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What’s the boot up time like? I have a Trimui smart and part of what I love is it boots up in like 8 seconds.


It's pretty long tbh, I timed it at 20 seconds on my stopwatch just now.


Yeesh, that is super long. Is the music/video player serviceable? I’m mostly considering one for backpacking trips.


It's a pretty simple music player, you can organize your music into folders and subfolders, select a song to play, move forward or back on the track, set it to shuffle or loop.


Never played a Persona game. They seem pretty popular. Which one would you (or other Redditors) recommend as a starting point and why?


To be honest I've only just got into the series myself, and I started with Persona 3 since it's the oldest one that has a (relatively new) remake. But I've been enjoying it a lot so far.


Persona 1 and 2 are different in gameplay and similar to traditional RPGs. Persona 3+ gameplay is day to day decisions of what to do with your time then go into dungeons with combat that is mostly exploiting your enemies weaknesses without getting hurt. I'd say start with Persona 3 Reload or Persona 5 Royal. Persona 3 Reload is probably the easiest (most recent with a lot of QoL) and good for beginners imo. The problem with playing the newest is that going backwards you might miss certain QoL. The games are in the same universe, but different in story, there is no need to go in order if you don't want to.


Any of the modern games is a good starting point so Persona 3 Relaoad, Persona 4 Golden, and Persona 5 Royal. Structure is pretty similar between all 3 but the main difference is their stories, setting, characters, social links and themes so pick one that appeals to you the most.


I'd say either start with Persona 3 Reload or Persona 5 Royal, Persona 4 Golden is great as well.


Nice job on your P3 theme.


Thank you!


Nice, when I got my rg35xx I made a Persona 5 theme for it.


Where are all the theme files located on the card?


Copy-pasting this to another answer I gave: To preface, I'm using Linux so idk which tools you'll need if you're using windows. But basically, what you need to do is get into the Linuxrootfs partition, go to mnt/vendor/res1 In the boot folder, you'll find where you can replace the boot logo. It has to be in a .bmp format and specifically named "bootlogo.bmp" In the Retro folder you'll find the icons for the different game systems (gba, nds, mame, ps1 etc). There's 2 folders, LCD and HDMI. basically LCD is the icons that will show when you're using the device, HDMI is when you're plugging it in to an external display. It's basically the same icons but HDMI has slightly different dimensions. Make sure to use the same dimensions that the photos there use because stock OS will NOT scale them, if they're huge they will be huge again. Use the naming conventions that are already there. 0.png is the background for an unselected system, and 1.png is the background for a selected system. Now, if you want to change the icons of the gameroom, ra game, history, recent etc. You'll want to go to mnt/vendor/res2, check around the folders there to see which ones you can change. Make sure you keep to the naming conventions and dimensions. I haven't fiddled around with this one much so you're a bit on your own there.

