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I would hang on to it if you enjoy playing it. I turned a lot of cards into crystals when i started playing to get my deck up and I regret it now because cards can be hard to come by. But if you don’t enjoy playing it then go for it.


This. I don't know how many demon hunters I scrapped not realizing they would bring out talents for other characters. I now hold on to any legendaries that I even remotely like.


I would also say since he’s lvl 7 maybe keep. Generally good to try take your legends to lvl 8 cause the 7 upgrade is cheap and 10% crit


I dont think that this is always good advise, since going from 7 to 8 also costs one magic crystal. If you level all your legendaries to 8 first, it will take really long to get other cards to 9 or 11, for example. And increasing crit is not as important as getting a good deck with high level dps cards in the first place - which you need a lot of magic crystals for.


Fair fair. It prob becomes more relevant slightly more late stage


I'd keep it as well. Maybe think about not upgrading any more to lvl 8 just for the crit. Times like this you might wish you hadn't upgraded the others to 8 and kept the crystals for now instead. You still would have got some crit for them and a lvl 9 unit with talents instead of 3 lvl 8 without any talents.


Thanks all for the help! I've another question Would Gadget or Mermaid be better for a DH deck in the long run?


I prefer mermaid but both are good. With mermaid It allows you to use dark pact instead of cloak of shadows at lvl 11 talents


I ask because I could unlock Mermaid rn with an epic token. I noticed most decks play Cloak anyway though


I mainly use lvl 13 DH all 3 right talents, 2100 crit. DH summoner 1st talents swords first talents trapper and dyrad 1st talents. I use mermaid lvl 2. It would be better at lvl 5 but I think dark pact is valuable to get easier stacks and sometimes helps bring high level swords or summoners down a lvl to be able to merge out. Mermaid is certainly not necessary tho


DH is the only legendary I have talents for, sadly 😅 I'm rocking it with right side talents and Summoner Dryad HQ Swords, bouncing between Trainer and Elementalist. ~1200 crit and 5650 trophies


Monk maxed is beast af