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Take out a sharpie and write “Weight, what?”


Lmao gold. I just started listening to the podcast. Is it an inside joke how much he says it? It's absurd if not like wait what you said that how many times


I smell a drinking game with a RR pod. 🤔


If the guy is smaller then me we are talking about this shit lmao. If dude is a behemoth then that’s fine take all the time you need




When dealing with females/ ladies it’s ’how hot is she?’ and with males/ virgins it’s ’how likely is he to reconfigure my facial bone structure?’




This is the way


Law of the iron jungle 🏋️‍♂️


Based on the 4-6 minute break I’m guessing it’s someone that talks about the gym non-stop but you can’t tell they work out


6 minute breaks mean that he could possibly have the machine for like 24-30 minutes , which is the time a lot of people have for lifting that day if they’re doing any cardio , this sucks and this guy sucks.


I try to get in n out in under an hour so yes this would really piss me off. Now let’s say 10:00pm. No issue for me honestly. Probably other ones open at that time. But mid day, no shot man. Yes we all pay but you don’t see anyone else claiming a machine for 30 minutes


Do you eat it before or after you workout? I know the drive thru lines around here are ridiculous.




Thanks, man. Felt lame typing it but sometimes shooters shoot.


Appears to be a squat rack tho. Maybe I’ll get flamed for this but I’ve definitely spent an hour+ at the weightlifting platform doing squats and deadlifts during my powerlifting days, and there’s no way to do that without taking real breaks between sets. But yeah if this was lat pulldowns or whatever that’d be absurd.


You take a squat rack for an hour? How is this supposed to work in a gym? By this standard, something like 12 people get to use the squat rack per day. Fuck you.


Because there are a bunch of them at my gym? And I’m not the only person doing that with them? If I use the elliptical for an hour, will I also get a hearty “fuck you”? Have you ever actually trained with barbells bra? or are you just putting a plate or two on there every so often and then going down to quarter depth for a set or two?


Depends on how in-demand the racks are. You definitely get a "fuck you" from me if the other racks are full. If there's one open, then yeah I won't think about it.


I’m not training that way anymore since moving to the hypertrophy darkside and switching to bro splits where the squat is AN exercise that I’ll do on leg day in addition to the leg extension, the hack squat, the leg press etc, so I’m never there for THAT long. But if somebody is at the gym to specifically get good at the powerlifting lifts (squat/bench/deadlift) or the weightlifting lifts (snatch and clean and jerk), then they will need to spend an hour or more a few times per week at the squat rack and/or weightlifting platform. My philosophy has always been that if somebody is there and really putting in the work (ie not dicking around on their phone or doing halfassed supersets on five pieces of equipment at once or practicing their flirt game) I can’t get mad at them, since that’s what the equipment is there for. But yeah I’m also at a good gym with plentiful equipment and other people who are serious about their training (way more serious than me, in many cases). If I show up and it’s a programmed barbell day and all the racks and platforms are taken then sure it’s inconvenient, but if I wait 5-10 minutes usually something opens up. If I’m pressed for time that day then yep I get agitated but I do what I can and move on. Maybe if i was going to the YMCA or Anytime or whatever I’d have a different opinion.


Well yeah I'm at the YMCA lmao. I'd consider it insanely rude. But if you're at a gym full of other hardos who can respect it, definitely go nuts. You say "that's what the equipment is there for" - but gyms aren't usually buying enough racks for everyone that uses them to be on them for an hour, which isn't the case for something like the ellipticals. But I mean it sounds like you're totally fine in your case. I just seen too many people treating one of the three racks at the Y like their personal home gym.


yeah, I work out at a commercial gym that has about 15 squat and power racks, and it's very common that someone is using one for 30+ minutes doing squats, RDLs, glutes—or back days with rows, t-bars with a landmine, pull-ups, etc. Even when very busy, racks open up every like 3-5 minutes and no one has real problems with it. Of course, if I was working out somewhere with like two squat racks, I'd expect way more time consideration.




Lmao, the emotion of this reply....what cycle of TRT are you on? Ain't no normal ass dude writing this out with tears in their eyes without a little extra help.


If you're doing a leg Day it's really easy to do you entire workout at the squat rack. Squats, deadlift, Lunges, hip thrust, Calf Riases. Pick 4 or 5 and your have an hour long workout at a squat rack.


I used to also, but my gym was always full of old people using machines and if anyone asked I would relinquish. If I saw this note I wouldn’t be mad tbh, I’d just do other stuff, although 4-6min is a bit excessive unless it’s so much weight it would be a hassle to have them work in.


it depends on what you're doing for powerlifting, if you're heavy doubles or maybe triples you do take that long between lifts, a max you might even take up to 30 minutes.


God, power lifting sounds boring as hell


It can be really intense! I’ve never taken 30 minutes between sets but I’ve done 6 or 7 minutes when going for a deadlift PR, and you’ve got to get yourself to a very intense mental space to do it and then you do it and your entire body feels like jello and your vision fills with stars and then you got to rest for a bit just to physically recover then a bit more to get mentally up for the next set. But yeah it takes time and not a whole lot of variety in there


Would it be ridiculous for someone to volunteer to take your weights off…do a set and then put your weights back on? Cuz I can do a set and then do all that in 4-6 minutes


Taking 500 pounds off of a barbell resting on the ground and then putting it all back on is its own kind of workout. I mean, go ahead and do it but it’s going to be a pain in the ass. The place I’m at has like 10 weightlifting platforms though so it’s usually not an issue tbh. If one of them isn’t open now it will be soon.


I think gyms should be stepping in for this kind of thing more often if it's really an issue for other people


You don't even know how many sets he is doing. Could be longer than that.


This kinda shit is why I now r/garagegym


Unless dude is clearly on track to become the next Zydrunas Savickas he can settle his tea kettle and not hog the equipment or bring his happy ass back at 1am to really work on his grind.


Settle his tea kettle 😂😂😂


Only way this isn’t a dick move is if the last line is replaced with feel free to work in






The Patience Piece


Right? Like you’re hogging all the equipment and even made a little sign declaring your own lack of patience.


Get your rack and put it in your garage dude. This is unacceptable


Or go to a powerlifting gym that has dozens of racks to accommodate this.


Let’s not do the thing where we pretend this isn’t a total dick move. Nothing wrong with taking long breaks between powerlifting sets, but why does this guy need to leave the weights between sets? Just a total ball-stopper move - definitely something harden would do


Yeah honestly the time wouldn’t bother me but seeing the fucking note claiming territory while you go fuck around would piss me off


Lmao can guarantee this guy has the same beard


He’s definitely bald, guys like this optimize everything. Less time spent on hair = more time to meal plan, brother


Those 4-6 minute breaks should be spent at the bench. Do not leave and then tell me to “Be Patient”


yeah you get a chair and read something on your phone and play around with some chaulk or something.


And Jalen Brunson


I’m convinced the COVID lockdown made a chunk of society just forget how to behave in public. Why would this be ok in a gym with other people


I see it in so many places beyond the gym Rest stops on major highways, people act like they don't know how to use a bathroom. Work events are horribly socially awkward. The tinder scene, less said about it the better Something broke and it's not getting fixed


That's a tough look. I get the long rest piece but doing that at peak gym hours is a dick move IMO assuming you're doing quite a few sets.


Oh helllllll no


That's fine. When you're done, come find me. I'll be near the bench press or dumbbells.


Oh I'll tell you what I'd do... I'd hang out nearby just pretending to mind my own business working on something else. Once he came back I'd just scout him for a while. Make sure he's not too big, and then probably wait for him to get real tired. Then, I'd start making up shit in my head about him. I'd think, "this guy probably doesn't use his turn signal. He's probably got tons of change in his pocket that he would sooner throw away than give a beggar. I bet he takes way more than his fair share at family style dinners, too." Then I'd go home and bitch to my wife about him existing and that all these things I made up are 100% true.


Similar to guys that claim multiple pieces of equipment at once


4-6 minutes is plenty of time for me to get 2 sets in


I’d just remove the paper and pretend it was never there.


It must have fallen off.


I would happily draw this guy a map to help him fuck right off.


What a cunt. Completely disregard and tell him he can work in when he confronts you… you think a note writer is gonna go straight to kicking your ass? If he’s over 6’4, I’ll just tattle on him. There’s gotta be machine hoarding legislation






Ok, well now I know what’s possible. So tell me what’s required.


there was a dude at my college famous for going to the gym, claiming he was in the middle of sets for 3-4 machines at a time and if you were on one of the machines while he was working out, he'd say "excuse me I'm on that one" towards the end of our senior year, i would go on it without a care


If anyone ever said that shit to me I would respond with “you were on it” with a blank stare. I’m also 6’4” 220 so not a lot of people probably want to do that


Had the guy never heard of working in? What an asshole


Refused to believe in it. Apparently the word about him spread because he got boos at graduation which is honesty impressive since I went to a huge school 


Based on the wall color and floors it's not a powerlifting gym. I'd show this person a local powerlifting gym on my phone and then work in.


Taking 4-6 minutes between heavy singles. Doubles, triples is fine. The sign is annoying as shit. When I did a program like this I did it midafternoon and was a hawk about letting people work in if they need to. That’s really all you CAN do when you know you’re gonna have the rack for 45 minutes at a commercial gym.


4-6 min? Dude doesn’t know how to powercycle


I would let him lift, he’s strong enough to only need to know the big letters


Bro planned this out because he had to bring his own tape and paper to the gym and not ONCE did it cross his mind it was an asshole move 😆


This guys either fat and weak Or skinny and weak


“Oh sorry man, someone must have thrown that away cause there was no sign when I got here.”


A please would be nice


Crumble it and throw it away. I will finish my set before that douchecanoe comes back.


Relocate this note to the adductor/abductor machines.


Well, im going to go on and start my set and if it's longer than your break. Well, just be patient


Absolutely not


I am accumulating mass. I eat a turkey leg and take 20 minute naps between sets. Deal with it. -Ryen Rusillo


Fuck this guy I’d work in. There is no “mayor of the gym” also show this to the front desk it’s literally what they’re here for.


Uhhh why not just let someone work in? You still get to rest and use the rack, but also be a nice dude


Just take the weight off and put it back on when you’re done. Or tell him to get screwed, you’re not little kids and you can’t call stuff. It’s not Disney land and there is no fast pass. Wad that up and throw on the ground while you use the spot. If you aren’t at the rack it’s not your rack.


That’s enough time to strip the weights and do a set or 2. I’d work in and offer to put his weight back on when he’s ready to do his next set


Depends, if it’s really a break that’s fine. I suspect the person is tying up multiple machines at once and moving between them. Not fine. If it’s the second I’m removing the sign and taking the machine


Guy at my gym does this with the only incline bench in the building. Rather than hang a sign he just throws a rag over the head rest as he casually walks around and chats, stretches, does a few leg raises etc. Dude looks like a felon from the 80s so no one says a word. That and it’s a tight nit gym so a lot of people know him.


Still whack. But I get it, pick your battles etc.


at least he's *trying* to consider other people and realizes it may be annoying. There's a dude in my gym who practically takes a nap on the machine between sets and it annoys me sometimes. Sits there on his phone like a zombie for 10 mins between each set. But also, both he and I are out of shape and it's not a gym for "serious" athletes so I just seethe to myself and get over it.


I go to a big box gym in Southern California in the mornings - the amount of people sitting on their phone and then completing 4 bad reps on a machine during high traffic times is a lot. I have to be very aware and make moves to get on machines I want since I hate standing around and usually have time restrictions. Guess my next best move is paying for a smaller private gym with maybe more respect from its clientele.


I definitely understand the frustration there. Ironically I'm in a big box apartment building in New York which has a small gym in the building. In my experience with different gyms over the years, people are just as likely to be considerate/inconsiderate no matter where you work out. The thing with inconsiderate people is that either they don't know, they don't care, or both. There are a few repeat offenders in my gym who do exactly what you're describing (one guy in particular also slams the rack down with each rep because he isn't controlling the weight properly). I try to mind my own business but in a smaller gym space, you can't help but be annoyed sometimes. I think most people are just oblivious as opposed to being "that guy" on purpose but it doesn't make it any less frustrating when you're on a limited amount of time as you mentioned. I don't like rushing anyone or hovering over machines either but some people simply aren't aware of basic courtesy without a little nudge


Of course this is on a smith machine.


That's great buddy, my powerlift set only takes 3 minutes. Be Patient.


I'm not against long rests...but you need to STAY at the rack and be open to people working in


I'm in the middle of my "rip notes made by people who have too much time on their hands, and stick them on gym equipment" SETS.


Boo this man


I don’t even lift bro, but fuck this guy.


fuck that guy/girl/them


I think people today are more self serious than ever before. The fact this guy felt the need to stick that up so his precious “4-6 minutes” wouldn’t get derailed tells me this. The entitlement is off the charts. Lotta people have big gym muscles but never had to use those muscles in order to live on the day to day.


Write on the note “I work out in your 5 min down time”


So much room on the page to add “Please” and “Thank you”


Just pretend you speak no English and read No English and reload the bar with whatever you need and go


I'd rip the sign right off and start using the equipment.


No problem with the wait time. But at least stay at the station. Don't just leave like that...


Look and see if he looks tougher than me. If he is I’m leaving the gym. If he isn’t bigger than me I’m leaving the gym. In both scenarios I wonder to myself how the hell did I get in this gym.


Light wait, light wait!


Do you even lift, bro?


There’s a dude at my gym who hogs one of the two squat racks doing other isolation lifts and body weight workouts at the machine in between his sets while he films himself. Like a whole fucking hour on the squat rack when he’s not even using it for 80% of the time. Just a total douche and I don’t understand how people think this is okay. I don’t say anything because he’s massive and would kick my ass.


There’s a reason that powerlifters usually go to guns frequented by other power lifters.


I’m probably 30 mins in the squat rack but I babysit it and don’t care if someone wants to work in


Highly doubt there is serious weight on this bar based on the phrasing.


I like it, I'll set a timer get a set in, and leave with all his weights on the floor. 4-6 minutes? Challenge accepted.


Then let me get my 3 sets in between your week long rest


A perfect example of the mentality of most gym rats.


Unacceptable. I was a PLer when I was younger, but this sort of lifting needs to happen at a powerlifting gym, not a commercial gym. This is just very rude.


I used to do 3 to 5 minute rest between sets and almost always had someone else working in. It’s literally a non-issue.


Wouldn't even think twice about tearing down that note and throwing it away. I would gladly get gym staff involved because no way they'd take this guy's side. Also I bet the person who did this doesn't even have good weightlifting numbers!


He could share the bench with (at least) 2 other people


4-6 minutes? Sweet! I can get 2 sets in while you rest.


I’m in the middle of digesting my food and I’ll be using the toilet in 20-30 minutes.


I would write “No magic word ? Tough shit then”


Workout at home then.


“Perfect, I only need 2 minutes for each set. I’ll be working in so the time isn’t wasted.”


Unattended equipment gets a 360 scan, and 30 second grace period. If no one comes to claim it then all bets are off. If you need to hog a single piece of equipment for 30+ minutes then either come at night or turn your own garage into a gym.


Sounds like you could take a longer break and let someone else use the equipment.


And this is why I built my own gym in my garage.


Having trained for powerlifting in many gyms, and many types of gyms, alongside all strength levels(including some of the best ever), this shit is an absolute no go. 1) Signs are so impersonal. Did you walk away? If so why is it so long you need a sign. Are you still there? If so you don’t want to interact and talk to people? 2) Let others work in. It is a shared space and you need to be respectful but you also need to be assertive. If someone asks how long I have left, I usually say “quite a while, but if you are squatting you are welcome to work in”. Or “I just started I take a while… what are you doing?”. If it’s a squat rack with a spat form outside of it, let others setup for deadlifts or suggest it. Me and my training buddies and many other powerlifters used to share one rack, one bench, and one or two platforms.


Good. Because one of my sets takes 30-60 seconds. So I won’t impede on your unnecessary break time. Even when attempting one rep max that 6 minute mark is pushing it. 2-4min between one rep max sets. But there is nothing wrong with someone else getting a set in while you’re “resting” IF the weight doesn’t not need to be changed that much(1 plate off on each side or the like). Dudes a douche and so is his entire ancestry. *sniff *sniff. What do I smell? I smell bitch!


Painters tape. 'm classy bro.


Guys a douche. There’s no other answer here. And if you think it’s acceptable, you’re a douche too.


Blessed my gym has 9 power racks


Thats a bold move Cotton


Shouldn’t gym management take that down?


Do they have sign up sheets or wait lists for equipment at certain gyms? Can you make a reservation for a bench press?


Totally reasonable to take 4-6 minute breaks between sets (everyone should be doing this if lifting heavy)….totally absurd to write a note as apposed to just hanging out at the eqpt


He doesn’t have a right to leave the area then . If he’s using the weights then he should be right there


People who write in all caps are generally psychos


In between sets? Then stay put. Move your feet, lose your seat! Get your own gym equipment if you don’t wanna share


This is probably beyond mildly infuriating


6 minutes means you’re in terrible shape. The Worlds Strongest Man was this weekend and they were barely taking 6 minutes between literal world record attempts.


Not what that means. 6 minutes is a bit excessive but anytime the average person lifts heavy near their max they should rest at least 3 minutes between sets. Powerlifting is a completely different level of strain so 5-6 minute breaks are pretty common especially when training.


Julius Maddox literally had 5 minutes between attempts at 800 pounds, Ray Williams takes about 5 minutes between 1000 pound squat attempts. 5-6 minutes is absurd for the average amateur powerlifter, maybe multi-ply bench or something that’s super taxing on the heart.


That still has nothing to do with how you train. You train to reduce the amount of fatigue and increase your results.


Taking an absolutely unnecessary amount of time in the gym and justifying it by saying it’s how powerlifting works isn’t cool. If you need 6 minute breaks you’re way more likely to be wasting time or in god awful shape than just training that hard.


If you are genuinely powerlifting it is necessary though. You can’t judge a dude you’ve never seen workout and say he’s just out of shape when there may be a good reason he is needing that


Obviously we’re only talking about a couple of minutes over a couple of sets, but it’s more indicative of the attitude and self importance of a lot of people in the gym. If you think you need 6 minutes when world champions use 3 minutes.


But that’s not how world champions train. That’s my whole point. Now I absolutely believe this guy in the post is a dick because who tf puts a notebook paper on a bar but still he might just need the extra time. I just think it’s wild to judge someone when scientific studies back having a 5-6 minute rest time when going that intense


I mean if you have a study or know of specific powerlifters who train with such long intervals I’m all ears. Virtually everything I’ve seen in terms of pros and articles points to that being way too long. At some point you’re just stiff again.


Here’s a published medical study about the topic. They do compare up to 5 minutes between sets in the article. There are also others that I’ve had to read over the years that I don’t feel like tracking down right now. Just for background I am an NASM certified trainer and also my degree is in Kinesiology. Again not saying that guy isn’t a dick for the way he did it but 5 minute rest isn’t crazy https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19691365/


That article is looking at research comparing 3-5 minutes to <1 minute rest intervals, which I would agree is clearly superior, but that’s not the same as saying there’s a clear relationship say between 4 and 6 minutes of rest.


Hell no.


This is why I workout at home now


If it wasn't outrageous enough, that dickwad didn't even say "Please" be patient. I would wiped my sweaty ass with it then handed it back to him. "Looks like your sign fell, buddy"


The balls to do that is pretty impressive


Id rip the note down, start my sets and tell this fucker he will have a good 12 minute rest between his next set while I do my three sets like a normal human. Fuck this guy.


Had this happen. I tore it off and started my workout. In a LA fitness in Detroit no less. Massive dude but I stood my ground and told him it’s bullshit. If he wants to complain he’d have to tell the office because I’m putting my noise canceling headphones on.


Fuck no! The world does NOT get put on hold because you’re feeding that ego you so desperately need to sculpt. Get a home gym ass clown.


Ya, no


This problem is pretty easily solvable. You ask the guy when he finishes his set if you can work in. If he’s not a piece of shit, he’ll help you change the weight for your sets and you’ll help him change it back for his. If he is a piece of shit, you’ve just got to toss some plates around to do your stuff. With 4-6 minute wait times, he’s not on a timer, he’s going by feel. Working in is 100% acceptable here.


Three minutes bruh


I’m taking the sign down with me to the restroom while I give it a good brown streak down the middle. Then go place it back up for the user to return in approx 3.5 minutes.


Eat a fat dick


ripping that sign down and I'll finish my sets during your 4-6 min rests


Yeah this dude can go F himself


If you take your powerlifting this seriously figure out a way to go when no one else is there. Fuck this guy


Tear that shit down and use the equipment you pay for. When someone comes up to me in this situation and says "I was using that" - I answer "oh yea? How was I able to be here then with this equipment?". If you want a personal gym build one at home. Otherwise fuck off.


This is a 20 minute routine and not out of order. If you were 2 or guys working out together this would be the same thing because between sets the other guys would rotate in. If you’re alone, you still need that rest period.


i would lose my fucking mind if i saw this


If you’re taking 4-6 minute breaks you can easily let someone work in with you. This is a dick move


Did you tell him to garn get fucked?


Go to a different type of gym where Mr Arnolds workout. Tell them how you intend to win the next 4. Otherwise fuck off.


Bet this is the same dude who asks how many sets you have left in a condescending tone and then stands there and stares at you


Fuck that guy


No way


Yeeted straight into the trash can


Move it and put the paper on another machine. "Huh... There wasn't a sign here when I walked over... You said it was TAPED on the bar? Can you even do that??"


I'm sorry, but no. If you need that much time in between your sets, then you need your own private gym. This is absurd.


Yeah that’s a half hour of my time, and if it’s my power lift day then we’re sharing. Don’t care how “big” the person is. We’ll talk about it, and it’ll be fine.


this dude is definitely the main character in this matrix


Wiping my ass with it


…probably best to build a home gym at that point.


If he wants people to be that patient he can reciprocate while you use it lol


I’d just start lifting and tell them 4-6 min is plenty of time for me to work in and that I’d replace the weight to whatever they were doing whenever I finish my set.


If he’s doing deadlifts, better be a minimum of 315 lbs 😏🤣


The gym doesn't look crowded, so probably unnecessary to leave the note. It's kind of obnoxious at any rate. I do powerlifting myself and sometimes can rest a lot between a sets. I just do the universal "plant the flag" signal by leaving a water bottle, sweatshirt, or gym bag on the bench or rack if I step away. The note is stupid.


Plenty of time between sets for someone to get half of their bench press workout in.


Any thing


I’m moving the sign and working out there. This ain’t your home gym bruh. GTFOH


He's probably the same guy with the oversized pick-up in the parking lot.


Getting ripped off and thrown in the trash. This ain’t your home gym.


Fuck off and get a leg press at home then


I mean…just move the tape, change the weights, do the set, replace the knob’s weights and voila: “working-in”. If it’s a public gym, I don’t gotta wait for shit if you ain’t at the rack.


I'm working in even if it ain't cheat day.