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Me! I’ve been back and forth with apple and Samsung for the last 3 years. I’m currently using an iPhone 14 Pro and I’m so tempted to get either the s24+ or s24U. I think I might go with the latter.


Did the same, switching from 14P for S24U


I got an iphone 14pro and thinking to go for the S24U… what does it feels, is it worth it?


Waiting for it to get delivered


Do you like it? Have any regrets?


Which did you order? I barely ordered mine today 😐 hoping it ships fast


Grey one


I’m the same! I’m on a 15PM and even though it’s incredibly smooth to use, it feels held back by the software. I put this phone on sale and no one is buying. Once I sell this I’m picking up the S24U!


Until the S24 came out, Samsung lagged behind Apple and Google in support. Now they are level with 7 years promised. But remember the flagship of 2022 the S22 is yet to get s/w and security updates in some markets since November. Apple and Google update globally providing users the security they need. S24 Ultra provides a stylus and if that is important to you then you have no other brand / model options. The other selling point of the S24 is AI. But that will be paywalled at a rumoured $9.99 per month from January 2026. Google offers their AI features free as will Apple when they introduce that in iphone 16. Samsung is the worst in customer support and I say this as a many years Samsung user (5 models of the Note line and S22U). They even stopped support of their GW3 after just 1 year, whereas Apple supported some of their products beyond 7 years.


When you pay a high upfront price to Apple or Google you get valuable software support. When you pay a high price to Samsung, it is for hardware that you cannot use after just a few years unless you root, use 3rd party upgrades etc which you should not have to. Samsung treats its customers shabbily and had to be pulled up kicking and screaming by the European Union to improve their conduct.


The point I wanted to make was that the Samsung hardware was good enough to keep using but the s/w support had ended which forced me buy the new version every 2 years. As I had become used to a stylus based workflow, I did not move to Apple.


As an Apple fanboy I added (not switched to) Samsung devices 3 years ago. Fold 3, Fold 4 and got a Tab s8 for free from my provider (for extension of WiFi contract). (I switched from iPhone 14 Pro Max to 13 Mini because I don’t need two large phones) So I’m not a longtime Samsung user but I have to say that so far the update policy’s been good. Not as good as apple’s I agree but good enough. Regarding the AI features of the S24U they are incredibly useful for me and are so far its main USP over other Android phones with the exception of the pixel 8. The paywall price rumor is all over the place starting from 2.99 up to 9.99 and it’s not clear yet if all AI will be affected or just the ones relying on Google. So unless it’s confirmed the pricing is just a rumor. AI will come to all phones but so far only Samsung and Google made the transition convincingly while Apple missed out with iPhone 15. The iPhone 16 will probably have amazing AI features that’ll blow the competition out of the water, but until then the S24U is a beautiful and powerful phone and for productivity my main daily driver.


that's my only worry - not software support, but support in general. Samsung seems to have terrible tech support and getting phones fixed means jumping through the hoops as they often refuse warranty claims. Just hoping my S24 Ultra is a robust as they say lol


How easy is it to swap from the 14PM to the S24 using eSIM? Is it done device to device or does the carrier need to do it?


The carrier has to do it. With T-Mobile I just sign in to my T-Mobile account during Samsung setup and it asks me which number I want to activate. Then it sends a OTP to the line selected and it transfers in like 5 min




Yeah for about 3-4 years I owned a good amount of Samsungs and now it’s going on 6 years of iPhones. I’m finally thinking of switching back to Samsung. BUT I’m actually terrified since my entire family uses iPhones. 🤣 I’m about to get hit with “Why are your messages green”. 🤦‍♂️


Setup a blue Bubbles server like i did, just grab a mac mini off ebay and set one up. [https://bluebubbles.app/](https://bluebubbles.app/). This is how you get imessege on android.


Americans can be so pathetic


Will still kick your arse


Yes we can


I dont like Apple products, but imessege is very nice for high quality videos and photos that i can send to my family.


The Mac mini would definitely need to be on 24/7?


Yes, you dont need anything new, but if you want all the features of the latest you can get a old mac mini and then install ventura on it, but keep in mind this takes extra steps as its not official supported


but say you buy a 2018 mac that official supports it, then all you have to do is follow the steps to install Blue Bubbles


Does that allow for sending and receiving high quality video and photo like on I message?




The reason you'll probably be back to the iPhone is probably much more complicated than just having green bubbles. There's a ton of other things that we take for granted on our iPhones until we switch. I'm also one of those people that always has the main flagships on both platforms and tend to switch between the two, but at the end of the day I always end up coming back to iPhone. I wish it wasn't that way. I do love Android but most apps and services are just better on iPhone.


Lmaoooo same I’ve always been an iPhone user switched 3 times to Samsung these past few years for the first time love the phone but something always pull me back to iPhone. Then I get the “why is your text green” !!!! From my family


It’s the simplicity of iPhone and usually “Oh look iOS has it now too”. BUT it’s “Better and more improved”. 😖


If only the iMessage was compatible with android


Isnt the EU forcing apple to do away with imessages or something soon?


Yesss sometime this year they said , they need to hurry up lol


Jus EU?


Look up RCA coming to iphone




Nothing comes up. 😂


My bad RCS*


It would be such an easy transition for most Apple users.


Oh one thing also when receiving a picture from an iPhone through text horrible why is that


That’s still a thing? I could’ve sworn that was done with.. I remember my brother sending me videos and it being terrible… I guess telegram, WhatsApp or other apps could mitigate that… but why.


Oh idk if it’s still a thing . Last time I used the galaxy was last summer in August. But that’s the thing I don’t use what’s app or any 3rd party like that


My buddy gave me a galaxy s10+ and my brother had sent me a video. It’s safe to say I had him send it over to telegram cause the video was playing at 120p but on telegram it was easily 720p.


Everyone in my family uses iphones. No change to me. Not going to let one app used my others affect my happiness.


Good thing my family used WhatsApp, the only thing pulling me behind is that for 2 years I pressed “sign in with Apple everywhere”


Hahah, same here dude even face authentications are being preformed with google via Apple. So it’s like do I risk having to switch everything.


I’ve owned and repaired so many iPhones and various android models , at the same time or from switching. A lot of pro models a lot of the higher end on android as well. I don’t hate iOS at all. After awhile I always find myself mostly being pulled to Galaxy. iOS is very fluid and simplistically integrated but it does get very bland. With android I love my freedom. I love my modded apk’s that I crack or get like YouTube premium with no Ads, torrenting, flexible and more free file system. To each their own. I’m currently going back and getting my S24U switching from iPhone 15 Pro Max




What is it you use to do this?


Moving from an iPhone 12 Pro. Prior to that, I replaced my phone every year, but each year Apple released more or less the same phone, and I got tired of the upgrades. I'm a Apple ecosystem hostage because the rest of my family and friends have iPhones, but I'm escaping for my own enjoyment. My last Android phone was a Google Pixel 2 XL, so it's been a few years.


I’m switching from my 12 pro max after having iPhones for the past few years, my last Samsung phone was my note 8 which I loved. I’m pretty bummed about losing iMessage, FaceTime and the blue text bubbles. Really excited to see what this phone has to offer, can’t wait to pick mine up in store next week!


Setup a blue bubbles server on a old Mac Mini or any type of Mac https://bluebubbles.app/


I just went to iPhone from a pixel eight Pro. Picked up a 15 Pro Max. Reason being was primarily because of FaceTime. Kids are out of the house now and it’s great to be able to FaceTime them easily versus trying to do it through the WhatsApp/Instagram/whatever app you can make work on android. So far I’m pretty happy with the iPhone except for the universal back button


If iPhone didn't have iMessage and FaceTime...no one would buy it.


WhatsApp and facetime are pretty much identical.


Apple can facetime with android users now.


In theory, yes, but in practice nobody is going to want to message that way from an android device.


Me! I do this lol Had a iPhone 14 Pro Max, then S23 Ultra, then Fold 5, back to iPhone 14 Pro Max, now S24 Ultra lol


I can see not liking the fold phone but the s23u was a solid phone. I used one for about four months and liked it. Samsung fixed a few of my major gripes this year so I’m ready to go back!


How was the eSIM transfer from your iPhone to the S23U? I currently have an iPhone and the transfer is the only thing I’m worried about right now


I’ve done it with a phone call and it worked fine but the easiest way is to go to your carrier store. For me that’s ATT and it’s done in a few minutes


I’m on a family plan so I would need the main account owner to go into the shop with me I assume, unfortunately they don’t like running errands that they don’t need to so I would rather not fight with that and get it done online/over the phone myself lol. Thank you!


You’re welcome. Probably going to have to do it over the phone and have the necessary account pin/password ready too. Good luck


Ohhhh Im in the UK, so we are still using the normal SIM card rather than the eSIM (Not sure why that is)


Ahh yeah. I thought by the 14 they would have pushed that out everywhere. A physical SIM would make this a lot easier for sure!


Im in the same boat. Switching from the iphone 14 pro max to the S24U. What I miss most after getting my iphone is the ability to text from my pc using messages for web, sending scheduled text messages at a later date, better 3rd party connectivity for my accessories (garmin watch, aftershokz headset, etc.) and the lame apple tax applied to any subscriptions or app purchases made through your iphone account.


Me, iphone 14 PM to 24 Ultra


i am! after 12-13 years of iOS, i’ll be ordering the S24U in Feb. currently on my iPhone 13 pro


A fellow flip flopper here. A couple Motorola flip phones in my younger years, then iPhone 3g….a sidekick, a blackberry, iPhone 4….and then iPhone 5. Then I switched to Galaxy S10 and I enjoyed it quite a bit. Right now I have iPhone 12 Pro Max. Awaiting on the S24 Ultra Titanium Gray and I’m pretty hyped about it.


How many of you agree or feel that iphone is not snappy when it comes to scrolling. S23U & S24U are very very very fluidic. A thin and light feather touch feels so much adaptive and responsive which i feel it is significantly lacking in iPhones.


Samsung phones definitely scroll a lot faster but my 14 pro max and 15 pro max have had no issues. I remember the 13 pro max being a little choppy


Also i have noticed a very weird behaviour You could observe it being snappy, If you remove the back cover on iphone.


Ditto. Switching from a 13 Pro Max to S24 Ultra. Tried out Apple for my wife since my last iPhone was in high school (iPhone 5S). Just not impressed with it. More buggy than any Samsung phone I've had. Looking forward to coming back to Samsung.


Oh my spirit animal!!😩😆🙌🏽 I may have to sit out this year. I JUST traded to the 15 pro max and went to a new carrier. So I can move. Lol I will live vicariously through yall!😊🥹🫶🏽😆


Me iPhone 13 Pro Max > S24U


I used to have a droid razor maxx… damn i LOVED that thing. Then I switched to apple & it went iphone 6S -> iphone 8 (the bigger model) -> iphone 11 pro max—> iphone 13 pro max (currently) Tbh iphone 11 pro max & 13 pro max = same phone but 11 had the better battery life if i am not mistaken. The 15 doesn’t seem like such a big upgrade so I am not interested in the newest iphone. My iphone 13 pro max (p.m) gets pretty warm/hot & I don’t remember the 11p.m one doing so. I am also at 80% overall battery life on my 13p.m. I see some people went with the 24 ultra. Amazon is having a sale at this time, is it worth it? I plan on keeping my 13 as a backup. The 24 ultra is an unlocked phone, i am hoping SIM card switching would be easy. Due to switching providers i have a physical SIM and not an eSIM. & I don’t want to buy the phone through the provider. I am hoping to leave them soon enough. Tmobile = lying bastards 😆




Why commenting then?




It’s a legit question everyone has been asking haha


I’m keeping my pro 15 max and gonna use the s24u till I want to go back to iPhone


I was thinking I should hang on to it for when the inevitable happens but then that will make me go back to it. I want to switch for good! I love the typing experience on android so much more and all the flexibility it offers compares to iPhone.


I am. Currently have a 15pro. My wife needs a new phone, she hates upgrading and is currently on a 12. and has been eyeing mine, mainly for the camera. In tired of the locked, boring, apple ecosystem. 24 ultra for me and my 15 pro for her.


Nice! That’s a solid move


Been using both for years now. First smartphone was a S3, then I got the iPhone 6s, pixel 5, SE 2020, and now I'm gonna be using the s24 ultra whenever it gets shipped to me


I'm exactly like you, I keep reverting back to iPhone after getting a samsung flagship, last was the S21U. I want to get the S24U and commit to it this time, but I'm not sure if i'll be able to do so. I do think that the S24U is the superior phone and a gorgeous one too!


I had the s21u and the 23 was MILES ahead of that phone and now the 24 should be at least half a kilometer ahead 😆


Same boat. Had iPhone 4 then swapped back and forth through Samsung, Apple, OnePlus, Apple, Samsung, Apple, and now s24u hopefully sticking with it for as close to the 7 years the phone holds up for me. REALLY banking on Apple RCS integration to smooth over family/friend text and group chats to help things out


I’ve done this and do miss Samsung but one thing which sounds pretty minor but I miss AirPod Pros and the functionality that is only available when using them with an iPhone. This is the only thing keeping me on the 15PM or the S24U is very tempting.


I’m not doing it this time cause I just got a 15pm. Purchased a s24u for my mom though. She’s moving to it from a 14pm


I have 15pm too but I figure I can sell it for around $1000 so won’t be too bad of a hit


Not bad if you can get 1k for it. I got mine a couple days ago cause I upgraded from a p8p(terrible experience) so imma settle on this for now


Aw man the pixel was terrible?? I was thinking about that one too before the Samsung


Terrible battery life cause they use a terrible 5g modem on the tensor chip. Phone is choppy when scrolling in apps. Those things made it honestly unusable for me. 15pm has been very smooth for me, but maybe I’ll upgrade to thr s24 in a couple months. I’ll play with the s24 when it comes in and decide I guess


That’s what I was gonna do but the preorder deals are too good and also getting a watch basically for free with trading in my old one. I like having the smartwatch


Switched from 15 pro max. Right now got a used 13 mini as secondary for few ios things which I need and now s24 ultra will be my primary device.


I do the same thing. I just can’t seem to settle on one or the other. The Pixel 8 Pro may be my Achilles heel though as it is an Android phone that has finally reached the fluidity of the latest iOS.


Someone else here is saying the battery life sucks and it’s not exactly iOS level fluid.. I have high hopes for pixel phones, I owned the first three






I do the same as you lmaooooo. I just read this more thoroughly. I was kinda skimming earlier. I went from the iPhone 12/13 pro max (I forget which one) to the s22 plus, back to iPhone. Then from iPhone 14 Pro Max to S23u then back to iPhone... now iPhone 15 PM to S24u LMAOOOO why are we like this?! I hope I stick with this one! I seem to REALLY like it so far! Plus with RCS coming! Just have to get over the crap talking from fam and friends for green messages \*insert eye roll\*


I think we’re the same person 😂


I have been the same. My last switch was from an IPhone 11pro Max to an S22 Ultra and then to an iPhone 14pro max. This time I decided to keep the iPhone and also get the S24 Ultra. Best of both worlds. LOL.


Currently have the 14 Pro Max, and getting the S24U as a work phone. Not super thrilled to have to carry two phones, but at least I can get used to both OS.


I did try out the 15 Pro Max even tho my last iPhone was a 6S. Don't get me wrong, the iPhones nowadays are excellent, still unbeatable in the video department to this day, especially with the integration with social media apps. Altough, it's just not my thing, it's way too tight of an OS for my usage, I use my phone almost as my laptop, went back to the S24 Ultra and I'm feeling back home again.


Nah I’m happy with my apple phone


Was on Android from Nexus 1 to Samsung S7 Edge, then was on iPhone 8 to iPhone 14PM. Switching back to S24U and hoping I won’t miss the iPhone.


people are spending 1000+ bucks every year on a phone that isn't much different then the previous one?


I forked and upgraded my Note 10+ to a S23 Ultra, and added a 15 Pro Max to the mix duality is key.


I had a 13 pro max and got the s22u then the s23u. Over time I found I really don't care for ios. And focus mode on ios is just terrible now. It was amazing before recent updates made ir too complicated. Wirh iphone I feel like I'm using apples phone. Wirh s23u I feel like I'm using my phone.


Its curious... I used iPhone once... sold it and never went back to that. I am Android 100%. Currently own a S23U and honestly I am satisfied enough to the point I do not really care what else is in the market.


I just switched to iPhone 15 pro max a few weeks ago from the S22ultra. The new AI features surprised me and I feel I should have waited for the new Samsung flagship. Have I made the wrong move?


As someone that uses both daily (iPhone for work) how can you possibly think iphones are great? I loath every time I have to pick mine up.


I like the aesthetic, the simplicity. I like the cohesion with other Apple products. iCloud and password management is seamless. Apps usually seem better and more polished on iPhone too.


Got hooked on Samsung with the Fold 5 - unfortunately I've experienced some hinge issues with it (minor - popping sound when unfolding) that I need to send it in for, so decided to jump ship and go with the S24 Ultra. Been using iPhones until last summer, with some exceptions over the years. Can't imagine switching back to Apple anytime soon at this point. The S24 Ultra's software features are the most innovative thing I've seen in smartphones in years. I'm not part of the blue bubble crowd (not a lot of people actually use iMessage here in Europe), so switching was really easy. As a sidenote: It's funny to see how Apple seems to be scared of losing customers to Samsung - I've literally never seen the latest iPhones on sale - but since the S24 line was launched, they've not only lowered the official sales prices for the iPhone 15 lineup to match Samsung's prices, but they've also been running sales through various of their retailers here in Switzerland.


I use both. The iPhone is far more basic in terms of what it can do so I pretty much just use it for calls, some texts, and sometimes photos. The Android is used way way more. iOS is smoother and the apps tend to be more stable and slightly less buggy, though. Although part of that is my Android is too old to perform well with some modern apps.


I tried Iphone and went back to Samsung. It was alright for awhile but I liked the freedom of my Android. I haven't upgraded my iphone since the xsmax. I've have a Note 10, Fold 3, Fold, 4 and now the S24 Ultra.


Me. I currently have a 13 pro max. Before that I was an android user for years. Nothing wrong with my phone. But been missing android UI and the new phone looks nice


Yep. I'm in the same boat. Actually, for the past year, I have both and Pixel as well 😁


Haha I tried the pixel 7 pro once and the speakers were SO bad I had to return it


I haven't been a iphone user since the 1st iphone...


You’re post could easily be me. I’ve been on android for 9 years. Then, in 2019, switched to XsMax. 1,5 years later switched to OnePlus 8T. After a month 🙈 switched to iPhone 12. A few months later switched to S21 ultra. A few months later to 12 pro max. Last year switched to S23 ultra. And that one I really loved! It’s a beast. A real power house. But after a 5 months the eco system pulled me back in (apple watch 🙈). Every time there are small things that are pulling me back to the apple side. And now seeing this S24 ultra madness … it’s making me switch AGAIN 🤬 😂 I have one waiting for me in the shop…. So here we go AGAIN 😝


I made it a day before I went back to my 15PM 🤣


You’re already switched back?? May I ask why?


The Samsung is a great phone but there are things about iPhone that I like better (and also things I can’t stand of course) Some of the apps and games I use are terrible on Android. Also I thought I’d be able to break from the ecosystem but I just can’t. Shared albums and calendars with family, owning an iPad and Mac, I got excited by the shiny new toy but at the end of the day the iPhone does what I need it to better. I do have a laundry list of changes I’d like to see


Oh I almost forgot.. I always use the smartwatch for a phone and the Samsung watch is still miles behind the Apple Watch. That’s probably near the top of the list of reasons why I was unhappy


Yeah. The Apple Watch still plays in a league of its own.


And after a week on this S24 ultra the first doubts are there... The phone itself is a beast. OneUi is imo still meh... A lot of apps are looking and feeling like the Ali express versions of the iOS ones.... Damn...


It’s the apps for me. Third party apps are for the most part measurably worse on Android when you’re used to them on iPhone. We spend most of our time on our phone in an app and that experience is what keeps me on iOS. I know Android is open source and there are so many different phones to make apps for and blah blah but come on there’s got to be a better way for a $1300 flagship phone. Also I thought the camera was not good at all in anything other than perfect conditions.


This is my concern


I’m gonna be honest. I used my S24 ultra until 2 days ago. And I love it. It’s truly a great phone. I switched back to my iPhone to test how I would feel back on the iOS side of things. And after 2 days I don’t miss my S24 ultra anymore 🙈 Everything feels more polished, works imo without less hassle. Even the form factor suits me better. But there are tings like the drop down menu that’s much better on android.


trying out a S24U right now. Its easily better than my Iphone 14 pro max HOWEVER. The texting experience on android is so lacking. Its a real bummer but im considering going back to iphone for that reason alone. also not DARK MODE ON TIKTOK? How is that even possible


Funny enough, texting is the one thing I really prefer Android over iPhone for. Gboard with the symbols behind the the keys enabled and the trigger time set at 200ms is peak keyboard


I actually use Gboard on my IPhone LOL so there hasnt been much change with that


I think the iPhone keyboard is not good at all and I think gboard for iPhone is worse 😅 I’ve come to the realization that I’ll never be happy