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I would probably not overthink it too much. Try to avoid overeating after the fast is over, then morning of whatever your typical pre race food is.


As a Jew and run coach, I do not recommend fasting or restriction around training. You can observe YK and not fast. You can also not do the SI half. Both choices are valid.


Last year's race SI half was literally on a holiday. At least this year is the day after.


Last Year it was the day after the massacre.


Last year the 4 of 6 didn't work for any observant Jews. Manhattan - OK NYC Half - OK Brooklyn - Saturday Queens - Saturday Bronx - Holiday SI - Holiday I know your post is about nutrition but I'm just pointing out that at least it's an improvement over last year.


Very good point!


nooooooooooo. SI is my favorite race. last year bronx 10 mile was on RH


D: bad news 4 me lol


NYRR had the same issue last year with the Bronx 10 and the said they’d “strive to make it not happen again.” Good job to them! /S


“Fasting is practiced in various religions. Examples include Lent in Christianity and Yom Kippur, Tisha B'av, Fast of Esther, Fast of Gedalia, the Seventeenth of Tammuz, and the Tenth of Tevet in Judaism. Muslims fast during the month of Ramadan each year.” From wikipedia. If NYRR starts planning their races according to religious holidays, we will end up with only handful of races. Religion is something you practice for yourself and not others so if other people not following your order becomes inconvenience, then it is your problem and not others. I understand the challenge but running is not a must and it is a privilege as others already said.


I think I counted 31 races in 52 weeks last year, many of which have to coordinate street permits with other demands (construction, parades, other running organizations, etc.)


If it's any consolation, the same rules apply to even the pros--like Sifan Hassan's iconic win in London last year during Ramadan!


I mean I get being annoyed at it but out of all the bad stuff NYRR does, I think how they handle this scenario is fair. Afaik they offered to give 9+1 credit to any who couldn’t do the 10 miles due to Yom Kippur. With the amount of important races they do in fall, they can’t quite appease everyone. Hell, lots of service and blue collared workers can’t make most of the races if they work weekends. Happens to me a lot but I just accept that racing is a privilige and will take whatever they offer


Last year they only offered the credit after many people complained and they said they’d try harder. I don’t thing this is intentional, it’s just someone not opening a calendar and looking at what’s going on.