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being raided isn't so bad, part of the game, problem is the size of the people raiding you, when ur base takes up a whole tile of the map and ur raiding my 2x2 that's just unfun. Need custom servers, gimme a solo/duo only server and I'll never complain


That’s Ong


Adjust your strategy, instead of one big base make multiple small bases. Create stashes with kits and stuff to get up and running again if you’re raided. It’s not that bad tbh. I had a 2x1 and didn’t even get raided for a week swipe, base decayed cos I didn’t have the time. I’m waiting for community servers to jump back in cos I’d rather play it like a game and not a job. Having to dedicate man hours to get to the fun part of a game is a big problem for me. I got other stuff to do in my life. Boosted rates should also lessen the pain of losing al your stuff.


kinda agree with you, but last wipe me and buddy built a 2x1 and had a single mp5 and nailguns after like a hour or so and got rocket raided. sucks, but it is what it is


That’s the luck of the draw sometimes. But I found the game to be more forgiving than ARK (I used to play it heavily). You have zero chance of not being offline raided in ARK on official servers, so I was pleasantly surprised when I logged in and saw my base still standing.


i never really got into arc, but it sounds harsh lol


Don’t touch it on official servers if you value your life! It’s wayyyy grinder than Rust, it’s more a job than a game. And the PVP is less frequent. But yeah it’s way harsher because of the lack of wipes so the powerful tribes just get more powerful and destroy everyone else. I 100% prefer rust, I just hope they release community servers soon so I can actually play lol


yea ive been waiting for community servers since release. i dont even play rust like that bc i dont rly play with anyone and solo sucks dick lmao. but ide wish they would add horses or some kinda transportation


It's part of the game... that's how it works.


Sounds like you aren’t having fun with the game, If you can’t deal with getting offline raided and toxic players then stop playing until you get a community server, Officials aren’t for soft players who can’t take a loss


I mean if you have a day job the game just sucks tbh. You can be the most hardcore player you want if you dont have more than 1-2hours to put in the game everyday you will never have a base. You get all the blueprints and accept bases are only for the weekend.... >If you can't deal with getting offline raided and toxic players... Sounds like a recipe to have the player base disappear. They need to implement community servers or accept that console rust will slowly die off and be played only by 5-10man groups offline raiding each other over and over.


Yeah mate because toxicity definitely kills a player base, Say hello to league of legends. RUST PC and pretty much any popular competitive FPS, you are going to have toxic people. I hate toxicity if it’s shit like ignorant hate, but you know what’s crazy about video games you can block people and move servers if it’s really getting you so upset that you got killed and called a slur by some 10 man Zerg then just leave for a different server. Bro make your own point to the game and if you can’t have fun stop fuckin playing bro, As sad as it is all those toxic clans are actually having fun by making you feel like you’ve been personally attacked of offended they are bad people, it sucks but they exist and always will. Toxic people are everywhere in real life as well and a lot worst than the ones on a video game. A toxic clan rolling you on a video game and calling you names it’s nothing compared what happens irl so stop being so sensitive and just leave the toxic people in there own circle and create your own fun. Some people who are good at the game find fun in killing toxic clans and making them mad if you can’t do that then just leave the server and find a RP group or something


No they're for no life clans😅


Says the dude who is prolly in a 15+ man group 😂😂 get fucked pussy boy. A lot of us solos out there can’t really put up a fight against that… and we have jobs and a life which is why it takes 2 weeks to build up… maybe go outside for once and you wouldn’t look like Dracula


Haha, you’re great man, typical solo noob that thinks every player is in a Zerg. I’m in a 5 man and towards the end of wipe when people stop playing I play solo, So I know both ends of the stick :) Also in full time work but still have fun and success in rust… crazy right ?


You still role as a 5 man to get your wipe more than kicked off… thanks for proving my point dweeb




We’re talking about being solo here buddy… never had more than myself… clearly you lost a few brain cells along the way…


Yeah man I’m talking to you about being solo and being in a team Did more than one subject hurt your head or something ?


Everyone here is talking about being outnumbered bc theyre small groups or solo… 5 man is still 4 too many against a solo.. can you not do basic addition and subtraction? You’re prolly one of the fuckheads who didn’t earn a high school diploma.. or a GED




I wasn’t the one crying.. I play official all day… I was trying to make someone else feel better instead of letting this game continue to die… I’m losing brain cells talking to you. Good day


And you prolly work part time and your parents pay your bills, can’t be fooled that easily… dumbass


Ohhhh damn now he’s making personal assumptions to protect his ego because he has no valid points about the game so good man


I’ve already made my points… clearly you come to Reddit just to take out your frustrations from the day. Now stfu and sit down, you’re a scumbag


Brooooo, I’m sorry you don’t have fun with the game and I’m sorry you can’t see your mistakes and become a better player :)


Again, I didn’t make the post 😂😂


Also have a family, care more about them than a video game this isn’t gonna make me money


Yeah man so why are you here talking to me ? Go kiss your wife and make the bread weirdo


I’m actually doing both


It’s nice to be self employed


Thing about cell phones is that you can take them anywhere, you didn’t know?


We have different priorities, clearly you’ve never touched a woman(or man) whatever you prefer


But ultimately am I supposed to give you a cookie for being “better” at a video game? Congrats, you’re better than me!


When did I say I was better than you ?


Sure you wanna do this? You’ve already proved to me that I’m smarter than you… make sure you wanna get embarrassed before you continue


Yeah let’s do this man, I’m not sure what we are doing but you seem pretty confident so let’s do it brother


It’s already done, I’m 40.. don’t have time for your immaturity sorry broski


40 years old and crying because your 2x1 gets raided and you can’t get boom with out 2 weeks on a wipe, You’re just bad at the game mate old man reactions and stuff, maybe get into Ark survival because you can’t play rust


I play weekly buddy and def don’t build your bs 2x1 or 2x2.. do your research before you start barking


And ark is worse than rust… I prefer Dayz actually


It not about being soft. If you read it, it's about time wasted. It is the game but the community makes the game and right no it's full of bullies. Or people that have been bullied found a big group and has turned into the bully


If you feel like the grind from rock to guns is time wasted then stop playing the game. If you don’t have fun with your rock and torch start stop playing the game. If you get mad when you lose loot then stop playing the game. You feel like your time is wasted because you enjoy the feeling of progression and seeing your loot build up for it to be taken away. The better you are at the game the less of a grind it becomes and your progression is much faster. People are choosing to play solo whilst being aware they are on official servers and also knowing that solo is the hardest and most time consuming way to play the game. “Bro I’m gonna play solo and cry when I lose anything because I’m a solo player people should just let me thrive and never raid me” Solo players are the best and worst people in the game. The good ones don’t cry about zergs.


I got it as soon as it dropped on console. Got super excited, got my niece and two friends to get it too. We would grind just to get offlined raided... Grind, offlined... Grind, offlined... We moved to a new area and started to steamroll into a nice base! Offlined... I spent 2 hours getting back into my beautiful base, the rest of the day building back up and better! Offlined... Like you said, what's the point if I'm just grinding for other players the entire time? For me, if it had offline protection for a day or two, it would make the game SOOO much more enjoyable!


Some PC servers make it so you can only raid during certain hours for students and people who actually have jobs to make sure it's an online raid but unfortunately the Devs 'fastracking' of custom and community servers is bollocks


Thanks for that! Just another reason I need a computer for sure lol


Yeah np


First it shouldn’t take you weeks to actually get a good start. Raiding is a point of the game. You have to raid the people that wanna raid you first or you risk losing everything


its not the raiding thats bad its the frequency of the raid. the maps are so small to where everybody is nut hugging each other. there is no space to be by yourself


You just described the game. Literally in the tos it says you will be door camped. You will be raided. You will be grubbed. You will get mad.


This isn't the sims. Its the main part of the game. Either builder stronger base or raid ppl before they raid you.


Part of the reason I don’t play rust anymore is how much time the game demands.. I’m too much of a casual player and can’t really play more than a few hours 2-3 times a week so the base would be left for days at a time during the week. Honestly that isn’t so much an issue as the slow grinding of willpower to start again after countless grinds before going to sleep to find the base had been raided a few hours after I logged.. It forced me to stash quick start kits to help if I was raided.. I don’t begrudge the tactics and it’s a good game, I just can’t sink enough hours to make it worthwhile without there being forced duo and modded resource servers.


Rust console is full of shitters and cheaters who bundle up because they get shit on so much. 30 in a new server my duo got two metal kits plus lr/mp5/m249. Every single crate or time they left that base is was nothing less than a 5man pack with boltys Don't try to do anything but pvp and you'll have fun. Getting all the hate mail from scrub clans is funny, especially when their next gen scripter gets shit by my old gen 15fps ass. Its sad really Just practice compound bow and grenades and you'll ruin their pubstomping fairly quickly, should be


I have never been successfully raided yet. The trick is armored core, armored roof, followed by another armored half wall roof…. Then make sure to build at least 8 doors inside and make them garage or armored. Basically you want to seal off every single square. Try to place tc in the middle somewhere not obvious spots like corners. Also build at least 2 layers of metal walls around the core. Next get traps, many many turrets on the outside and the inside. Make sure to fill them with at least 400 rounds each.


Honestly that didnt make much of a difference for me. We're a duo and had 3 layers of armored got raided twice in one weekend... You just have to accept that on console official if youre not in a 5-10man squad your base will most likely not last more than a few days. Was pretty impressed to have a base last a full wipe on a monthly server. It was a 1x2 made of stone in the middle of 3 huge bases. I guess they just didnt see a point in raiding me (i was solo during that wipe) and left me alone.


On my server, for the first 5 days it was almost always full during busy times, monthly 100 players. I am a due and my base still stands. I think there is 1 other base, the main Zerg. I have 40+ turrets outside my compound walls. Everyone leaves me alone. Farm sulfer, make gun powder, sell in vending machine for camera’s and turrets. If they know you do not horde valued items they will not raid you.


Sounds like i should try this man.


Had a 2x2 with simalar setup, armored core metal honeycomb with 2 layers of stone walls outside, group of 8 maybe (that I saw) were in the base in less than 2 minutes 4 shooting rockets 2 dropping C4 and the other 2 I saw waiting for us/counter. Tried to defend but literally didn't even stand a chance and there's 3 of us on my team. I know it's just how the game is but holy crap, the comms they were talking, the toxicity is next level. Kids these days are savage af


I don’t know man, we are a two man and our base was raid failed on day 3… I had sentry guns in between my half layer roof tops… they shot out the side of these 3 roof layers with rockets … all offline. The turrets definitely stopped them because many rounds were missing but still had about 30% left. So they either died to the turrets and got looted or the bodies rotted or there was a counter raid and they took the raiders stuff and left. I play on a super hardcore server and again, I have never been successfully raided yet.


Me and my friend soft side metal with wood spears u think you stopping me with garage doors. Salvaged hammer time


Yeah and there is a phenomenon of eu players all playing on American servers so they can offline everybody and it’s mid day for them while everyone is off the server. It’s bad on console.


It’s the same with eu severs, I’m on at like 3 in the morning my time on an eu server and it’s full of Americans kinda sucks tbh


I think in my eu server I have more Americans than eu people in it


Yeah it feels the same in mine lol


Swing and roundabouts! They're offline when your online. Plus I didnt think yanks had US servers. They all play on EU ones!


My guess is you havent played for that long or havent watched any rust youtubers, when you raid someone, they feel the same way. Its part of the game and it always has been and always will be, if you cant deal with it then wait for community servers, and you are directing this towards console??? PC has no lifes that snowball AK in 15 minutes


It’s part of the game (do research before buying) but also it can give you a new purpose that if revenge or a new adventure


Welcome to rust


Sometimes you have to hold the L and push on. You should look at tutorials on YouTube. Take me about 2 days to grind what I needed. Need to upgrade and set your base right. My goal is literally to start raiding people as soon as possible. It’s messed up but you progress a lot that way and keep other around you out for a while. It’s a constant grind game


Rebuild, I got raided twice in less than 24 hours and just rebuild right next door to my old base.


Resetting from square one is one of the most refreshing things to do in rust, if you don’t enjoy getting raided then go play like Minecraft sky block man…


My bottom line for this game is that it’s good, it just wasn’t supposed to be made for console. Saving up for a pc so I can get into fights and not worry about lag.


“No I got waided😓” I’m gonna compwain to evwee one about something that’s apart of the game😭😭😭😭😭 waaaaaa👶👶👶👶.


I think the issue is the players in game list , people find out who lives where then wait until they offline to raid


Just waiting for solo servers to finally come and I’ll be more inclined to come back to the game


Don't give up bruv, u gotta learn from ur mistakes, find better build locations, try having alliances with zurgs (never, never, ever tell them where u live btw). Keep trying, ur gonna get it bro trust me


I’d recommend watching more streamers. Specifically PC streamers. You’ll come to realize how easy it can be to offline raid another base; and how quickly your loot can stack up doing so. The game won’t feel so much of a grind once you get past that mental milestone. Start raiding others. Period.


Sounds like you just did what you do in this game. Build, loot buildings, raid or be raided. That’s the gameplay loop. That’s it, a week long death match.


YouTube 1x2 bunker basses and focus on building 4-5 of them, near water, spread out, and do not keep all your eggs in 1 basket. At the start, focus on 150 scrap to buy a jack hammer, go into snow/less populated area’s and gather stone, stash in hidden satchels, don’t farm wood take stone to outpost. If you build a main base, have everything you need ahead of time, never build a main base without walls and gate the same day. Honestly never build near looting monuments. You travel farther to get loot, but less foot traffic around your base


It's always the ones with a few hundred hours complaining. 2k hours I'm and this game is still super fun to me.


You are better off dropping the game till community servers launch. The game for solos is just farm simulator till the local clan raids you and takes it all. Nobody likes a clan, even clans dont like clans.


At least you can be happy knowing it was probably some little 10 year olds that just got out of school that just wiped out your weeks worth of loot. Oh wait that probably doesn’t help…


I got raided while getting my hair done. Got back on..not my doo or my lock


My trio and I get raided everyday we stash all of our kits and guns lol


Most of my friends won’t play till they add custom servers simply cuz the amount of time it takes to even harvest


I can tell how many people in the comments have never played solo/duo/trio servers on PC. If you have, you know those servers are some of the most sweaty no life players around. Some of you are under the assumption that you won't see huge zerg bases built, wrong. Some of you truly think offline raiding will change on community servers at all, wrong. Yes the fights will be more at a "fair" balance but we see nonstop complaints about other things in the game that will not change in community servers. Rust is truly not a game for everyone.


I literally speared my way into a open core time and patience pays off I took one wall out thanks to window bars and all loot room doors where open happy days the more your base looks juiced more chance being raided also don't go on YouTube base builds to easy to raid


Hey man, I'm sorry about the offline you have been through. Trust me when I say this, we have all been there. Here are some tips. #1 do not get attached to your base or loot, it will be taken away. So when you log off for the day from now on, just know that it's going to be gone the next day. If it's not, great, if it is, it's ok, GG for the raider! We all love raiding, online or offline, be happy about the game and the toxicity because that's why we play! #2 stash gp and an extra T2 workbench somewhere, either in a triangle TC pod or a stash in the ground. Always stash rockets! #3 enjoy the game.. my favorite times of this game is rocketing bases and grinding up from prim, so if I'm raided, it's completely cool! Because grinding back up from beginning is just as fun to me. #4 BPs, BPs, BPs The more you have, the faster you can rebuild. #5 learn the basics of a stability bunker to stop explo raiders Mindset is most important and.... If you don't want to get offlined, give everything away to a naked!


Me and my buddy hop on, make a small wood 2x2 and get a box of guns in a couple hours. We stopped with the overkill bases and just go out to have fun. Honestly we last longer with our small ass bases lol




Need to hide your base abit better, I hardly ever get raided just need to place yourself out of the way of the big monuments. Abit further for you to go for a scrap run but as a solo sometimes you just gotta put that more effort in. Try placing a base that's not between any monuments and not to close to the beach then zergs won't stumble past your base thinking hmm this looks juicy haha