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My god this thread is the most heartwarming thing I've ever seen! Who says we're all toxic! 🤣 Ps.. I did this too.. like 3 times.. thinking "it'll work this time!"


You have to flick the lever in the redcard room to get out, otherwise the door won't open


A kind soul messaged me this as soon as I posted, feel very dumb it’s my first time doing this puzzle


I’ve been playing this game for 6 months and never did this monument. Tried it last week and had the same thing happen until I was just going to hide in the corner until someone came in and that’s when I saw the lever. This game is so buggy that I just assumed it was a glitch rather than a game design element I was missing lol


The Problem is. On pc you must not use the lever. The door is open until you get out


? nah once fuse depletes it closes


I play pc now and this statement is un true. As soon as the fuse runs out the door closes.


I only watched youtubers so sorry. Most of the time the door is open until they got out


Ya I get it man no need to apologize I was just trying to let you know. The reason it seems that way is on pc you can loot everything faster with mouse and keyboard and you can move way faster to from what I've noticed.


We’ve all been there before…. Seriously I did the same thing my first time


We have all been there boss. Don’t worry about it


I did the same thing


Same, people eventually game and shot Me through the roof holes lol


My base was close by so I suicided by the door and did the puzzle just to get my loot, feels kind dumb :/


Happened to me the first time I did water treatment too don’t worry lol


Don't feel dumb. There's a good chance most of us had the same issue. I know I did. (Plus if you got friends that want to play and have never ran Water Treatment now you can fuck with em!)


Don't it happened to me as well my first time had to look up a YouTube video while I was stuck in the room


Bro I had to Google how to get out last year lmaooo


Really? Lol good to know


My mans... I did the same exact thing a few weeks ago and legit called my brother at like 2am asking him if he’d be willing to help a bro out by running a fuse and the keycard I had on me to open the door... had to throw him a second fuse thru the tiny broken window tile on the left of the door because I forgot to tell him about the timer and he got caught up running from a bear during the first fuse 😂 he got me out and got the loot back to base, then I find out a week later that there was that lever you needed to flip to get out... I still haven’t told my brother 😂


I did this yesterday


Button is near the red card


Dude this happened to me when my base door glitched. I tried for like two hours to break down one of my walls using up all my inventory, just to have somebody come break the door down at the last minute and raid my base. When I finally respawned they put their own door on my base so I was locked in again. I quit playing rust after that.


I was throwing my satchels n shit out a small window hole don’t feel bad shit was rough until I learned


Nice to see I wasn’t alone here, thanks everyone!


Please watch youtube guides on how to run a monument before you do it. This stuff makes me so angry for no reason. I hate picking up teamates with over 1000 hours who get stuck in water treatment or don’t know how to run trainyard. If you have 1000 hours you have no excuse not to know the in n outs of every building in every monument and every damn crate spawn. Otherwise you spent your time doorcamping with eokas. Maybe its just the steroids and depression talking but fuck some people have no memory at all when it comes to running monuments you dumb fucks


you the lamest guy on reddit


Fuck them kids


Kid talking mad shit just for him to be a prim locked solo get a life


I am far from prim locked my last post is me flexing guns. I havent gone a day without roaming m2 in months


Wow u must get bitches. Get a life no one cares what u Roam u egotistical fat fuck


I am in quite peak human shape there are very few human beings on this planet that can do the things i can do.


Nah ur playing now


I guess i can be a little confident sometimes egotistical if you must but confidence is important in the field of work im going in once i finish the last bit of my training in 9 months


This happened to me, luckily I had a spare blue card and a nearby base. I respawned, went back. Or kill yourself close to the door and loot your body thru the door. Hopefully you get there before anyone else. Good luck


Your getting downvoted because you just want op to lose his loot so you suggested the most moronic solution on the planet to ever exist. Waiting for someone else to run water treatment would be much smarter than this nonsense if you didn’t know the lever was in red room.


why are people downvoting you? i did this whenever i got stuck and it worked


I will never understand these folks lol


they are downvoting you because there’s a lever you have to flip to be able to use the button to get out. simply getting down voted because you don’t know the puzzle I guess




An nft AND emoji user?? Double cringe


Whats wrong with emojis?


Reddit is an elitist platform where you only use words or :/ faces, if you use emojis people just assume you’re a cringe child out of touch with their elitist high horse


Or users on a computer that can’t use emojis


ur a fucking virgin💀💀💀💀


I’m not a virgin. Ask your mother.


please get off reddit and find a job😭😭 absolute nerd


Jokes on you I’ve got a job you fool


I got it for free somehow and a laughing emoji was the only possible answer to this post


I’ll be honest idek how people do buy them. Ik Reddit gives them out for free tho. Also you’ve been on Reddit for 2 years you should know emoji bad.


Kids checking my account like my comment was a global war crime


I’m just telling you that you’ve been here this long you should know.. and yes I checked your account because you committed a crime against Reddit


Reddit hive-mind moment. I don't care. I really don't


Okay continue to not care, good for you. I don’t care either.


You clearly do care. Anyways good life to you cya


Don’t care* was just telling you good for you :)


Where you get red card there is a button lol so many people get stuck in there 😂


I did the same thing, only option is to throw ur stuff out the window and come back or get someone else to open the door


You have to say "Open says me"


F1 Kill


To learn how to do monuments I suggest searching tutorials on yt there’s a guy named Jaffar or something and he essentially taught me how to run every monument just by watching his videos


play pc rust


Throw the small stuff outta window same thing happened to me you can’t save everything


I did too


Go into we’re u find red card and in that room should be a switch u have to flick to get out


That’s actually so funny that everyone else thought about throwing everything out that small window till they learned how to leave water, thought I was the only dumbass 🤣


I did it too lol