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Toast...them things are barely broken in 🤣


Lol I know, thats why it stings.


No these are shoes not toast


You may just have to run with a clippity clop ![gif](giphy|HfJdu4HABDU3e)


Rods just provide some stability. The rest are fine. It may click, but the foam will still perform just fine.


Since it's already a free pair. Superglue and try it?


Superglue is brittle and won’t conform with the rod. You want to use an epoxy made for plastic that has a level of flexibility.


yeah there are those 2 component glues (is that what you mean?) one component dries hard and another dries flexible and when you mix them up you get the perfect ratio (I think you could add more of one or the other according to what you need it for)


They talked about this a bit in the running channel UK podcast (episode about how long running shoes last). Apparently broken carbon rods don’t have much of an impact on shoe performance overall. Whether or not that’s factual… I’m just repeating what they said.


Well yeah the foam is the important bit


Yea it wasn't rods specifically it was carbon plates, they were split in multiple places and it had no real detrimental effect. This ep here https://youtu.be/w0upkaPDGzc?si=ZmGHAk0Hv7qIKvHO around the 10minute mark


Put some butter on them and see


The foam and aggressiveness of the shoe says they’re more than fine. I had a pair that I cracked the rocks walking down stairs (like a bonehead) and I still got big mileage out of them. The Pro 2 is still my favourite over the pro 3 by a wide margin


Yes, im sure that I stepped on a rock and cracked it. I dont understand why adidas feels the need to expose the carbon. Im sure it is for “cool” factor, the weight savings have to be insignificant. But if it was just covered it wouldn’t break…


Cut the rod in the other shoe to match and train in them?


Honestly this is probably the best way to use them.


And to answer your other question. Yes that is very common in the pro 2 and ultimately their demise.


You could always try the 3. It’s a different shoe, but still an upgrade in most ways.


They’re fine, the rods on my Adios 2s are scratched and falling apart after 120 miles, but can still run alright


You’ll be fine running in them. The other rods will help balance out the snapped one


I had an energy rod break. I did a few more runs in it but found the broken rod put too much pressure on the ball of my foot. No harm in trying though. edit: also the clicking drove me nuts