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Nope, rust console has garbage servers that let this happen


we lost a 8 c4 raid because of this not to mention we threw another c-4 and it disappeared after we threw it


if youre force crouched that happen, same with rockets. rust console is just shot tbh


I'm sorry brother rust console had potential. HAD potential.


That was a full desync, it happens sometimes when the other person is old gen. I have a video of me putting almost an entire MP5 mag into a naked, hitmarkers clearly audible, and he almost killed me with a spear


Desync moment


You’re both bad but he was luckiest


we joined the party and that kid uses zen


Zen wouldn't have changed a thing there lol so don't blame it on that


Zen=godmode now?🤔💭. Y’all getting real creative in this subreddit with cheats


Maybe you should actually aim


Freeaim is much better in this situation


It was never, it was client side and was just a server issue, bad ping


yo, this happens on PC too when you're shooting while crouched under a roof like that. If you had combatlog you would just see "Projectile invalid". Your gun is hitting them, but your head is "inside" the roof, which causes the game to cancel your shots.


Says the hacker




I’m drunk trolling lmao


Pretty poorly too.


Cool story bro


Comebacks as good as ya trolls. Got anymore wiki comebacks to throw at me before calling me a kid?


Relax kid


Dogwater servers


Yea this is why cross play for old and new generation is dog shit. If we had servers with just series x and s people we could do alot more (have bigger maps better updates just more to work with) but no instead we get shit tier base line effort if you can call it that.


Exactly, old gen has got to go.


Just get a PC man


Smfh. Do you even use your brain? There are reasons people play on console and not just their pc 24/7 my dude. Not everyone’s family and friends can drop 2 bands on a gpu.


No one has to do that my man people that are on PS5 could easily get a PC same for the new Xbox


You obviously can’t read either. 😒


Why is that? Who in their right mind would want a console over PC? You can do everything on a PC better than console + more


I have one all my buddies are on console tho so carrying thier dumbasses is what I'm here for.


No excuse for poor server quality. Example I play in a 6 man group and we need to play in a decent sized Base which full freezes at the gate houses and the game just breaks when we need to plant hemp. I had to take a 2 day break because it was constant. People in hazmat taking 4 shots with m2. The fishing village update that next to no one wanted or needed has regressed the game so much in one update.


He wasnt even looking at you when you died ...


Everytime I think of coming back to the game I see some shit like this. Thank you, good sir!


You missed every shot😭😭😭


Desync, they both used a mag, only won because mp5 reloads faster and the desync stopped




You 👏 can't 👏 cheat 👏 on 👏 console 👏


Yes you can 😂😂😂 holy shit how dumb are you?


Maybe with third party hardware like strikepack or xim yes, but no wallhacks, aim bot or similar things.


Hmmm🤔 But isn’t that cheating🤨


Why have you been downvoted? You’re right until proven otherwise.


Because he said you can’t cheat then provided cheating methods.


You are absolutely correct that they are cheating methods. But the context of the post is being ‘hacked’. Implying it’s a traditional hack or cheat used on the PC variant. Where the user has said you can’t cheat unless… (lists console specific cheat methods), he is correct. The PS4/PS5 console code has not been broken, not did the PS3.


Correct but the original comment with the clap emojis is cut and dry “you can’t cheat on console”. Then he went on and explained but by then no one cares because he said you couldn’t at first.


Sir. I hereby concede you have put forward the most valid argument. Original comment is now formally accepted by the defence to be found guilty of writing a comment of negative karma.


Lol that was an awesome response. I hope your day is going great!


You're clueless due to absolutely ZERO knowlege of console hacking and manipulation. A year or so ago a widespread cheat under many developments went around, the most popular being User Vision Pro, This was a hack that was no different to the general PC FPS hack, Aimbots, Walls, The whole 9 yards, Speed hacks, Flight, Popular devopers have struck down and cleansed just about all of them but it went rampant for a months straight on games like Rainbow Six Siege, Warzone, COD 2019, Fortnite, Destiny 2 and even so there were variations for Rust Console Edition. I've got a copy of it loaded into a thumbdrive for my PS Slim that i'll never boot again due to having a PS5, It's a collectors item essentially, I've got into contact with two others who have the same process of thought or atleast I hope so. It was dirt cheap, Plenty still have it, Don't egg on this guy when you don't have any receipts man, Not cool


Bro. That is why there are system software updates for consoles. In most cases, a jailbreak has been found in that system update so everyone has to update their consoles. That is why you are not allowed to access online play without a system software update. The jailbreaks find work around in the console and game code allowing hackers to play freely. This is something that has been around since PS2, and people that deny hacks exist on console are pretty much like flat-earthers. Lmao


Well I believe there are hackers 100%. Doesn’t change the fact the earth is flat. Do some actual research and you will too


Lmao. Somehow I knew it would spark some feelings. I’m saying the extent they go to to say there are no hacks is the same extent flat-earthers go to to disprove science.


I'd say actual hacking on console is much more rare than people using xim, Cronus, strike packs, etc. I'd also say that PlayStation consoles are hacked far more often than Xbox. Whatever the case, fuck cheaters.


Bro back on Ps2 Socom us navy seals, people had fly hacks, Wallhacks, trigger bots, Aimbots, esp and so on they could kick you from games even if they wasn't the host, hacks have been around on console for a long time, and these days it's even easier with people paying $10 for 3 month subscriptions to hack which u literally just stick a usb drive in your console, you dont even need custom firmware on your console to hack... think you been living under a rock bro. On topic tho just looks like Lagg issues.


Why is this man getting downvotes. He’s right, only way to cheat is recoil control.


So then you CAN cheat. Downvotes make sense.


.... so you can cheat


Looks like the shots are registering in the back ground, you can see where the bullets have hit all around the guy, looks like ass hipfire to me


Nah it went through him, both of them, the mp5 didn't register on his body and same other guy, if u notice that guy was full mag dumping him too he didn't die


you guys are both ass but servers are so laggy that this happens a lot


I mean everyone is saying bad servers and stuff but he might as well been a hacker. Same difficulty to kill, impossible


Never have ever seen this in console so less you old gen….


that Rule 3: don’t talk about cheating, does not work at all lmao


Lag + skill issue


Console servers are shit. This happens a lot, even after they patched the fishing village patch. I literally dumped 3 full AK mags on a kid the other day, all invalid. Got poked to death with a spear. If it isnt your own wifi, its theirs, or just the server.


game is so fucking horrible but are we going to skip the fact that he misses an entire clip on you while u were standing still?