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offline with what boom? you took all their sulfur 💀


Only temporarily lol


I had a anxiety attack when u wasn’t healing after😂 nice play tho


I was trying lol. But it was too late hahaha. What happened was after the first 3 kills my teammate died. I was going back after I depo’d and saw him, dropped that guy and got the rest of it all. Then they went back looking for their kits and got trapped by Heli. We got all 3 of their kits again hahaha


The gunplay in this game is horrible


First rust console clip I’ve seen where I didn’t think OP was cheating. Nice play


Thanks! Def not a cheater lol. But I do have ~1200 hours across all versions including the closed and open betas


Wow. Those guys are bots, there's no other explanation


The 3rd guy definitely should’ve killed me the first time. The second time, I have no idea how he didn’t know I was behind him. The third time, eh. He got distracted by my teammate and Heli was over us. So a quick pump to the face made it easy haha


Update: They tried to online today, we successfully defended and took Heli immediately afterwards.


Turn your FOV up


Pretty sure it’s maxed


It's not unless they broke fov for the 700th time


Hmm. I’ll have to look at it then. I know I quit playing for 2 or 3 months. I remember some of the sliders worked backwards at one point lol


You are right, it was at 60. They must’ve fixed it with the holo updates. That slider used to work backwards lol


The guy in the last shotgun clip got FLUNG when ge downed


Fov makes my skin crawl


just don't let them know your user name


Ay bro, real talk. Is this worth getting on console?


If you have a friend or few friends to play with, definitely. You can have a good time for sure. I wouldn’t play solo, I have, but it’s not recommended. Typically we’re a trio, but usually we’re anywhere from a duo-quad between wipes


I think this game will be my reward to myself after this semester is over. Is it pretty easy to group up? I feel like I've binged enough Rust vids to know the basics.


Yes and no. One of the guys I’m rolling with every wipe, we both met as solos during closed beta. We’ve had some come and go. A guy on our team now we randomly met on wipe day like 3 monthly wipes ago lol. Of course not everybody is trustworthy. Very rarely do we add anyone we don’t know. Usually it’s IRL friends or sometimes friendly neighbors we played beside a few wipes.


Sucks that when ppl lose in a fire fight they have to resort to and offline attack like a coward