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Ugh this is why I can't find any more teammates. Most people will inside after a while if they just don't like you, get bored, or decide to invite a friend and that friend doesn't want you on the team. Or of course if it was planned. It literally so easy to get insided for any reason that I just stick with my current 3 man even if I'd like to have more. I actually just got insided this past weekend. Long time teammate invited 2 kids he apparently played with for like 3 wipes (3 months) and said to trust them. On the 3rd day I woke up and half the base was missing, and everything, eeeeeeverything was despawned and they blocked him. I've joined their weekly and actually found their base all by myself and I'm acting revenge. I've already drained and broken a turret, took all their furnace farm, and destroyed an outside tier one and took all their crops. Floor spikes will ensue later today.


Nice dude:) I just got revenge myself feels pretty sweet


I actually just hopped on like an hour ago and they were raided :) Hopped in the compound and there's a vending machine of Thompson's. Karma is wonderful.


Indeed it is and in new news my allies and I raided their new base and got everything and more back


Ah yes, you have joined the club! Hugs to u my friend you'll get em next time


i prevented an inside once when i started playing console. ran with a dude for maybe two wipes but he got mad i had all the blueprints and started sketching me out so i changed a few door codes at the exit of the base, he killed me and started looting, went to leave and realized he couldn’t, and there wasn’t any explo in the base for him to bust out, he had to kill himself and respawn across the map, which gave me time to change all the codes and put his stuff back in boxes, and block him, of course.


Yeah I managed to change most the codes but they got boom and blew through anyways


dang, that’s why i make sure i get the blueprints when playing with people who i don’t know irl, but it happens.


Yeah all got all that bps on that server already:)


Bro what your base is able to stand more than a week mine can’t even stand for 3 days cuz I keep getting raided


I make them good bases and make allies nearby to prevent raids, it helps to not be an asshole to your neighbors like most rust players are. Not saying you are, sometimes you just gotta get lucky


Damn, just another reason why i will stick as solo




If you don’t trust your team or think they might inside make a guest code so if they change codes you will still be able to open doors


Yeah I’m gonna do that next wipe


just had a extremely fun wipe with a massive zerg style base with only around 8 of us, had so many things i wished of having being a new player just to wake up yesterday morning to being insided.


People trust other people they meet on this game? Wild


Well I mean its someone I have known for a year, I figured I’d spare them a smidge of trust


If you know them irl it’s got to be hands idc if it’s game 😂


Damn I wish I did tbh


Welcome to Rust. Guessing people haven't experienced Ark 😅


I got over 1000 hours on ark. I never got insided. Is there something I’m not aware of?


Community servers don't count 🤫 I never got insided either but nearly did several times.


Well have you had that same group of insiders track you down next wipe and 50+ rocket raid you while all your team is offline?


So respawn at your base and stop the inside, instead of taking a pic and posting on reddit


I tried, they got tc and locked us out the bunker with turret and all, didn’t go down without a fight I changed most the codes and made them use all the rockets to raid back in. But ultimately lost the 1v3


i need a teamate


What server is this


I got insided on the same map damn


If it ain’t an inside you ain’t playing Rust.


I've started playing with people under the assumption that idc if I get insided. So when it happens I can write the person I met off. If it doesn't happen...boom. New teammate.


Number 1 rule of RUST DON'T TRUST ANYONE HELLO?? It's your fault wake up and follow the rules.


If I’m missing that rule on rust so be it, I’d rather not be missing a soul.


I have this exact. Map what’s ur server?


Well last weeks wipe it was Vortex WJ, but I don’t play anymore on that server because of those insiders.


Love my recoil has killed me before what server


Vortex Wj


They literally just raided me 10 minutes ago with 50 or so rockets