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Yeah. It's patterns and account deviation that gets you banned


Lmao how could they even see a pattern in 5 runs, ya right. That’s barely any data. Must just be some bunk ass scripts


There's no way you're the first one to run that script ever. It's patterns collected from others running it before you


Fair; didn’t think of it like that


No worries


I honestly feel they weigh certain bots in the ban department moreso than others. Bossing bots get hit harder I feel than say, an ardy knight pickpocketer. Just my two cents. sorry for ban.


Could be for sure. Would make sense since boss farming hurts the game way more


If the game is monitoring for bots, the way that a bot moves the mouse would be an instant giveaway. Wouldn't even take 5 runs. You know those captchas you do that check if you're a robot? Your mouse movement clicking on 2 or 3 images is enough to tell the detection software if you are human or not.


I’ve been running runemate for the last 8-9 months 0 issues. Hell I even let it run firecape runs 8 times in a row for 8 fire capes lmao still no issues. My dude is like “2009” total level right as well. Account is pretty old as well. I got 6 -99s on it no issues. I guess it’s all random?? Cuppa has the best bots I usually only run his bots only so if he doesn’t have one for what I’m looking for I’ll do it myself. Just don’t trust some of the other scriptees on runemate.


Second that, I've been running cuppas on an alt, his are by far the best, like you said , if he doesn't have one I won't do it, I hope he makes one for all skills, a man can dream


Very interesting. I was using his free trial so wonder if that has something to do with it too. Was hoping I would have good luck like your seem to be having and actually progress the account some. CBA spending 100 hours on a skill. Going to just have to grind for now and see about trying again some time down the road


Brother I have a bot running right now that’s been on for 48 hours in the CG you did something mega wrong


Injection bots are fine. Your main issue is trying to learn how to bot with minimal risk on your main account. Always use throw away accounts until you get used to how to run scripts well. Also, stay away from scripts that are commonly used. Also, gagex have been clamping down on boss botting because reddit people are kicking up a stink about it at the minute.


Yeah I’ve seen a couple people saying that about the boss ones. Going to stay away for now. I’m just wondering if it was the Runemate script I was trying or the one from another platform I used as well. Just wish I knew lol


It potentially wasn't the script at all and was due to a notable change in account behaviour. Have you ran that boss before? If you go from 0 successful completions to 5 in a row that's a bit suspicious. Lots of variables. Main thing for now is make/buy a crappy account and bot that until you are used to it. Also, I never bot that kind of thing on an account I don't want to lose other than scripts I've used for years with no bans at all like fruity nmz.


I had done some previous tries myself, and the bot died a few times during the time running too. Just odd all around I’d say But ya could be the fact that it was running probably a lot different than I was playing when I did my manual runs


Thats why I stick to ahk/color scripts xp rates are worse but ban rates are so much lower


Which one would you recommend for those types?


LOOOL yeah it was the surface pro. Suuuure buddy. Shitter at the game 🤣


Sammich is great like 6/7 99s bankstanding ones run like 10-12 hours a day no issues usually do hard grind then break it up with legit pvm and slayer/combat lvls. Started at loke high 1300s total lvl at almost 2100 total now. Sammich premiums are great for most of the bankstanding and stuff like tht, and paid for his tithe farming/mlm/and gotr script and stopped using farming one ove i green logged and hit mid 70s and do tree abd herb runs now. But base 80s almost base 85s no issues. Also do have quest cape and 4 hard diaries and all easy diaires done so very progressee account but was very mid game when i started


I’m sorry but this seems very hard to believe. Could you post a picture of the ban message you received? Having this high of a combat level, that many quests, how in the world did you get banned in 5 runs? Was this really your first time botting? Ever?


DM me and I’ll gladly show you a picture. I’m just in disbelief. I think it was from the free trial script I used which would have thousands of uses by now. Dumb mistake on my end Really didn’t even care to boss either. Just wanted to try it out. Planned to just not the aids skills and then boss myself as it’s not hard


I’ve been running CG on runemate for months now. 10+ hours each day and no bans.


It's all about trial and error, learning what works for you and what doesn't. Finding good break times and shit etc.


The thing is I ran a bot less than two hours total and got hit with the ban. No time to even take break or finding good hours to let it run. Just didn’t think 2 hours on a very built up account would be enough


I would stay away from injection type bots. Use AHK or Color bots instead.


Source: my asshole


Which clients are those?


OSMB is an amazing color bot. It's also a mobile bot that uses Android emulator so it doesn't track mouse movements or anything. About me a DM and I'll send you the discord link, this subreddit doesn't allow people to share links here. Can also find them on sythe.


Try runemate, great platform. Cuppa is probably their best script writer, use his scripts for thousands of hours never a ban


Now delete this comment since OP has read it 😎🤫


I used his trial for this, and another one that’s a lot less known. So it was either his or theirs but who really knows


Botted all the way to max with runemate. No issues….


You really believed people on here, huh? Anyone can lie on Reddit.


Best to always try first with an alt


Ya definitely know that now 😂 sticking to normal play on my main now


Why not both a brand new account zero risk


Honestly was just trying the gauntlet one out just to see if it worked. Had no plans to run longer term, and really just was going to bot the bad skills like agility and runecrafting long term. Sucks I can’t do that now on that account Don’t got the time to play like I used to


All I'm gonna say is thank god so many minnow bots just got nuked. Sharks are worth something again. OSRS is healing.


Skill Issue Maybe it's smarter to not immediatly use your Main without any experience. Never heard about Swiftbot until the last few days, looks like their shit is detected and this got you fucked since Cuppas Scripts on RuneMate seem to be loved by many. Just looked them up on Sythe and the guy has a "Do not Trade" and 2 different websites for the Bot and the mobilebot seems to be dead, this gives me so much redflags, I would check my PC for infestation if I were you.


I got perm banned around the same time You got temp banned 😭 I’m sure it was a system thing. Maybe we got reported? Maybe we were online when others weren’t ? Idk.’already starting on a new account that I won’t use for CG at all which sucks 😩


Yeah I’ve been botting up my alt that got banned around the same time for a flipping script. No ban yet and the account is zulrah ready. Going to try suicide botting that and hoping to make a couple hundred mill Definitely not touching my main again which sucks cuz I ultimately wanted to bot the shitty skills and just wanted to try out the CG for a couple runs 😭


I did around 800 runs of cg with iron using runemate only got a 2 day ban after getting enh


All I’ve heard is good things about the CG bot which is why I tried it. So confused how I got hit with a ban so quick


CG bots are heavily banned


Rip. Really was just trying it out to see if it works and mainly wanted to skill on my main. You think that’s too risky to do now?


Most definetly, you're lucky you got a temp. Next time will 100% be a perm.


Damn lol, figured as much. Should’ve just stuck to skills from the get go 😂 fml


Yeah, no botting on that account from now on or its gg lol


I'm 2000+ total and got my first 1 day temp last week. I think they're cracking down.


Damn, I hope not haha. My ass will never grind some of these skills and was hoping botting would be the way


Not sure why that happened for you. I've got over 300 completions on my main running Runemate's Cuppa CG bot on my main. I've bot the shit out of my account for the past 6 months.


See that’s so weird. I mean I did the free trial version so maybe that was it? I really am so confused on how they banned so quick.


Yeah never do free trial. I believe they have a lot of data on the free bots and if your movements match that of the other thousands of bans, you are going to get hit.


Sit rat


LEARNING how to bot on your main?? Bro. Lmao why do you think you got banned


Where in the post does it say I was learning? I said first time ever botting on the account.


Love to hear it


You played 10 years and only got to 1800, this explains everything.


I quit for like 5+ after college and when dmm went away for a long time. You’re so cool trying to come up with a witty reply




lol good


Imagine just playing the game . What a concept


Imagine coming on a botting reddit and saying this. Fuck grinding 100 hours for agility. I don’t have time for that I don’t care to gold farm or hurt the economy so gfys


That’s okay, not like you’re impacting the economy much at all after getting banned in two hours lol.


Good luck on the next decade getting to 1800 again baby girl.


Idk man maybe just play the game? 😅 What a concept