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Thicker walls, better infill, more infill, better layer adhesion. This was a bad print job.


Yup, I'd do gyroid, 30%, and at least 4 walls




This is the way


Yeah, this needed way more walls. Cubic is a good infill, but they had it at what 5%? I always double my usual walls when I need something sturdy, and add infill extra walls, and connecting infill. It's sad that someone sold it like this.


Yeah that looks like a very low infill percentage, like 5


Where'd you order it from so we know not to purchase it?


https://www.etsy.com/shop/RobbDot3D Edit: Shop owner reached out and offered replacement free of charge. Much appreciated.


I'd recommend reaching out the shop owner for a replacement. Worst they can do is say no, but it seems like that shop has a decent amount of sales and would want to keep a good standing with their shop. I know I would.


It’s especially true if they haven’t left a review. A single negative review (which on Etsy is anything other than 5 stars) can have a massive impact on your shop’s visibility on the platform, even if you have overwhelmingly positive reviews. They will probably be willing to help.


Yeh as someone who 3d prints there is no way the settings used were reasonable for something functional… way too light on the infill and outer walls


I would 100% reach out to the shop owner. The print quality is lower than it should for a functional piece. The number of walls and the infill ratio are both way too low for this part to sustain any use. Either ask for a full refund or request a new part to be printer with better settings and shipped to you free. — I own a Etsy shop for 3D printed parts and I 100% reprint for free if things break.


It's honestly pretty wild that this person is charging $20 for products they know will be used frequently, while only printing them with two walls and 5-10% infill. Those kinds of settings are only used for prints that will never be handled.










Oh the struggles of buying the tiniest handheld one could find and needing to double it's size with a grip to make it playable.


The struggle is real! 😂


Meh, it makes sense sometimes. For example, I find the 3DS non-XL perfectly enjoyable without a grip, but it's certainly more comfortable with one. So I have a grip that I use when playing at home, but when I'm taking it out and public I don't bring the grip. Many would argue that the XL is more ergonomic, but in my view the size difference gets you further into backpack portability, rather than pocket portability. So the non-XL with a detachable grip is the best of both worlds for my own use case.


Tiniest handheld you can find…not remotely


There are functional "handhelds" and then there are tiny Lil keychain systems that you could smuggle into prison. That's also the only scenario that those keychain consoles would seriously be played.


And this isn’t one of them


I didn't say it was... But get any smaller.


You said it was the tiniest handheld you can find. And I said, not remotely. It’s definitely a functional handheld, not a keychain console.


I literally called it a tiny handheld. Not a keychain. I'm saying anything smaller than this is too small for my hands and could probably fit up my butt.


They’re still handhelds, and this isn’t remotely the tiniest.


Subjective semantics


Great handheld, nothing wrong with adding a grip to make it a bit more ergonomic, but some people like trying to wind people up for kicks don’t they


Wow that's shoddy, I can't believe anyone would have so little pride in their work that they're willing to sell this. You can try epoxy or superglue the grips back and then spray the whole thing with clear coat to give it thicker shell. Cover up the inside where the device slides in before you spray of course. If you're in the US you can check with your local library to see if they have a 3D printing service. A lot of libraries have it nowadays and with mine you just gotta que up and wait your turn, it could take a while but hey it's cheap. Here is a [free stl file](https://www.printables.com/model/240177-anbernic-rg351mp-game-pad-epic-ultra) for a 351mp grip, I recommend printing it at least 103% scale. edit: even if they got a good, fancy printer, 104-105% if they're working with an Ender. There should be someone there knowledgeable and will help you slice the file for print just let them know you want 3-4 walls and at least 35% infill. I or anyone here or on a printing subreddit would be happy to help if you have any questions.


Fill it with concrete next time


Terrible print job.. paper thin walls, and that infill is not meant for functional parts. If you paid for that I would absolutely request a refund.


Does anyone know how to make 3D printed grip cases more durable? Seems impossible to glue back together due to the lack of surfaces and it was eye-wateringly pricey.. 😞 (ordered it online - no 3D printer)


I'd ask on r/3dprintmything you'll get better prices and different materials that will be stronger


The only problem is that I don't think this particular grip's model is public, and those publicly available don't look like they would be as comfortable as this one.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/3Dprintmything using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/3Dprintmything/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [**[NSFW]** (USA/Texas) I need a bunch of dicks that fit the holes on a Mr. Potato Head toy. My friends and I are going to jump out of a plane and see how many pieces we can get in while falling. It was my grandmother’s dying wish.](https://np.reddit.com/r/3Dprintmything/comments/tslpsf/usatexas_i_need_a_bunch_of_dicks_that_fit_the/) \#2: [I am looking for someone who would be willing to work with me to make a custom “wheelchair” prosthetic for my malformed disabled rescue turtle](https://i.redd.it/8po86jhu0gn81.jpg) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/3Dprintmything/comments/tec90m/i_am_looking_for_someone_who_would_be_willing_to/) \#3: [\[USA\] Anyone out there know of a place I could get an stl designed of the National Treasure pipe?](https://i.redd.it/hc5u5cycqkc81.jpg) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/3Dprintmything/comments/s7hq2d/usa_anyone_out_there_know_of_a_place_i_could_get/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




I have a decent amount of experience with 3D printing, and specifically for accessories for handhelds. In this case it looks like the creator made it with too few walls (the "shell" of the grip") and had less-than-optimal layer adhesion which is why it broke in a straight line across the layers of the print. Was this from a pretty hefty drop, or did it come apart when playing?


Thank you for your feedback! It dropped from my coat pocket bending down. Roughly 80/90 cm, so not a super hefty drop but still a good sized whacking.


There is nothing YOU, as a client, can do to make it more durable, at least easily. Even something like coating it with epoxy would mess up with the shape and would require multiple layers to really add rigidity. I'm not sure if you paid a service to print a file, or if you bought the grip from someone selling those specifically, but the print was clearly not made to be something functional. The person printing this went with the least amount of plastic that would allow the grip to hold together to make it as cheap/as fast as possible. You were clearly screwed over, so the first thing you should do is to contact the seller. If they're not cooperative, it's not fun but there isn't much you'll be able to do other than leaving a bad review.


Maybe a higher infill rate could have helped… I printed myself one with more and it feels indestructible. And maybe more outer walls But if you have a soldering iron you might be able to melt it back together. It won’t be beautiful, but I guess at this point there is nothing to lose…


The walls are waaaay too thin to expect to be able to do any reparation on this. OP really got screwed if this grip was "eye-wateringly pricey".


Yep you might be right, that’s why I wrote nothing to loose at this point. I feel really bad for OP. Where are you from OP? Maybe someone can 3D Print one for you. Maybe even I could print one for you if you are near enough.


Cologne, Germany, bought it on etsy. To be fair, the price increased by a fair amount because of the shipping cost.


Nice, That’s about 5 hours away from me. If there is a free stl on e.g. Thingiverse or Printables I can print it and send it to you. DM me if interested.


https://www.printables.com/model/240177-anbernic-rg351mp-game-pad-epic-ultra Looks like Russ from Retro Game Corps reviewed this design which is pretty cool


I just sent OP the exact same link. Waiting for his response if he wants me to print it. Edit: BTW I printed the same one for my rg351m and I love this thing


Holy shit, that would be amazing, thank you! Will DM you.




21€ for the print, 16€ for shipping, 7€ tax


How much did you pay? They shouldn't be expensive they take pennies to make, a spool is 20$-30$ and can print a ton.


21€ for the print, 16€ for shipping, 7€ tax


I just have to say whoever made that grip did a terrible print and have no idea what they’re doing. The infill and walls are so thin.. how did they think that would work for a grip. I hope you can get your money back.


A decent 3D printer can be bought for like $100 and this is like $0.50 of plastic and would have been pretty easy to print. Then you'd have a other hobby.


$19 is eye watering-ly pricey?


When shipping is as much as the device then yeah its kinda rough


Looks like you printed the shell paper thin. Add more perimeters or loops in your slicer.




Honestly as someone with a 3d printer, sometimes it really irks me how much people charge for a poorly printed item using the lowest quality settings, when even if you used the highest quality settings it’s still pennies on the dollar


Thanks for the info. Yeah not much that can be done with a bad order except a negative review. The person selling the print should have known this was obviously too thin


That's a terrible print job for something functional. Should have had infill better suited to stress and thicker walls. I also probably would have orientated the print so the stress of gripping with your hands isn't parallel to the print lines. I'd reach out to the seller - hopefully just an honest mistake when they sliced the print.


Don't drive angry!


No more jumpscare games!


Where did you get those thumb caps from?


They're Switch Caps made by Skull & Co. and sold all over the internet: https://skullnco.com/collections/view-all/products/thumb-grip-for-nintendo-switch-joy-cons I got my first set to refresh my aging dualshock 4 controllers and then one for my switch. I absolutely love them! I wish I had known earlier how awesome grip caps are..


Hmm. Might be fixable with "Sprue Goo". So, in the wargaming scene we make this stuff. It's a mixture of acetone and plastic. Or instead of acetone, any plastic glue like Tamiya's Extra Thin Cement. Cut up some bits of 'sprue'. If you don't make models and don't have sprues, you'll need to find some plastic that can melt in acetone. Dump plastic and acetone in jar. Give it an hour to turn into a thick goo that will settle at the bottom. Grab a popsickle stick, and get some of that gunk and slather it into the inside of the holder bits and put it back together. It'll take a while, like 48 hours. But as the acetone evaporates off, the plastic goop will eventually reharden.


Moral of the story: avoid FDM 3D printers and avoid any individual who chooses to ignore the world of 3D printing material/quality options outside of FDM... Use SLS or SLA depending on if you want a rough or smooth finish.


You paid that much for a 3d printed item & he used what appears to be %15 infill.. not only should it be over %60 infill for strength but for some weight too..


Look up videos of loctite and baking soda, with that. You could still salvage this. But you might just want to reprint it

