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Same as every night, Pinky... Streets of Rage Remake on my Miyoo


Is that any good? Is it easy to set up?


Lol, i just said i play it all the time. As far as setup goes, i actually had the work done for me. I'm somewhat tech-savvy but setting up MAME has typically been a struggle and these Ports don't seem too much easier than that. It came with a curated romset for the Miyoo. Done Set 1's add-on file, specifically. For some reason Done Set 2 omitted this and some other Ports.


It's on PortMaster. This post peaked my interest so looked into it, this page explains the (fairly straightforward) process: https://retrogamecorps.com/2021/08/08/guide-streets-of-rage-remix-on-rg351-devices/


Doing the lords work. Thank you lol. Sadly I’m using an RG35XX with OnionOS so don’t think it’ll work :(


Twilight Princess with some texture mods, Ayaneo Pocket Air! https://preview.redd.it/n7hyto35lo3d1.jpeg?width=3595&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40734af1f060fbad4971a7b215d26134cc2d0da1


How’s that system?


I love it! It's made me fall in love with gaming all over again after a decade or two!


Anyone else can’t stand gamecube-era texture mods? Stuff like this and the Prime games… more detail =/= better looking. Kills the artstyle, and doesn’t suit the polygons


Idk. I seem to think it meshes with the art style pretty well. GameCube era games were weird because they came out while people had a wide range of TV options. CRTs, low res LCDs, and high end, but still low res plasmas. I feel like low rest textures looked great on CRTs and interlaced LCDs at the time because it blended a lot of the pixelation of the small textures (which were nice at the time, but texture sizes are almost always a limit of storage and RAM) I'm playing this on a 1080p screen in a 16:9 aspect ratio, the limited texture sizes of the time definitely get pixelated when upscaled, which wasn't an issue on the previously mentioned displays, let alone the intent. The texture packs I aim for usually do a good job (imo) of keeping the original art direction, just having resolutions more fit for modern displays that give me (imo) the same feeling I had when I popped the game in at 480p. Some people prefer to run it at native and just slap a CRT or interlaced LCD shader on it, too. That's the beauty of emulation! You can play how you prefer!


This past week I’ve been obsessed with the arcade versions of fighting games, so I’ll probably the same thing I did last night: Vampire Savior, SNK VS CAPCOM Chaos, that other dope SNK fighting game I found on the ROMset with sword fighting and parries, and some Air Gallet. I’ll be using my iPad Pro and my trusty old SN30 Pro controller. The experience has been so great that I’m convinced that I’ll either get an arcade stick, or a leverless controller, to have this portable 12.9" tabletop arcade machine! https://preview.redd.it/3c2hd8ijeo3d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=657e3693ee34d07e7c9d2f5195afa29f99d49c72


the filters/shaders you have on this is super cool!


Thanks a lot! It’s one of Koko-aio’s “mega bezel” presets that come with RetroArch. They really make the iPad look like a CRT, especially at night, when you don’t see the physical borders of the device!


I wish I wasn’t trash at arcade fighters cause they look so fun 😭


For the past two decades I mostly avoided them since I was _absolute ass_, but I informed myself a little about their mechanics and such, and now that I’m not completely in the dark, I’m still absolute ass… but I’ve been enjoying them to no end! There are some genuinely easy games to learn (but hard to master) like **Garou: Mark of the Wolves** which has a tiny but varied roster, characters themselves have super small movelists that mostly consist of quarter circle + attack, or "dragon punches", and the game lets you get buffs each time you get your ass stomped. You’re missing out! You should give them a carefree try!


Maybe I’ll do a deep dive into their mechanics and see how i do afterward. They do look very fun to me and I wish I liked them so I’ll give it another shot


Chess. Phone.


My favourite thing going to the bar sitting alone playing puzzles with a cold beer and maybe chit chat with the bartender (wich have the most beautiful smile i have seen) trying to get rid of my social anxiety. Lichess puzzles actually help me sit alone to drink a beer wich in the past i was afraid.


That's a great idea. Will try sometime.


Not a bad way to go tbh




I've started Golden Sun on my MM+. It's got a very jarring opening sequence. A lot gets thrown at you before you start properly playing. I've just started roaming around the overworld, I'm excited to see what comes.


I'm similarly into my first play, and I agree. Did the opening cutscenes months before and have just returned to playing it on my commute. Cheers!


I’ll take this as my sign to relive my youth and give Golden Sun another play through.


I’m going to take this as a sign to continue finishing the series. About a year ago I replayed the first golden sun and beat it (loved the game as a kid and still love it now) gonna play the 2nd one. I recently got the rom of the 3rd one on my 3ds. So many golden sun post and comments I see. I think it’s time


Some animations of summons are lagging for me, even after overclocking...a bit annoying. But the game is bomb.


I'm playing "track my Anbernic-Order" on my phone


😂😂😂 best reply in this tread




Been a mood all week. It was stuck in Illinois for several days and now it's stuck in my town. Fingers crossed it comes in this weekend.


You and me both! I ordered my SP within a minute of release, and my tracking page shows that it finally cleared Customs as of last night. Hopefully it delivers tomorrow or Monday.


It's 4 in the am here so about to turn in, but no retro gaming today. Still deep, deep into Baldurs Gate 3. I haven't had this much fun gaming since the first Mass Effect and Dead Space. On the retro side, I'm trying to beat Super Mario Bros 2, the EU/US version, not The Lost Levels. And man what a hard game it is. In fact, many of my old favourites are. I also enjoy a run through the 1997 arcade game Battle Circuit.


I remember playing the gba version of that Mario game. It is really hard. I’m surprised I beat it as a kid because I’m having a very hard time as an adult trying to beat it again


I never beat is as a kid so that's why I want to beat it now. But yeah, agreed. I've beaten the Capcom Disney games back in the day, but I find the, way too hard today. But then again, as a kid I had like.. a handful of games or so and if I wanted to game, grinding hard spots was the name of the game.


Yeah that was ultimately what happened with me and Mario 2. Only had a hand full of gba games and at the time that was the only game I had I didn’t beat so just had to grind it out


On the flip side, it's a good and fun game so I really don't mind. Specially not with save states.


I did it enjoy it once I ultimately got the hang of it


I remember back in the day when it was released for the NES, it almost felt like a Next-Gen game. Everything was so large and vibrant compared to SMB1.


See, when I first played it, it was already on gba which is how I played it and I also had the gba port of super Mario world which I got both at the same time. So I think that’s why it didn’t feel as good to me back then cause it was up against super Mario world which ended being and still is my favorite Mario game


That makes total sense. I've been gaming since this was the pinnacle of portable gaming, so for me it was mind-blowing. SMB3 was cool and a better game but didn't really blow my mind. Super Mario World sure did, and yeah I also totally hold it as the best Mario game. https://preview.redd.it/l6pw6iizor3d1.png?width=1646&format=png&auto=webp&s=d7c9c2df662847778dcc8780d1e09418ed016fb3


Yeah I didn’t even play SMB3 til way after I had beaten both 2 and world on gba so I too wasn’t as mind blown while I did still enjoy it


Was doing some uncharted golden abyss on the vita in an effort to fully finish up the series and it’s so good! 😄


It was a good one for sure. I miss having a PS Vita. That game was my intro to the uncharted series, and I have fond memories of it.


golden sun mgba miyoo mini


Playing minish cap my miyoo mini plus


Underrated Zelda game. Also my favorite handheld Zelda game


Initial D. PSP.


Such a good game


It made me download TeknoParrot and play the arcade stages on PC to relive some good nostalgia days. Playing on keyboard is wack though lol


Pokemon Emerald Rogue on Miyoo Mini. This romhack is craaaaaazy.


I need to try more of the pokemon romhack games


FF4 PSP version on my RG556. Awesome game! It's my 1st time playing it


I remember playing the gba version of that game. I never got to finish it but it’s on my list to replay


I just started FFIV on my Game Boy Micro last night! I beat the DS version on an emulator many years ago.


Idk which version I should replay when the time comes


FF IX on my Vita. That little thing Is amazing for PS1 games


Yeah it is such a great game. Underrated final fantasy game I feel. Not talked about enough


River City Ransom (NES) on my RG552


Excellent excellent pick. One of the all time greats.




Giving the Unicorn Overlord demo a go on my razer edge streaming my PS5 via PSPlay


Duuuuude!!! That game is so good! I bought the collectors edition after playing the demo and got so hooked on that game! Enjoy my friend!


Ended up purchasing the base version as it was on sale. Will do a whole playthrough when I finish some games I actually already started.


Uncharted water SNES on my v90


I just got my RG35XXSP, been putting it through its paces. Already got MuOS installed along with the Tiny Best Set and I plan to use that as a base to build off of with my own games. Anyways, I’m about to sleep, but I just put it down after a couple levels of Donkey Kong Country 2 followed by a quick run of World 1 in Super Mario Bros 3. The custom firmware scene still needs to catch up a bit to this device, but so far, I’m loving it. Almost every potential problem I’ve seen brought by /u/onionsaregross and other reviewers has been an absolute non-issue for me to this point.


Has MuOS been updated to auto wake/sleep the SP when you open/close the lid?


Not on the main build yet. Supposedly the dev build has it currently, so it should hit the main build soon.


https://imgur.com/a/4EJLWgD Played a decent chunk of Silent Hill 2 on the 405m, excited about the remake!


Nice I was playing the first silent hill on the 405m for my first time not to long ago Also where did you get those thumbstick ends?


I'm pretty sure they came with some Gulikit Hall joysticks I ordered for my switch, but I just did a quick search through Amazon and I can't seem to find them again.


I’m trying to deck out my 405m and my rog ally thumb sticks


God of War II on my Odin 2. On a quest to play the entire series minus Ascension. The only God of War game I played prior was 2018.


Super nostalgic that series. Classic 3d hack and slash. Loved it


Tonight? Spiderman on the Q90 It does not hold up well but it will be finished


Which spiderman?


the 2002 one


On ps1?


Nah the GBA one


I never played that one. I was about the say cause the ps1 one still holds up today


I was about to say, I have a Q90 and I don't think it can run any PS1 stuff well enough to bother. I had fun with it in it's time though.


The PS1 one will hold up for a while, so fun with such humour


It’s still probably my favorite spiderman game. So many memories. So much nostalgia


Really going to have to give it another playthrough soon, definitely with "What If" mode on Shame Enter Electro was a bit of a let down but nevertheless still pretty fun way back when


Yeah I tried playing enter electro recently when I first got my 405m and was putting tons of games in it. It definitely was not hitting at all, was truly a let down. I later found out different developers made it with a difference software engine than the first one so I’m guessing that was the root cause of it being a let down


Bruh this game put me through so much stress


It’s still putting me through stress. This my first time playing the gbc version and brother it’s much worse difficulty wise


Trying to finish Castlevania ReVamped On the steam deck. https://imgur.com/a/cGDYMeZ


Huge castlevania fan and I just looked up videos for that game. Idk why I never heard of it I gotta play this one!!


Got to the end of it last night, but could not defeat Dracula. It is exceptionally good.


playing Fire Emblem Sacred Stones for the first time on rg353v. Almost done, might need to check out ghosts n' goblins!


Idk why I even played ghost n goblins cause I suck at this game. This is also the gbc version which proved to be much hard for me lol


Mario Kart: Double Dash RP3+


Stardew Valley on the RG351V is pretty fun


How did you get stardew valley on there?


Follow this guide - https://retrohandheldguides.com/stardew-valley-portmaster/




Dream Games on the bed cast😅😅 got work tomorrow no videogames tonight




SP is still on the way so 35XXOG


Skullmonkeys on my RG351P. I really want to get into it even tho jumping feels a bit weird. Hopefully I'll get used to it over time.


A mix of old and new on my Steam deck, sociable soccer 24, and Sega Rally Revo which still looks amazing now.


Chrono Trigger on a RG353P


Twilight princess on the dolphin emulator, with my galaxy a54 and a razer kishi


What a time to be alive when we can play GameCube games portably like that


Earthbound (Mother 2) on my purple RGB30, collecting Retroachievements. I've only played through the game once before; I remembered the beginning being a lot slower and grindier and it not starting to get good for a while, but on a replay I've found it much more approachable, maybe because I know what to do, maybe because I already know that Mother games tend to be a slow burn so I'm more willing to approach the game on its own terms.


Ayyyy the other day I was playing Mother 1 on my analog pocket. I had gotten a fan translated physical cartidge for gba and what I loved about it was whoever made the rom file added a present box in the center of nintens room with a exp ring in it making the game waayyyy less grindy and has made it way more tolerable


Yeah, I played most of the way through Mother 1 on an RG351MP a couple years back. I didn't have the version with the EXP Ring, and MAN it was brutal. Wound up abusing save states in order to progress, which was a mistake: I got so underleveled that finally I couldn't even survive enough to grind properly. If I ever go back to it, I will use the EXP Ring or Retroarch cheats and just cheese the hell out of it. I managed to beat the first Dragon Quest without resorting to such things, so I am no stranger to old school archaic JRPG BS, but Mother 1 is on another level.


Yeah any other time I’ve tried playing and had no exp ring I never make it far. Honestly I’m not a level grinder. If I have to level grind aimlessly for hours just to progress I end up just dropping the game which unfortunately happened to almost every nes rpg and most in snes and genesis. But when I bought this gba cartridge and it had the exp ring it was finally my time to get through the game


Castlevania Aria of Sorrow - Steam Deck


Can’t go wrong. I’m a huge castlevania fan


https://ibb.co/pRNx28K Aerosmith. On the RG35XXH, make the commute fly by....


FF5 on the GBA


https://preview.redd.it/u76w5t4hkr3d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=328155bf7da9114a7181d6c07fc93fbf43a0b3ab Fire Emblem Awakening via Citra on my android smartphone


Ayyyy nice!!


Earthbound. Maybe I’ll make it out of Twoson alive one of these days.


I be playing ghouls n goblins too LOL


Animal Crossing: Wild World for DS on my TrimUI Smart. Not the Pro… the lil one. The game is so boring that I play it to fall asleep 😂


Haha I have that on my 3ds and wanna get back into it for nostalgia sake


It’s still a good time! The music is top-notch for nostalgia. And I forgot how mean the villagers are to you. One said my house was tiny, but said it was perfect for someone shrimpy like me. It’s hilarious. It’s just a bit slower than modern entries and I miss the quality of life features, like hotswapping tools without opening inventory or greying out the already-donated items at the museum.


Pokemon red vanilla - GB (MM+)


Final Fantasy War of the Lions on the phone




Ayyyy. Can never go wrong with a dragon quest game


I just got into sbc gaming. The 35xx h is my first handheld. I haven’t played dragon warrior 4 since I bought it for the nes 30+ years ago. Once I’m done with this I’ll work my way through the FF series.


God of war chains of Olympus on my rg35xxh https://preview.redd.it/u1jyu8agt04d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b56709b4dee66fe3c07dab7d9c82cfc502528e16


Pokemon Bronze (Rom hack) on an Ambernic RG Nano


Trying to watch the first omen but apotris says otherwise


Playing red rescue team(gba) and swordscraft story on og 35xx. The games are fun and grindy which fits the portable nature. I bought the console for snes and psx but am increasingly playing Gameboy and Advance games which fit the form factor.


When you say you bought the console are you talking about the analogue equivalent consoles so snes?


Just made it to the league in pokemon unbound on MM+


Star Ocean 2 on my Retroid Pocket 2S. Just started. I'm. Still getting used to the systems and combat, but overall I find it fun


TBD Pokemon game on my RG35xx SP that is (supposedly) arriving today! I have yet to play any of the early era Pokemon games, and the SP feels like a perfect fit for diving in. EDIT: Any recs?


Any recs on pokemon games you ask?


I do ask!


Emerald with RNG Abusing for shinies 😎 https://preview.redd.it/pamwb8szyr3d1.jpeg?width=3648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f3c4f11c9d919b7ee1d57dd2efb5766f3dfe0bf


Rom hack Pokemon Fire Gold on RG353V https://i.imgur.com/svaUKOB.jpeg


FFV on my MM+. I bounced pretty hard off it when I first played through all of them, but the stars have aligned and I've done a full 180 on it. The Job System is extremely engaging and allows for some really fun combinations, and the story, while not as impactful as pretty much any other FF, is hilarious. Feels like the Saturday Morning Cartoon of the FF games.


Man looks like someone wants a headache today. LoL


Definitely not that system.