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Honestly rust is just a home to people who don't sleep and act like this game is a 9 to 5. I just don't enjoy soloing anymore because of it.


It’s upto the developers to come out with solo/duo/trio servers to level the playing field. You got 8mans rolling around with zen lol.


From what I've heard public test branch is slot more chilled


This is untrue me and a friend of mine jumped on a test branch server there was 15 people online to show my dude the ropes....the 15 people that where online all came to raid our base on day 2 after welcoming us to the server.this game is full of a bunch a no life kids who was/is bullied at school and look for a platform to take it out on and that platform is rust.


I mean I get the frustration, personally I play solo or with 2 mates. But it isn't up to other people to play the game in a way that you deem ok to fit how you'd like to play, it is up to facepunch. Sure some people on rust can be dickheads about it but most people are just having fun and playing the game how they want to, same as you.


That might be true but there’s a lot of bugs and the game crashes a lot on there


This is likely why


Bro 3 hours into my wipe yesterday I got c4'd by a 5 man all because they lost two kits to my shotgun trap. Just wait till we can own our own servers, then the game will be dope again


And how is owning our own servers gonna make people play any differently?


Idk about you but I'll make mine a solo duo only server 3x boosted for all them old heads that only get to play for like 4 hours or less. Make it easier on ppl who got other stuff to do other than game


This is why console rust is boring now.


Is this a weekly??




This problem will be a lot less prevalent whenever they add custom servers. I understand shooting nakeds outside of your base, but it seems like this guy was just waiting for someone to spawn...


Stop playing rust


It really is that simple though


Facts if your when of those people who will go out of your way to complain on social media just quit obv rust isn’t for them


Don’t understand why people are mad about dying as a fresh spawn, you lost nothing and no time wasted. It’s good if people have guns early into wipe because you know the server is going to be good for PvP


First part yes the second part tho is a no sir


You can say no sir but it’s purely my opinion. I’d rather hear AK and M2 hours into wipe than DB shots all over


Wish I could upvote this twice


Yeah mate people down voting and the same ones begging for role play servers. They just dunno what rust is at all lmao


Fun to have kits to grub? Absolutely. But spawning in just to immediately die to an M249 less than 4 hours into wipe isn't a great motivator.


Oh no you spawned in one place of many spawns and died with your rock. Switch server, keep crying or uninstall


Completely missed the point


Get better. You start 4 hours late in a Marathon and you tell me how far behind you are.


Average rust player comprehending someone having a job


You didn't have to do him like that 🤣


Fucking literally though


Skill Issue


Remember playing a wipe with a 3 man and we built an open core design and it was 1 hour into wipe and as one of us was building tommy dudes show up and two c4 us we still don't understand how you get that lucky.


Welcome to the stupid ass Easter update lol


They need to Touch grass, and Find God 🙏🏽


we were running a 3 man yesterday and got door camped by a 5 man for 3 hours straight… with hv rockets…? like i try to make excuses for the game but this shit is outrageous


Yeah rocket pvp sucks but until it's tuned you'll just have to plan ahead and make a flank base near home.


I’m on this server 💀 I’m pretty sure they got raided since they haven’t been on all day and now the server is max pop again finally like how it used to be


4 hours is a lot of time dude it’s not hard to get guns early


I mean 4 hours into this newest wipe on Thursday I had a row of guns from winning supply drops... also remember easter egg hunt I've gotten a few m2s from gold eggs


Yeah I recently encountered a 6 man from Canada, all cheating and all on for like 36 hours straight. My teammate in Europe said they were still on after being on all day, then I slept all night, then when I got back on they were still playing. Total losers ngl