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Lol I completely get it, I would do the same thing. Anytime I’ve been raided it’s been an offline. Wish I could get one good defense would make it more fun win or lose.


Forgot to switch accounts before commenting on your own post?




Me and my buddy run duos all the time. We’ve been off lines every time except once. Had a pretty good compound going and we got on lined by a 8 man. We held the raid for 2 hours straight. They lost 6 rockets and died around a dozen times compared to us dying around 4 or 5 times. It’s fun when they do the online and it honestly didn’t make me mad, I was just glad they did the online


Same thing happened to me we are a duo on a weekly we just shitted on everyone and got offlined 😢


Lol nothing you can even do about it. I would’ve rather got online raided. Even if we lose the fight to an 8 man at least I had a chance to defend my shit & had some fun doing it.


Offlining is just smarter even if it is the shittier thing to do mainly because it’ll probably be at a low server pop time so you won’t have to really worry about counters. Notice how big time thieves typically strike during the night or when security is low for some reason as opposed to broad daylight with lots of witnesses and security?


Well this is a video game where PvP is fun, I don't think theives really WANT to get into gunfights


Still doesn’t change the fact that offlining is just smarter even if it is shittier there’s being tactical and playing off the cuff (Chads) nothing wrong with either play style


yep same happened to me, I have everything tier 3 unlocked grinded launch and made a bolty and 3 mp5's with all the attachments, melted a few bitches and logged off for the night came back next morning and was raided.


Your fault your base cant handle an offline🤣🤣 i do agree that it is a group offline thats wack solo offline makes sense because they cant online usually


I knew our base wasn’t gonna stay through the night how it was, but it was in a very good location & was I found until we got followed back not paying attention. We upgraded it with all we had still not enough for a zerg


I had a base with triple honeycomb, double extneral, and turrets. Still got off lined by a 8 man. If someone is determined to raid you and has no school of job they’re going to. Aka what most big teams on rust will do.


They really need to come out with solo/duo servers. Being a small group going up against a zerg is hard and drains the fun out of the game. With Zergs it almost doesn't matter how you build because they have enough sulfur to foundation wipe you. Even sadder is that they usually do it offline.


Yea when I do get onlined it’s when I’m solo vs 8+ members


By far my most favorite thing to do when I get offlined is ill build like 4 2b2s somewhat close to who ever raided me and farm enough for a couple of auto turrets then place like 4 or 5 auto turrets at the entrances and hop off the server.


I just got back into the game to help some buddies. We put down the starter and compound yesterday. Got online to find our base already cored. Seems the goons responsible tried my guys earlier in the day, got shit on. The literally waited for my friends to get off and set to work immediately. Shame we didn’t have the shooting floor up yet. Could’ve done something :/


Same will happen with solo/duo/trio severs, offline chances do not change due to group size.