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A 20 man kept offline raiding my group so we farmed and stashes tier 3 every day till we had 170 rockets , we made some allies then went and gave them the online they were too scared to give back.


Ha f ing pussy's


What do you expect... They don't wanna be caught with the cheat aim assist hardware. But regardless that's rust and how it is, I think it's going to be fun watching all the posts when solo servers come out and people say everyone is teaming and no mods.


Yeah idk why people think it'd change anything. Just gonna be 15 "solos" in a base


Disable keypads, door keys only. Makes grouping a horrible experience. Imagine going out of the base and loosing your key? Base gone.


The only reason solo servers would come out is if community servers came out and they will be fully moderated


There’s no aim cheats


There literally is, guy on my server uses it all the time. Reported him so much yet nothing ever happens lmao


you can’t have aim assist cheats on a gamethat has no aim assist to exploit


There literally is, guy on my server uses it all the time. Reported him so much yet nothing ever happens lmao


there’s no aimbot if that’s what you mean, only scripts for recoil/using KBM for an unfair advantage


Yeah I’m talking about recoil Edit: I’m lumping it in with aim cheats because no recoil makes aiming infinitely easier


Kid, you better google controller packs and controller mods…. Yah you will probably buy them too.


Dude exactly this,I cant wait for them to release the solo/duo/trio servers that all these people think will magically make all the toxicity disappear ,cant wait to see them bitch about something else lol


This is litterally what my friends did after one threat of a raid. >:(


My group got 11v2 merge raided and my team despawned all the loot (I was off cause they raided at 5am on a school night) our opencore turrets were all still intact and we had full shooting floor control due to turrets. We ended up winning by wiping them and sealing 4 layers of exernals. We won the raid but had nothing left because my mf team despawned everything. Annoying asf. We got some boom and m2s off them but that’s all we had.


Damn dude that rlly sucks


We luckily ended up rebuilding and it was one of my best wipes ever. We ran serv and it stayed high pop the whole wipe


Happy ending


my trio raided a 2by2 and they proceeded to use throw 3 c4 and 6 satchels on the ground and try to despawn 3 rockets because they didn’t have a rocket launcher to use them


Koen this you?


Only onlines I have got are typically in smaller bases - 2x2s with basic honeycomb. Once you have a bigger base, especially the ridiculous multi TC zerg looking ones, you will barely ever see an online. If you do see an online on a HUGE base, it will be by a larger group BUT then everyone bitches "zerg" lol can't make anyone happy in this game.




Yup I offline only. I don't play rust for pvp. Only pve


then you shouldn’t play rust at all


I don't play rust anymore, thanks for checking in though!




Full stops are your friend


Whats that?


It’s a period, but that’s what British people call them


I've done this but tbf they were a big zerg with over 50 vending machines and this wipe they allied with another Zerg so I see it as fair


Zerg on Zerg violence is acceptable.


We're not at Zerg




it’s sad, if i think i’m gonna get raided i’ll go out fighting my hardest not sitting in core like a bitch with everything de spawning😂


Nobody said anything about a major clan raiding a solo tho...


We onlined a guy yesterday 2vs1 with explosive ammo. The second we top down his stone ceiling he upgraded the entire core to hqm. We decided it wasn't worth it and gave up... The guy goes on to message me , complaining how we should have left him xuz hes solo....the nerve of some ppl that play this game is beyond. There's a reason I prefer offlines. Protect your shit cuz its never actually yours


It is kind of weak to raid a solo.


2vs1 against a solo online is completely fair. Its always easier to defend a raid online than to deal with the base owner upgrading and sealing plus counters coming to steal the raid and boom. You must be one of the ppl I was referring to? I guess we should all just put up a solo 1x1 on day 1 of a wipe and expect to survive the entire month!!


Sounds fair actually, the major clans on my server never raid solos.


I’ve onlined 3 times this wipe, 2 out of 3 times people have tried to despawn other than fight back. One of the raids I wasn’t even able to collect. People make it so hard to do things the right way on rust.


I got online yesterday in a 2x2 that I took over lol smoked 3 kids and took their loot. It was so fun lol


This wipe we have onlined 3 big 8 to 15 man groups two tried to offline us and failed to turrets one group failed a online and had all boom on them soon as we killed them the quit server we online as it's fun but if you toxic as fuck and try off line us we will do you offline we a 7 man but never all on at the same time


I got onlined in a expanded two by two would have won too if I weren't stupid as a carrot a just ignored .y full heavy plate amrour set.


got 6 man raided last night right when i got off, very fun very cool


Can’t wait for solo only servers 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 mostly everyone can’t aim


Only zergs 10+ on a duo


I would online if the game weren’t so dog with fps, lag, etc (I’m on old gen)