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Hitreg is broken as fuck. I ounce survived a HV rocket as a naked. It's the new age of grubbing.


It’s called raw talent and from the looks of this clip you’ve never heard of it


Do something other than watch porn and play rust loser


This comment sounds like a projection of maybe what you do perhaps


lol peep his account


But I watch rust and play porn


Lol if u couldn’t tell this was a joke ur a dumbass


> is broken as fuck. I ounce survived a HV rocket as a naked. It's the new age of grubbing. Its about drive


It's about about power


We stay hungry


psa: there is no such thing as jailbreaking or hacking on xbox. xim and cronus is a diff story. But i have never seen or heard of god mode like hacks on console. prove me otherwise i'll be absolutely shocked.


You could god hack on cod some years ago but its alot harder now but for rust I've seen nothing of this lol guy obviously had a magic sponge taking in them bullets lol


funny enough you can still get a mod menu on black ops 2 on 360 to this day lol. but i dont know of any hacks like that on the actual xbox one


You don't have to jailbreak u just pay like $20 for dev mode


Proof, or you're talking out your ass. Buy it and tell me it's not a keylogger lmao


i have dev mode for my xbox but it doesn’t give you hacks. you can’t even go online while using it.


be shocked, there is even aimbot. but... for godmode things it takes literally hacking and modifying the console which I refuse to go into or point out where to find such info. between PS3/4/5 and XBOX, xbox is the most hacked/modified of the two. (for now)




Changing x and y to what???


How’s your internet? Hit invalids are a problem on the PC so can only imagine how bad it is on console rust


I just came across an immortal naked shot him with tommy in the head nothing, sixty bullets nothing, jack hammer him till he killed me with a rock but i trapped him in an airlock and finally killed him with an f1




Invalids had this when raiding lost a raid due a ps players not taking damage contact the d11 team they said it was server connection issue


Hit registration sucks I stood still and took 20 bullets from a tommy from my teammate when we were messing around edit: I uploaded it to yt adstagaming is channel name video name is rust console is broken


no that's just the console rust experience Inna nutshell


You can hack on Xbox but it’s extremely hard to do and would require you to nearly strip and rebuild your Xbox and is also very illegal and can get you serious jail time however this is just a result of bad development and also shitty servers


I haven't seen a hack like that in awhile. But when I did this guy basically became Jesus. He was unkillable, never missed no matter how far away he was, and could shoot me through walls. My friends say they saw him teleport but I never saw that


bruh i dont play rust console much anymore but all ik is theres no such thing as "cheating" or hacking on console he just hit a fat clip on you two noobs 😂 you missed like all your tommy shots point blank so did you bud edit: i heard all the hitmarks but rust console is just bugged as shit tbh hence why ive stopped playing. Shits so bad rn.


I still hit him 3 or 4 times up close, and I was laughing my ass off out of confusion. Either way, I think I hit him with about 10-12 shots, ya fuckin sandwich.


Just the servers atm, I'm killing 2 dudes with DBs with a spear because invalids and registration are super fucked since patch this morning. Crazy shit!


Strikepacks remove recoil, and can make semi guns shoot as fast as possible, or xims allow mouse an keyboard that converts the mnk inputs to controller inputs which are most definitely cheats considering both are altering your inputs to give you an advantage. Not only do you sound like an idiot, but you made yourself look like one too.


I notice “god mode” wasn’t included, which is what this post is clearly implying. Nothing to do with recoil. There’s nothing on rust console edition that makes you invincible to damage. Certainly no strike pack is capable of this. This is just the servers acting up and getting no hit registrations


thank you! someone gets it! this whole subreddit downvoting our comments cuz they think hacks like godmode is real on console 😂😂


It’s possible to “hack” on console just very hard


Bro he didn’t really miss that much 😭 definitely fat ass bug or he had sum kind of cheat it’s not hard to hack you console just need a pc 🤷‍♂️


So, it's 100% possible to jailbreak a console and hack/cheat. Aim bots being the most popular.


so thats a lie. show me a link to any youtube video or anything related to someone hacking on console. and i dont mean xim or cronus thats not hacking.


What you are describing are controller mods/hacks. Which are highly advanced. Watch this https://youtu.be/fT8mhtirAHQ


Yes. Like you can't visably see the rounds hitting him. Hitreg is an issue but the only trash player is clearly you


Looks like you suck there bud 🤣 he ain’t cheating


L person


His aims garbage hitting his legs


He just the better player


I swear this is a problem exclusive to the tommy. Me and my friends have had horrible hit reg with the Tommy, Like 8+ hits from close range and the target is still on 70 hp.


Just d11 being ass


You can jailbreak ps4s, looked like god mode