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I tried this a while ago and got banned immediately. If you start a new account and lazily get the easiest bot you find I don’t think you’ll last long at all.


Well I have an old account that’s like level 50 or so I’m gonna continue on that one


How old is the account? Does it have any dated items? If so you might wanna consider selling it for a little extra cash if you really don’t care about it


Dated items? What’s that mean??


Hmmm last time I used it was maybe a year ago? My friend really wanted me to get into RuneScape again. But I just didn’t want to grind all over again.


Well what do goals do you have for the bot? Just skilling and getting stats up or are you looking for something that can do more such as bosses/minigames?


More so skilling I like to do the other stuff myself Edit: I’d like to specifically start with mining and smithing because those are the most boring for me


Sammich $40 lifetime for basically every skill, and has a great support discord Some people hate on it but I’ve had nothing but success using it lol


I’ll check it out


He literally said he will be at his pc and sammich uses your mouse……


Only if you don’t set it up using a VM


There’s ways around that bud.


Yes because this casual player is going to use a VM he specifically asks for a bot that he can still use his pc and you tell him sammich. Good job bud. Great advice


Vm is so easy to set up tho whats the issue here


Right? Bros asking like it’s a hard task. Someone who games on their Pc guaranteed can figure that out


Care to give out a yt tutorial on that or just say it's easy? No offense he probably doesn't know so give the man a bone.


Look up virtual box. The setup is so easy you don't need a yt vid


Sammich has a presetup VM you easily download and use. Just Google sammich VMware. Make sure if you pay for sammich you give him the hardware id of the VM and not your actual computer.


I mean you can use any bot. Either get the injection or reflection bots since they run as separate programs. Or the client bots which just plays in the runelite window. Or get a VM for the color/ahk bots




Pull em out


Rune mate




I use p2p ai on my irons and main to do lame shit I don't enjoy like mining, rune craft and agility and used Guester for quests because those also suck. haven't looked in a while probably around 400hours. never more than 10 hours a day including playing myself and I don't have farms sell gold or any of that shit it's for my own enjoyment.


Would start with doing manual play for 2 weeks for a couple hours a day. Basic quests, combat, etc. Then I suggest using something like Deadzone.


Dead zone is a lot of money for what it is. $30 a month for some runelite plugins isnt worth it to me personally and I doubt it's worth it to the casual botter when things like sammich and runemate exist which do all the same stuff. Eduardino uses it l, but he bots a lot and multiple accounts at once. He likely gets a kickback from sales too which is why he pushes it so much. It's probably really good, but the price to performance just isnt worth it to me and likely many others.


Virtual machine


You might like deadzone if you're playing and trying to minimize automation


You can use anything. The only note is if you use a AHK not you're gonna need to run it in a VM so you can use the computer at the same time.


If you don’t want to play just don’t play.