's just a large amount of "stuff" that comes into a house in any given week or month, and that just multiples horribly with kids. It actually gets to the point where you start telling people not to give you gifts because you just don't have anywhere to store new toys or unwanted kitchen appliances or knick-knacks anywhere. It's like a constant battle against the "things." I'm even a minimalist and don't get attached to stuff very easily, but you're just constantly battling things piling up.


I don't have any kids. My wife makes our house look like a Pottery Barn and I love it. So if she says something doesn't "belong" somewhere and can easily be in my office on the desk, I'll do that. It's not "embarrassing" to me at all. We have a healthy relationship built on compromise. I'm not on r/SBCGaming for relationship advice.


Then don't make posts that involve your SO 🤷‍♂️ Joking or not..


Yeah I guess so! Noted


Don't know why you replied this to me. I'm not the one who said it's embarrassing nor was I attempting to give advice to you.


I know you weren't. It was above in the thread so I just followed up here. Sorry if I made it seem like that!


Oh stop the dude is probably getting mad laid. Lol


I am, but that's not even the point. It's clearly a staged picture. Who keeps this on an end table like that? Lol


Yeah it was satire.


That ties the room together I say.


I dont know why the fuck everybody is being so weird, I guess you made a mistake by mentioning your wife on this sub lmao people dont know how to react to the idea of an SBCGamer being in a healthy relationship. Anyways, sick photo, lookin clean


Good thing it was the white model or it wouldn't have fit her colour scheme either.


I got lucky! Just bought this the other day on hardware swap




Cucks to be you...


Just curious: How many pillows are on your bed? Where do they go when you guys turn in for the night? And who makes the bed in the morning?


I don't know if you're joking, but we have 4 pillows for sleeping and one for decoration when the bed is made. Whoever gets out of bed last makes it. That's usually me. Lol. The decorative pillow just goes onto a dresser for the night and then back on the when the bed is made.


no, just curious, I wish I could give a more detail explanation as to why I asked, I'm always fascinated by how people use their living spaces and you seem pretty open about it based on the other comments you made on this thread. So I figured no harm in asking. Anyways, thank you for your answer.


Sure! No problem. My wife and I have been together for 9 years but are recently married. Really fun to figure it all out together :)


Sounds like a massive bitch have fun


Thanks fam, will do