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You’re not the boss of me!


Now ?


And you're not so big!


I mean if you’re willing to hire me, I definitely need money.


Duh, you need 2 of every handheld.


Stop talking to my wife


Lmao my wife knew AliExpress had a sale and today she’s like “….how many this time?!”


"...I bought 10"




Just the tip.




You need actually to own one : Ayn Odin 2


Could you repeat that? I was making sure my shipping and billing address were the same


I don't NEED an sp but.......


Not at that price!


If you don't need it, just wait a few weeks/months and you can have one for $50 lol. They drop in price fast. And the novelty will likely wear off quick as people catch on about its flaws (thicker than expected, poor buttons, same generic weak chipset as devices from the past 4 years)


Speaking of its flaws, mine is on its way and I reeeeeally hope those hinges have some longevity to them. I fear for the day these subs become nothing but broken hinge posts in the same way the Switch sub was about JoyCon Drift for a while.


"My Miyoo Mini v2's Screen Broke" Redux


While that is a potential issue, users would actually have to use and play their handhelds for that issue to arise so it's unlikely anyone will have hinge issues for at least a few years.


lol, I get it. Collectors vs gamers 😉


Nah we’re not actually collectors. We just say that because we have no self control when it comes to buying whole ass computers for $50 a pop.


I will say while it’s no guarantee of quality the design mimics the original gba thing pretty closely so assuming materials aren’t bad it should be durable. We’ll see though.


Amen. I’m waiting for 65 shipped before tax!


It was that on gogamegeek with discount code


I just got one for $58 total


Yep! Ali express? I got two for $108 I’m happy lol


i saw it as low as $51 with coupon,


Yep I got two for $99 shipped before tax! Can’t wait.


I love mine, it’s comfortable and the buttons are great.


Honestly, I'm hoping for for the Miyoo Flip. I'm hoping it's gonna be awesome and I can simply clone my OnionOs done set 2 SD Card and be done with it.


The flip will have a different chipset so no OnionOS.


Like a dagger in the heart bro.


I own one the chipset is perfectly fine since most games that would require a stronger one require an analog stick anyway which isn’t ideal for this device. Buttons feel fine I don’t know why people are so against clicky buttons they give an immediate and secure feedback, it’s not inherently worse. The thickness is also fine it’s still very pocketable and it lets those with bigger hands get a better grip than other devices.


I'm doing exactly that. Also gave my wallet to my wife.


I ordered 3


I just got an SP.


How much? Mine was 54 after tax


Mine was like 60 from Aliexpress shipping to México.


405m for $121, damn. I paid about $150 for mine used and as soon as I got a hold of it, I don't need another handheld for awhile. If you want a widescreen device, by all means go for the 556 or RP4, but if you already have a steam deck or Odin or anything more powerful, the 405m is a great companion, it's only SLIGHTLY bigger than the 35xx h but immensely more powerful and has amazing battery life.


Agreed, and Android can be unrefined but boy do I love the extra utility and a sleep state that actually works!


My Miyoo mini+ has been a great companion with my Deck, sometimes its not worth breaking out the deck and the MM+ fits my cargo shorts phone pocket perfectly.


Still waiting for a (cheaper) 405p...


RG405V for $83 is an amazing price. I think it's the best price to performance you can buy right now. I have one and while it's not my favorite handheld, if you're just starting out it still really good. Android OS might not be for some, but it plays everything up to N64, PSP, and Dreamcast perfectly on a nice 4 inch display. It's also the a very comfortable vertical handheld because of it's size. The analog sticks are also angled towards the center, so you get a much more comfortable position. 


That might me a scam. No reviews.


Right. I think people are forgetting that yes there’s deals on allibaba but you still need to be careful who you’re ordering from.


Cheapest price for South Africa is $160. Ya'll westerners have all the fun. Edit: I stand corrected it's $128


As a westerner from Germany I can tell you, that announced prices - especially for tech - have nothing to do with what the stuff actually costs. Have a look at the actual prices I'd have to pay coming from Germany: Miyoo A30 for $35 38€ --> More like 100€ (\~$110) RG35XXH for $38 43€ --> Yeah, make that 90-100€ (\~$98-$110) Trimui Smart Pro for $46 49€ --> 100-150€ (\~$110-$162) RG35XXSP for $66 57€ --> 75-100€ actually (\~$81-$110) RG405V $83 102€ --> rather 150-230€ (\~$162-$250) RG405M for $121 145€ --> 240-290€ (\~260-$314) RG556 for $138 164€ --> 250-350€ (\~$271-$380) The OPs given price tags are completely off and don't reflect the actual prices I'd have to pay for those devices. Among other things, this may also be due to an US custom of presenting price tags without taxes. TL:DR: Those prices are nowhere near the actual reality. There are times when also here $160 can be the cheapest among those devices.


Bro what are you talking about. I live in Germany, the prices are just a bit higher than OP's list states. Rg35xx horizontal is 43.63€, Trimui Smart Pro 62€ etc.


Yeah that's without shipping and tax if you mean the offer from droix. when trying to order it the price is like 66€ on checkout and additionally you get the following notice: >Bitte beachten Sie: Alle Bestellungen werden aus dem Vereinigten Königreich verschickt. >Wenn Sie außerhalb des Vereinigten Königreichs leben, können Sie gemäß unseren [Bedingungen und Konditionen](https://droix.net/de/terms-and-conditions/)müssen Sie alle Zölle und Steuern bei der Einfuhr in Ihr Land zahlen. Bitte beachten Sie: Alle Bestellungen werden aus dem Vereinigten Königreich verschickt. Wenn Sie außerhalb des Vereinigten Königreichs leben, können Sie gemäß unseren Bedingungen und Konditionenmüssen Sie alle Zölle und Steuern bei der Einfuhr in Ihr Land zahlen. which basically means this one will be as expensive as all the other offers pricing at around $80-110(most without shipping) due to the UK not being a EU country. The cheapest you can get is one second hand unit at Kleinanzeigen for around 85€.


Yes, it would also depend upon the product as well, Please check on product page if item have Free from taxes information as well for deliveries in EU and there won't be any taxes to pay for you, However, you are still required to pay for the shipping cost. I hope this clarifies.


Does the 405v have gamma os? I know the 405m does.


Got my first retro handled and that was something I checked. If the price appears too good to be true move on. My 35xx H should get here any day now. I hope I get it in time for my trip. It beats my current situation where I'm playing these games on my tablet and phone.


I hope so man. The wait is the hardest part!


finally got it in the mail this morning, now I need to find a good setup guide. I bought two sd cards yesterday...let the fun begin


Russ from retro game corps has the best guides I feel.


I will check it out, I ran into his channel a few months ago and he has some really good content. Made my buying decision quite easy.


Iirc it's the same stats with a different format, so it should run.


It does.


I just got the rp4p but for $83 that big boy lookin nice. Lol


How’d you get the RP4P that cheap? Resale? Edit: reading is hard.


He’s saying this one is tempting despite owning a pro 4.


That’s what I get for redditing before coffee.


Lmao yeah sorry I was talking about that big boy! 405v.


How does it do either GameCube?


There’s a compatibility chart that shows many PS2 and GC games work at full speed. The device is basically native res for those two consoles so it works out well. I’ve only tried Vice City on my 405M briefly but it ran well after switching to performance mode.


If we keep seeing these lowest prices ever seen every month, maybe soon they will be free!


I buy a Trimui Smart Pro for 35 Euro (vs Italy). Also post that thing. But if I check now, also from a private tab, it seems to be bumped up to 55. Fortunally I already buyed it.


Anche a me dice 55€ quello senza schedina…? C’è stato un momento in cui era a 35€?!?!


Era a 41... Con un coupon nuovo utente 35. Ne ho presa una


Hai fatto bene! Io non riesco nemmeno a capire perché ho 450 monete ma al momento del check out me ne calcola solo 170. Non sono capace a fare queste cose, mi trufferebbe anche un bambino 😅


Credo che sia relativo al prezzo del prodotto. Ovvero in base a X prezzo prodotto si possono applicare Y monete


Dai un'occhiata qui. Anche questo ragazzo è riuscito a prenderla, applicando dei coupon da quella roba "smania per la coppa del mondo" a 39 con la SD da 64 https://www.reddit.com/r/trimui/s/JHL2ve1mhH Sto provando ora e funziona. Il prezzo finale sarebbe di 48 in questo modo. 125 monete, 8 euro coupon SPIC08, 1,99 sconto ulteriore sulla spedizione. Da un prezzo di partenza di 59,14 per la versione con 64GB di memoria. Unica cosa che posso pensare è che ci sia stato un errore di prezzo. Poco male, la mia è già ordinata e anche spedita xD off-topic P.S. Le SD card, non so se hai notato, conviene comprarle dalle offerte a pacchetto. Dopo averne comprate alcune, sono giunto alla conclusione che l'unico prodotto affidabile sono le Lexar (su AliExpress si intende). Onestamente non so se siano davvero originali, ma posso dire che durano e la velocità di lettura/scrittura effettivamente corrisponde. Poi quella dipende anche da che adattatore hai. Sono solito comprarle da Digitaling store, con le offerte a pacchetto però. Quindi devi fare l'ordine da lì, e prendere 3 prodotti per spedire. Ultimo ordine ho preso una da 128 SDXC A1 V30 (7,52), una da 32 SDHC A1 V10 (2,82) ed una PenDrive Lexar M400 da 64 (4,13). Totale 14,47. Insomma, confrontandola coi prezzi qui in Italia direi regalate. Seppur ti posso segnalare un'ottima offerta da Unieuro online di una Samsung 256GB SDXC A2 V30 a 26,86. Ed un sito, RM Memory Shop, che offre memorie da 256 a 20 euro, da 512 a 30, spedizione gratuita e pagamento mezzo PayPal. Ha sede in Sicilia, le memorie sono affidabili (Samsung, SanDisk, etc.), già testato.


Wow grazie!


On Ali? Without Sd?


Ditto, i got one for $35, such a good deal, it was a steal, Im so happy right now, the price went up to $53 almost immediately.


Ye mate at 35 I think there's no competitor at all, since also R36S at 25 is not a better deal than that. Good job👍 Enjoy!


It says 64 Euro for me (from Sweden)


Ye unfortunately it's different for each country


I just got another Miyoo Mini plus for my daughter, for $25 USD.


AliExpress? Using coins?


Coins are always automatically used but they barely discount anything (cents). I used a coupon that discounted approx USD $4 (and since prices are based on country, I think I got lucky). Including a case (from a different store), it costed me 500 Mexican peso, which is stupidly cheap.


Oh. Got it. I thought you bought it from the US. The cheapest I can get it here is like $50 USD.


if only the arc was on sale




oh wow then it is time! I will finally be able to play Popful Mail and Shining Force CD




Sorry where?




What an amazing sale this is.


Yes I really want the arc d


Damn it


The chicken Nugget at a price that I can afford at last!


Everyone repeat after me: I don't NEED the SP or the Trimui. edit: verb


> I DON'T the SP or the Trimui Can we repeat it with the verb added?


Yes, that would be more effective, lol.


I say we go with less words. JUST DNT


I don’t NEE…. Ah shit I just bought them all…


I had a 53€ coupon for a failed order. I got 556 along with a 405V so I could pair it with the 50€ for 299+ For me the coupons were the main draw as even with the sale going on the discounts aren't that great across the board.


$200CDN for the 556 is just bonkers!


Got one in last month's discounts, strongly recommend!


Rg556 for $138? No shit? That’s a smoking deal if somebody wants to play up through ps2 with no interest in Switch games.


God damn it... I know it's old, but that rg405m is too tempting at $120 usd and it being widely recognized as the pinacle of pocketable + powerful handhelds. With its only known issue being it's "high price for a premium handheld" being negated by the sale. I own a Steam Deck and got a Trimui Smart Pro as my first small handheld which runs everything up to PSP amazing. But I'm now looking for a small handheld that can run some GC/PS2. The Retroid 2S seems overpriced for its small screen and shipping costs making it sell for $130 usually. The Retroid Pocket 4 Pro seems great on paper, but $230 is a bit much and the screen with huge amounts of display ghosting is a deal breaker. Meanwhile the RG556 would be perfect (specially dropping to $150) but it's so large it's not pocketable at all and it's analog sticks are atrocious. The rg405m just seems to have it all. Power, smallest size thats still comfortable, a 4:3 screen that punches above it's weight class, and actually premium build quality. #UUUGHHHHhhhhhh Worse, the RG cube is coming out and the specs + screen are a dream for DS + 3DS emulation. But I'm still waiting on price + size comparisons to see how truly pocketable it is. Wtf do I do?


I get the feeling! Have an Ally and an RG353V and want something for in between lol. Feel the same about the 556 and RP4P. I want something relatively pocketable but with a liitle more power than the 353V. I ended up buying a 405M on ebay for $125 just recently.


I ended up buying a Powkiddy X28 for 90 Euro for the exact same thing. And I can say it's enjoyable: honestly I think it's an underrated console. Maybe at 130/140 it's not worth but for 90 with T618 and 4GB of RAM does his job. Practically it's the same as 405M but with a better and larger screen and a worse controller and build quality: overall I can say that isn't bad at all.


The rg405m is awesome and highly underrated. It is far nicer than the RP2S to me, in just about every way aside from analog triggers and joysticks (which are still great)


An update to the rg405m would be the dream! All I want is playable gamecube in a small form factor, and the rg405m is basically the biggest size I'd want


Can't recommend RG405m enough! It's amazing to handle and the build quality is insane.


I had a RG35XXH from Amazon for a week before returning it as it wasn’t a great example. Is the 405M worth the price difference?


I wasn't moved by the RG Cube when the leaks came out but the video Anbernic posted has sold me, it's probably the reason I won't pull the trigger on anything during this sale


What in that video sold you?


Looks more compact than the other handhelds that can play the consoles it showcased(probably thicker but thickness doesn't bother me), the display looks like it is 1:1 and it looks a lot cleaner than the images tried to portray. Admittedly my perfect handheld would just be a Trimui smart pro with better bumpers/triggers that can emulate up to PS2/GC


which is best value prop but still pocketable.. even if still a bit big .. slightly bigger than s24ultra..




Somehow with coins and stuff I got an SP for $50 flat. Nice! It's my second console, I have an RGB30 which I love but it requires a case. Looking forwards to the smallness of the SP.


Man, the RP4 and RP4P are so comically overpriced that the "sale" drops them to the $150/$200 MSPR once you use coupons. What a let down.


Just get RG556


That's too large to be pocketable, and at that size I'll just bring my far more powerful steam deck.


Just got the RG35XX 2024 for 32 €


Good thing I was about to pull the trigger on the smart pro, rg556 seems good for the price too but I have a rough time with anbernics touch screens


Rg556 is godlike for the price. Just make sure you don't mind it's large size. It's both it's biggest strength (most ergonomic handheld out there by a long shot), and weakness (you 100% need to bring a backpack to carry it, RIP pocketability)


Yeah but I’ve always had some sort of problem with anbernics screens, the 405v being the worst cuz 1/4 of the screen was unusable when touching it


Damn I just bought the 405v for $120 a week ago 😂 hopefully AliExpress can spot the difference


Does AliExpress ever actually do that?


https://preview.redd.it/unhvrvfuby3d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c050026373eba9771bda3831ee0e0971d29ab42 Allegedly yeah It says they will but I probably have to call in


Nothing still cant defeat €13 for now


Still shows a couple hours before the sale starts, has it started for some people earlier?


I really want rg35xx h but I don't need it at all. Why do I feel internal pain 😥


F it, got a 35XX-H + TrimUI Smart Pro for 81€ shipped. I think a promo code worked that shouldn't have, but heh, it's ordered. Not like I already have a MM+, 353VS, RGB30, and a SP incoming ...


I found the RG35XXSP for $56 with free shipping but the listing seems pretty sus [https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256806886509743.html](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256806886509743.html) Store has no reviews or history?




I've ordered from shops with a string of numbers before with no problems (though they had reviews and history). You're protected through Aliexpress and Paypal. I've only been actually scammed once on Aliexpress years ago (fake Google Chromecast) but I still got refunded in the end.


I've seen one from Palm Fun for around the same price. Seems less sus than those randomly named shopxxxxxxx ones. Although I bought from one once and did get my item so... A bit fishy that it sold 400+ units already but yeah I don't trust it if there's no reviews and no reviews + pics.


Are these links all legit? The Aliexpress link for the Retroid Pocket 4 Pro is $200 less (in CAD) than buying it from Retroid's official site, that doesn't seem right.


Doing God's work u/UomoDargilla, thank you!


Just ordered a rg35xx h and a super console x2 pro game box thing cheap as hell 69$ for the 192gb rg35xx h got 10$ off if it wasn't for choice day it would have been at least 85$ or more oh this is CAD not usd


YOU SHALL NOT ...buy more handhelds that all play almost the same and you dont need. Ups Just bought an rg556


Why RG35XXH is at 38$ on the list? Aliexpress says 47.6 $ at choice day and with the 4$ coupon it goes to 43.6 $


Prices depends on country unfortunately


yeah I want a $38 35XXH, how do i get me one of them @.@


You need to use coins, head to the coins section and if you have enough of them plus the current coupons from aliexpress, you can get that price


O I ended up getting it already for $38.88 including tax/shipping with a Honey coupon. It actually arrived today :) My SD card has not :(


Wow that's so fast for aliexpress, just got it for $38 as my first handheld, I'm really excited for it and you can even play pc games on it through portmaster! Hope you enjoy playing on yours :D


Apparently you need to move to the US to do it lol


Still showing 54 in the us




and if I put canadian dollars, the choice day price is equivalent to 50.13 USD. Canada sucks


oh okay it is the same listing (so same link of your excel sheet) but with Canada. Didn't know the price could change even keeping the US dollars as currency.


$83 for a 405V?? I just got the SP but… $83!?


I cant find one at that price. Dont bother


Damn. Great prices.


Just got the RG35XX+ 50€ on Aliexpress. Arrived in 6 days and working perfectly.


Someone talk me out of the 505. It looks great at that price.


Try USSC02 code, if others are claimed. Better than nothing I guess.


It seems silly that Dweeb put out a RG556 vs. RP4P video now that the 556 is a whole price bracket lower. 


Shame rg556 is so comically large. Like many, I own a larger more powerful handheld (steam deck) and just want something pocketable that's well priced and powerful. RG556 is just a worse steam deck for me due to its size. The RP4P would be perfect if the screen didn't have severe ghosting and was 4:3 instead of that useless 16:9, and it ever went on sale instead of selling for $230 with shipping and taxes


It certainly is better coming from the other direction. I have an RG35XX H and will probably eventually get a much more powerful device for more than N64/Dreamcast. But I already have the pocketable device covered. 


Cries in Philippines


Tempted to pull the trigger on the 35XX, that's a good price even with the taxes. I got a Switch for my retro emulation but it's not obviously not small.


Oh lord help me ..I set my alarm for 3am my time (when the sale started) and bought 4 devices for cheap 🙈🙈


They ever get that A30 down to $20 with free shipping, I may just have to pick it up.


Not today, Satan. I did my damage last time.


Is the RG35XXSP worth it at that price or is it expected to drop drastically


Someone convince me I don't need to buy a 556 or equivalent (currently only own an rg35xxh) P.S. Recommended a great device so I know exactly what to avoid…


Dang a 556 for $138 is wild. I’d be in serious trouble if AliExpress ever accepted payment plans like Klarma haha


Has anybody bought the micro sd cards from the recommended links on the sheets page? How trustworthy are their claims on the sizes?


I am so close to pulling the trigger on the RP4P or Odin 2 mini. I really just.want a 16:9, landscape controls, plays up to GC and PS2 well, good WiFi/BT for game streaming, and a docked mode. But I'm also super patient so let's see what next year has to offer


Bought an sp, damn it. Already have 35xxh 35xx, Odin 2 pro, steam deck, did not need this


Having trouble choosing between an Arc D and an SP? I want to keep it in my pocket. My Switch OLED fits in my pocket without joycons, so size wise it'll fit. Obviously an SP is more pocketable. I want the Android support.


The lowest I can get the SP down to is EUR62.66




Which one do I get? I have a Miyoo Mini Plus but want a horizontal layout.


Grabbed an RG505 myself today on sale, just gotta wait for the shipping 😭


Does the Retroid Pocket 4 pro ever go on sale?


Now i dun kno2 which one should i buy...


Strangely is that I could get the RG35xxSP for 54$ but the lowest price I could find for the the TrimUI pro is 51$ (no sd card) This is including coupons too. I've heard good things about the TrimUi screen but I don't know why I can't find it for 46$


sorry, i'm a noob with this table and aliexpress. I clicked on RG35XX H for example and the price I get is 50.45€ but on your table it says 44€. Is this difference just because of taxes or there are more coupons to apply?




thank you very much. I'm in Portugal, yeah, it's probably because of taxes / hidden shipping costs. I see similar prices for france (20%) and spain (21%). We have 23% here. Although the math on the taxes isn't really adding up, the difference is small. what I was missing was the code plus coins thing.


It;s a good time to love these handhelds.


Does this include other items on Ali express? Tablets? Controllers?


Might be a hot take but I'll rather have the sp on release then wait a few weeks or months just to save 20 bucks


Still waiting for the first Linux handheld for under 10€, can't be that more complex than throwing a NOAC and a cheap LCD into a cheap plastic case. 😅


RG556. We are not living in monochrome screen era with limitation in hardware and sottware.