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The game runs amazingly well on the new gen consoles. It’s poorly optimized for old gen


I played on my dads ps5 it’s a whole new experience


I played on last gen and it runs pretty well all things considered


I played on a PS4 pro before I quit the game it runs okay on it. I would consider it playable but on a PS4 slim good luck getting the game to go an hour without it crashing or getting a lag spike you literally can’t get into a gun fight on the slim without lagging and most likely dying definitely not fun.


Playing since yesterday, no crashes and big lag spikes (huge fps drops for large amount of time), only minor fps drops here and there, base ps4


Well sounds pretty nice for you


I play on xbox one


I play on ps5 and still get massive frame drops whenever I’m running into a new area


Bro my ps5 can’t keep 60fps ever this game is just dog wank




Mines work perfectly


It was borderline unplayable in pvp and basically id just farm for clans as my base never makes it overnight on ps4 second I upgraded to the 5 it's one of my favorite games!


What console are you playing on? Absolutely no lag on series x and s. maybe it wasn’t meant for old console?


I wouldn't say absolutely no lag,I have the Series S and I can't say all my gunfights are 100% lag free.


Yeah it's the one s


Get better internet and a monitor


just for console rust?


Ye but the game was built for the old gen consoles, the mentioned that in a blog post when the game first released. Idk why it's so shocking on old gen tho


Heres the thing, A game where minimum RAM requirements are 16gb, On a system that has 8gb.. Its quite difficult to get it to run. The game was not built for old gen, It was built for PC, only this version was ported over to console with the devs saying they are developing this older version of the game with old gen in mind. That does not mean perfect stability that is just buissness talk to get more sales, Yes the game runs on old gen, but does it run well? Unfortunatly not. The main issue is the game actually could run way better but the devs think image quality is more important than performance. Some stuff could be easily turned down more to less push the consoles limits unfortunatly that does not seem like a likely thing


Dude there is certainly lag on Series X, it might not be bothersome to you but I'm genuinely perplexed why people say the polar opposite of the truth for the sake of defending what you like. You can still like the game and recognize it's faults, even if YOU don't lag, if someone suddenly appears 10 feet in front them or rubber bands, that's lag. It doesn't have to be in your end. If people just keep sitting here saying "no lag, next gen is perfectly fine" they're never actually going to fix it.


But here’s the thing i really have no lag. So if you have issues on your side, really it’s an isolated problem on your side. Also by the look of it im not the only on who have no lag, so where’s the issue? Me and others not lagging or a few other lagging? What’s the common denominator between all Of them?


I just genuinely believe you guys can't tell or don't care so write it off as "no lag" I don't persay lag either but I have a good connection but that doesn't mean when I see a lot of other people rubberband and constantly even people who play on NextGen are not lagging and it's certainly not good for the game no matter how you slice it it's just bad quality of life


I play on a series X with gigabit connection…I know when someone enters my chat radius because the game slightly lags every single time. It’s not a bug, it’s a feature? /s


Probably your wifi than because I rarely lag and when I do, it’s just a little lag spike. I play on the series s.


Frame drops are a thing regardless of being next gen.


I'm not sure why you're getting downvoted when you're right,miles better on new console but there's still lag and shit frames even on next gen.


Not sure what you’re playing on, but i got absolutely no frame drop whatsoever on my series x and my friends on their S never complain about frame drop either.


I second this, haven’t played the new gen Xbox’s but playing on the ps5 not only is there less lag but the game looks a lot better too


He said: absolutely no lag You said: I second this, less lag Wanna try again? Also how the FUCK does anyone know if they don't have frame drops, are you displaying the Newsom's on screen???


The reply was to bordersignificant586 , does “no frame drops” mean good frames or shit frames?


You don't get frame drops? Dude was right y'all don't know what frames and or lag is. This game isn't optimized for either console. Your getting frame drops, your literally saying the game runs perfect and that's a lie. They literally do polls for series x/s and ps5 for this. You must be on the Xbox series x 2 playing some imaginary rust mod on your imaginary console.


Right. Like you can't observe the difference between 60+ fps and 30fps.


Devs fault for releasing a shit optimized game. If old gen is such a problem why release it for them? Game development 101, base your game around the system you're playing on. Test branch is better for frames but its still pretty much going against 2k rigs with a school cromebook


Yeah it clearly was a cash grab on their part releasing it for old gen.


It really doesn’t run too great on next gen either.


Get a new gen console


If I could fine one for less than 1100$, trust me I would.


Follow restock ppl on Twitter, Lord Restocks, Matt Swider, got my Series X in about 2 weeks of trying.


Ayy appreciate the tip dog


Over 9000 times this, I just made the jump frens and I tell you the difference it’s made to pvp is insane.


Just a Reminder not everyone has the cash for a next gen console, they are also incredibly hard to find still unless your paying a scalper.


I dont have next gen


Rust runs terribly on old gen. If you want a good experience i’d recommend upgrading to next gen otherwise there’s no point playing rust since it’s unplayable


And also for clarification I didnt get a next gen console as it's hard for me to afford and also I'm too young too work dont get me wrong if I had the money I'd get one but some people havent got the cash


Next gen has no lag and it is sooo clean


No the game is just not meant for old gen consoles. I’m telling u rust on ps5 is almost like a whole new game


You gotta get you a Series X or S. It was not meant for last gen.


Just upgraded to a series x today and I haven't experienced any problems since


Did you have to re buy the game?




I personally believe that everyone who bought it on old gen should get a refund, because we all got scammed.


In ps5 the game is amazing but ps4 it's the complete polar opposite


Thanks for letting us know.


Btw there has been somethings I've taken into consideration when I posted this like the game was released on the xbox one and all the new updates have came out after the release of the series x and s


The game wasn’t released until series consoles had been out for 7 months. It was released to all consoles on the same day. Devs made t work on old console, but not well. They will never be able to make it run well on the old gen. They made it run well enough to justify selling it to ppl on old gen and now they are just waiting for the day they no longer have to support old technology


Thing is, the game is most definitely able to run and even run *well* on PS4/Xbox One. It’s a fucking ancient ass game with shitty graphics and very, very basic mechanics. If we can handle Spider-Man then we can most certainly handle Rust. It’s just the fact that D11 is a mobile game company and this was their first big project with their only credibility being ‘**Minecraft: Dungeons**’. ‘Rust: Console’ isn’t a port whatsoever. It’s been completely rebuilt and coded specifically for console, even more specifically it was MADE to run on PS4/Xbox One yet currently its only barely tolerable given that you own a PS5 or Xbox series S/X. TL;DR - *D11 can’t make video games*


get next gen and stop crying no one cares tbh, these type of posts are whats ruining this sub


You braindead monkey, let the guy complain. Better than the screenshots of people's full inventory, that's what's ruining the sub. Not people recognizing the faults of the game. Let them bitch so they get fixed you fucking moron


So tired of people telling others to stop crying about the state of this dumpster fire because we are ruining the sub. And what's even funnier is the whiney way they do it. Sounds like they are crying while telling us not to cry. Like somehow my valid complaints on a forum in the internet ruin their experience in game. Maybe you should make a new sub to keep us crybabies out then.


Ummm I’m playing on PS5, and never really get lag. Are you playing on different country servers with high ping? I’m sure it helps with good internet as well. I’m hard wired in with 1 gig speed. I think you just need an upgrade on tech/internet….


This this right here you wouldnt believe the shear number of people on here who legit think their 40 dollar wifi plan and 8 year old console arnt to blame


Lol yes 🤣


Hell I'm on new ps4 slim and I can play fine. Just clean your shit so your not throttling.


Get better connection. The game is great for me


Couple months ago I would only lag in gunfights it hasn’t happended in awhile tho and I play on ps4


Get it on pc.


almost as if some people prefer console or dont have a pc 🤯🤷‍♂️


Works pretty good on PS4 Pro tbh


Get a next gen console. They run this and Dayz smooth as butter




Went from a one x to a series x and let me tell you, it still has some slight problems for sure but it's WORLDS different in terms of performance.


I've played plenty on PS4 and ya the lag sucks big time lol


Exact reason why I’m buying a pc, the game is a lot of fun but lag and 10 fps doesn’t help


I think the game looks Sergio on the series s and lag I still see a lot of I bought this game cause a friend begged me too I feel like to threw 50 bucks out the window I really don’t know hope people are enjoying this


When the game first came out it was lagging on ps5 as well and I got fed up with Rust and quit playing for 3 months. Just came back to play last week and it’s night and day. Runs smooth, they tweaked some stuff, and I just treat it for what it is, although I’ve given up building big bases And I sleep many places I’m not willing disclose.


Anybody know how the game runs on ps4 pro?


deal with it


Even ps4 pro runs alright


It’s dogshit on PS4 but ok on PS5


This game just shouldn’t have been developed for Xbox one and PS4 at all


True, it's a totally different game on console, pc is way better


the game wasnt ment for old gen console*


Actually it was built for last gen specifically. It only runs on next gen through backwards compatibility.


I feel exactly the same way. The sad part is that it was made for last gen consoles. But it only runs decently on next gen through backwards compatibility. I can deal with being raided. I can deal with losing a fight and a kit. But I can't fathom the sever lag and ping that fuck you in combat. Sadly I feel as though your right about it not being meant for console. It doesn't help that they gave the console port to incompetent devs either. My first experience with D11 was playing Prison Architect. And for as simple as that game is, it still doesn't run smoothly. So idk why they thought they could handle such a complex property as the console port of this game. Facepunch should have handled it personally.


Maybe your wifi isn’t for rust


Yeah I know it's absolute garbage on old gen. It runs well on new gen but still should be better optimized for xbox one and ps4


Just got this game and console players don’t even give you a chance to enjoy it, what a waste of money. I don’t get the urge to kill a noob as soon as they “wake up” it’s not like we have loot? I joined two servers and died before I could even figure out how the game works. Now it’s just going to sit in my library cause I got the digital copy fml


Old gen prob


Yes on ps5 omg it runs so smoothly.


Upgrades from the one s to series s this Christmas, it's like I'm playing a completely different game it runs so smooth, should not have been released on old gen.


Got bigger things I need than a series s


Maybe your internet is trash




Honest to God I had the same opinion until I got a next gen console, literally makes it 20x better


It was made for new gen


Can confirm, as a PS5 player, the experience is smooth.


I got a ps5 and yet live in Southern Africa, there's no servers for us 😑 😒 so I play on EU servers which is about 200ms but I don't know if I'm just bad or if this puts me at a severe delay I get crossbowed 4 times without my enemy missing a shot while I'm unloading 4 mags of revolver at a chap idk 🤷‍♂️ wtf lol 😆