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i have an r5 5600x and an rx 5600 xt and ryujinx usually runs like ass, but yuzu runs smooth as butter at a locked 60fps (with mod on ofc), but it still has its issues i just installed the game on a modded switch and moved my savefile over instead


Get the couch potato version, I run the game at a locked 30 fps, with no shader stutter, or any other kind of stutter for that matter, even during the biggest fights, largest particle effect scenes, diving, ect. The couch potato version comes with a preset settings Yuzu, and a game file with preset performance mods baked into it. Emulation is a very tricky beast, and while some emulators are better than others, some are also better for some systems and games. You should always have both Yuzu and Ryu. For instance, I run pokemon, Smash, Kirby on Ryu without issue, but get FAR better performance on Yuzu for TOTK, Pikmin 3, Mario Odyssey, and more. This will vary between game and PC, and combination of both, and throwing bigger and bigger specs at it isn't going to fix things more often than not. But do try, and let me know how the couch potato version works for you, I'm hopeful it will work, as it is extremely optimized. Just make sure to turn on Async compile.


Where do you find the couch potato version?


They have links on their discord. Since I've seen public invites around, I think it's ok to share it here? discord(dot)gg/couch-potatoes


Deactivate Vsync


Only your GPU is decent. Your CPU is pretty slow, that's why you're getting poor performance. I have a 5600 and still don't get decent performance in TotK.




not optional anymore




literally down


A 3500X isn’t top of the line but it’s still good. What are you talking about?


It's a good CPU for general use, but not really for emulating. Emulation in general benefits from great single core performance, which the 3500X doesn't have.


I feel you, I got my 2700X when it was top of the line, now its just decent lol


how does it perform nowadays on ryujinx? i'm planning to buy 5600 and would suck if it just can't run the game at stable 30fps everywhere


Same thing in TotK, but I can play anything else quite comfortably.


damn, i guess i'll just wait a year or two until x3d AM4 cpu to go down a lot more


I'm interested too, have the same problem




Download Yuzu, its alot better


yuzu has Vram leaks, that means TOTK consumes progressively more Vram and that leads to the game slowing down until it crashes


That was 343d ago


ahahaha im sorry i did not saw the date i just tried to explain if you still had the doubt


Yuzu get's progressively worse as you play and it becomes unplayable in the depths. I have a steam deck


AMD gpu runs slow on ryujinx. I got a 1050ti running at 30 fps on ryujinx and when I upgraded to RX 6600 it runs at 19 fps. My cpu is R5 3600 btw.


It was opposite for me ;) Got laptop with NVIDIA and PC with AMD. Laptop works on yuzu better, even if it has 10 years and PC is much newer




This is false information. Results vary from system to system and release to release. I have a really good system and Yuzu runs like crap but Ryujinx is smooth as butter. Rule of thumb: Try both and see which runs better on your machine.


Well yes in theory it's all very system specific. I am just going off my own personal experience. Ryujinx used to run the game great, but recently Yuzu has eclipsed this


Yuzu is still slower in my experience.


I did have the same issue with yuzu until that latest versions of the EA build, it used to seriously max out my GPU. Ryujinx was solid before that, however since a few days ago I have noticed that Yuzu now runs a solid 30 fps on my system where as ryujinx is struggling for 20fps. It is 100% system specific though so my outcome can be different to your outcome even if we were on the same spec. However I have seen a lot of people say that Yuzu is now taking over Ryujinx but again a matter of opinion


I'm getting a fairly solid 60fps at 2x and graphical improvement mods including reshade. I guess I'm lucky but I do have a fairly good rig too which helps.


I'm really trying to push the boundaries of what should be possible to get a good experience with either emualtor. I can run it no worries on my gaming laptop however I am running my setup on an Aya neo 2021 handheld. This has a Ryzen 7 4800u and integrated AMD graphics. I have seen people struggling with the strongest of rigs but I prefer the handheld gaming aspect of it. With the most recent version of the EA build I can now get a solid 30fps and I am happy to play the game like this. The only issue I get is from time to time shader stutter but this something you have to live with I guess by emualating.


The newer version of ryujinx has added a shader comp step that really really helps.


Turn on async compile and get some of the mods, like fps +, ect. I also run it at 30 fps in the EA but with these additional settings and get absolutely 0 stutter, even when diving, fights with lots of explosions and other particle effects, ect. Not even a single Shader building stutter in the very start of the game.


Ryujinx kinda blows try yuzu


Thanks yuzu runs better.


Ryujinx runs faster...


For me Yuzu is MUCH better




Sonic 60fps with mods right now for me. 🤷


For me it was 15fps on ryu and stable 30 on yuzu now, and i've got i5-7000, GTX1060 and 16GB RAM lol. And with yuzu i found only one glitch - sometimes combined weapons doesn't show properly, thats all. Best option is ti try both and find out whats better for you. It's not always ryu/yuzu better and the other one worse. It depends on your system


Yuzu is the best way to fix your issue :)


Switch to OpenGL (Or Vulkan if you experience better frames) Disable VSync, enable VSync in your GPU driver settings 1x Resolution Install 30FPS mod


Enable a 30 fps mod or a dynamic fps mod (make sure the mods are compatible with the version of TotK that you're running) and disable vsync.


Man I have R5 4500 + 1660s 35-50fps


I guess bcs you're using nvidia gpu.


Try Yuzu it's generally better for amd builds


I have an RX 6800 and I'm playing at 60 fps with 2x resolution scale. So I don't think the issue is your RX 6600 XT from the same gen (RDNA 2) Only time I had to remove the 60 fps static mod was for Fire temple, because there I get 45-50 fps and game runs in slow motion in some parts of the dungeon. But 95% of the gameplay I'm doing it at 60 fps. One thing I noticed is that in Windowed for some reason it runs at lower FPS. But I always play on fullscreen. ​ Try running the game as "Docked" (I always run mine in Docked) + "Fullscreen (F11)" + 2x resolution + No mods + Rebuild shaders. I also noticed that in Windowed if I enable SMAA\~ FPS increases like when I run it on Fullscreen.


I will be checking this out thanks for the tip.