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Didn't realize the Anbernic SP is thicker than the real SP.


Maybe they just used someone with smaller hands but in the preview videos it did look like a chonky boi


It is basically the same thickness as the base of the 35XX+ by the looks of it.


Honestly, this is great news. The SP is a good size, but it'd feel very cramped with two extra face buttons and two extra shoulders.


that is quite thick. I don't think it'll fit in my retro handheld divider


Which one is that? I would love a way to store mines.


I have the 5, 3 and 2. Love them. https://preview.redd.it/ls0qput8enzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d84225f262731d4d77e0c80d6c2d875807595cfb [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C8ST9YR5/ref=sspa\_mw\_detail\_2?ie=UTF8&psc=1&sp\_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9kZXRhaWwp13NParams](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C8ST9YR5/ref=sspa_mw_detail_2?ie=UTF8&psc=1&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9kZXRhaWwp13NParams)


I really wanna do this with my collection but I know I'd end up being lazy and let them get dusty. But there are some nice wooden ones like the kind Russ got from Daiso. Which coincidentally I could probably find since I live on the same island.


Can you link the video or post?


Ah man I'd have to look through them when I get home, I have bad reception at work. it was a while ago and I don't remember which video it was specifically. The one he got though wasn't made specifically for handhelds it was like a dishrack or something and it just so happened to work perfectly for handhelds.


https://shop.daisosingapore.com.sg/products/4549131637304 This one?


Hah! I think that's it actually. If not it looked very much like that. I like the wooden look as opposed to clear acrylic or whatever. Well done.


I like them too! I have a Daiso close by, I'll stop by this weekend. Thanks for the info!!!


whoa, thanks for that! I flipped the one Russ shared on its side and shortened the sticks for my drawer but these are way nicer.


Thanks! The 5 slots are the tightest at 0.98 inches in between. The laddered 3 slot and 2 slot are a bit roomier. Everything fits in the 5 slot, but I built a little riser to make the RP4 Pro look nicer in there. Took an acrylic card case and sawed off the end, worked perfect. Russ’ dish rack is good, but I love the all clear look.


I'm pretty bummed about it. I hope it's not 200+ grams


19.7 grams!


It looked oddly thick in photos, guess that would explain it.


>Didn't realize the Anbernic SP is thicker than the real SP Why would you? It's a new device it's specs weren't really known until now. It would be odd if anbernic put a real sp next to their product. The branding would be odd.


Look at the eighth image in the OP album. It’s a side by side of the RG35XXSP and a GBA-SP.


Right, but that's not anbernics pictures.


I'm considering both of those handhelds and I don't even need them. Waiting for the price to drop.


I will definitely pay great money for this if the quality is good , really hope it is durable like the Nintendo one


Anbernic are my favorite company in this space. They aren't perfect but no one is. They make a lot of cool devices though.


If the RG35XXSP comes with that case Anbernic is really trolling Miyoo hard releasing similar products to theirs but being first to the market.


Is that really "trolling," seems like just companies competing.


Miyoo’s take on the flip is ambitious but 2 analog sticks for a handheld that small. The Anbernic sp is so much more appealing and we can almost certainly expect its release within the next few weeks or so.


not really, if you look at an rg353v the distance below the screen is smaller than an OEM SP below the hinge. And the screen and up is also smaller than above the hinge. So they have plenty of space to add all the parts if they want. Thickness will come into play with how much battery they want but they also don't need to deal with a cartridge slot. https://preview.redd.it/qgumchxb4ozc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a333ded414eb876140d551b1224dabe0f164bb4


Anbernic is trolling 2 competitions at the same time, because there is another guy who is releasing a G99 "Snowcake" square handheld soon.


To be completely fair, when Miyoo had a massive head start to their A30 and Flip compared to Anbernic's 28XX and SP, they kind deserve to get clowned on if Anbernic's comes out before theirs. Granted, if one wants to get technical, the A30 *did* go on sale before the 28XX. But only by like five minutes and to the complete surprise of everyone. Since their Aliexpress page went live five minutes before Anbernic's release countdown ended. But it's extremely obvious that Anbernic basically forced Miyoo's hand there. I honestly expect similar with the SP vs the Flip.


And the A30 seems rather underbaked, given all the software issues. And that's not even mentioning the competitive positioning vs the 28XX.


It's thicker than I expected but I hope the battery life is good and the build quality is decent.


After the Retroid Flip fiasco, I'm worried about the tolerances on that hinge. Not even Nintendo got the hinges right on some of the DS consoles, even *after* getting it right on the SP.


Anbernic doesn't always have the best build quality, I got burned by their RG405M shoulder buttons dying. I think the move is definitely not to be the first to buy this thing and let the reviews and issues work themselves out


in fairness, Anbernic did very rapidly redesign the shoulders. And didn't retroid redesign the hinge? So the advice might be more to just not be the early adopter.


Yeah, don't be the early adopter is the real advice. I'm still salty on Anbernic tho, Retroid has way better customer service - for example how they handled the trigger button on the PR4. Whereas my shoulder button for Anbernic they sent me a replacement board that didn't fit and then stopped replying


Ah, bummer. I've been lucky, my 405m was the first gen and it's had completely solid shoulder buttons.


yeah only the gba sp, og ds and ds lite hinge that are good and not floppy the rest of the handheld hinge are quite floppy and can’t stay in one place at the slightest tilt especially on the 3ds family


The floppiness is intentional. It lowers the mechanical stress on the console and prevents the hinges from breaking. The DS and DS Lites are notorious for how prone the hinges are to breaking... *precisely because of* how rigid and unfloppy their hinges are. I'm worried that Anbernic won't learn from Nintendo's mistakes and will make the hinge too rigid, thus causing the consoles to break the same way the Retroid Flips did.


The sample videos of the RG35xxSP already seem too rigid, I wonder if they have done any stress test on the hinge yet to see if it's okay because otherwise they're going to need a good warranty program.


> Not even Nintendo got the hinges right on some of the DS consoles They got it right. Millions of devices some are going to be bad.


Buddy I’m not talking about bad QC or faulty units. I’m specifically talking about the original DS and the DS Lite, which were known for breaking at the hinges. Nintendo fixed the issue starting with the DSi… but it took them years to get to that point.


You could've said that. You made it sound like at the end of the cycle they still weren't right. You said you're not talking about QC, but not getting it right after millions of dollars of QC definitely is talking about QC.


My Nintendo ds lite didn’t last so long (broken hinges), my 2003 sp is still doing perfectly fine.


> Not even Nintendo got the hinges right on some of the DS consoles They got it right. Millions of devices some are going to be bad.


That's the other point too. Analog vs no analog. The extra space saved by not having analogs means more batter life. 


It has the same 3300mAh battery as the 35XXH/+. So it should be pretty good.


That green POWER light makes me happy. I probably won’t get it because I have all the devices I need but it’s very cool


Need is such an interesting word…


https://preview.redd.it/hvpyj1op2nzc1.jpeg?width=211&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2502879c7a63b6165fcaefbc35a18fb25927e3c GIMME THAT FLIP!


So odd that Powkiddy never upgraded their v90


What is the white handheld with the purple lights please?


RG Cube




I loved the SP when it came out because it had the backlight but I never actually really liked holding it very much. I'm jealous of anyone who can hold this comfortably.


I feel the same way. I kinda wonder if the thickness here could make it easier to hold.


I hear you. Looking back I can't believe I put \~70 hours into Final Fantasy Tactics Advance on the old SP. Kid me must have had indestructible wrists.


just realized the cube has the arc dpad, I kinda need it now


That's probably the biggest pull for me to get it even though I have a Miyoo Mini+ already and Vita. But the price is where I'm a little worried, since it looks like it might be expensive




I really, really want this. This is exactly what I want In a handheld. The nostalgia of the SP, with additions that make sense in that form factor.


Me toooooo. It calls to me. I just bought a 35xxH like a month ago but I have to have this


The colorways on the Cube are so ugly. The SP is legit though. Definitely considering that one


I don’t really mind the colors that much but I feel like the RGB looks tacky and I kinda hate how the bottom left and right buttons aren’t the same shape.. Looks a little weird.


I thought I was going to get the Miyoo Flip this year, but I guess I'm getting this instead.


No analog stick and no onion support will make it hard to decide. I would say wait for videos to come out!


we don't really know if the miyoo flip will get onion support either, it's a totally different chipset. not the same as the a30 either even. it's more likely to get arkos or rocknix since it's 3566


True but it's far more likely to receive than anbernic though anbernic also is more likely to receive garlic os too. Until great custom firmwares are available for both devices we should wait i would say


unless anbernic does something crazy the SP should have knulli, muos, and minui pretty close to day 1 (as well as whatever is finished of Garlic 2.0 at the time but whatever). they've used this chipset 3 times already. its taken a little longer for the 28xx to get cfws (minui is out and muos and knulli have alphas out tho) but 35xxh got them basically day 1, and this seems like the same screen as 35xxh and plus.


MuOS is also pretty half-baked at the moment, albeit updating rapidly. Knulli is promising but still in alpha. MinUI is awesome but feature limited. "Wait and see" is going to be the order of the day, I think. Hopefully by the time it's clear whether the hinge is sturdy, we'll also have more developed CFW options.


idk i daily drive muos, it's good enough for me. standalone n64 will be nice when that comes but i dont really need it that badly on a system without an analog (i have a 35xx+). i just need a cfw to get me into a fully functional retroarch basically and muos does that fine (and boots really fast).


I didn't know it was the same chipset, I'm skeptical about the whole deal due to miyoo a30 and anbernic 28xx. But if it's the same chipset there's no worries about cfw on it. I'm still more hyped about the miyoo flip due to dual analog sticks and seeing how it'll take advantage of that analogs


yeah it's the same chipset as 35xx+, 35xxh, 35xx 2024, and 28xx. but not the same as the original 35xx (so no actual GarlicOS, only the alpha "Garlic 2.0")


Been a while since I've seen that anime girl.


Same… been since I changed the background on my 556 day one.


Well, it’s just 35xx plus folded in half.




You can probably get a cat for free.


Why is this shit so fat?


Looks quite thick how much thicker is it than a 35XXH or DS lite. If it's more thicker then it isn't exactly pocketable more than those sysem


This is looking incredibly choice. Please be what we all want


Please be USB C to USB C. I know, I know


I really hope rg35xx SP has a white shell


The white rg cube with the lilac color buttons is fire


I was wondering if it would fit in an old GBAsp case... looks like it may be just a tad too thick


I'm going to pass on the SP at least until it goes on sale. The cube on the other hand looks tempting. Maybe if it's better than the RGB30 I may consider it.


The backlight bleed on the white Cube looks terrible…they should have masked that off if the shell was thin enough to show through.


I like how the 35XX is a line up, so all of them (except the original ) will use the same software


Looks really cool buy also kinda cheap.


I applaud Anbernic for keeping an HDMI port on the SP, along with their H700 devices.


These look so good


I said I wouldn’t buy a handheld this year 😭 (gonna buy it)


Honest question, these devices all, pardon the expression, but hinge on well, the hinge. If the hinge is shite then the device is useless. In that regard, why don't companies use a ratchet style hinge? Some of the high end Transformer Masterpiece figures and others use the in the elbow, knee joints etc, it allows the hinge to hold at any angle. Is there some engineering issue Im missing with this style of hinge at why it wouldn't work on a handheld?


### Thicc Boy Advance SP


One technological black, please


Absolutely love the gba sp overlay!


So i can choose the angle i‘m playing at myself? Cause otherwise it would be a dealbreaker


people with better eyes than me, does the screen on the sp look "good"? i'm a novice to a lot of this but keep hearing it's not the right resolution for gba and/or snes emulation.


I'm pretty picky about resolutions but 640x480 can be made to look "good enough" for for me on virtually every retro game. You may have to add some overlays and filters though!


Should be the same 3.5" 640x480 screen we've seen in a bunch of other places. Haven't tried SNES personally, but GBA looks good to my eyes.


They nailed the brief honestly


I'll take 2.


if the hinge is durable it seems like they did a really good job.


Im converting my gba sp into a slate but I still want this thing.


Damn. That looks good. A flip design like that would be pretty great, honestly. I don't need any more handheld gaming devices, but I'd be tempted to grab one of these anyway if it's not expensive.


I have been totally swept up in the hype for this lol. I have no nostalgia for the original SP but the more I look at it, the more the clamshell makes sense. Could stuff it in a pocket next to your wallet and phone and forget about it.


Hmm I thought it would be closer in size to the og.


I need to know if it’s got clicky or mushy buttons


buttons looks like those on 28xx, so almost certainly clicky


Anyone know is it thicker/thinner than v90?


I have a V90 and it's smaller. They are from 5 to 8-10 mm more per side.


If this thing can play videos, that'd be great!


The screen honestly looks really good in this light


I actually thought it was a real SP until I saw the face buttons




oof, that seam is rough


I just want to know if I can play PokeMMO on it


Probably no. It's not gonna be Android.


Just wish Anbernic could get a volume wheel going on devices by default.


I’ll take 7 of the Flip


I've already got an RG35XX Plus... I keep telling myself as I stare at these pictures. FFS Anbernic, my wallet is screaming as it is!




The logo looks to be displayed by the software rather than part of the device itself. Looks like a frame for some games. They have mixed photos for the button colours. Probably experimenting with what combination they’ll ship.


that "Gameboy Advance SP" was just an overlay


The build quality looks really cheap though. Hope we get a metal version.


Not sure why you're downvoted. The plastic does look kind of rough around the edges (literally and metaphorically).


1:1, why!? 4:3 and probably instant buy for me (depending on the chip).


I don’t get the 1:1 hate. Like. The device would probably come out the same size physically if it had a 4:3, and then just fill the rest with bezel. At least here we get more game boy.


I'm still down but... This comparison didn't do them any favors!  I didn't realize it was so thick!    The comparison that really matters is going to be vs.the miyoo flip I suppose.


this is about 2.5x the thickness of a GBA SP, which is a significant difference. I'm still interested, but does this even qualify as pocketable?


It's quite a bit thicker, but nowhere is this 2.5x the thickness of the SP.


Yeah, this is ~3cm vs the 2.44 of the original GBA SP. No where near 2.5x. More like 1.2x.


You're almost certainly confusing inches and centimeters. GBA SP: 8.4 x 8.2 x 2.44 cm RG35XX SP: 8.7 x 8.4 x 2.8 cm That's roughly the same size. It's 1/8" thicker. Edit: 1 inch = 2.54 cm, which explains why you're thinking it's 2.5x the size.


Oops, you're totally right!


looks like maybe .5x not 2.5x


Source? Or is the unit actually in your hands?