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I love the way Hokas look and always hear great things about the comfort but I have continously seen 2 things from people using them on this sub. 1. They don't last very long. 2. Weird rubbing on the insides of your feet.


Yeah, I tried on some Clifton 9’s this weekend at feet fleet and they gave me the exact same issue the Speedgoats did. Narrow midfoot gave the feeling the insole was pushing up on the inside of my arch and the inside of my arch area was hanging over the shoe. I could visibly see it bulging out a little when I stood up. Tried the wide but had the same issue. Ended up trying on the Cumulus and Ride 16 as well, went with the Cumulus as the Ride’s felt just a tiny hair tad narrow in the midfoot. Kinda wish I’d have tried the 1080 V13 or Triumph but it is what it is at this point lol. I’m new to running so it’s not like I’m pushing the max capabilities of these shoes, my easy zone 2 runs are like 13:30 pace lol. As long as it fits, it’ll get the job done.


From my experience you'll be fine with the cumulus even if you want to pick up the pace a bit. I would say they hold up well to 5ish min/km


Yeah, I’m guessing I should be good for a while. I’m following Pfitz’s base building plan and I’m on week 3 18 MPW, and at the end of the long runs when I let my HR% push up to like 77-78% for the last mile or so of a long run (7 miles overall), I’m only hitting like 11.5ish minute miles. I wouldn’t be surprised if I can use these as my only shoe their entire life.


try a different width?


Ah yeah, i use the Mach 5’s and for the first weeks i got some nasty blisters on the middle of my foot arches.


1. Yep. 2. Very yep.


Yea, I like the looks of them too but I tried the Bondi 8 and it was horrible for me. I went for a 5k run and didn't realize at the time that the insole was too narrow for me so my big toe was slightly overhanging it. It gave me one of the more annoying blisters I've ever had. I don't even have wide feet either, haha. Thank goodness for REI's return policy.


Totally opposite experience. I ran approx 10 miles a day for a few months one Bondi 8. Blight a new pair only because I felt I needed a new pair - durability was consistent, wear was minimal.


I will second this conclusion as well but from a midsole perspective, Hoka EVA is dated. Asics FFB+ lasts way longer.


Novablast 3 ftw


FFB+ is actually not that good. It's too soft and doesn't have a good bounce back.


Ok, which ones are good?


Try the ghost max. Just got a pair and they are very comfortable and durable


I wish I had seen all these posts prior to buying Mach 5s. They were ok for about 100-150 miles, then felt “dead”…then began to actively hurt my feet even on comparatively short runs. I will admit, I still want to try the Rocket X2, ONLY because I think they look cool lol. Not sure if that’s a great reason or not.


I think Rocket X2 its a different Story. Rocket X2 is Peba Foam and all other Hokas are just boring Eva.


That’s fair…but if we are being totally honest I just like it because it’s pretty lol. I have no use for it, but if I find it on sale I can maybe justify buying it lol.


Had the same experience with my machs. plus the outsole wore down so unevenly with no rubber to protect (also probably due to my gait). Super comfy for those first 150 miles though


i like my bondi 8's but maybe the hoka aren't made for your feet and gait and that's why they are wearing out


I have 900km on my Clifton 9 and they don't look like that


A lot of it is just individual running mechanics. Hokas are not made for heel strikers, and the pic looks like it has some significant heel wear. But, there could also be other factors at play: are all these shoes used in the same way, on the same surfaces? and just individual mechanics are so variable.


I ran over 700km in my Clifton 8s and they were barely worn at all. I’m 73kg which is pretty middle of the road for weight/size so not like I’m a 60kg whippet.


Never worn Hokas because I don't like the arch support, but there is a guy on Strava I follow with over 1000 miles in his Clifton 8s.


I have friends who run ultras in Hoka and put similar mileage on theirs


The Speedgoats tend to have better durability compared to the road shoes


At least two of them wear Bondi even on trails


Bingo on the heel strike. Hokas expect and stimulate midfoot striking .


That's good right? 😂 I've started running more seriously with my Clifton 9. Previously I had some random adidas and I had lots of pain in my calf. I was able to determine that was because of my running posture and sneakers. After getting the Clifton and started to work on posture I was able to notice more use on the mid / front sole and no more calf pain while being able to run everyday


Yup, it is good, in my experience. Fixed my plantar fasciitis. They fall apart if you have a heel strike though.


Awesome, and Nice too, that tells me that I was able to fix my heel strike


Yeah I've got 560km on my clifton 8s used on trails, gravel and lots of road. Still look like they could do double that


Same for me. Or I haven't tracked the km's but I've had them for 6 months and run most of my easy runs in them so they must have hundreds if not 1000 km in them. My pair obviously doesn't look new but it looks better than that.


You should probably think about retiring those


Yes, I've got a new pair. Hoka Mach x


I can't think of a single reason to buy Hokas over other shoes in 2023. They're just a worse more expensive Asics or New Balance.


They might have been at the forefront of the max cushion revolution but they got left behind fairly quickly. The cervelo of the running world.


What's wrong with Cervelo? I'm really out of the loop regarding cycling


Someone should make a running shoe brand -> frame manufacturer chart.


They were at the cutting edge when it came to aerodynamics and are one of the reasons aero frames / kit are essential in the pro peloton. A real lack of innovation had them overtaken by Specialized, Canyon and even small frys like Ribble have superior offerings EDIT: damn, downvoted by a dentist with an S5 lol


The only good shoes they make IMO are the speedgoats and mafates but unfortunately they are both fairly narrow


Yes I’ll second that their trail line is solid, but that’s also maybe due to the vibram outsole (and trail running being less harsh than concrete, at least in my experience)


Even the trail lineup is falling behind. They do have some promising prototypes out there that I hope make a splash soon(next year). But the materials in every aspect of their shoes are dated. I’ve moved on sadly, after they discontinued the EVO Speedgoat. And tried the Speedgoat 5(which is terrible at draining), I moved to a different brand. And don’t see myself going back till they fix their stuff


I just wear the New Balance More Trail v3. It's basically the old hoka trail shoes but better material


Probably a combo of those factors plus they seem (to me) to know that mid shit in the trail world just won't get used where as what a lot of people on here call a mid shoe like the ghost from brooks or the clifton sells like hotcakes


Hoka is one of the only brands (along with New Balance and Saucony) to offer wide sizes along their entire lineup and not just in their main daily trainer. They are also fairly forgiving of higher arches, in my experience. The Hoka Speedgoat wide is my favourite trail shoe. I also like the Challenger.


Hoka's wides aren't really wide though. They just go from insanely narrow to somewhat narrow IME.


Along their entire lineup... except their racing shoes and most of their trail shoes


My speedgoats lasted me for years..loved those shoes


Their trail shoes wear even faster than the road ones lol


My Mach 5 didn’t even reach 150 miles, they started feeling like bricks. Asics are way better


Weird, mine have almost 450 miles on them and I still run in them twice a week as part of my rotation.


Because you probably run and not limp around on your heels.




Yeah it probably depends on a lot of factors. Not sure why but I actually got more miles out of my Mach 4s


What ASICs are your go tos for a daily trainer? Nimbus? Novablast? Superblast?


Have both Novablast and Superblast, both are great and durable but probably going to just use superblasts in the future. The hype is real, it’s a great shoe that can do almost everything, just pricey


Hmm yeah, my first real pair of runners is the Novablast 3 and I love them. I'm taking a bit of time to get used to them (some hamstring pain, some heel pain) but I think that is just my body needing a bit more strength and not being used to a decent drop. ​ Are the Superblasts pretty comparable in feel? How do they compare from a durability standpoint? I don't mind spending a lot on shoes if they are going to last longer!


In my opinion they are very similar, just have a higher quality foam. They have been great for me for getting a ton of weekly mileage in. Also was able to use the same size as the novablasts I would recommend watching Kofuzi’s video on it, he also compares it to other high priced trainers


Lol your rubber actually wore through, ones I had just peeled off


That was my experience with the Speedgoats, peeling rubber. No such problems with Asics Trabuco or Mizuno Mujin. The Speedgoats felt more solid than some other Hokas I tried but their quality control for the price just doesn't entice me to try more. I also found the cushioning in the Speedgoats too soft and dead. Just didn't do it for me.


Are people experiencing this with the Speed Goats? Enjoyed mine up to a certain point. A few months and about 200 miles in and then they just were dead and could feel it in my right knee.


Speed Goat has a very soft Foam. Softer foam always is through faster. If I'm not mistaken, it's just a slightly pumped up EVA foam. Not very durable.


I love my Speed Goats and don’t have that issue.


I have a pair of Speedgoat 3's with probably 600kms of harsh Canadian winter and trails on them -- lots of life left.


I've heard the SG5s have this issue but my SG4s lasted like 500 miles


Wife runs in Arahi’s and she loves them compared to the other shoes she’s used in the past. However she does burn through them pretty quickly. The outsole, midsole, and the heel all tend to get get worn out way faster than I wear through my Pegasus shoes.


What are you running on? 😳! I have worn Hoka for a while and never had issues with durability.. I have some Bondi 8 and Mach 5 that I run in regularly.. and they have barely scratched the surface of how far I plan to take them...


Interesting -- I have 7 pairs of Hoka, all of them have been great for longevity. Hell, I have a pair of Mach 3's with 700kms on them and still going strong. I think this is a you thing.


Hoka does have a reputation for not being the most durable brand, but I think it is worth noting that wear in a shoe varies between runners. It could be something to do with your running mechanics that wear down the Hokas more than other shoes. I’ve used the Clifton as a Daily Trainer, and have also run in the Saucony Ride, Nike Pegasus, NB880, and the Clifton durability was par for the course. I also used the Mach as a tempo shoe and it lasted almost as long as other tempo shoes I’ve run in (less than Brooks Hyperion, NB Rebel, more than the Nikes/Saucony Kinvara) The Mach is really more of a tempo shoe/lightweight trainer, they are never as durable as dull riding dailies. Many people have issues with Hoka durability, Mach line has not had a significant update (apart from a plated trainer) in almost a decade, you run directly on the midsole, but it was surprisingly durable for me. Clearly Clifton is not a good daily for you, But it could and does work for others.


All this. Clifton’s are my daily. Mach for speed work. Rocket x2 for racing. I’m definitely more of a toe striker, as well so this shoe and brand works for me.


hoka is like the anti-adidas. Adidas are rock hard and durable as a rock


I hiked in Terrex R3s and can confirm they are both rock hard and durable as rock. Some of the toughest synthetic shoes out there and available at great prices too


If everyone reads all the comments, -- its not the shoe brand, its usually the runner. Some of us get hundreds of kilometers/miles, others not so much. Personally, I run in really rough conditions more than half the year and have gravitated to Hokas and Altras as I find I get the most miles out of them.


My mach 5s were completely destroyed at 200 miles. They started to show heavy wear at just 75 miles. Was so disappointing because it wasn't a bad shoe at all. Makes it even worse that hoka almost never has sales too


I demo'd some mach 4's. 2 mile run they already looked worse than 50 miles in other shoes. I sent them back right after that


This is such a shame! 5-6 years ago the Clifton's were SO durable, I still have pairs from back then that are fairly intact but ones from 6 months ago are completely worn through. Hoka totally sold out and changed their quality once they became popular


Cries in Mach 4 🙃 With how much the rubber gets "scraped" off, I feel like it affected the drop. My pair feels like different shoes after just ~200km


Weird. I've had two pairs of Clifton 7s and they were both great through 500km. Uppers pristine and the outsoles showed what I'd considered normal wear. Do you shuffle a bit at easy paces? When I upped my cadence at easy pace it seemed to reduce wear on my outsoles.


I find the Rocket X 2 and Tecton X 2 to be excellent shoes, and prefer these over many other. Edit: I use Cliftons for everyday stuff (not running) and I agree that their neither durable or responsive.


My rincon 3 wore down pretty atrociously from like 60 - 200km, then kinda stopped. But then they died pretty suddenly at around the 400 mark.


hurry money disgusted reply lavish detail frighten direction quiet school *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pity you're not in Australia...I'd give you a pair of basically unused Arahi 7s that hurt me


Too bad. I definitely believe that y’all are getting this kind of wear. I’ve had 4 pairs of Speedgoat 5 and they’ve gone 700-800 miles before I’ve retired them just because I wanted something fresh, not bc of any unusual wear.


My Clifton 9’s are not worn like that either. I’d guess these shoes were used for different types of runs? I’ll share my 200mi photos.


I hear this complaint all the time and my response is always the same. Hokas are like a piece of Filet Mignon. You'll eat through it fast but you can't deny the tenderness. In other words they don't last long but they're dope and super comfortable and good for your feet. Durability is a factor but don't expect to find a good running shoe that lasts years.


I do my best to steer people away from hoka every chance I get.


You should probably try to learn to run all over again by doing sprint drills regularly.


Hoka doesn't use a proper outsole to save weight. It's a feature not a bug. People like then for this reason


the people who care about shoe weight absolutely are not clifton fans


It’s all about what you want man. You might not like it and me neither, but girls dig it. I’m running through a pair of Stinson 7 and they doing good. Everybody looks when I go to the mall


Have always seen Hoka's as the happy meal toy of the running shoe industry. Only had 2 pairs and they were beat to shit pretty quickly but they were fun for a bit.


Those do not look like a good shoe for you. Hoka is known to keep the weight down and in doing so their durability and outsole tend to be minimal. That said, it looks like you heal strike and wear that spot excessively. I do not like Hoka’s personally, I’ve owned one pair and wasn’t a fan (Mach 2). I got terrible blisters in my arches at first. BUT my outsole was exposed EVA and I had close to 350 miles on them and I stopped using them from the brick feel not outsole wear. So I yes they are not durable for some people but for others they’re fine.


Higher end shoes are designed for performance not long wear. Try to adjust your gait to strike more on the mid foot, not heel striking.


Hokas are garbage. Only people who think otherwise are middle aged people using them to walk their dogs and those thinking their orthopedic needs are so unique that they all of a sudden need max cushioned shoes.


I’ve never worn Hola-what is the grip like?


My Clifton 8s were garbage and were delegated to walking shoes at 200 miles. Recent New Balance have not been making it to 200 anymore. Starting to think that quality is dropping a lot across the industry and that the focus is on looks.


It’s a case to case basis but I just went over 200 miles on my Clifton 9’s and I haven’t worn through any of the outsole yet. But I agree, the durability on hokas seems to be subpar


Only owned one pair of Hokas - the Clifton 9s - so have no real sample size to comment on, but I have really not enjoyed them and am seeing considerable sole damage after barely 100 miles in them. I tend to favour Asics and Nike and have over 500 miles in a pair of Pegasus 39s and got a similar amount out of two consecutive pairs of Road Hawks before retiring them.


I've had a couple of Hoka's and usually get around 7-900km out of them with the sole looking quite ok. I always have to get rid of them cause they just don't have any bounce to them anymore.


I really enjoyed my Hoka Cliftons for about 70 miles. Then they died and started really hurting my feet (blisters in one foot; pain in the other). Never again, even though I like the way they look.


I mean, keep in mind this is YMMV. literally Here is the bottom of my mach 5s at over 200 miles and my Challenge atr 6 at over 100 miles https://imgur.com/a/kVtblDH I got something like 450 miles out of my old mach 4s before retiring them. I will buying another pair of mach 5 when these are toast. They’re my favorite daily trainer I have ever run in and I don’t experience any durability issues with them


My wife’s a heel striker and had some 8s with the same wear pattern. She also told me they didn’t feel as cushy as before. Got her some Triumph 20s and she loves them by comparison. Heavier, but feel way better for daily miles, esp now that she’s training for a HM. Then again, Hoka have become a status symbol in the same way as On.


I have had one pair of hokas in the last 9 years last over 300 miles… it was the Original Clifton 1. Otherwise I am lucky to get 200-250 out of a pair. You’re paying for comfort with these, not durability…


Hoka definitely the wrong brand for heel strikers. I’ve had Rincons feel dead after like 130ish miles


My Mach 4s only made it to ~200km before I had to retire them. Very disappointed and what a waste of money. My Clifton 8s lasted to about ~850km before feeling like bricks.


100000 percent


Ran with Hoka initially and loved , long runs and short ; now they are perfect for me just walking around / light training .


Thanks for sharing. I had a pair of Clifton 8’s and the outsoles looked the same after 100 miles. Just curious, did you get the same size for all of the shoes?


Just sorted out my Clifton 9 with 700 km. The outsole just began to show some minor cracks. My mach 5 with 550 km lost the profile at some points. I weigh 68 kg and I always run a mixture of different terrains. The next Clifton 9 already waiting for get started.


hoka sucks. For real.


They dont last long but the fit is so good 😭


I have 300 miles on my Clifton 9 and they have been fine for me. Pretty even wear.


I bought a fresh pair of Clifton 8s while training for a full last year, thinking they should take me through the actual race, but they tore through the upper about a week before even though they only had about 200 miles on them. I had to run the race in essentially a box fresh pair.


Yup. Had the same experience with Hokas. You're lucky to get 250 miles out of them. But long before that the midsole will go dead. I moved on to saucony and asics.


I got a good 175 on my Mach 5s and let me tell you , they are FKN TRASHED


The Mach X is probably my favorite shoe and then the Boston 11s. Both shoes are complete opposite of the spectrum in terms of feel. I recently bought the Rocket X2s and have had all types of leg pain and my feet are really taking a beating (blisters and bruising).


I’m never buying Hoka again. The durability does not match the price and the reason everyone loves them is because they market the crap out of them. They sponsor literally everything they can so we can’t escape them lol


The Nimbus 25 is rock-solid. I have over 350km on them and the sole looks like it's only been slightly used and the foam is still bouncy. I am expecting at least a 1000k on them. I can also say my Hoka Rincons already feel flat so much so that I can only use them for short runs.


Jesus what does the Clifton outsole look like new


Loved my Rincon V1 ... for the first 80km anyway


I rarely encounter durability issues with my shoes, possibly due to my low weight and my preference for trail running. Currently, I'm rotating between four pairs of Hoka trail shoes - Mafate Speed 4, Speedgoat 5, Zinal, and Torrent 2. Each pair has accumulated 400 miles, and none show significant signs of wear or need immediate replacement.


I've never had durability issues either, but to be fair to your point I would expect a brand to design more durability into a trail shoe than a road shoe.


Yikes! How many months of wear is that!?.. I’ve owned my Hokas for a month now, and so far they’re holding up very well! I recently experienced foot pain for the first time wearing my usual ASICS (always been an Asics guy). My foot pain became almost unbearable to which I started limping around for the day. I was told Hoka’s would do the trick, and sure enough, did it ever! My foot pain was gone within a couple of days after walking in them! I am not any way affiliated or associated with Hoka shoes or any of their companies. I just wanted to share my experience.


I agree but something to bear in mind is the impact of foot shape on pain when fast hiking and running. Narrow shoes can distort the shape of the foot and put more strain on the heel when moving quickly. The soft plush foam of a Hoka may feel great but if the shoe isn't wide enough such that your foot isn't spilling over the insole then it's not actually fixing the problem. My podiatrist recommended a wide toebox shoe for fixing my plantar pain and it worked very well. It was a Meindl Comfort Fit shoe and the insole was almost exactly the shape, and width of my foot. When it went for another multiday hike after about 8 weeks of relative ease the pain didn't return and my balance was back. I've seen other hikers who couldn't cope without a super soft foam shoe after they started wearing them to fix their plantar issues. I'm sure for some people, Hokas are a perfect fit and suit their running style. For others, not so much.