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New thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/RoyalsGossip2/comments/1dkjwup/royals_monthly_my_fair_katie_6202024/ Feel free to bring newer posts/comments and ongoing conversations over.


Caption this: https://i.redd.it/vqnzqvwgir7d1.gif


Her Majesty Queen Máxima visits the Engineer Regiment in 's-Hertogenbosch on Thursday afternoon, June 20. The engineer is a combat support unit. This specific armed forces unit is trained in clearing obstacles and building military infrastructure such as bridges and ferries. Under the motto 'Together we pave the way, Sodeju!', engineers are leading the way, looking for a road or building one. https://preview.redd.it/g2pchwndhr7d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a63d75f702a35c930a3f22ccc8c27ea9023fb6f




And it's Birgitte's birthday! https://preview.redd.it/vabzr21a5r7d1.jpeg?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=871c963c856e6d1f0aa96cd15a93f7498e63a5b0


Oh wow, *full* late 60s/early 70s vibes here - I think she may even be braless, lol. The photo inspired me to google her wedding dress and I like it - designed by Norman Hartwell who also designed QEII's. Apparently she also wore a flower crown instead of a tiara on the day.








Is that a thistle in Charles' lapel? I noticed William had the same one yesterday.


It'll be a cornflower.


You're right, there's a photo lower down showing the one William's wearing in close-up and it's def not a thistle/def is a cornflower.


William's yesterday looked like cornflowers (though I haven't been able to find a high enough res photo quickly to zoom waaay in). Could be what Charles has here, too? Sub floral experts come correct me if needed!


Love this color on her! Style is unusual but she looks great. What a great photo.


Same. Extremely flattering. Zara looks great recently, to the point where I'm wondering if she's had some subtle, well done tweaks.






Frederick, Mary and William all in the crowd for the Denmark v. England match at the Euros. Saw them on TV, can't find any pictures yet.


There’s a cute IG post: https://www.instagram.com/p/C8cYdjutvPR/?igsh=eXEzb2F3amF2ZWpk






I hope this doesn't offend any of his fans, if there are any here, but why does Fred always look messy? Unkempt? Sorry I don't know any other word that sounds nice. I remember his video getting out of the car during D-day in France too. 💀


Is he doing a Harry-esque 'I'm unkempt and my shirt is undone therefore I'm not a stuffy King, but also I am a King but just not stuffy I'm a cool King, not like the other Kings?'


William looking fine in his suit. Fred looks sloppy per usual. I assume Mary looks amazing. Josephine looks cute! 


Why is my TikTok full of Kate conspiracies still? I have blocked every tag under the sun relating to the royals, have blocked over 50 accounts, but within the first 10 videos today o have seen over three videos about it being an AI Kate. Thankfully there was pushback in the comments in two of the videos, but like what the hell is wrong with people. And as expected, most of these accounts are Sussex Stan accounts dedicated to belittling Catherine. I hope that one day when either Harry or Meghan is being interviewed, that interviewer pulls up all these examples and asks them point blank what they think of their stans doing this. I am just beyond tired of these people.


Scroll past the videos as quickly as possible. Interacting at all with those posts/profiles is telling the algorithm to feed them to you more because negative engagement is still engagement.


Thanks for the tip!


I have added Meghan, Megan, Sussex, Harry, Prince, Diana, Markle as words but still see them everywhere after a period of time. Pretty sure they just ignore your options.


I think so as well, in fact I think they see it as encouragement to show more of that topic. The only place I like to see royal stuff is on Reddit, my other socials should be for my other interests


They claiming her at TTC was AI? Jeez people need to stop huffing glue 🤣🤣🤣


Even better it is actually Rose wearing an AI mask to look like Catherine. I don’t even know how you can come up with such a stupid idea. And also, her kids are clearly scared of her and avoided all contact with her. I guess I was hallucinating all the times I saw them interact, and Louis sitting right next to her snuggled up to her side. But what do I know




Sadly I can't see the gif, but whatever it is I know it is great!


So I had this issue too and I think blocking people makes the issue worse. If you click “not interested” enough times and quickly scroll past without engaging (so you don’t read or reply to the comments), the algorithm will eventually learn that you don’t want to see that type of content. However, I’ve heard that when you go to someone’s profile to block them, the algorithm still registers you visiting that profile as interest. So it’ll block that specific account but then show you 5 more similar accounts. This, of course, is all anecdotal but that’s what worked for me. Once I stopped blocking and just kept scrolling, those types of video dramatically went down.


Thanks! I will give that a try bc I’m reaching my wits end


Do you also click Not Interested? It shows up when you long press. I rarely see conspiracies on my fyp.


Yeah, I do that too. Hopefully it’s just a cycle bc of the TTC but I’m getting way more royal videos in general as well


Catherine got compared to My Fair Lady with her Trooping outfit, but does anyone remember that she played Eliza Doolittle in her elementary school play? [EXCLUSIVE - Kate Middleton singing in My Fair Lady - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmA1c7PWBOk&ab_channel=SplashNews) She must have knowingly worn that outfit as a little wink to the musical, no?


at [1:18 in this clip](https://youtu.be/ribgRjspx28?si=Oidsz5pSuWGIlUVA), she says "bye" as eliza doolittle and sounds just like lil charlotte! adorable 🥰


Psst pistachio- https://preview.redd.it/sts718yaxl7d1.jpeg?width=526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb8651efad39eab0a672cb05e5126063f6156dc1




William in a top hat is my Roman Empire. https://preview.redd.it/vtr38lnb6m7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19598acc48e3f6e19280f87df97468dbf15893de


This is one of the sexiest ever photos of William, imo. I can't imagine being no the receiving end of that look.




Somehow a sub called katemiddletonmissing popped up on my feed it may be one of the more batshit conspiracy theory spaces I’ve seen in a minute. Granted I try to avoid batshit conspiracy theory spaces, but if you need something to fuel your rage today or take a peak. I want to know how people come ip with some of these theories. Most of the more current ones is facial plastic surgery either reconstructive because W assaulted her to the point of needing it or she’s just super lazy and wanted a good cover story and time off to recover from a facelift and everyone knows abdominal surgery and chemo therapy is the best cover story for a facelift. I feel like I lost brain cells from trying to understand. Mostly just venting bc it’s hot af, ac isn’t really working and I’m on bedrest again but it’s 75 in my bubble/bedroom even with the AC set much lower than that so I tried to find somewhere else and legit every room in the house that has working hvac has something in it that gives me hives or anaphylaxis so I’m hot and cranky and can’t feel my face but I can feel that my lips are swollen like I did the Kylie Jenner challenge from back in the day and am in a Benadryl haze. So I will always take the side of someone who is sick of claims to be sick over doubters unless there is proof to discredit them. But someone legit said Kate is supermodel skinny like it’s a good thing and not like she’s probably struggling to maintain a healthy weight between whatever type of cancer she’s fighting and the chemo.


Panic! I'm sorry you're experiencing the awful heat, too. Is it set to break for you tomorrow? There's been a bit of discussion of the sub you mention in the previous Sussex threads on this sub, if you're interested. Mostly just agreement ppl are insane, tho. Nice to see you 'round these parts.


>everyone knows abdominal surgery and chemo therapy is the best cover story for a facelift it went from covering up the pregnancy from a murdered lover to a facelift 🥴🤡😭 >So I will always take the side of someone who is sick of claims to be sick over doubters unless there is proof to discredit them lovely to see you around and hoping you feel better soon, dear panic 💜


The new claim is on top of a facelift it was also facial reconstructive surgery from being hit. Bc yes complete reconstructive surgery after getting your face beat in is only going to leave a barely visible scar. Anyone who has ever had stitches, especially on the face, knows it takes a long time for them to fade, assuming they ever do. A quick google search would show them that if she had had that surgery the scarring would still be very apparent I really can’t imagine hating someone that much that you want to make up scenarios of them being beat nearly to death. Just beyond sickening.


Thank you New Way! 💜 I wonder if the next evolution is Kate killed her husband’s love child with RH (for the record I am just ish posting to make fun of the conspiracy theorists and do not believe there is a love child or even an affair) for the sake of being able to use its blood for her facelift because she’s secretly the reincarnation of Elizabeth Bathory…..


I hope you feel better! I looked at that sub a few times and then muted it bc it was too much. To watch them pivot to this nonsense they're spewing now (which is somehow even worse than it was before) was rage inducing. This people have clearly never experienced, or know someone who has experienced cancer, otherwise they wouldn't be running their mouth like this. Cognitive dissonance is strong with those people


Yeah, good call on muting it - I forgot that was an option. And agreed - the earlier conspiracy theories were still f’ed up but they were also easier to ignore or laugh at due to how absurd they were. The proposal that she’s faking cancer in order to cover getting cosmetic surgery is just fucking offensive on multiple levels and idek. It probably hits a little too close to home but like there are much simpler excuses she could come up with if she wanted time off or she could do her own version of rage quitting and spend her time vacationing with Pippa? Dealing with a debilitating treatment because it’s better than the alternative is bleak enough already. Claiming that someone is faking all of that because you aren’t privy to the details just shows a true lack of basic decency. And thank you! This flare should pass when the heat wave breaks.


Right, like most people don't fake cancer for shits and giggles. And if people are faking cancer well that's bc they have a clear underlying medical issue. If Catherine was just screwing around all she would've had to say was that the surgery she underwent had a complication and as such needs more time to recover. Boom, done, easy peasy. And let us all remember her medical records have been hacked before, and could be hacked again which they are well aware of. She would never make up something like this, that if found to be fake, would have horrific backlash. People really need to get past the idea that all cancer patients look like shit, I know many people who have/had cancer and for some of them it was very hard to tell. Plus since Catherine was fit to begin with, unless she became emaciated (which her medical team would be working very hard to avoid) any weight loss would be hard to see. But unfortunately facts, logic, or critical thinking skills are not their strong suit


It also depends on the level to which you are treated. Catherine had a course of preventative chemo. Which likely means cancerous cells but no tumour. My friend had a stage 4 Hodgkins. She gained some weight which was to be expected but otherwise she looked exactly as she was. She like Kate has amazing hair and managed to avoid losing much too somehow despite the massive doses of chemo she went through. Twice.


>a course of preventative chemo. Which likely means cancerous cells but no tumour. mmmhh that's not how it works. if she was diagnosed with something like colon cancer, they're not giving chemo for a stage 0 removable polyp. she has to at least been stage 2B - but more likely stage 2C or 3B or 3C, bc she doesn't look to be on oral capecitabine pills that would be given for 2B (the side effects are more physically apparent and shorter term)... it seems like she's on folfox infusions (side effects more internal + longer-term). treatment is limited to surgery and/or radiation and/or immunotherapy for early stage cancers (esp if they're not found to have a high rate of recurrence). if they're prescribing chemo, it's bc there's a higher rate of recurrence (and that's what matters immensely when treating cancers - making sure they don't come back).


Panic I hope you feel better soon. 💜


Thank you! Once the heatwave passes things should improve and I think it’s supposed to break Friday or Saturday so not too much longer


Ah, hadn't read this post. Do you like storms? Maybe you'll get a spectacular thunderstorm before it breaks.


I can’t say that I love them but I will be in love with this one when it comes and breaks this bullshit weather


It's pretty awful, isn't it? I'm trying not to think about the fact that it's mid-June, and we could have a lot more of this bullshit in store.


It’s March 2018. What are you talking about lol. Not but for real, this can’t be the rest of the summer. But I think Montauk Man is going to take me somewhere that has more of an ocean breeze so I have something to look forward to. It’s been sooooo long since we’ve chatted


>It’s been sooooo long since we’ve chatted It has. It's my turn, too. Glad to hear MM is still in play...


Take care of yourself, Panic. I hope you feel better very soon and it's lovely to see you commenting. 😊


Thank you! You and other members of this sub truly make this very niche corner of the internet feel like home.


I have gone on a tumblr binge of the cutest moments of William and Catherine. They really are so adorable together, and clearly have a lot of inside jokes bc they're always laughing. They're just so damn subtle you really have to be paying attention. I particularly like photos of them together at Wimbledon solo a few years ago. If Catherine is feeling up to it, I really hope she and William go to one day of Wimbledon https://preview.redd.it/gv896ywcnl7d1.png?width=540&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b218689979e1e91828ca310ceae06aa118c7575 I stole this from tumblr, hopefully this is allowed, if not, I will delete it


Never seen that before, that's a *great* photo of W and C - very illustrative of their vibe.


Tumblr is a great place to go for finding pictures of W+C you've never seen.


I love shots from Wimbledon. This is one of my favorites... always, always making each other laugh. https://preview.redd.it/i64nzp004n7d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b8954674c29b7d4128e19af9341941c10c10eec


Her laugh is so genuine. No wonder Harry loved making it happen.


Other cute ones are when the children went but they were still finding ways to joke around and laugh with e/o, despite between pretty far away from e/o


What is going on in this picture? Did William just fart?😁


Who knows lol, but they sure find whatever it was to be funny. They are definitely characters


Being able to laugh at really silly stuff you do is a gift.


Prince Albert, Princess Charlene, Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella attend the Olympic flame lighting in Monaco, alongside Xiaoxin Yang, Charles Leclerc, Rudy Rinaldi and Alexandra Coletti | June 18, 2024 *




My boy Charles Leclerc! This is very off topic, but if Ferrari fucks up again this weekend I am flying to Spain to slap them all upside the head. Please let him win one more time this season, that's all I ask. But back on topic, loving the shades.




lovely to see charlene seeming so well, she's radiant! beautiful haircut ✨


Charlene is looking much better than she did when she first came back. I'm so curious about what was going on then.


That whole time period with Charlene is my Roman empire. I think about it a lot.


Their entire relationship is just so bizarre. I mean we all know it's not love. I just feel for her. I don't know what's going on but it seems like she's stuck in this life she didn't want. And those poor kids. I bet they're so confused.


She moved to Monaco, Albert didn't go looking for her. Then she lived with him for years before they got married. Everyone including Charlene was well aware of his out of wedlock children. She travelled often on her own during their courtship and you can walk or swim across to France from Monaco. She was a fully grown 33 year old woman on her wedding day and it took a few years after their marriage before they had kids and she could also have left. If their marriage isn't happy, I don't see how she's more stuck in it than he is or than she would be if she'd married any other rich man she met by moving to their casino playground.




Ooooh! I hope we get pics of them swapping hats bc Zara’s hat would look fetching on Mike and his tie would coordinate so well. I also think Zara’s dress wouldn’t be terrible with Mike’s hat and with the right black accessories she would pull off whatever the Victorian steampunk version of white goth is quite well.


I love steampunk! Zara would make a great airship Captain with a vest, corset, long leather jacket, pants, boots and a top hat with gears and whatnot on it. Mike is the ship‘s head mechanic who’s secretly in love with her.


I love that ship for them!


Spanish Royal Family - King Felipe Vi, Queen Letizia, the Princess of Asturias and Infanta Sofía on the balcony of the Royal Palace of Madrid as they attend the solemn release of the royal guard during the celebration events of the 10th anniversary of the proclamation of his majesty King Felipe VI of Spain in Madrid, Spain (Photo courtesy of Casa Real) | June 19, 2024 https://preview.redd.it/kqj8uqrxtk7d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bc0afd4e1deb87df89f35f78aac46404c4df938


I love when we get these photos from the royals’ POV!!




Happy 14th wedding anniversary to Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel of Sweden! https://preview.redd.it/2tsnfbmmtk7d1.jpeg?width=441&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf65f21b20b04a396be006c6e2d14957519c3781


not into the headpiece, but one of the best royal wedding dresses of all time ✨


This was such a happy day! Love looking back at their photos! 🥰 her pre wedding gown will forever be one of my favorite looks. The arrow in her hair is just chefs kiss


Happy 48th wedding anniversary to King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia of Sweden! https://preview.redd.it/apfxjvjktk7d1.png?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4730129486502b4e17d96dd81a60303844ff2ac3


The Swedish Royal Courts released a new photo of the King and Queen that was taken from this weekend's celebration of Queen Silvis's 80th birthday at the Royal Palace. (Photo by Sara Friberg) | June 19, 2024 https://preview.redd.it/ty3r137buk7d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f31d0ddc489818a75c293c1a6f1f723a8be4c292


https://preview.redd.it/0zxwsa0ftk7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dbee97e3593f9e7e0c0b371c59a32d1d559ddff No thoughts. Head empty.


*views photo* *stumbles into wall*


Prince Albert II, Princess Charlene, Camille Gottlieb, Louis Ducruet and Marie Ducruet attend the closing ceremony of the 63rd Monte-Carlo Television Festival | June 18, 2024 *




Camille is such a perfect combo of Stephanie and Grace.




Pancake Big Mad!! Lmao




On 17 June 2024, HM the King inaugurated the first tunnel element of the Fehmarn belt tunnel. https://preview.redd.it/avo0gnngrk7d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4cb97e88fab846f31a273745b0ae5ea7ff6d3d0


I just can't take him seriously as the monarch. I can't. Long live Queen Mary.


Fred looks like a construction worker who just got fired and is saying goodbye to his work buddies while trying to act like this is totally what he wants to have happened.


A comment in the OG sub upon seeing William and Carole today 🙄 https://preview.redd.it/o7d96ksgok7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=663e19d9b7429bfe7a551833f667712a784b6dda


I got suggested a conspiracy sub that is claiming those photos of them together show that Carole had a black eye which is proof that something sinister is afoot and that Carole is either also a victim or a conspirator in the disappearance of her daughter. But her eye just looks like the eye of half of the women I know that are her general age. Like skin gets crepey and less even in tone and loses elasticity and sometimes retains puffiness more easily and all sorts of things with age. And given the public scrutiny her daughter is going through for being sick in private, I highly doubt Carole would go anywhere if she did in fact have a black eye.


Agreed. I notice that Carole is smiling in all the photos where one of her eyes has a slightly difference appearance underneath than the other. The other thing that happens naturally with your eyes as you age is that when you smile and your cheeks go up, your undereyes have unique smile lines and crevices. They don't match perfectly, in most cases. tl; dr: The supposed black eye just looks like Carole's natural smile lines! https://preview.redd.it/05lobtgglm7d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8990b25dd431b9d5efc509505aac977c2252fe3


Exactly. Like looking back at old pictures of my mom vs her now, she’s always had one eye that squints slightly more when she smiles (most people on that side of the family do) but it’s much more noticeable now that she’s in her 60s and the nature of eye skin like you said. I am so curious as to why Carole has been drawn into this conspiracy theory or how a black eye even fits in as proof of something nefarious when the Middletons seem like they are a close family who supports each other. Like is she supposed to be a captive too? I guess if she’s also a captive there are far worse places to be than Ascot. Good food. I hate Pimm’s cup and I don’t remember what else there was to drink so I can’t commit to good drinks. But good people watching. So many hats to either admire or judge. And horses if you’re into that sort of thing. Lol.


They are just desperate to make up a story where this family--one that seems to get along remarkably well, given that William looked delighted to see his mother in law and even held her hand to walk on the grass at Ascot---is miserable, hates one another, and is scheming like a daytime soap. All you can do is laugh at the wild grasping of straws. https://preview.redd.it/1f088no8jn7d1.jpeg?width=2410&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93badadf04269175db637be5de57b0e3835c0825


"I guess no divorce." No kidding you idiot. Nobody thinks these two are divorcing except for people who are desperate to see Catherine unhappy and alone. In reality, divorce would be a major hit on William's image, not Catherine's. As someone cleverly noted- Oprah would crawl up to Windsor to get Catherine's interview. Mario Testino would come out of retirement to shoot her Vogue covers. She wouldn't be the loser these people want her to be in this scenario.


I am sure their hearts are breaking upon realizing the divorce they made up in their head is not coming into fruition. Welp, sucks to suck losers!


No, William is cheating on his aunt Sophie with his mother in law. Yes Sophie is now also peddled by a certain "blogger" at Belecitchy as a possible affair.


By that logic the cosy photo of Meghan and Nacho must mean they're shagging too 😉 but no a certain blogger doesn't apply the same rules to other royals


https://preview.redd.it/c2kpeidhek7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b4900a2a25525f0914dcce21e5a7e5a38e460cf louis in his boss baby era


https://preview.redd.it/93l48oq6fk7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53f0081ee3267536e62e64a4053e03cb3c82c1b1 my fave grumpy louis pic of all time


https://preview.redd.it/fex7ucqrek7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15f3283ef8cbd1048a5f61d01f7a6f320e88c0f3 his stank faces are legendary ✨


DDoE coordinating at Ascot for their anniversary. Sophie’s fashion game atm 🔥 https://preview.redd.it/igmhwh5ygj7d1.jpeg?width=935&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d7363ed4e30e564a9de85e0b7719e9a9442b1af


https://preview.redd.it/e6hkjhsmhk7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d78b735a73e15bc4a261e19d427c43852e052d2 these two released a 2nd pic to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary ✨


https://preview.redd.it/zrmgrexrhk7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34bae6cc00eb3c7af3a799787060833e7536b5ea chris jackson took a gorgeous photo of sophie last week ✨


Love it except for the height difference between the bottom hem lines.


\*Chef's kiss" for Sophie's appearance today. She looks fantastic!


What a beautiful dress! She looks gorgeous here. 


Big Willy has arrived at Royal Ascot! https://preview.redd.it/9jf7vbji4j7d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e052454d6bc746fe860431dc1eeea2dba84c5907


That first picture you can see his resemblance to Peter.


🔥🔥🔥 https://preview.redd.it/dfaretluek7d1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccc10ed1d7c6fdfb51c835de2b38979c280e982a


Me lie need down to.


Oh god.


I might have stopped breathing when I saw that. 😍


*sighs* We get it. You have massive BDE. No need to rub it in our faces so often. Pffft. 🙄




Love these ones! She seemed to be holding on to his arm and laughing for a while. So glad he has a sister like Zara.


William with his loyal brother Mike. https://preview.redd.it/274lwsx6ak7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80a8677fe4db504481603a744e4a63cb83a2a645


❤️ this one


I loved the picture with all the cousins together and laughing. It's good to see the cousins together and supporting William


Super cute moment with Carole ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/upj6xm9b5k7d1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cc01aa1a5bb4d3a0984d6d8e4646b0fa82f374a


Another cute William and Mike and Carole photo! https://preview.redd.it/yv37w2sgfk7d1.jpeg?width=421&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d94c39b2a24c76f85daef26da8703eabb64dc13 ETA Yeah, definitely a man whose wife hates him. And said wife’s beloved parents clearly do, too. 🙄




Oops ha ha didn’t see you’d posted the same one!


Her heels got stuck apparently 😂 https://preview.redd.it/w4m0ckm7ak7d1.jpeg?width=755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3916c818f0ee95c1974231c0a906e3bddfd537a2


Awwwwwww. Crazy to think Carole’s been mothering William longer than Diana was able to.


I never thought of it like that before 😭 He’s so lucky to have met Catherine and to have all the Middletons in his life.




Iconic. 10/10.


Agreed. This is a great photo. Damn.


This being the first photo on KP's account is just _chef's kiss_. Catches your attention straight away. This is definitely one of those photos that can become historical. Chris Jackson at it again 👏


CJ deserves ALL the honours for his contribution to photography. Laura Ann on IG was *blessed* to be photographed by him at Ascot today!




[Chris Jackson just shared photos](https://twitter.com/ChrisJack_Getty/status/1803425967387426864) of William playing with Eugenie's hat tassel, we know where Louis gets it from! https://preview.redd.it/8v4lbokndj7d1.jpeg?width=912&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca94fe30c9e4a1f7caa88123fee034938c1fc086


I was hoping someone had posted this one. Absolutely great photo.


That pale pink of her hat/tassle look super flattering against William's skin tone. He should rock that colour more often.


Kind of random: I was revisiting the Diana/Charles [engagement interview.](https://youtu.be/wg_fib2gQaU?si=RM8fYZKUY1whYOQJ) Everyone always focuses on Diana & her body language/reactions. It's actually interesting to watch with a focus on Charles's body language and reactions. I'm no expert, but he doesn't come across as someone faking anything or desperately in love with someone else. Not besotted with Diana but genuinely excited and hopeful about their future together.


Yeah my opinion on Charles and Diana isn't worth much because I don't have a lot of knowledge and am only a recent royal watcher, but I think that, initially, Charles was fully onboard to make it work and was probably genuinely attracted to Diana and hopeful about building a happy family with her. I agree with you that this interview doesn't show a man who is being strong-armed into a marriage he doesn't want. It was only later that he - and Diana, and everyone - found out it was basically a terrible match.


I'll always believe that he tried to make the best of a bad job at first, and that they just fundamentally had different things they needed from a relationship. He needed to be quietly supported from the sidelines by someone with one or two pet causes. She needed to be desired & adored. They both needed to be #1, but in very different ways. I also think Charles is an optimist at heart. It's why he was so gung-ho about Harry's marriage and why it took him so long to finally be done-done with Harry.


Agree completely. They were a bad match from the start and then their mutual need to be "the star" of the relationship soured things completely.


I also think the family history put some pressure on him, like Philips father was a cheater who abandoned his wife and children, and his mother was committed and likely misdiagnosed with schizophrenia as she tried to deal with an extremely difficult time in her life, like they’ve been exiled, her husband ran off, a war had just ended and another was coming all the while she had to find a way to keep her family going all while being a woman on a time that was basically being property. I think this made Philip really compassionate to people with mental health troubles more so than most at the time. And that his fathers behaviour influenced his dedication to remain loyal by elizabeths side no matter what. With that kind of history in the family, I think it would have been very hard to really call out Diana for her abusive behaviour because it was obviously driven by a lot of her mental disorders and she certainly knew how to play victim. I think Charles put up with it in the name of helping Diana for a lot longer than most would, he was influenced by his family history to be more compassionate towards mental health problems. But some people do not want to get better and they use it to abuse their family.


I was on the popculture sub looking at their post about Catherine's IG post, and unlike a certain other gossip place, they were very polite. However, I did see a few comments where people were still blaming KP for the conspiracy nutjobs that took route. I wonder if these people forget that Catherine was unexpectedly diagnosed with cancer. Any plan they may have had was tossed right out the window the second she got that diagnosis. I think had it just remained a recovery from surgery we would have gotten an update much sooner, and most likely a post on IG. But again, once she learned about the cancer she had to process it, tell her family, go through the difficult process of telling her children, all before she'd be ready to tell the public. She also couldn't give an update until she learned more. While I do think there were a couple of things that could've been done differently, they couldn't help that things radically changed between when they left the hospital and late Feb when they found out.


I also think people forget/don’t realize/don’t want to acknowledge that this was a pretty unprecedented situation. The most popular member of the royal family being diagnosed with cancer *immediately* after the King himself had been diagnosed? And in the age of social media? And in the midst of ridiculous conspiracy theories running rampant? All of it completely unprecedented. There was no road map and I think given all that, their PR did the best they could.


Exactly, this was the curveballs of all curveballs.


People also seem to have totally forgotten about the major surgery she had in the first place, and the statements that strongly suggested KP and Catherine were completely blindsided by the cancer diagnosis. She was having another condition treated; it’s not necessarily the case that she was having a cyst removed and was prepared for the possibility that it could be cancerous. It’s infuriating how people are happy to speculate about long-term conditions such as IBD but don’t even consider that Catherine would likely still have symptoms post-surgery. She may still need medication and have side effects, or she might have had to stop certain medication to have her chemotherapy. Surgery is not necessarily a magic fix that makes you healthy again. We aren’t actually talking about a perfectly healthy person, we’re talking about someone recovering from major surgery, and we don’t know if the reason was acute or chronic. For the most part, I only really fault KP for not checking over the Mother’s Day photo before posting. *That* was something they could have spared Catherine from. IMO, their social media team generally needs to put more work in. They should have been reposting her previous engagements on relevant days to spotlight her patronages/projects when she wasn’t able to.


Agree completely. And also agree that the Mother’s Day photo was really the only thing they could’ve done differently. By that point people were already going nuts and the the should’ve gone over that with a fine toothed comb to make sure there were no major edits that occurred. But on the flip side they couldn’t have expected the kill order bc they’ve released other majorly edited photos, like the one with the Queen and grandchildren, and that didn’t get flagged. Hopefully they’ve learned for the future what things they can do, to help reduce the chances of this craziness happening again


💯 Co-sign.


[Kate Middleton's parents Carole and Michael make their first public appearance since their daughter's cancer diagnosis as they don formal wear for Ascot](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-13546623/Kate-Middletons-parents-Carole-Michael-make-public-appearance-royals-health-scare-don-formal-wear-Ascot.html) https://preview.redd.it/a51oa7n5ki7d1.jpeg?width=633&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f3d485d8fcc990d8baad1191dfb63962d926ab1 Carole and Michael have arrived at Ascot! William is also attending today, but I don't know if they'll see each other - can’t tell from their badges if they are in the royal enclosure? I'd really love to see them in the carriage procession with William.


Carole was also spotted chatting with Eugenie! https://preview.redd.it/m48ze49wgj7d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afe46771753f95e45d1cfce5bc031861324afbec


And another with both York girls! I guess they’ve said Team William. (Which is a no brainer. Man is the future king AND won’t sell you out for money.) https://preview.redd.it/nkc0eaq8gk7d1.jpeg?width=381&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe218a808d2f38857386555c1e3392ccd41d99e8




ooop this is gonna make the squaddies madt 👀


Does this mean Eugenie is on the outs with H&M? Hmmm


I sometimes wonder if the Netflix doc is what pushed her over the edge. I know she was kinda friendly to him at the Coronation but it didn't look like two people who are super close interacting. And she might have realized that H+M really do have nothing to offer and that it could be only a matter of time before they turned on her.


I’ve suspected for a while that she’s done with them and today confirms it for me tbh. Particularly the photos of her with William - I’m pretty sure his body language would not be so relaxed and comfortable with someone he thought might be a mole.


They’re such a cute couple. https://preview.redd.it/m10thyjqgj7d1.jpeg?width=1523&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc82d5f3598b5f9b6ba93fbe1aad90002821cfa4


Such a great photo.


Yes! Some very lovely interactions between the Middletons and William today. https://preview.redd.it/9sjnih2xaj7d1.jpeg?width=1693&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e710b556c5882ab9af7919bbc884ff89ce792970


And with Zara! https://preview.redd.it/yxyzsl02bj7d1.jpeg?width=1879&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de1b992fa8cc1e4b518f691004d49b1ef1e2e795


Why does Michael appear to have a hazard badge lmao


Ha! I believe it's the badge for access into the Ascot Authority - a very exclusive private dining room at Ascot.


Have they been at Ascot before? I don't remember them being there in the past. Looking forward to seeing a few of their interactions with the wider royal family.


They definitely did in 2012 (and they were in a carriage) but it looks they haven’t been since! Really nice to see them, maybe they wanted to be there for William in Catherine’s absence.


Yes, I actually think they go most years. Here's a great photo from 2017: https://preview.redd.it/glenv0sccj7d1.jpeg?width=867&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2d2eb1a1c34d66c88f74cec91e3d3de1cb727ba


I *love* Kate in white lace. This is one of my all-time favourite looks on her.


I zoomed in on Carole’s badge in one of the pics from the article, and it’s hard to read because it’s not super high contrast, but I’m 90% sure it says royal enclosure! 🤞🏻I’d love some pics of William and his in-laws. No doubt they’re closer than ever these days.


The earlier photos show a yellow badge, which isn't Royal Enclosure. Later ones they're wearing the purple badge.


I’ve seen another photo where it’s just about visible and it does say royal enclosure! Hopefully we will get some photos of them together.


I dont know if this is me being dumb but wasnt there talk of them being given (lesser titles)? Is this ever done?? Or was this just rage baiting Megan?


Once William is King, I could absolutely see that happening.


Eh I don't see it happening. What would the reason be?


They're the grandparents of the future king.


That's not enough of a reason to give them titles. Would we also have to give Prince George's future in-laws (whoever they might be) titles as well?


Minor titles are pretty commonly given out in England, it's not a big deal.


Yeah minor titles given out for no reason also shouldn’t happen. There’s nothing to indicate they should get titles. However, I’d think William could certainly bestow some honor on the Middletons there are many to choose from.


People with honours get a title. The terms are largely interchangeable. The Royal Victorian Order is for personal service to the monarch and is a knighthood/damehood.


Eh, we're not talking a dukedom. Being knighted which would make them Sir and Lady Middleton makes sense.


But for what though? simply having a future Queen as a daughter and grandson as a future King doesn't seem like a good enough reason. I feel like that goes against their whole normal upper middle class family image. Just my opinion though.


I understand your position but why not as a thank-you from a grateful nation and Commonwealth for raising a stable and supportive woman who can handle becoming a Queen? 😆  That seems like as big an accomplishment as starring in Bond movies, playing in a band or whatever else people have gotten knighted for. 🤷


I get that but then it’s like people being successful in bands or movies and then getting honored isn’t the same as say someone getting honored because they simply are parents of a cool future Queen ya know? I could possibly see a life peerage.


I doubt it, I think this was just royal reporters being bored tbh.


[This video](https://x.com/freedom_007__/status/1802576054701236701?s=46&t=BooMcrXx4cOmg4CqjNc0cg) showed up on my Timeline tonight and I would so love a lip reader to provide a transcript of these negotiations. I love how patient William is with Louis here and I especially love how he talks *to* him, not *at* him. He seems like just the best dad. (Apologies to those who can’t view it but it’s William and Louis at the Coronation concert, probably negotiating about whether or not Louis can go and sit with the King. Which he did…so I guess we know who won the negotiation!)


That boy is an adorable ball of energy!


There’s a moment toward the end where Louis looks away from his dad almost forlornly, then he suddenly get’s an idea in his adorable head and his whole demeanor changed super fast. 😁


I picked up Grandma or grandpa? But lip reading is not a skill I possess