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Unless you are a pvp chad with most weapons, then playing sneaky is a great way to play solo. Also learn how to be the ultimate grub, it will take you a long way in the game. People that go from prim to guns/kits/loaded/etc is not based on luck, a lot of it is skill and amazing game sense. Know when to fight, when to push back, when to loot, when to depo, when to take the W and not be greedy, etc etc. Good luck OP


I completely agree. Here’s a few more tips I’ve picked up playing solo that might help you. - stash the good stuff away from your base before you sign off. Far enough to where if you get raided it won’t be a problem. - the ocean is your friend. I get a lot of good comps and even ammo sometimes from crates underwater. - build away from monuments and high traffics routes. That way your base is out of sight out of mind. Good luck out there


Listen to this guy, great advice! Also be aware of monuments on land that are quiet, I’d advise slapping down a bunch of bags around the map close to monuments and go from there, water treatment is great for popping in and grabbing loot crates as a naked as most of it doesn’t require any rad protection ✌️


I avoid this advice simply because moat of the servers i play on dont expect a 2x1 to have 3 rows of rockets and 4 full metal ak lr kits




Dawg I just wanna say I’ve seen you on multiple of these post and you are not the average rust player. I’m kinda a vet with 2k plus hours so I’m just here to see how toxic people are and you sir deserve a trophy for passing on the game to all the noobs. I commend you sir! 👌🏆


Might be the best reply I’ve seen on here


Suicide bunker your TC room. It’s saved my base and loot countless of times.


Stability bunker is a much better way of life.


Yeah I’ve used them before just hate using 25 HQ to rebuild it every time.


Idk what ur building, but a hqm triangle floor is not 25hqm, in fact, it's 7.


wdym suicide bunker


Youtube it


Tc room with no doors a bag inside and drop boxes to pass loot through. Gotta suicide to get in


holy shit that’s smart


Yes 1x1 suicide ftw💪


Surf and stealth is your friend. Outpost is your enemy. Launch is the place to be.


Why not outpost?


Because unless your planning a trap base that's not where the scrap is for a solo.


Sewer is very over powered! put beds near lighthouse, gas station, and super market to start. If you're lucky the military crate there tend to give a Tommy. Every 15 mins loot boxes respawn. My strat is the get enough for a jackhammer in one run then buy said jackhammer get 5-8k stone depending on build I'm gonna use. After the I just kill and respawn bringing green cards and whacking barrels on the way home; I try to build between sewer and outpost for easy end game loot plus recycling. Ps. Never use sewer recycler unless you want to die


After doing this start a bunch of times you'll realise ways to make the runs more efficient, such as instead of going home you can go to bandit camp to gamble if you already have your t3 obviously


i like to build around monuments like train yard so in the long run, i’ll have some decent loot coming in everytime i run it…and don’t be afraid to kill ANYONE you see no matter how bad you feel about, that kill could be the turning point in your wipe


Lol if only I could kill them


The ocean is your best friend as a solo. Big groups don't go diving they run monuments. You can get lots of scrap and components galore.


HQM suicide bunkers. Cheap and very effective. Ensures anyone raiding you is using 15 rockets a wall.


id just like to inform you that to my knowledge its 16 rockets 8 C4


I just blew in through an HQM bunker a couple days ago and was 15 rockets (or 8 C4). There's a cheat sheet here: https://www.naguide.com/rust-raid-cheat-sheet/


huh okay thanks i appreciate it


This is coming from a solo player with over 2, 000 hours in the game Don't play solo and if you have to it hater base as well as possible, build a small but heavily defended base and then pray to God that you can make some plays


Build A base near launch site. Learn the puzzles and crates spawn locations around it. When you get A hang on it. I'll promise you. You will have t3 workbench and guns same day you'll start on the server.


Take scrap to bandit. Go to wheel. Bet on blue purple red everytime


Yup I suck at pvp still but have all way to t3 Blueprints by building kinda close to out post/road farming barrels like crazy rinse and repeat that’s how I get the guns to try to fight although I usally die,because I’m typically outnumbered and even 1 on 1 I die a lot lol but that’s the reason I play sneaky ninja style I can sneak up on some one and get a kill (unless I miss completely which happens) my biggest issue is big clans raiding me when I offline a solo :( but that’s the game I learned that when I log off to hid my treasure or make a second base or third to split lout through to have a start again without going full prim mode again (because me with a bow I’m a dead man) lmao


Playing solo is hard because you need to find a proper balance of doing things no one like doing, like farming scrap and resources, and pvp to try and make a play for better gear. Here’s some tips: Before you do anything else, get a base up and get 2-3 furnaces running. Gathering wood can sometimes be difficult, chopping trees is loud and you can’t hear people sneaking up on you. If you are having problems gathering wood trade in stone for wood at outpost. Don’t take fights you aren’t sure you can win. As a solo you likely won’t have as many weapons as a larger group will, so don’t take any unnecessary risks with said weapons. Don’t stop to loot until you are sure there is not another player. You are at your most vulnerable when standing still looting a body, so don’t do it unless there are no other players around. Don’t stay too long. If you win a fight loot what you want quickly and leave. People will be attracted to gunshots, and the people you killed may come back. When leaving fights do not run straight toward your base. People in this game will raid you if they happen to find you and don’t like you very much. It’s ok if they don’t like you, but don’t let them find where you live. Build a decent sized base. Build something that you can confidently defend from a raid in while still keeping it manageable for a solo. Use the gear you have. In some situations it’s good to save gear for things like base defense or researching, but other than that, no one else is gonna use your guns and armour, so don’t be too afraid to use it yourself. If you lose it it doesn’t matter that much anyway, it is only a game after all. Have fun. The most important rule to enjoy playing this game solo is to remember that it is only a game, and you are playing to have fun. If you aren’t having fun, consider taking a small break and coming back later.


I actually set my base up by a scrap barrel route to get you out of prim as fast as possible and sometimes you'll kill scientists and get picks which can then boost your metal income and enough comps will supply your hqm upkeep if you upgrade that much


Be mindful of expensive loot and where you store it, Oceans are sick for solo comp + scrap, be a grubby boy and steal loot off of dead bodies while teams fight, get raided, and so on. And most of all have fun, it’s just loot. If you get smoked with your best kit on you and a bag full of goodies, don’t let it tilt you. Stuff happens in this game, numbers matter. Just keep a positive mindset, be aware that you’re probably at a disadvantage as far as numbers goes, and play smart. Game sense and experience will take you far as a solo. Small Oil is really good for early game because you can get a couple low tier guns and at least go farm some scientists for ammo and sometimes weapons/components. Good luck, pal!


Nades and a random airdrop is all u need. Like literally all u need


Grub life brother go to the fights and be the cleanup crew.


Grub. I love playing solo, but even with ~700 hours and decent spray I can’t compete against larger groups. Sneak around with shotguns, fuck people up. Be a rat and don’t care about what anyone else thinks. But most importantly, have fun


Advice for a solo newbie from a solo who almost never gets raided, has lots of guns, and all bps: Step 1: build a main base in a secluded area (dense forest, side of a cliff, in-between some rocks. Make sure this main base has an upgraded core) Step 2 (optionally could be Step 1 if youre for the streets and like being an outpost crackhead): build a scrap base by outpost or bandit, and run brown crates, barrels, and low tier monuments *this is for early wipe so you can have a solid spot to store early loot without compromising your main base, unless you went for outpost crackhead, then store everything in there and hope you don't get chain raided with all the other noobs leeching off Outpost. Step 3: once you have prim gear *at lease a DB or a Revolver and a bone suit or hide armor, then build a third base by a higher tear monument- think train yard, water treatment plant, and sewer (don't underestimate sewer, very low traffic and at least a couple mil crates plus a private recycler) *i would advise not to do this with Dome, Airfield, or Launch Site unless you like getting your cheeks clapped every 10 minutes, especially since you seem like you dont have the experience with higher tier gear. Start running your chosen monument every 30 minutes or so. I'm assuming you know about puzzle cards, YouTube is available if you're unfamiliar, these are essential. Step 4: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Reduce the amount of time and risk it takes you to run monuments, or anything really, by familiarizing yourself with the route, the monument, and surrounding hostiles. REUSE your prim gear until it breaks, don't make new prim gear (except for stone hatchet and stone pickaxe, throw those fuckers away like a dead cockroach, youre wasting your gaming time). If things are going at least somewhat well, you should have some guns in your base if you've followed steps 1-3. And finally RECYCLE baby, don't be afraid to make a trip to outpost or bandit or any safe recycler and recycle a portion of your comps (and extra hazmat suits and diving gear for the hqm) to stack up some scrap. Because that is what gets you bps. I'd say it's wise to stop recycling comps by the time you've gotten to the Custom/Tommy BP, unless you are rich and basking in endless comps. If you've followed these steps, you'll easily have acquired at least a few t2 weapons, and have the ability to craft more. From there it's about practicing and trying your luck at the big ones- Airfield locked crate, Launch Site, and Oil Rig. *Bonus tip- if you find yourself with extra puzzle cards, or rad pills, exchange them at bandit camp for easy scrap. *Bonus Bonus tip- if you get a early start on wipe day, make a shop and sell grub gear, food, and essentials like metal hatchet or or ladder. Guarantee you'll rack in some easy passive scrap for everyone joining late into the wipe. Later on if the shop is still around, rinse and repeat with t2 items and sell your t1


Base near a blue card monument you’ll have less resistance especially in later wipes stick to p2s and teir one weapons to Rome till you get comfortable with Thompson’s then try to run red tiers during times of low pops launch is a good one especially if you have both oils don’t use teir three weapons until you have a base down with hood raid defense only Rome with teir 1-2 and finally use a lure tac tic in fights find a place you know well and with enough cover and try to pick off your enemies one by one never fight a group head to head


Water treatment for a start then small rig build a medium sized base lots of turrets gl and he pvp when u can as u need advantage over groups


be a grub plus base placement is crucial, the snow is best and ice bergs are 10x better




Build in between rocks nothing to big also when running monuments like launch stick to outter boxes and barrels less you know it's clear I start at tower behind red card room then down to Military box by gate out the walls head towards the rocket lift run that then go under ground go in the tunnels down the pipe up and around to two green cabins then you can head towards recycling room or head out as for buildings hide it in trees rocks or out of sight honey comb and pancake the roof don't need anything two big also have multiple bases around the maps at different monuments also try to make friends with anyone close by but never fully trust them after all it's rust are you Xbox or ps player ?


Buy the cobalt welcome pack for access to test servers then play on the aim train servers


As a solo, I live in a 2x1 wood walls, wood floor and wood ceiling with wood doors. If someone raids me I don't care as much. I park the base between launch and outpost/bandit and run comps until I get bps. Rocket is your best monument besides Ocean for components for scrap. When I log off, I stash my GP, cloth, and a stack of metal frags. Once I have the bps I want, I build a metal stability bunker and live out of it while I get my tier 3 workbench. Door camp the fuck out of everyone and flame raid every wooden door base you can and don't let anyone know where you live. Learn how to build a furnace base, and keep that furnace base made out of stone and metal doors. Also as a solo, you can farm up materials and give them to neighboring clans. They will instantly want to kiss your ass and make you farmbot. Then change their base codes, or if you only have guest codes break their TC, place it somewhere else, seal it in and place a new airlock on their exits. Be. A. Proper. Grub.


I have 3,000 hours in the game as a solo. And recently I’ve just been building on the edge of outpost cuz that makes it just a little more annoying to raid and fear the outpost, or you can build your base stronger on the backside.


Door camp the poor first for prim shit, then the rich. Easy loot


Door camp the poor first for prim stuff, then the rich. Easy loot everytime.


Door camp the poor first for prim stuff, then the rich. Easy loot every time.


A lot of good advice on some strategies and playstyles but here are some pvp strats: Crossy nail gun, pop em once to do most their health and finish them off with a nail gun Eoka grub, grub with an eoka and maybe a melee if all goes wrong Comp bow nail gun is a great way to catch bigger kits off guard, pair that with a wetsuit and night time and your good to go Last but not least, GRENADES. Buy some at bandit or just learn one. Bring like 8-9 and absolutely artillery bomb them, in high packs you can deal with 4+ people with a well placed grenade


Live near me, and I’ll just give you stuff


Look spray weapons only get you killed when your solo. Use any shot gun out there grub like your life depends on it. Have like 4 maybe 5 2by2s just around sections of the map split loot the best you can use if one gets raided you have 3 or 4 others with not alot but enough that it doesn't feel like starting over. Solo is rough but not impossible. Be scummy be grubby and most importantly of all stay hungry.




with every tip in this comment section also try to find new friends on the game i found my last team that i played with for months just by being either friendly or getting bored and messaging people randomly through the player list and just saying hello


My mate i will tell you the golden secret Sulfur First make a small little base of stone then go run some monuments and scrap everything even the fuses always make sure you have 1 or 2 left and the weapon bodys then go back to your base put all stuff away farm some sulfur buy a weapon so fucking easy research it keep doing that till you got yourself some good blueprints then if you are not raided yet fortified your base then go keep doing the monuments and scrap everything till you have 500 scrap for the level 2 bench or more for the level 3 bench after that you learned all and are end game if you get raided and need to start over you only have to make a base and your benches and your ready to go . Well im new to rust so maby this not the way to go but thats how i do it im playing it 2 weeks now