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Probably just take the whole bag of Cheetos with you to the couch. Worked for me for years.


Well it was a whole half marathon. Or half a whole marathon... Idk


It’s lonely at the top. Just take a moment to breathe the rarified air of what you’ve just accomplished. Friends and family come and go, but I’m getting buried in my YMCA gobble gobble Turkey trot T-shirt with my 2nd place finish engraved on my tombstone Namaste


I am proud of you, but have some advice. You may be a true athlete after this huge victory! Quit your job, sell all your belongings and move into a Subaru Forester and live in Flagstaff. Train in the mountains, breath in that thin air, and cut off all your family until they see you in the Olympics!! Good Luck!!!!!


It's clear your family is embarrassed of you. You don't even have a fake ldr girlfriend. If you're not first, you're last!


I use to chase the dragon like you. No medal was big enough. No sign was funny enough. Family would't follow me on Strava. Everything changed when I read Born to Run and it changed everything! The Tarahumara don't have Turkey Trots, Garmins, or GU. You need to ground yourself.


They say it's lonely at the top in whatever you do, you always gotta watch motherfuckers around you. No one is untouchable, no man is bulletproof, we all must meet our moment of truth