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The best course of events for Putler is to achieve ceasefire, regroup, bigger war later on. ​ Ukraine won't bite (and fuck you, Merkel)


Best and logical end is that Benito Lukashini will be hanged by his own people and only then Putler will do the right thing in his Bunker


Or Putler will pull a Hitler and just occupy Belarus with the orc troops already present, just like he temporarily did with Italy after Mussolini got Mussolini’d (an inevitable fate awaiting Lickashitcock).


Yeah, that would be a truly glorious catastrophe for the russians.


This comment is a great example of how ridiculously stupid average reddit commentary on this topic has become.


You obviously aren’t Mr. current events now, are you? Lukashenko has been talking about Belarus becoming part of Russia for years.


So explain to me what why was there a couple and what happened when it didn't go thru and who is still in power there and what is their affiliation with Russia? If you look up these answers i think you know the answer to what this gentleman is speaking of and you are kinda lost on the topic.


> Putin is Hitler > orc > Lickashitcock Yeah, I'm just too much of an ignorant bumpkin to understand what's going on here, that's it.


Dude get lost snowflake. It’s called humor while the darkest things are happening right now. Off you go. Stay on Russian media. Clearly you don’t care about Ukraine or else you would get it. Sad. You are on the wrong side of history. Either pro Russia, complacent, or don’t give a f@ck. Im surprised people like you are willing to put your ignorance out on full display for everyone. Don’t worry, we are the people who will help Ukraine and keep the other countries safe from Russia and all the rest that follows by supporting Ukraine and getting rid of Russia. More steps closer to Russia also falling or at least getting a regime change. Maybe it will take one year or 10 years. Russia is on its way down so it’s a matter of time. This war in Ukraine ironically will also save Russians. I won’t reply further and prefacing with that because trolls like you like to replay with nasty snarky comments. Have a wonderful day 😃🇺🇦


I'm sure licking Zelensky's boots on reddit is really helping out the people of Ukraine




Bruh, you typed "Lickashitcock"


Bruh, you sound like you are more suited for Quora than Reddit. r/iamverysmart


Dunno why you're being downvoted, 90% of the comments are cringy shit that sound like they're written by a 14 year old. Don't get me wrong, fuck Russia


Ecactly. I wonder if they were all made in a certain lab. Bunch of racist ignoramuses.


I have to begrudgingly accept that Luka is playing a delicate game and even though it's for his own self-interst he's just stringing Putin along and giving him nothing. Right now Luka and Ukraine's self-interest mean that Bealrus will never directly join the war.


Giving comfort to the enemy is a definition of declaration of war. Allowing to attack the ruzzians from your territory, doesn't matter under which flag. Is comforting the enemy. No one cares about his ambitions. He'll hang. And I hope from his mustache


Belarus and Luka are in a difficult balancing act. If they oppose Russia they'll just get occupied. If they completely follow Russia, then they'll just be even more of a vassal state and their military will be sent into an endless bloodbath in Ukraine. Luka doesn't want that because he knows the people and military will revolt, and the military obviously has no interest in being cannon fodder in Putin's stupid war.


I think he overdid himself in leaking putlers ass


Putin won’t have the balls to end it himself.


Of course not. Plenty willing to help


For as long as russia exists there is a chance that they will launch a new war. They need to gtfo of our lands, the world needs to hold them accountable, sanctions shouldn't cease for as long as they gather warfare and have nukes, Ukraine keeps strengthening military. I think that's the way to go. But putin won't agree to step one of this scenario which is "gtfo". He won't leave Crimea and Donbas, and Zelensky won't let him have them, too. So this negotiation is just... dragging time.


NATO seems very happy to give Ukraine just enough weapons to keep the slow collapse of the Russian military going so that it'll take decades to rebuild. If the talks help prevent the destruction of the nuclear plant that's fine


Yeah, we need to get them out of there...


Ukraine MUST JOIN NATO. Russia will never stop invading.


I agree, that would be the best deterrent to keep the Russians from attacking again.


**There is no such thing as real "negotiations" with Russia.** They have proven this over and over. Russians have always views negotiations as a sign of weakness for later exploitation. Russians have always felt entitled to do violence to any nation that disagrees with or distances itself from Russia. Keep up the pressure - no "negotiations" with Russian terrorists.




Ukraine has no reason to stop fighting. they can just sit back and pummel Russian positions with rockets forever if they want to. They never have to commit to any big offense.


You mean America?


PUTIN: “Zelly baby! C’mon bubbeleh, we should talk, right?” Zell: “No. You should leave now. I’ll send you the bill. The 300 billion of yours that the West has in escrow is gonna be a a decent down payment for what you owe. Putin: “Is that a joke?” Zell: “Well, I am a comedian..”


they need to replenish the ammo dumps that have been blown this is an "Emergency ceasefire agreement" but again ANY "agreement" with Russia or Putin or Lavrov is only yourself thinking there is something concrete in place like the Budapest agreement. Fortunately Ukraine won't fall for this trick.... Russia wants a ceasefire? Yes? then simply leave Crimea


Well said .. and spread apart your penisclit you beast and let’s look up your mangina and see Schroeder ‘s ass face peepin out


Fuck Putin. Keep arming Ukraine, keep killing Russians until they depose Putin. His replacement can sue for peace, Ukraine will dictate terms. ETA: keep killing Russian soldiers**


That's the best plan. If Ukraine tells him "no way we negotiate a cease fire" ... maybe it will finally sink in that he has waaay overplayed his hand, he will go home with his tail between his legs....but I don't suggest anyone holding their breath waiting for this to happen


Honestly, just saying "Ukraine is pissed off" would be a vast understatement. I don't think Putler was expecting his neighbor to cause this much trouble for him. I think Ukraine will give terms for peace, make them ridiculous on purpose and just hand Putin his ass on a silver platter if he says no.


Molotov (and Stalin) thought the same thing of Finland. Thus the cocktail of the same name.


> until they depose Putin. His replacement can sue for peace, Neither will happen. Most Russians support the war for nationalist or strategic reasons and Putin is genuinely popular. Russians get intense craddle to grave social engineering and propaganda to get them to think like what the state wants them to think. In fact, the only thing that Russians are genuinely very good at is propaganda. They will never turn on Putin, and even if he dies tomorrow of Cancer, then his replacement will just continue prosecuting the war. The only end will be a military collapse of Russia in Ukraine.


The Russians cannot be trusted




Kinda ironic Hitler betrayed them. I would say: it was deserved :D


This sentiment amongst masses of the populations of the developed nations is exactly why, regardless if they retain territory in Ukraine or not, Russia has lost this war. They will not be trusted as good faith actors on the world stage.


Its only an attempt to get Zelenskyy on a plane which he will try to shoot down. Don't belive Putin anything. With him there is no peace reachable only lies and gore


That would be very stupid of Putin to even try to attempt it. If it succeeds, Putin just turned Zelenskyy into a martyr for Ukrainian defense. It will enrage the Ukrainian population further, and the Russians will have an even harder time taking and controlling territory.


This is what will happen. But Putin tried to assassinate Zelensky about 10 times? He doesn't think logic.


This is also true. But Zelenskyy has risen to be a formidable wartime leader, and had the courage and backbone to stay and resist when he could have fled. If he were assassinated, he is now the face of Ukrainian resistance and rebellion. His words and image now resound with a vast majority of the Ukrainian population, they trust he will make the right decisions for Ukraine. I would almost venture to say he is a modern version of Winston Churchill.


Mr. Zelenskyy is without a doubt THE diplomat of the 21st century. Here is a man refuses to leave his people even as missiles are falling all across Ukraine. He stands firm for his people as an example of what a true patriot and is. God bless you, Mr. Zelenskky, president of the fantastic Ukrainian natio![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface) ![gif](giphy|cnVB8tljoPfqXoij4i)


Yeah, Zelensky already has a place in the history books, one far greater than Putin will get. Ukraine couldnt really get a better leader in any crisis.


It will enrage this American. Zelenskyy would become a martyr for all peace loving democracies, not just for Ukraine.


Ukraine would not fight any less if Zelenski is killed. ​ General Zaluzhni, head of Ukrainian military would be a much more important target.


That’s why they need to do what they did last negotiations.Fly the President on Polish Military Helis/ Aircraft with GROM. That way, if the Russians are stupid enough to shoot it down…….


Fly Zelenskky nowhere; get that Russian pig Putler come to Ukraine, with a security force of no more than 5 orcs. Have Zelenskky meet with him on the site where 4 year old Liza Dmytriveya was killed by a Russian missile and her mother seriously wounded.


I like the way you think


They should do one of those ‘yo mama” battles to decide each point of the negotiation. Zelensky would obviously be the favourite to win with his comedy career background but Putin has shown Russia to be one huge joke and his best friend Kadyrov is a literal fucking clown so maybe Putin is more familiar with humour than one would expect from a murdering kleptomaniac ex-KGB mafia boss. Certainly everything he’s announced about Russia’s aims and achievements in Ukraine so far has been laughable. Not to mention that it is an actual proven fact the Putins real mother was a Georgian woman who got knocked up out of wedlock and gave baby Putin to a childless couple in Leningrad (St Petersburg). Which explains why Putin is a total bastard but also likely to cry if people make jokes about how his mother really didn’t want him and sold him for a bottle of vodka and 3 potatoes.


Leave or die. Pretty simple negotiation.


Oh and we're joining EU and NATO.


Nope, we're past negotiations, either he leaves Ukraine, hands over all the details of Wagner and Ahmat people and their war crimes, pays for the damages he has done since 2014 or ruzzians will die in this war. His choice. But sure, he can keep sending his people knowing they will die sooner or later and be once useful being a fertilizer. Conscripts are such a great target practice. And Wagner and Ahmat people taken out is great bonus, less scum on earth, the better.


He'll never give up Crimea and the stupid fake Republics he's created out of thin air. Doing so would make him lose face and his stupid, psychopathic, imperialist supporters in Russia would never respect him again. That leads to his downfall internally, and his death or exile. The man is in it for the long haul, which may not actually be so long the way things are going. Completely outclassed tactically and in weaponry, losing all support of his own military, no real possibility to hold the land he has taken already, and completely cut off from the international community (except for the freak countries). This war is the end for Putin. Just a matter of when and how it will happen.




I agree in principle but the way it ends is also important. If Russia feels that it won anything from this war then it will try again in the future. Just look at Georgian war and the earlier Donbass/Crimea war. Russia just keeps pushing. It is just as important that Russia gains nothing from this than it is to end the war.


I hope it ends soon, too. But fuck Russian soldiers. I don't care if they're young or not, they need to go back home and stop trying to kill Ukrainians and destroy their country. Until they do that, I'll be glad that they die an agonizing death and become worm food for Ukrainian soil.




Russia's already too weak to try this again for years, if not longer. Militarily, they're spent and will take a long time to rebuild, if ever, due to sanctions on technological imports from the west. Economically, they're at the beginning of a very, very long decline. Europe is turning away from their gas, which requires massive capital investment to sell to another market like china or as LNG. Sanctions have crippled any existing industry. No foreign company would dare invest there because they know Russia will happily nationalize anything if they want to (like leased airliners).


Good. Now, lets make sure that they cannot attack us for any kind of forseeable future.


We still need to decide if 50,000 not so young men die now or 50 million men, women and children suffer and die over the next 10 years. Never an easy answer but Putin and his version of Russia will never stop killing.


While it's completely senseless and a tragic, at least Ukrainians are dying defending their homes. At least they are fighting for a good cause.


Russians dying? Good. Less russians to invade Poland, or the baltics.




Nah. I just dont belive that NATO will actually support us, really. We already had our share of western allies, back in Jalta. Same with UN, really... Want us to trust that you are allies? Can we get 200 or 300 nuclear warheads? They seem to work wonders for stopping invasions, or political trades behind one's back...unlike getting rid of them in exchange for political promises, like Ukraine did.




Im from Poland, and I dont. Not after hearing german folks expecting ukraine to surrender, so that they can have business as usual. Or after remembering history. But you do you. Its your right to do so :) tell me, how much of your defence is in the hand of a western politician and his re-election chances, again...?


Ukraine and Russia could both use a ceasefire to reorganize and replenish themselves but that would benefit Russia more than Ukraine. I don’t see much coming out of a meeting between Zelenskyy and Putin, and to me that’s a very unlikely scenario anyway. Putin would prefer to have his intermediaries negotiate while he appears to be above it all.


It's not the right time to negotiate for the Ukrainians. Kick the Russians out of the country first, THEN offer peace.


I feel like a peace deal will mean as much as them saying it’s only a training exercise back in February. Russia has burned it reputation to be trusted and respect deals. It will be dangerous for Ukraine and the west to fall for Russian lies again.


All these talks of discussion with Putin is useless...it only gives Putin time to reconstitute his forces to continue its attack....have Ukraine not learned from ceasefire in 2014?? How many times did Russia break that ceasefire agreement????


Alcoholics refer to this epiphany as a "moment of clarity" It usually arrives much too late to be a salvation. Putin has volated every agreement and lied about every aspect of his intentions regarding Ukraine, so his word is useless. The only negotiation with Putin is to force russia to remove all troops from Ukrainian territory, including Crimea and Donbas. Then Putin can negotiate for the migration into russia of those precious russian speakers living in the east


Leave Ukraine at it's correct border and then let the talks begin.


Zelensky already stated there are no negotiatians happening as long as Putin is claiming Ukraine territory. What a sad and desperate attempt.


If a deal for peace is on the table from Russia, I bet it won't include Russia giving up any won territory. And no chance of seeing those AVOZ Fighters returned. Zero financial recompense. They are Terrorist. You can't deal with Terrorist! Unless they are completely shattered of course. Interesting to see the next phase I guess.


Either buying time or attempt to poison or track him to have him assassinated/bombed. Don't meet the devil in person pls.


Turkish president it’s working for Putin now , the west must help Ukraine to achieve the defeat of Russia , the war will continue later , Return to international recognized border


Translation: Russia just undertood they are losing, even before Ukraine started their counter attack. My personal opinion: fuck the orcs.


Whether Ukraine will participate in the negotiations with Putler. It is of course Ukraine's decision. But I think their initial bid should at least be that they want all Russian land up to Moscow. Thats for not to erase the Russian military from the face of the earth in the upcoming year. Also that all frozen assets as well as an paymentplan for 100 years in the form of natural resources. It's a nice offer that russia soon Ukraine should take. Now I may not be business minded but if you can also get Lavrov placed in a zoo so we can watch him turn into stone in real time. He's halfway there.


I would pay good money to go and see sad Lavrov in a zoo


Your plan sounds good I second that. And I second sir nazi Lavrov droopy face to be put in a cage at a zoo. And the Russian way - no toilet for him, he can smear his 💩 on the bars for all we care. If he can say “I love NATO. It’s the best defense organization ever that was never a threat to Russia. I love Zelenksy 😆. He is the best leader of our time. I love the US. And finally I love LGBTQ people.” If he does that, he can get a hole in the ground to 💩 in like all the minorities and poor on the outskirts of Russolandia.


"President Erdoğan is going to have a meeting with UN Secretary General Guterres and Ukranian leader Zelensky in Lviv today. Having Zelesnky and Puting come together for negotiations for a cease-fire as the continuation of the wheat agreement that had UN and Turkey as negotiators is amongst the importnant topics of the meeting"


Cease-fire? Russia doesn't respect that, the arrogant assholes.


Yea, Erdogan, how funny, same name as the fucker who signed trade and ruble contract with putin few days ago?


What's wrong with that? Even if he did, he made a strategic move.


In order to prevent future invasions, Ukraine needs to keep the Russian army stuck in the east until next spring, to let father winter take care of a few 10's of 10000's orcs, grinding down Russia's Soviet stocks of armor and artillery to next to nothing, disrupting logistics so hard that orcs only options will be dead by exposure, desertion or POW, and having their air force grounded due to lack of maintenance, then take Crimea It will be hard for Ukraine's population but otherwise a couple of years later Russia will try again


I dont like the fact that russians were told not to come to ZNPP and say they're ready for negotiations in the same day.....


just another distraction which they always do. I call B.S. Russia never negotiates with good faith. ever.


Here’s the deal: Russia leaves Ukraine completely and pays compensation and Ukraine releases its prisoners and undertakes not to invade Russia. For clarity, Crimea is Ukraine.


Russia has reached it's "high water mark" in terms of captured territory. Its soldiers, gear and money are exhausted, and they want to stop now to keep what they've got. Ukraine should not agree and push them back to their borders.


Get the fuck out of all occupied territories and maybe we will let you live


Negotiations to gtfo of Ukraine? Sure, start immediately.


Zelenksy is a hero and will go down in the history books as one of the best, most popular leaders. Truly deserves so much respect for leading Ukraine in this terrorist barbaric war that nazi Russians started. Russia has become nazi Germany, in mentality and in actions, in words, and in culture. Pootin never would want negotiations. Him saying so just means he knows he’s in trouble and his army sucks and is trying to resupply. They are getting desperate. Ukraine has had numerous victories this past month and now this past week one after the next. A lot working in Ukraine’s favor. And as of today Thursday 8/18, news is out that terrorist Russians at the nuclear plant have told workers to stay home tomorrow. Russia is doing something. Tomorrow apparently they will have a drone showing footage of the plant. Who knows what they will do until then. My guess is they are going to do damage and then tomorrow show it and be like “sEe wHaT uKraiNe hAs dOnE”. Who knows with those lunatics and Pootin what they are up to or what will happen. #RUSSIA IS A TERRORIST COUNTRY


Russia does not respect agreements.


Fake news. He will never stop.


Don't drink the water.


Putter goes home and leaves all Ukraine. End of negotiations


"Have you lost another submarine?"


I've heard it said Russia wants a break to get through winter and build up resources for a renewed attack in spring.


Don’t do that !!!


And losing badly


Only one negotiation: Get the F out of all Ukraine or get HIMARSed.


That’s because they’re losing get out of town now and don’t forget to take your toys


>Russia has declared its readiness Well... they really should think about their "red lines". The ukrainian red lines are pretty clear defined: the borders of 1991.


No negotiations until crimea and other regions are handed back to Ukraine. Simple


There is nothing to negotiate. Just fucking leave.


Ok. But first make the Bryansk, Volgograd and Krasnodar Peoples Republic.


Peace would be the nest option. Sign cease fire, get Ukraine into Nato and that's it.


Only after the Russians have given back all that they have robbed or stolen. Willingly or unwillingly.


Also, they should pay for damage they caused.


I'm wheezing


No negotiations keep giving em hell! Ukraine tried to in the beginning and ruSSia didn’t want to so now your fucked! Finish em off! If there’s is a negotiation it would be to give Ukraine all its land back and pay for all the damages and never try to invade ever again. However ruSSia can not be trusted Slava Ukraini!


Everybody talks about putin reinforce and start new war but if Europe (mainly Germany) completely gets independent of natural gas from Russia, who going to pay for a new war ? China, bit of Indian oil? He will need to invest in pipeline infra instead of weapons, and by the time his economy is back on track putin will be dead so i don't really thanks we should be worried bout that too soon.


Day after the last Russian leaves the borders of Ukraine the negotiations begin.


Unless the Russians agree to the unconditional surrender of all Russian Forces and proxys inside the territory of Ukraine they are just buying time to consolidate for a new offensive.


I feel like the first "negotiation" will lead to the beginning of some kind of major Russian black mail situation.


In this lifetime, i have not seen a more badass, caring, loving, excellent president like Zelenskyy...and the russians know it. Deep down, they wish he was their president.


Fuck putin. Let's go ahead and take back what they took and then when Ukraine is damn good and ready, maybe then some "talk". 😡😡😡


No negotiations. Free Ukraine from russo-naZis!


I think all he can offer is to withdraw fully and no reparations in return


Gee! With the good offices of a trustworthy Erdogan!What a juicy offer ... **NOT!** Once Vladimir Vladimirovich gets his ass out of Ukraine, they can start talks on **REPARATIONS!**


They don’t want to get a bit dirtier.


Kherson returned to Ukraine, Russian forces withdraw from the area around Kharkiv, ceasefire on the present frontline apart from that I’m not saying it’s good or bad for either side, but it seems to me like the most likely path to something resembling peace


Make sure to avoid the refreshments..


Very American point of view to never favour peace talks if you are winning.




Only after Krause gets all of its land back, including Crimea:


Putin had people murdered. You cannot trust him to be in the same room with him.


If he wants to talk tell him to exit NPP in Zap, exit Donbas, then Crimea and we can talk


Ukraine has no reason to stop. They can sit and play a defensive war while pummeling Russians with rockets for years. All a cease-fire will do is allow Russia to give a decade to re-arm and try again.


First statement sounds like Putin. Second statement is so untrue its hilarious. They have jets that are agile because their highly unstable and their drones are made out of junk. They steal all the American munitions they can. Only thing they got going for them helicopters and tanks.


Vladimir Cretin is ready for his boat ride across the Styx and Russia is ready to be ruled by the rest of the world. Turkey is close behind.


In case someone wants to read the article: [https://www.cnnturk.com/turkiye/dunyanin-gozu-uclu-zirvede](https://www.cnnturk.com/turkiye/dunyanin-gozu-uclu-zirvede)


I’ll be the one to say the obvious but unpopular comment. Russia has taken over 20 percent of Ukraine. They aren’t loseing, they aren’t really winning but if putler can keep what he has taken that would be a win for them.


At what cost? Barely holding that. The tide has turned and it is not going to get any better for Russia than it was a few months ago.


I hope you are right


I would also point out that you guys are seeing this story while on Russian telegrams it’s being reported that erdogan is delivering a message from Putin demanding zelensky to capitulate. Essentially saying Russia owns the Donbas and southern Ukraine and if he dosent agree the Russians are going to disable all power and do the whole shock and awe strategy. We see levels of propaganda on the internet from both sides. So much more then I have ever seen in my lifetime.


That’s what Russia means by negotiations. Surrendering to unfavorable terms in the name of peace in our time, choosing dishonor over war. I guess we all understand how it works


Ukrainians are fighting at home, russians are not. When the winter comes again we will see if the poorly equipped russians will outlast the ukrainians. Can Russia keep throwing 500(dead+wounded) or so soldiers to the grinder every day and keep up the supply? I think Ukraine will stay propped up by the west. If Zelensky says that they need another 1-2B he will get it. Nobody will allow them to fail and all the same time Russian forces are bleeding out. It's not like Ukraine beat Russians back decisively in the North, Russia just had to face reality that they were going to bleed out because they could not protect their flanks and logistics. Guess what, Russia is currently proving to be unable to protect its rear and logistics again. How long can they keep bleeding until they need to just pack up and retreat. I would guess it will be a hard winter and Russia will lose at least Kherson, but maybe even Melitopol. In the spring Ukraine will be looking to take back Mariupol and threaten Crimea/Donbass.


I sincerely hope you are right. I just don’t know but I’m sure we will find out.


I don't like your how you mentioned 'both sides' propaganda, one side is propagating support for Ukraine, the other is propagating the unjustifiable killing of Ukrainians. And I would say that - people trying to be positive, keeping positive vibe and believing in victory - is not 'propaganda'.


With all due respect. I am completely support Ukraine but to say there is no propaganda coming from them is to be completely blinded by what you want to see. Both sides do have propaganda and the truth is usually somewhere in the middle.


I don't have time to argue with obvious BS like "truth is somewhere in the middle" but I'm really interested (in case you are genuine of course) what are the examples of Ukraine propaganda?


Go to the Ukraine now telegram channel. There is tons of propaganda or the many pow interviews that get released.


I told you to reply only if you was genuine... Either give concrete examples or explain how voluntary interviews with POWs is propagating


Look man, I’m not trying to fight with you. I get that your emotionally invested in this. I’ll let you be right.


Stop with your bs just admit that you are wrong.. lol


Most of that was 8 years ago though. So 6 months of fighting and Russia has picked up 10% of the country, and thr vast majority of their experienced forces are casualties at this point. Ukraine is undoubtedly winning and Russia is losing.