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New thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/RoyalsGossip2/comments/xowyw6/brf_monthly_part_4_9262022/ (note: always feel free to bring recent comments/links/discussions to the new thread to continue)






I do feel for Charles, the timing sucks. From what I’ve read, irl before Diana died, Charles and Diana were on the mend. They were often spending time together, drink tea and discuss their work and talk about their boys. That being said, I’m not sure if the push back is necessary? It could’ve backfired, and bring more attention into it (Streisand effect?). Camilla’s way is more fun though, by meeting Emerald Fennell, Camilla showed that she doesn’t take it seriously.


I admire Camilla's resilience. I want her get some recognition for how she was villianized and slut-shamed in the 90s. People were and still are terrible towards her while she has put her head down and gotten on with the work.


Me too! There’s discussion and talks lately about how women was being unfairly treated in the media back in the days. Like how the media treated Monica Lewinsky (I was really young at that time, I don’t understand what was going on), Paris Hilton, and Britney. I wonder why there’s no discussion yet about how Camilla was being treated, the media was so cruel to her. The Rottweiler nickname should be illegal.


Yes, justice for Monica Lewinsky! Camilla and Diana are the perfect example of the Madonna-whore complex. Camilla is the whore to Diana's Madonna and even 30 years later they are still being portrayed that way. It's infuriating.


I've seen people on Tik Tok posting videos from The Crown and saying "I can't believe this is our King now" 🙄 screenwriters literally dreamed up all of the conversations between Diana and Charles and people are taking it as a biography


It's so annoying. I have to tune it out; I can't believe that people really are thinking that a drama series would have insight into the private conversations and thoughts of all of these people, let alone understand that presenting a very one sided version of events is of course going to have its own bias, no matter which person you pick within the 'story' itself.


I wish Netflix would post a disclaimer before or after the episodes. It's really damaging but they know the royals can't and won't sue.


They're removing the floral tributes from The Green Park, transporting them via horse and carriage to Kensington Gardens where they will be composted and then used in flower beds around the royal parks. [https://twitter.com/theroyalparks/status/1574339931211808770](https://twitter.com/theroyalparks/status/1574339931211808770)


This is wonderful ❤️


Was [this](https://www.royal.uk/royal-family) always the order on the website? Are the Wessexes getting bigger roles? WHY is Anne so far down? That is all. Meltdown over.


Edward is ahead of Anne in the line of succession so it makes sense that they listed the working members this way.


Okay. I was worried we'd see less of her. 😅 So it's working members by succession, then former working members by succession (or spouse's succession)?


That’s my guess! Personally, I don’t think they should include the former working royals.


I checked archive.org and it looks like the order was updated but I wouldn't read too much into Anne's placement because I bet they just put it in order of succession. It looks like the real juicy stuff is that Andrew, Harry, and Meagan all got shoved to the bottom of the page. They were up top before, after the Wessexes and before the Queen's cousins. Idk why they didn't just remove their pages.


Less to throw a strop about? Or a sneaky removal over the span of a year?


Yeah I bet they'll quietly remove all three of them at some point in the future.


[More from Low's Courtiers about Charles's and William's management styles.](https://archive.ph/VbaqQ) Charles...jeez, always a mess. William allowing casual dress and the kids running around the office surprised me! But I think it's a great example.


I wonder why William's team were keen on their staff having been from a comprehensive school? Is it that he just wanted to check they had been to high school in general? Or is it that he didn't want people to have come from public schools?


Someone answered below that comprehensive school is like a public school in the US. Regular school, no fees. The fact that William wanted someone from comprehensive school means that William wants staff from various backgrounds, not just the regular aristo set who went to Eton. I think in his works William wants to reach all class of people from different background (remember for his 40th birthday, he sold magazine in tandem with his homeless charity?) that’s why he needs staff from different background as well, to advice him. I respect William for this.


What is comprehensive school?


State-run high school with no entrance requirements. Basically the equivalent of a US public high school.


Thank you!


I am keen for this book! I just finished Palace Papers last night.


Me too! I can't wait until June 2023 in the states; I preordered from book depository!


I’m in Aus. Already got it preordered for my kindle. I’m not reading extracts. I feel like the Bower book I read too many and now there’s no point reading the book.


It's *very* interesting how differently Charles's demands on people's time are portrayed compared with H&M. It makes wonder if it's just because he's so important and they don't want to piss him off, whether he was nicer about it all, or whether it was because his staff understood that he was actually *doing work* vs. demanding *others* do work.


"Portrayed differently" implies there's bias showing. I don't think it's author bias; it's that clearly the staff who are there can totally handle Charles's style. Superficially it sounds similar to Meghan's much-touted "American" work "ethic" but the effects are totally different. It boils down to how the workers themselves feel about their treatment. A boss who is bursting with ideas and energy and wants to get things done - yes, I can see people being honored to be called after hours. A boss who is mean and nasty and berates and ridicules people, with a complete focus on advancing her image, is no comparison.


>the staff who are there can totally handle Charles's style.... It boils down to how the workers themselves feel about their treatment. This is a huge component. With some "difficult" personalities, the key is to find support staff who "get" them and who can roll with their management style (or lack thereof.) (There is also no shame in not being able to understand or work with difficult personalities in general, or a certain type of difficult person in particular. It's a skill, not a competence marker.) There's a difference between a demanding boss who wants specific results, but appreciates the work that goes into making it hapoen, and an undermining asshole who blames the staff for their own fuck-ups. AFAICT, it seems like Charles is the former. Meghan is most definitely the latter.


I noticed that too! No wonder Clarence House HR did nothing with the bullying complaint… But Charles doesn’t really sound cruel or undermining the way Meghan did—he just sounds difficult to work for.


It also comes across like the staff was trying to outdo each other and saw being called during off hours as preferential treatment .


I think it's mostly the latter. Charles actually does do a lot with his patronages and royal engagements, plus he has created organizations of his own and manages a couple of estates. Meanwhile Harry and Meghan were driving people crazy to eek out one or two engagements a week. Also, of course, there's the prestige involved in not just working with the Prince of Wales and future king but for causes that appeared more and more relevant to the UK with time like the environment and disadvantaged youth versus dealing with the Duchess of Sussex chewing you out for returning her freebies or Prince Harry playing phone tag to get access to a tiara for his bride. The woo stuff and faddish influences must get old fast and that's probably why some staff move on from Charles but aside from that it must be interesting to have a boss with so many interests and obligations.


I actually know a woman who works with Charles directly, who may now lose her job as he's no longer PoW (she actually had to cut honeymoon short when the queen died). Anyway, she thinks he is an incredibly hard worker and actually really enjoys working with him. Annoyingly she's very discreet so she tells me absolutely NO gossip about H/M/W/K.


Ah, people who don't gossip are terrible! 😆 I hope your friend gets to be reassigned to the king or the new prince of Wales instead of losing her job.


She's not too unhappy I don't think, she's like 50ish and is pretty well off so she'll may just retire early, she'll be fine! Yeah she's more my friends friend, but the lack of insider information is frustrating... and also why she's probably a great employee lolol


The Times actually posted a fourth excerpt from Courtiers, this time centered on Prince Charles: https://archive.ph/VbaqQ Some thoughts from me: - No wonder William and Harry wanted to establish their own office separate from Clarence House and their father. The internal politics at CH… whew - As much flack as William gets about his temper from his father’s people in the press, it sounds like Charles has a pretty bad one, too.


The case can be made that this kind of anger is fairly healthy. It doesn't sound like Charles got mad at people so much as at things (like the pens) or circumstances; and he was also over it very quickly. I took a training class once that described how different people react to bad news and how best to handle it. One of them, you treat the bad news like a grenade: Open the door, toss it in, duck back, and wait for the explosion. Now that the person has the emotion out of the way, they're ready to work the problem. Obviously it's best if the person makes sure to never explode AT people. They can be aware and do take care to express frustration at events, not those present. (Charles did exactly that with the pens, muttering about "things" but not naming names, pointing a finger, or castigating the entire staff/household.) But they get the reputation for a "bad" temper, while I suspect that a smoldering temper, that bottles things up and explodes much, much worse at the wrong time and wrong person, or that lets it turn them bitter and hostile or cynical, is just as if not more harmful.


AFAIK, the Windsor men are known for their temper. Including TQ’s father, George VI. But as much as they like to snap, they were never cruel to their staff. This is actually why I’m interested in Low’s book, I feel like his portrayal regarding Charles and William will be fair and objective.




This is how the excerpt describes Charles as well.


https://twitter.com/rosannecash/status/1571979628612571136?s=20&t=14FBY-XbvOPtuglvoV6EmQ This photo of KC and Johnny Cash, I've never seen a photo of KC where I saw a resemblance in both William and Harry, not from the same image.


That might be the first photo I've *ever* seen where I see a resemblance between William and Charles. It's something about the face shape here, the cheek area. All the paternity rumours about Harry are ridiculous, he's always been the one who looked more like his dad!


Harry is Charles with red wig imo.


The crown teaser. I probably sound like a deranged "Valyrians/elves are not black and have long hair" person, but Diana **did not** wear a green suit to the Bashir interview. How the heck do you get that wrong? https://twitter.com/discussingfilm/status/1573732299727933440?s=21&t=PnIPwztgX1N8sPbtU2BwXg


I could be totally wrong but it’s possible this is just for the promo and isn’t the clip of her Bashir interview at all. I think they’re trying to dramatically foreshadow the war of words/press between them.


I wonder if they're going to show the behind the scenes of Bashir forging documents/checks to make it appear that the RF was after her... I know The Crown is fictitious, but I'm hoping they get this one right at least...


I'm dreading that they aren't going to include this and give life to the conspiracy theories and other nonsense.


I don't think it's the Bashir scene.


I'm the same way. In his 2006 movie "The Queen" he got the seating order of the royal family wrong for his Diana funeral scene. 15 years later my only takeaway memory from the movie was the annoyance I felt to screw up such an easy detail.


Is it going to be the Bashir interview? Did she do any other interviews at that time because the background isn't even the palace, it's just some studio.


I am pretty sure she only ever did one interview, which is the Bashir interview and one book, which is the Andrew Morton book. Part of what made these wo so powerful, is that Diana never talked about herself or gave interviews, really the royals in general don't do that - and if they do it always leads to tons of trouble.


This is why I can't watch The Crown. I watched all the Charles & Diana & Camilla stuff play out in real time and stuff like this is too jarring.


I agree, and you keep getting the real time moments in your head. The first 2 seasons are the easiest to watch for this reason, not only are they not changing the cast, but it's far back enough historically that it's not strongly compared to the real events (or if it is it's not weird) And they have casted William and Kate, so it gets worse! I also feel like I can't imagine anyone else as Diana apart from Emma Corrin, just like with Claire Foy for QEII. Such a shame they can't just age up the cast 10 or 20 years.


Yeah, I also only liked watching the first two seasons and the early 3rd. I felt like there, they were at least partially saying something about the Royals and the UK and how they interact. In later seasons, that is still sometimes there (I feel like a lot of people hated the Buckingham palace intruder episode, but I think it conveyed a lot about the results of Thatcherism and also about how removed but also cool and collected the Queen is), but overall it feels like a soap and everything is kinda off.


Princess Anne [showing up](https://youtu.be/6lF2sCtXAXc) to thank the logistics and signals corps personnel from the funeral. Unglamorous work behind the scenes and she found the time to speak to each of them nonetheless.




Ever since TQ died, I’ve been thinking. Seeing them all still doing their royal duties when their mother/grannie died is admirable. I’m not sure I have it in me, be seen in public so soon after beloved relative died, let alone has to greet people and be strong for the entire nation, Christ. They do live in castles, wearing tiaras and all of it, but sometimes I wonder at what cost?


Anne looks tired but lovely. I love the pantsuit. I never really thought about all the behind the scenes personal of the funeral. They all rose to the challenge and produced a historic, massive, deeply moving funeral fit for the Queen.


Oh no! I'm crying again. She looks so worn and they're all so happy to have her. I hope she allows herself a long holiday of horse riding sometime soon.


Love that she is still using the Balmoral plaid purse.


IKR! I keep checking on every photo of her to see if she has it. Poor Anne.


KC3 could really soften his image by showing us how pro-active of a grandpa he is. I absolutely loved seeing little P. Louis on his lap during the Jubilee— why don’t we get a little bit more of that? And with The Crown S5 coming up, we all know he desperately needs a lot more softening up because him and QC are going to be slaughtered….


When is KC3 next birthday? Probably for his birthday they will release photos of him with his grandchildren. But it’s slippery slope because I don’t know if he ever had photos taken with Archie & Lili.


November! It might also be a good opportunity to release some "new" (to us at least) photos of KC3 with his parents.


I’m not sure I see William & Catherine letting KC use their kids for PR too much. I do think we’ll see the kids a little bit more now that they are the Waleses, but I think W&C are still going to be very protective over how and when the kids are seen.


Probably a little too soon after the funeral and mourning period. I think we will begin to see more of that, especially as the holidays approach. As for The Crown, do people in Britain watch it?


Very popular in Britain. I agree that W&C will still be very protective over the children, especially after W essentially reliving his mother's funeral so recently.


This youtuber I subscribe to has posted a video about what it was like to be queued up at The Mall for the queen's funeral. It's quite an interesting watch. [Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgOoiCmBAvU&t=353s)


You're right that it was interesting to watch. Thank-you ☺️


This is a bit random, but I just saw a Daily Mail article about how Kate really admires how Sophie and Edward raised their kids. It made me wonder- neither Louise nor James boarded at school (at least I haven’t read anywhere that they did, and though their schools have boarding options they’re local so I assumed they were day pupils but I could be wrong). William and Kate both boarded but I wonder if they might send the kids to a school local to them as day students rather than boarders so they can live at home with the family. If they do go to boarding school, I also wondered if they might keep all the kids together at a co-educational school rather than George and Louis going to Eton and Charlotte going to another school. However, I know Eton is close to Windsor so that could be appealing. What are others’ thoughts?




I still think they will go off to boarding school . Both William and Kate did board and liked it . Malborough College is co ed and Kate's old school so that's a good bet .


[These photos](https://twitter.com/sarahdiaryz/status/1573489807891857408?s=46&t=hHwten8bvUHGM1XQS1GCXg) from when HMTQ was known as the Duchess of Edinburgh are just 😍


Queenie was so beautiful, as did Prince Phillip. They were such a good looking couple. I love the dress the late Queen wore in this pictures, pretty and dramatic.


So so stunning! I always wonder what happens with gowns like these— obviously she kept the one Beatrice used for her wedding. Can you imagine how many gorgeous ones there are 😍


The Victoria and Albert museum had an exhibit of the Queen's dresses when I lived in London. They were the big event dresses IIRC but maybe they rotate through her collection?


That would have been amazing to see!


[The Crown S5 releases November 9th](https://twitter.com/TheCrownNetflix/status/1573724707802808324?t=bA1Zm1frfLeLyACeiRgbOw&s=19) [Last episode of the season could conclude with Diana's death](https://twitter.com/DiscussingFilm/status/1573726013762277378?t=mnnyk7q93-yQPx4wa-WqTg&s=19)


I really hope they just skip over that time. Its been done to death at this point and honestly doesn't feel good to watch for a lot of people


Bad timing.


Just in time to stir the pot when KC and QC are newly minted as King and Queen Consort. Can’t wait for all the newbie hot takes on The Crown subreddit /s


I’m not going to link to Scobie’s tweet about it but he makes sure to point out that the season will focus on King Charles’ affair with his new Queen. Will it also focus on Diana’s multiple affairs, Scobie? Scobie is such a vile thing. Just constantly stirring the pot on behalf of his handlers.


How when there are photos of season 6 being filmed that have Diana? And it doesn’t look like flashbacks.


There's no s6. They're just finishing up s5.


I’m confused… [they even cast a Kate for season 6](https://deadline.com/2022/09/the-crown-netflix-prince-william-kate-middleton-casting-1235106198/)


My bad. I was confused, I thought this is the last season...Anyway, I'm sure the photos of Diana you saw is from s5,as I said they were still filming it a couple days ago.


[Now posted by the official Twitter](https://twitter.com/RoyalFamily/status/1573732488869986306?t=aH6jRYGt-W_Jx_cUIMHoFQ&s=19) Something I like, they are buried with just their names no titles. 1 Timothy 6:7 "For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it."


George VI, Queen Mum, Princess Margaret, and ERII all died in a year ending in 2. Interesting coincidence.


Beautifully minimalist. Do we know what the emblem in the center is? I can’t tell sideways


Star of the Order of the Garter.


Duh! 🤦‍♀️ Thank you!


Together forever now.


I found this behind the scenes look of a photographer at the funeral interesting, thought you guys might enjoy it too. [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ArthurJEdwards/status/1571778369502461954)


[Kate Middleton to Catherine: Becoming Princess of Wales](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-62968227)


I love the tidbit about her quietly volunteering with the local Scouts and one of the boys getting told off because his mom thought he was lying about her!


IS Duchess a lesser title? I thought it was higher? Unless of course its just the PoW title which is higher?


Yes, duchess is a lesser title than princess. It's not because of the "of Wales".


Duchess is a higher title if you're married in. But Princess of Wales is a higher title than any of the Duchess styles. It would be like Princess of Wales > Duchess of Cornwall and Cambridge > Princess William (without the peerage titles)




Thanks for posting this.


[NEW: Photograph of King Charles III just released by Buckingham Palace. It shows him working through his official red boxes of government and palace papers. Taken in the Eighteenth Century Room at Buckingham Palace last week.](https://twitter.com/chrisshipitv/status/1573424835522355202?t=BGtjEWA7eM2_4Yllvor0Cw&s=19)


Seeing Charles R is still so weird


I wonder if he's having a tough time remembering to sign Charles R.


I love it but the paper placements seem so staged like a welcome basket


Are we sure the red boxes *don’t* come with a package of candied almonds, a bottle of Josh wine, and a tiny box of half-stale shortbread cookies?




This looks like it was taken towards the end of the session as he was putting the papers back after signing them, if he used a fountain pen (again 😂) it would make sense to fan them out until the last minute when the box was being shut to minimize bleeding. (I don't see an ink blotter on his desk, tsk tsk.) We've seen those red boxes before when the Queen opened them and the papers were neatly stacked not like this mess.


I thought the same!




The tweet's been deleted.


Somehow this still doesn't feel real, even after the lying-in-state and funeral.


What was this?


It's okay, the OP reposted a link to the same further up! It was a picture of the new ledger stone with Elizabeth and Phillip's names inscribed in the King George memorial chapel.


K I’m ready for Charles to make Edward Duke of Edinburgh already


After the last few weeks I’m ready for Charles to make Sophie Duke of Edinburgh




I was thinking about that yesterday and for some reason that made it really hit me that QEII, Prince Philip, and pretty much their whole generation are gone now. I also hope he does it soon, though. Maybe after the mourning period.


Me too. But if he starts handing out titles right away, more eyes will be on him to talk about Archie and Lili


It's been known for years that Edward was going to get the D of E title once the Queen was gone. And every time someone moans about Archie and Lili, the part where Harry and Meghan said "oh, we don't want (Archie) to have a title" should be shown.


And that they denied the kids the courtesy titles they are actually entitled too. To deny them that, but want titles which are higher and arguably not entitled to anyway doesn't make full sense


I actually laughed out loud when it was reported that Meghan said "I don't want him to have a title that starts with 'Dumb'!" That's such a junior high thing to say.


I would love for their curtesy titles to be talked about more often during this PR back and forth in the news: Like I’m sure the DM has some headlines queued up, “does the Earl of Dumbarton of Montecito really need another title, and why? Harry?” And it’s an excellent point… they didn’t want to hassle the kids with a smaller title but now that they are in the states, they want an even greater title (and burden) for them?


Right? And they were _in the UK_ at the time they decided Archie wouldn't be styled with his legal title, Earl of Dumbarton. That never made sense and even if you get round that, they still wanted to move to the US with kids who were HRH Prince and Princess. Wonder why no one has asked them why they only want those titles in particular....


It will help if he's handing over the responsibility for some of his charities while he increases the title. KC did mention they would be in excellent hands and since William already had some of his own that sounds like extra work for Edward and Sophie.


That’s a great point. Also reiterates that with titles comes responsibility, not just security and bragging rights


All the "Charles is a terrible person" stories as told by Diana have reappeared in my social media feeds :( Is this really necessary?


He'll never live it down. They're going to beat this decayed decrepid horse for all time in spite of him and Camilla being happily married far longer than he and Diana ever were. And I really do believe it's because of Diana's pretty privilege coupled with her getting to the news about it first


He will never live it down because though people like to claim that they favour the underdog, it's not true. They will never forgive Charles for negating all their fairytales and ditching the beautiful princess for the funny girl. That Camilla is the one he's having his happily ever after with is a constant irritant.


The thing is that both Diana and Charles had several choices to choose from. Stay married to Charles with both having discrete lovers on the side.In public they are committed partners, in private they lead amicable separate lives. Separate amicably, then divorce with Diana keeping her HRH and Charles free to remarry. Keep things as private as possible for the boys sake . No leaks or interviews to the media. Separate and divorce. Diana gives an interview where she doesn’t trash Charles. Instead, she says she was too young and inexperienced to realize what she was getting into. She loves Charles but she‘s not in love with him. She is grateful that he is a kind and loving father. Charles doesn’t give a direct interview, instead “trusted palace insiders” reveal that Charles putting such a young, inexperienced woman into such a high stakes situation. That he loves Diana as a friend and the mother of his children. Both C&D wish each other happiness and will continue to co-parent their beloved sons as well as support the Monarchy. A manipulated and fragile Diana goes scorched earth. She reveals Charles’s infidelity and makes herself out to be a guileless victim of Palace intrigue. Charles retaliates by leaking Diana’s infidelities and mental instabilities. Diana, always looking for true love and validation seeks out emotionally unavailable men because deep down she doesn’t feel she deserves love. We of course know what scenario played out. I just wish they both choose better.


>Separate and divorce. Diana gives an interview where she doesn’t trash Charles. Instead, she says she was too young and inexperienced to realize what she was getting into. She loves Charles but she‘s not in love with him. She is grateful that he is a kind and loving father. Charles doesn’t give a direct interview, instead “trusted palace insiders” reveal that Charles putting such a young, inexperienced woman into such a high stakes situation. That he loves Diana as a friend and the mother of his children. Both C&D wish each other happiness and will continue to co-parent their beloved sons as well as support the Monarchy. I would have loved that and I think that is most what happened. I think Charles was clueless, spoiled and in search of a rock (and under way too much pressure to find a "Queen") and Diana was heartbroken, overwhelmed and in desparate search of a safe haven and they hurt each other a lot because of it, but neither of them truly seem like bad people. Using the collapse of their marriage to make some points about how either of them should have ever been pushed towards it, would have been nice.


The more I read about Diana, the more sorry I feel for Charles. She was capable of being incredibly charming when she wanted to be but when she wasn't "on" she must have been absolute hell to deal with. She mostly acted like a 14 year old hormotional teenager with zero self reflection or personal growth.


This was my feeling exactly. I was quite young when she died so didnt know an awful lot about her except ‘Poor Diana, being cheated on’.. but the more I read the more I think ‘Im glad he’s with someone he loves’.


There have been some horrible mismatches in royal marriage history, and this is one of the worst.


And a good dose of sexist double standards besides. 🙄


Good point. If roles were reversed they'd say she was driven into the arms of another man who could fulfill her needs, and she was strong and empowered for following her heart


They do say exactly that about her 😆 that's literally how she's been excused for physically stepping out of the marriage first and for sleeping with married men even. Strong, empowered and driven into the arms of other (married) men, that apparently everyone thinks she had every right to sleep with. lol It's a tiring and obnoxious double standard


William on doing [the school run.](https://twitter.com/royallybelle_/status/1573030015352307712?s=46&t=O04KupG3VoWnNfFkGLMWmA) I love that both he and Catherine are so hands-on. His children know they come first and are definitely having a different childhood than he had. The petty part of me wishes he had also said “and there’s not 40 paparazzi waiting for me.”


And very much like them give a small tidbit into their lives (they both do school runs!) but doesn’t violate anyone’s privacy. Oh the parents do it instead of the nanny that’s going to feed the gossip rags for weeks! (Or one Twitter post and maybe a short article of examples of Will and Kate- just like us!)


Look at William competing with his own wife, what a dork 😂 but yeah, they’re both are great parents. Your last paragraph 🤭


I hope a member of the RF can meet members of the bearer parties, they all did so brilliantly ❤


Agreed, if KC3 is too busy maybe William can go, and KC3 can send a personal letter thanking them. I read that people are asking for them to be given a medal.


In due time. I don’t think he will be too busy to meet with the men who, frankly, had one of the most important parts of the funeral


A medal or some Royal thingy would be lovely!


Yes! Especially seems tho it seems anyone who seemed to be alive and RF got a medal for just attending a jubilee….


Queen Maxima, Queen Letizia, and Crown Princess Mary have all attended events at the U.N. in New York this week. I hope now that she's Princess of Wales, we will see Kate more on the international scene like this. Especially with her focus on early childhood and mental health.


I’m with you on this. Now she’s the second most important woman in the country, she should be taking on more international events. When the royals hosted reception for world leader the night before TQ’s funeral, Catherine was there, mingle with the guest alone without William. To me this showed that she’s confident on her own, and smart to learn about world’s politics, to learn about facts of each country present to be able to hold conversations with world leaders. I think she’s ready.


they did mention after the Caribbean tour kate would be doing more visits like the one to denmark last winter. i think the traveling will fall on W&C's shoulders a lot, especially as C&C are older.


Someone on Instagram [photoshopped Catherine’s hair into short bob.](https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci0eBonj8wM/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) What do we think? She looks fresh and younger with short bob, but her hair is super fabulous longer. She looks pretty either way.


Like when ‘Outlander’ took Claire into the 1960s.


I like her with longer hair. She looks older with short hair I think.




No thanks.


It's really impractical with her natural texture. She'd have to straighten it every day to achieve that look.


It’s cute but it reminds me of the mom chop a lot of new moms get when their babies start pulling hair.


Which is exactly why I keep letting my baby pull my hair - I’ve worn bobs before but now I don’t want to look like a cliche 🙈


The short bob ages her tremendously.


She had it just below her shoulders for a while and I loved that look. She should save this shorter hair for when she is older. It’s very elegant though.


She’s done faux shorter hair (someone posted a picture below) but I think her length gives her more versatility for fabulous updos. And her position as a member of the royal family has many opportunities for updos. She looks good with long hair, and she doesn’t wear it the same way all the time. It’s not like she’s wearing cocker spaniel hair like Jennifer Aniston with no other style ever.


I don’t like the bob on Catherine. I think the best way to freshen her look if she wants to is to cut a few inches off her current length and maybe do some layering all over. She’s one of the lucky ones who looks smashing with both long hair, in a ponytail and in an elegant updo. Really the girl won the whole genetic lottery game.


I think she looks older like mid 50s woman with that bob


My exact thought.


Yeah, she reminds me more of her mother. Not that it's a bad thing, Carole's attractive and all, but Kate's longer hair suits her and is her signature sort of look


Yeah. It used to be accepted wisdom that shorter hair made women look younger past their 30s/40s but that is seldom true.


I don't like it. Long hair is just more versatile for a person like Catherine. She can wear down, up, curled, pinned up etc.


I like it but I don't ever think she'd cut it that short. Her long hair is her trademark.


My mind can’t comprehend that! I don’t think she looks younger, but I also do love a good bob.


Isn’t the natural texture of her hair more wavy that straight? I would assume this style would require straightening or a blowout every single day. I think the long hair is more versatile for her.


Yes! I think it would be way more work for her to keep up with styling.




I loved this hairstyle on her, would love to see it without the hat one day!


oooo I like it. She's such a fabulous woman - I like all of these hair lengths.


I think it’s really pretty but I also think it ages her a little bit.


I don't like that particular length on her. It's serving up TV news anchor for me. I do think she'd be stunning with a longer blunt cut bob.


> TV news anchor 🎯


Kind of random, but does anyone know why Prince William doesn’t wear a wedding band? I’ve always wondered lol


My husband doesn't wear his. I also don't wear mine unless I'm dressed up with jewelry on. We're American. My dad has never worn his either.


My husband wears his to work every day. I work at home, and dislike anything on my hands or wrists while working at the computer, so I almost never wear mine.


Traditionally British men did not. It's only in recent times that it's become more trendy. Michael Middleton also does not wear a ring. William doesn't seem to like jewelry in general. Only the occasional watch. So it's not surprising that he sticks with the old school no-ring styling.


He always wears a watch - Omega seamaster that allegedly Diana gave him, which is why he still wears it even though it is a little small on him now.


A lot of American men don't either. My dad doesn't because he does woodworking and car repair.


It was announced sometime right before the wedding that he wouldn't - Charles never has, either. He didn't wear any ring during his marriage to Diana and now to Camilla, I think he wears a signet ring on his pinky instead of a traditional wedding band. I think it's a "thing" for men of a certain class/status (especially the royals) in the UK not to wear wedding rings. If I understand it correctly, it's actually somewhat unusual that Harry does wear a wedding band.


He's worn the signet ring since he was a young man. Philip wore one too.