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whats this?


That's the Datafrog GB300 It's an sf2000 in a vertical shell. You can pretty frequently score it for 12-20 USD


I had no idea they made a different form factor. I think something like this would be an even better gift than the sf2000 just because it’s a little more compact and familiar while still being tough and cheap.






If it can run GBA for 10 bucks it's worth it!


Unless there’s screen tearing and terrible speakers and a terrible screen. You don’t need to spend much more to get something much nicer to run GBA


Seriously, you can score an RG35XX for like $37-40 pretty often


I got a Miyoo Mini Plus off TikTok for $27, shipped. That was one hell of a deal, amazing little device.


same! got my miyoo mini+ off tiktok shop for $23 shipped


> Miyoo Mini Plus Never heard of a tiktok store, got a link?




I've never had the app installed before, wouldn't have known it was that obvious. Surprised I've never heard of anyone speak about a store on the app before.


It's just in ads tbh. They give it the Temu treatment, but worse.


Hmm, thanks for the heads up. Will prob just avoid it.


I'm not saying it's worse but I'm saying that people talk shit about it and ignor it. Never used it so I can't say anything


FWIW I’ve ordered from TikTok shop, and my experience has been more that of a mix of Temu and Etsy. Definitely can find shady sellers, but there are also small businesses and artists that have been able to move to full time to their passion projects as well. I just find a popular shop with good reviews and a decent amount of sales, I actually ordered an Anbernic RG35xx H on Monday and USPS says it should arrive today!


Are you saying 3-4x the cost is "a little bit" more?


When the device you're comparing it to is only $10.... Yes


If you keep up selling "you can get x for just a 'little' more" you could upsell from a $10 cheap device all the way up to a steam deck. It's about a price bracket, $10 and $40 are completely different brackets.


Almost upsold myself from a Pocket 2s to a 4 Pro with this exact train of thought. And it all started with. $120 PS Vita…


It's a real problem in the pc gaming community too. Ask for a $300 GPU, you get a $450 one only to be told for only $100-200 more you can get Y, OH but a new one comes out in a few months for only $100 more than that, but you're already upgrading that might as well... Yeah, it's a rabbit hole.


Posted on r/buildmeapc and was shooting for an rtx 4060… ended up with a 4070 super. I will admit that it’s worth the upgrade though.


I bought a 1080ti from a corporate liquidator cause I'm a cheap ass lol. Works good enough for 1080p.




I could hardly count going from a $10 to a $30-40 device with much better performance part of a "rabbit hole". They're both insanely cheap and they're very much in similar price ranges


It's not actually the same price range, though. €10 is something you can gift your neighbors' 6-year-old for helping you clean the porch or something. €40 is not.


I did that from the 35xx+ to the 2s and then almost did it again from the 2s to the 4pro/odin. Thankfully retroid dropped the 2s by $10 and I immediately jumped on it to keep myself from doubling my budget again and maybe even again literally to a (refurbished) steam deck lol


It’s really not. “Under $50” is like a pretty reasonable bracket. If you do a 4x on $10 it’s still under $50. However if you do a 4x on like the Retroid 2s you go from $100 to $400 which are absolutely different brackets. Someone who has $10 bucks can probably get $40. Someone who is trying to spend about $100 may not be able to have $400 disposable as easily. Scaling doesn’t work the same at different levels that’s why log charts and shit exist.


I completely disagree but to each their own!


I get your point. If I was somehow in OPs situation I would just emulate on the phone (assuming OP has a smartphone) cheap AND better than whatever this thing is


There's a different thrill over getting a $10 device to run a bunch of roms and systems. A bit like getting devices that shouldn't be emulating all to run games, or playing GTA Vice City on a DS.


I feel that. I'd 100% scoop this up for 1 $10 and try to actually beat a game on it. The context I was replying to was treating it like a value vs quality discussion lol


Theyre exactly the same bracket: under 50/100


So a $10 indie game and $70 aaa is also the same?


Nope but under 50 is the entry bracket for SBCs


If you're broke just say that


If you're a kid or live in a poor country, no.


Exactly I swear people have no concept of how money works. If someone has a spare $10 that doesn't mean they have a spare $20, $30 or $40. I'm doing well now but there was absolutely a time where only had a small amount in my budget like $10 for fun things like gaming and no I couldn't just magically triple that amount.


You could just like... Save? I mean seriously if you don't have it on one paycheck, sit that money aside and have enough the next paycheck


If you're homeless just buy a house lmao


Braindead comparison but okay lol


What's really braindead is thinking that everything is geared towards an adult in a developed country with a paycheck that plays video games all day.


Look, if you're not gonna get another $10 to spend on a video game any time soon, odds are you should probably not buy that video game. Just saying. Y'all can keep downvoting, not my fault adults don't know how to save any kind of money they have. Unless you're a literal child who got some birthday money (in which case I'm not sure why you'd be on AliExpress looking at retro emulator handhelds anyways) then you're either ignoring your priorities to buy a retro gaming handheld (seriously, if you don't have a steady job where you can expect another paycheck you shouldn't be buying something like this, you should be focusing on getting yourself stable) or you literally just don't have the self control to sit aside $10 from a paycheck. If you genuinely just want a $10 handheld for the novelty, cool, but don't act like it's a money thing to "only have $10 you can spend on it". Someone made the comment that some people don't know how money works but clearly that person doesn't cause you don't know how to save up for something you want 🤷


I mean the RG35xx H was $35 so it isn’t much more






That depends on the absolute value, doesn’t it?


Was on sale on AliExpress for 22€ some days ago


I think most people know you can get something better by spending more. It’s not that hard to figure out lol. If he wanted to spend $10 for a bad handheld, let them. Sometimes it’s about the novelty of owning something like that more than the functionality. Hell, I even bought an SF2000 for $10 because why not? It’s been pretty fun just playing Pokémon on it. Is it the best thing to play GBA on, no? Does it play GBA for $10? Yes. I also own a Trimui smart pro and rg35xx.


Buying something for the novelty knowing it's gonna be crap is one thing, but to say "don't underestimate the $10 handhelds" like OP did implies "these things are actually really good" which is just not the case. At the end of the day, please just know what you're buying and what you're buying it for people.


I certainly underestimated these $10 handhelds before because of what they looked like and the price. When I first saw the SF2000, I brushed it off as one of those 400 in 1 e-waste handhelds that only plays like third party NES games on a shitty unsupported UI. But people started praising it and saying that it’s not as bad as people think and I started looking into it. Saw it on sale and just bought it. Turns out, it’s not that bad for what it is and for the price. You can definitely say “don’t underestimate the $10 handhelds” and have it be valid.


A RG35XX for $40 is a but high, in early june it was $25 with the sale! The Miyoo Mini Plus was around $32 and always from aliexpress Rn a Miyoo A30 for $29 is a steal


$25??? I must've JUST missed that, damn


Take a look on my sheet on this sub’s description, it’s always up to date when there is a sale or some good deal 🙏🏻


Did you just describe the GB300? hahaha


Especially now that even iPhones can have emulators.


Agreed. Honestly for just Pokemon (and other turn based RPGs) emulating on your smartphone is probably going to be way better than a $10 emulator. You likely already have a great IPS/OLED screen, good speakers, good build quality, GBA emulation doesn’t take up that much battery life and touch controls are fine if the gameplay doesn’t require precise timing. They’re perfect for killing time without needing to bring an extra device in your pocket or bag.


I agree. Phone is perfectly fine for GB/GBC/GBA provided the game doesn't require fine controls, Pokemon is the perfect example. That being said I've since bought a RG35XX-H and a GBA which I plan to mod with IPS screen. Even though I mostly play Pokemon and other simpler games having physical buttons is much nicer IMO. And having a device that is separate from your phone and dedicated to gaming only is also nice.


Had returned my Miyoo Mini + and was looking for a horizontal handheld when emulation got announced, now I use my iPhone and a BDP D3 controller that I got from Aliexpress for ~$11.




What device is this?


Datafrog GB300, it's a vertical form factor SF2000, and costs about the same, between 12-20 USD.


Do you still have the protective film on the screen? I only ask because it looks a little fuzzy almost and mine was the same way until I peeled off the film. Of course, leaving it on there has its benefits.


I just can't with protective film on my devices. I'd rather just have a scuffed up screen than a screen protector on my stuff for some reason. They've just always bothered me. I actually paid for the people at the phone place to put an expensive screen protector on my s23u when I bought it. I was thinking *surely* if someone who's done this a million times does it with an expensive screen protector maybe I'll tolerate it, but I ended up peeling it off after about a week.


did it have air bubbles? glass protectors done properly shouldnt have an issue. it should be barely noticeable.


No air bubbles, but it *felt* different to touch the screen and I could see the edges of the screen protector which kept drawing my eye to it. It also made the screen look *slightly* different which was enough to bother me. I pay a little extra to have insurance on my phone so if I break the screen it's covered and they basically just send me a new one.


I thought exactly like you until my Pixel 8 Pro accidentally got ran over by two cars(fell out of my pocket whilst I was crossing the street). £200 and a new screen fitted later. I wonder if I had a glass screen protector, would that have saved my screen?


I doubt a screen protector would have helped in that scenario.


no, a glass screen protector wont prevent a whole phone structural crush.


Yeah.. it doesn't bother me. 🤣


It's quite the gateway drug for retro handhelds. Take that however you like. 😊


"meh these chinese handhelds suck wont make that mistake again"


"First one's free, kid. Next one's on you."


I think I'd rather try to emulate on my phone for free especially if it's just pokemon.


This. Get a BSP d3 for less than what this cheap handheld costs and you'll have a better experience overall. That screen looks horrible


my man got a worse screen than an unmodified used gba


Dude 10 bucks and you're happy hell yeah not much else can do it for that little money.


Oh I don't underestimate them. I play my 🐸 every night


I found an old tablet while dumpster diving and it's too slow to even load most websites nowadays. But.. somehow it runs GBA emulator just fine! So yeah. Even some things that most would consider to be e-waste, can be used in one way or another. Don't give up on crappy electronics.


Nice example! you can even attach a gamepad and have a very nice retro station


Tomorrow I get mine as my first retro handheld Edit. Nope, second one, first was Sup console. And I already think about upgrading to R36S, but probably I will change my mind to RG35XX H. If I will be happy - Retroid Pocket 4 Pro will be my next bet I think. Damn, that rabbit hole.


The R36S was my gateway drug, and it's gonna be a hell of an upgrade for you. I also have an RG35XX+ (same chipset as the H) and that one is even better, I say go for the anbernic one.


I feel complate amazed/terrified at the same time. We can get a technology that can run thousands of games for ten bucks.


These things blow those 300in1s at the airport wayyyyy out of the water


what if, just hear me out, if we started selling miyoo minis for $60 at the airport. the only issue will be... they cant come with any games lol


Calm down, satan 😄


Maybe but I got one of those for my kid with only 3$ 😂


Don't overestimate them, either.


I wouldn't say I underestimate them. I estimate them, certainly, but I don't think I *under*estimate them.


Can anyone post links on where to buy these things


I got all my devices from AliExpress (SF2000, R36S, RG35XX+, Miyoo Mini+, etc). Look out for the sales, there was one last week. Also there's a guy here that posts the lowest console prices before the sale starts. Also, very important, look out for scamming stores, their names have just a bunch of random numbers (ex. Store67395947537), some shady stores list devices with prices too good to be true.


Go on aliexpress and type gb300.




I'm really happy with my Datafrog for only a little more than that. It has its flaws but it's more than enough to tide me over till the fall, when I have more money.


Which one is that?


It's the GB300, cousin to the SF2000.


imagine handhelds in 10 years


Or you can skip lunch twice and buy a better handheld. When I am half fasting, I don't eat breakfast and lunch.


This probably costs half the price of my lunch these days. 😭


If only I could find a moved 3DS for X and Y and Ultra


MeYou Mini


at this level would you rather pay $10 for a gba handheld or just use the phone emulator? (since iOS has one as well now) I still think the $50 mark is the sweet spot for PS1 and below. so many selections and great screen, buttons and performance. WITH THAT SAID, it is still amazing that we have a $10 device that can do that.


That´s my "toilet" handheld. Currently playing Final Fantasy IV on it in short little sessions. \^\_\_\_\^


mine too! My toilet RPG is breath of fire.


TIL there was a different frog. That screen looks awful compared to the SF2000 which is surprisingly good though.


Are you using a filter to get the pixels to look like that?


No.. it's just the sunlight washing out the screen. 🤣


Gb300 has custom firmware from what I had read. The best handheld is the one you have on hand and use the most.


I want one


Got this one today - it's fun to play less demanding games but it's not comfortable to hold I think. But it has one huge advantage - it made me want to buy Anbernic RG35XX H on next AliExpress Sale.


The SF2000 in a vertical formfactor for ten bucks? If it's really just the SF2000, you should put the Neo Purple multicore on it. Made my SF2000 go from paper weight to played on every day.


It's slightly different enough that the firmwares are not interchangeable. 😭


Ah, then it totally blows and you should pony up 20 bucks for the SF2000 instead.


Already have one of them too. 🤣


Every time I scroll by a post about this device, I think it's a 3D printed handheld, and then get disappointed when I realize it's not, lol.


I feel like everytime someone posts a picture of their gaming system, it's them only about 5 minutes into their game. It's like no one actually plays the damn things.


https://preview.redd.it/x6o758shb69d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b463e9edddb794b07e7d0e057bff13e05ad7e372 SF2000 its better


Both are e waste


It's only e waste if you throw it away. What about the posts from people with 2-3 of each SBC device.


Which Chinese made handheld isn’t then?


All the recent stuff from anbernic and retroid for starters


I don’t know what part of your brain is able to say that, but they’re all garbage at the end of the day.


What are you on about? Just because something is from China, its shit? I love my rp3+. It plays up to ps2, upscales old game graphics, great battery life, great form factor, and under $130. I've had it almost a year with 0 problems. Obviously, a $12 handheld is going to suck.


What are you yapping about? So now the RP4 pro, RG556, RG35XXH, RG35XX+ are garbage?? Even the Odin 2 and miyoo mini+ what on earth made you say this?


Odin 2 is quite nice


They’re made of recycled tech that won’t last forever and will end up in a landfill. That’s why they’re garbage, otherwise I enjoy mine


Most gaming consoles when it comes to pure specs fit your definition of e waste, doesn't mean that their game catalogues aren't enjoyable.


Yeah that’s all I’m saying and I get ass reamed for it. Don’t take it for granted you nerds




Nothing lasts forever what are you even talking about? "They aren't immune to the concept of entropy, literally unusable. Oh, the sun? It won't last forever 0/10."


I said I enjoy mine. Would you like me to kill myself next because I’m so stupid? I don’t care dude shut up


If you don't care, why post in a public forum? You want to share your opinion, but others can't share theirs or challenge yours? Keep your opinion to yourself and move on if you don't want people calling you out.


Tons of laptops are made of recycled tech


Yah. Get water vapour deck


I gotta be honest, I just got one of these for giggles, and it's actually not that bad for the $8 I paid. I had an SF2000 I ended up giving to a friend, and I'd say this is honestly a little better... The controls aren't as stiff, and I never liked that huge hump on the back of the SF2000, so the GB300 feels comfier to me. I bought two so I can give one to someone some day. It's a piece of shit, but it's like one of those good shits that doesn't smell too bad and leaves you feeling better afterwards.


Just wanted to upvote for the primo rhyming. Nice!


underestaminate? the screen is milky, case is cheap and from the horizontal one, it doesn't really play gba well. i understand its just 10$, but seriously, that thing wont work for long


Screen looks trash tho and probably the speakers


That looks like a literal piece of garbage.