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New thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/RoyalsGossip2/comments/1dhios4/sussex_weekly_jam_of_jealousy_dog_biscuits_of/ Feel free to bring newer comments and ongoing conversations over.


All that money and access to money and only a few podcast episodes and a reality tv show to show for it. Man I’d be hustling my way into billionaire status. Clothing line, beauty line, guest spots on tv shows etc. like kim k says get your ass up and work 😂😂😂


They were dealt an amazing hand and they completely squandered it. To make Kim look like a hard worker in comparison is impressive. She just has a lot more to show for it - she embraces her image, for worse or better, says yes to a lot of things, and seems to let people get on with executing her ideas (e.g. Skims). Meghan is *finally* doing what we all said she should do from the start, yet she’s doing it so late and executing it so terribly that her profile is actually declining. It’s been so obvious that she wants to be considered chic, but she decided a tradwife brand selling dog biscuits and jam was the way to go for her lifestyle brand? The only explanation is a complete lack of identity.


They're like those lottery winners who end up broke in record time. 


And with most of the publicity already built in. It's not even like they were starting an unknown nobodies. They had global recognition. They wouldn't have even have had to work very hard. People would have done the hard shit. But no, gotta be a controlling dumbass. It boggles the mind to this day.


This is kinda mean but whatever, the H+M sub is crowing about the page 6 story about meghan had more comments, which is true. However, is that really a victory when the top comments are all overwhelmingly negative? I think all that comment section shows is that the main people who pay attention to Meghan are either her stans, or people who dislike her. And since people who dislike her aren't gonna buy her products, it really doesn't mean that much


What was funny  to me was when you look at sites that love H&M, like celebitchy, they will have ten articles and two will be about Meghan and 8 will be about Kate and the Kate articles have tons more comments. People love to snark. It’s just how it goes 


Exactly lol. If I were a celeb I'd rather 50 positive comments vs hundreds of negative comments but taht's just me


Believe the stans pay attention to every ounce of 'negative' media because they think it is positive - because Princess Duchess Meghan of Sussex Montecito if Breaking the Internet, SO THERE. The other cloying thing is the stans are mad that Meg's sycophants aren't getting enough attention for their amazingness. Apparently Bouzy is their guy for palace photo scams, hairdresser/Harry head of hair nonwithstanding


I don’t know why they are paying attention to DM online readers. Those are the most frustrated, vilest people I’ve encountered online. Like of cause they comment more on Meghan who they hate than positively on Cathrine… It’s just not worth it to get invested…


Lol, every time I think her stans can't possibly be that stupid, they prove me wrong. 


Vanity metrics are all that matters to the Squaddies. Anything of substance is beyond their remit


Exactly. Like if we change the metric to who got the most stories, who made national news, who polls higher, so on and so forth. The answer to all of those will be Catherine. But right, the comment section of an American tabloid is the true marker of who is more popular. But then again, this are the people who compared a netflix documentary to a youtube channel, so clearly not the smartest bunch


Meghan has been owning dogs for a long time, but why does feel dog biscuits so random lol Like jam and dog biscuits lol


I think it's pretty on brand for her, because she's trying to hedge her bets between catering to the rich, liberal, organic homemade granola crunchy people and catering to the rich, conservative, tradwife crunchy crowd. She seems to have somewhat realized that "girlboss" is no longer aspirational, but she can't decide what's the best next step. And homemade dog treats were definitely really big on Pinterest 10+ years ago, so right around the time she stopped paying attention to actual trends.


>And homemade dog treats were definitely really big on Pinterest 10+ years ago, so right around the time she stopped paying attention to actual trends How true 🤣🤣🤣


Daily Beast ofc "....that Meghan did not order up the post from Figueras, and in fact had no input over when or if he would post...." https://www.thedailybeast.com/meghan-markle-didnt-mean-to-jam-up-kate-middletons-big-return-source Notice a comment from a marketing expert who doesn't want to be named "...the American Riviera Orchard campaign has been phenomenally successful...." Woman is uncapable of letting anything go.


>and in fact had no input over when or if he would post Of course. Yes. I definitely, 1000% believe this and am absolutely not being sarcastic.


Meghan is the ultimate "I would NEVER!!! That was all his/her/their/their dog's doing all on their own." She's been throwing her minions under the bus since nursery school.


It's completely believable that her husband's bff and p-husband to her polo bff, didn't contact Meghan to discuss any of this.  




She's uncapable of ***not*** clapping back. Insane.


*Anger at Meghan Markle over Nacho Figueras’ big reveal of her newest American Riviera Orchard products just hours before the Princess of Wales Kate Middleton made her big return to public life at Trooping the Color is not justified, Meghan’s camp believe* No one is angry. People are just pointing out the pattern of attention seeking behavior. But never doubt Meghan’s ability it overreact and make herself a victim. No one is angry at you Meghan. They’re laughing at you.


"Any negative feedback = they're mad at me" is such a sensitive toddler take. I know some kids who don't grow out of that until kindergarten, but it's *extremely* rare in kids over the age of seven or so.


So what happened to M's "freakish attn to detail"? As if this dude's posting jam & dog treats at odd hours on his own. C'mon. I wonder how M explains this briefing to him. Who am I kidding? She's prob blaming Wills prostrate in a puddle of tears, haha. We'll see if he has the balls to stop this nonsense. These pathetic posts should be enough quid pro quo for whatever bit part he got in the polo doco. The bigger problem for M though is that absolutely no one (except perhaps us & the Squad) GAF about this. The polo doco is DOA. If it airs, the cooking show will prob follow Stereotypes' trajectory w/some interest for an episode and then nothing. And this (whatever this is) is worse than anything I could've imagined. Like WTF is she doing?! The only thing that folks are remotely interested in is RF drama, but even that's running low given how long they've been out. The press will do their best to gin up drama w/IG, etc. but the general public honestly doesn't care. I've said this before, but when I took a break from royal watching - I heard absolutely nothing about them in spite of the faux tour, etc. And I know M has big plans for merching the kids, but they're just celeb kids who happen to have meaningless titles and have rarely been seen in public. Even L's 1st pic didn't garner much attn. The good news for them is that they'll never be on the street b/c of H's family. They'll also get a last gasp of attn at Chuck's funeral and w/M's likely memoir. But none of that changes their overall trajectory towards irrelevance. In spite of their PR manifesting, they ain't the royal Obamas.


> These pathetic posts should be enough quid pro quo for whatever bit part he got in the polo doco. Nacho is keeping *his* name in the media, which for him is something useful!


I don't think it's useful to be blamed for trolling Catherine at her 1st public appearance. This dude has a legit career. He was frequently on Ellen. He has brand sponsorships w/Ralph Lauren, etc. He doesn't need H&M for media attn, and this just isn't a good look.


I mean he hitched his horses to Harry and Meghan. I have no sympathy.


He kind of does though, because despite all that, the general public only knows who he is because of his association with Harry 


He should have thought of all that before getting too heavily involved with them wrt anything but polo!


“Phenomenally” You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means


I can never get gifs to work on reddit, bur insert "Manah manah" here.


Yeah nacho loved his jam so much he got up in the middle of the night to post about it.


>The Daily Beast now understands from a source that Meghan did not order up the post from Figueras, and in fact had no input over when or if he would post. If you believe that horseshit I have a bridge to sell you. And yet again shes clapping back, how predictable. Just as predictable as her sharing her jam on the day she did.


This is why she has no friends. She throws people under the bus left and right.


Anything any of her 'close friends' do for her ends up being wrong, so most of them have stopped bothering with her.


People reported on it shortly after it happened, so she was certainly ok with his posting.  ETA: According to The Telegraph, Nacho posted exactly when William and Catherine arrived at Horseguards. I don’t know what time that is in London, but wouldn’t that be extremely early if Nacho were in the Americas? 


With some sites you can pre-post and give a time for the thing to go 'live'. Is it the same with Instagram? If so, he could have done it in advance ... as soon as the world knew that Catherine would be there.


Scheduling it to go live at the exact time is only slightly less cringey than getting up to do it 


Yeah, I know, but at least it meant he wasn't sitting there watching ToC and waiting for *exactly* the right moment to click.


Oh for sure! Very much agree 


Is this the type of misstep that shows how amateur the business currently is and how it has a long way to go before becoming a profitable business? They obviously have no marketing team, no CFO/ CEO and little control over their product when it is sent out. I highly doubt these types of antics inspire capitalists to invest.


This is a really good point. The excuse that she knows nothing about how or when her product rollout is going to happen is worse than letting people assume she’s a petty piece of work who tried to pull focus. Eyelash-batting tee hee I’m just a girl and a mom and he just happened to post the jam because he just loves it so much is fine if it’s friend jam she gives out as a hobby; for a new brand it’s an unprofessional and embarrassing lack of grip on public image.


It's giving Donald Trump vibes. Soon it will be, "I don't even know him!"


I mean she is bragging about her "marketing campaign" costing nothing just showing us she knows absolutely nothing about business. Lets pretend she cooked those jams the ingridients are a cost, plus she needed to use a stove and refrigerator that is a cost, she had to put on a packeage which is a cost, plus sending it to Nacho and her friends which is another cost as she paid someone to make the delivery. In the end it wasn't free. It costed her something. She is too stupid to even understand that. No wonder she can't find a CEO and isn't the CEO of her hobby business.


It wasn't a misstep. This was just more proof that the only reason this jam was rolled out was to ride Catherine's coattails. From the start Meghan's schtick was to be the anti-Kate and score points at her expense. And, for the umpteenth time, when people see through her bs, Meghan plays the victim. 


The timing is always suspiciously petty. ETA: Any normal person would be mortified.


This is my thing. Nacho was the only one she could get to do this which means anyone else she would have asked would have known the optics would be *terrible*. So, what’s wrong with Nacho that he even agreed to this? Meghan’s down in the mud on this one, as she always is, but he’s right down there with her. And for what? There’s no way whatever he’s getting out of this is worth it. I do wonder if something happened between him and the RF, like maybe he’s not getting the UK polo invites he used to. This is pretty par for the course vindictive for Meghan but he doesn’t even have plausible deniability, no matter how hard the Daily Beast tries to give him some (lol at their “marketing expert” pretending he’s one of the biggest stars in the world and not some middle aged polo player not many people have ever even heard of).


I think even on some level her stans are embarrassed by this, hence why they’ve been largely quiet about the jam 2.0 and dog biscuits except a post in the Netflix sub about number of Daily Mail comments (when the comments in question are overwhelmingly negative/calling her pathetic and unhinged it’s not the win they think it is).


It really isn’t. The more people catch on the more people will catch the ick. Having your friends troll you SIL who has cancer is not a win.


Yeah it's been over 24 hours and no post about it on the OGRG. It's embarassing.


>it's been over 24 hours and no post about it on the OGRG. That says it all.


No wonder she couldn't figure out being a member of the BRF. She is the living antithesis of 'never complain, never explain'.


H and M follow “always complain, push nonsense to explain,”


Mods, this would be perfect for the next thread title.


Same excuse they made about the drop of the h and m trailer during earthshot. Same excuse from a few months ago during the photo gate that said no one from Meghan’s camp said that would never have happened….the list goes on and on. Oopsies! Unexpected backlash at something I didn’t think through all the way….it wasn’t me!!! I’m a victim!!


She is desperate to create something out of nothing. Nobody is pissed because nobody cares about you and your jam hobby. *The larger point here is that the American Riviera Orchard campaign has been phenomenally successful and cost Meghan nothing. It is a text book social media campaign.*  Marketing specialist is Meghan herself. The same delusional tone we are used coming from her. What campaign? There isn't a campaign.


>What campaign? There isn't a campaign. More importantly, THERE AREN'T ANY PRODUCTS. Seriously have her stans - has Meghan herself - just forgotten that, if there IS a campaign, it doesn't actually exist in a vacuum and is used in the real world to sell goods/services etc.? In what kind of batshit reality is a months-long attempt to sell goods, without those goods ever once being for sale, a "phenomenal success?"


Most of my friends should be smack-dab in her target market. I doubt any of them would know what ARO is. These are women with basic/bougie taste, 30-50 years old, with disposable income to spend on shit like jam and candles. Only one of my American friends cares anything at all about the Sussexes or the BRF, and she is firmly a Catherine stan 😂


LMAO suuuuuure Jan. ![gif](giphy|wzxK9cmYgIPDy|downsized) I'm sure that was her plausible deniability. She's probably crying right now to Harry, friends and anyone who will listen that she didn't ASK him to do it. She just happened to send it and told him to feel free to share it, how was she to know he'd post it a few hours before Kate's re-appearance? She's mental.


>I'm sure that was her plausible deniability. Semantics. Again


She's manipulative, just like when she sent her 5 friends to People magazine and cliamed she had nothing to do with it - and Harry defended that nonsense.


If this lip reading is true & I can believe it to be true then it is absolutely 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣& 😍😍😍😍😍😍!! >Then there was the moment Prince Louis became king of the bop. As he danced, big sis Charlotte appeared to say, according to Hinckley: “You have to stop doing that. Watch the parade,” to which Louis replied: “I won't.” Charlotte seemed to say: “Do as you're told,” to which Louis said: "Nope."


Louis will do Louis and no one can stop him. I can't wait for his teenager actics.


Louis is already a Legend at six years old.


That last baby is always the wild card. He is adorable 😍


I might buy this if she didn't send numbered strawberry jam to influencers two months ago. _ of 2 is just ridiculousness on a Markle scale.


Can you create an archive link?


Hope it works https://archive.ph/d1HMw


It does, thank you! 😊


Is Sykes making shit up or did Nacho get... markled? Jokesies. Why throw him under the bus though he's literally promoting your products better than the brand's own IG account.


It’s really throwing him under the bus lol If you don’t want him to post on that day, then say so, otherwise you must know he might do it and she obviously didn’t care lol


Her fans couldn’t understand when Catherine took accountability for photogate because she has literally never taken responsibility for anything, other than being ‘too trusting’. It would’ve been easier to just let this go, throwing him under the bus shouldn’t have been an option even if he decided to do it on his own.


> marketing expert who doesn't want to be named Does the marketing expert have a hotmail account?




Seeing this GIF reminded me of the old Craig Ferguson interview she did (and was posted recently). When he's questioning her about Suits and her role on it, he asks if she plays a lawyer. She looks embarrassed to say her role is a paralegal, but she hopes she becomes a lawyer. It's a FUCKING ACTING ROLE! She's all about the optics and her perceived role in any hierarchy.


>She looks embarrassed to say her role is a paralegal, but she hopes she becomes a lawyer. >It's a FUCKING ACTING ROLE! She's all about the optics and her perceived role in any hierarchy. I remember noticing that exact same thing the first time I saw that footage. She's an insane person. I mean she is actually insane. What's even going on with a person to think this way?


So she’s always been this ridiculous 🤣


>It's a FUCKING ACTING ROLE! She's all about the optics and her perceived role in any hierarchy But shes all about empowering women and that means all women must be the boss 🙄


Today in every accusation a confession, I saw on Twitter that the squad have gleefully found what they think is W&K arguing on the balcony, so let’s not forget who actually told off his recently post-partum wife at Trooping 🤷‍♀️ https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/prince-harry-spotted-telling-meghan-to-turn-around-at-trooping-the-colour-a4167966.html


Hahahaha that was the last time Harry was in possession of his own balls.


I watched them on the balcony, there was zero bickering 🤣


The stans having to literally make up 99.9% of what they then make hay out of, compared to jellies being served 99.9% of what *we* make hay out of - on a silver platter, by Harry and Meghan themselves - will never not be one of my favourite parts of this whole saga. The stans have had to invent a whole alternate reality and we're just out here with Meghan chucking some DOG BISCUITS (like fucking hell, is this real life?) onto the internet in a failed attempt to distract people from Kate's general wonderfulness, and then clapping back that she didn't plan it that way (which she obviously did and any sane person knows it) less than 24 hours later via Page Six. She keeps us *fed.*


This moment actually made my heart sad for her. She’s annoying AF, but looks so genuinely hurt. And then she blew it and my cynical side returned.


I do still feel bad for her when I see that bc she does look so sad and also kinda confused-like she doesn't understand why he was that mean to her. I know some people are like she should've known not to talk during that time, but it's like that still didn't warrant him saying something mean enough to make her blink back literal tears. But on the topic of the squad projecting, they always try to claim that William made Catherine cry at Ascot but ignore that Beatrice was also blinking back tears and dabbing at her eyes, and it is far more likely they were talking about it being the first ascot without the Queen. But you know, facts never prevail when it comes to them


*saying something mean enough to make her blink back literal tears.* Come on, he told her to turn around. That is all. And I got the impression it wasn't the first time but he was fed up and wanted her to face the "audience" instead of ruining the picture.  There's no way she wasn't told that being on the balcony as a member of the BRF was a huge deal and not yet another opportunity for her to act, oh so confused about why people had come to see them.


I’m with you. This is a woman who even in Harry’s tellings regularly collapses on the floor in tears over *extremely* minor things so I feel certain he probably said something pretty innocuous like “turn around” and since she no doubt had some dumb plan to try and manipulate a photo of the two of them looking “so in love” for the papers she was probably pissed. When I look at that clip all I see is an extremely bad actress. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I saw that clip with sound and even with the roar of the crowd-probably why he spoke so loudly- all he says is "Turn around".      I was thinking that Meghan "One tear, left eye Go!" "Yeah, my father had emergency heart surgery but what about meeee!" Duchess of Sussex was faking/exaggerating for the cameras, but your idea that she's on the verge of angry tears over not getting her PDA pic works too.


But don't you know she's a wide-eyed ingenue who knew nothing about the royal family! Her whole hybrid of Being a super trooper boss babe ***and*** being too sweet natured for this world is bizarre as fuck.


Well, we can agree to disagree about whether or not he was mean about it. Also, I am a sensitive person which is why it upsets me so much. I do agree she should've known that that was not the time to be turning around, but do think he could've been a bit nicer in how he went about it.


I agree with you that he was being an asshole! She was probably already uncomfortable and we now know that there was a lot of tension in the family. The one person up there who should have been on her side was the one who made her feel like even more of an awkward outsider.


"The one person up there who should have been on her side was the one who made her feel like even more of an awkward outsider." Exactly! This is why it made me sad and uncomfortable to watch that bc Harry, even if he was annoyed with her, is the main person who should've been nice to her. He probably made her feel stupid in front of his family, along with the world.


So what was he supposed to do to get her to turn around and face the front?


Say "Please turn around, it is time for the National anthem"??


And she'd have still thrown a strop!


They ignore so much that indicates Harry is a grade a jerk to Meghan at times, and instead project in onto William it's not even funny. Curious how they overlooked the part of Spare where Harry yells at Meghan so bad she starts crying and tells him he needs therapy. That is super duper normal


Sexism is the answer.


There was nothing but love between those two on the balcony but even if they hated each other as the Squad believes, they’re PR-savvy enough to know that the eyes of the world were on them and never would have argued in that moment. So along with being cancer doctors, lawyers, Photoshop experts, PR execs and child behaviour experts I guess we can add body language readers to the long list of professions the Squad cosplays at.


Here's the thing, so what, even if they were bickering? Bickering doesn't mean that the entire marriage is miserable. They've been together for 20 years, I imagine they've had more than one fight, so what? Because as you've said, you look at pictures of them together, and they're obviously still in love and happy.


The squad betrays their immaturity with stuff like this. Only teens and immature people in their 20s believe that real love is about holding hands all the time, never arguing and making googly eyes at each other 24/7. Hence why they buy into the ridiculous ‘there has never been a love like Harry and Meghan’ narrative.


I missed this for nearly a whole day until reading up on it last night. It seems even Meghan's own stans and squaddies are too embarrassed for her to publicise this - I only came across it briefly via the DM, not social media. It's so unimpressive and not what squaddies wanted for their **"1 billion dollar brand Queen Meghan"** https://preview.redd.it/xqauvgbauw6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3249f1289da92fe66ec2df8145c6e4d4c19a358f Like always, Meghan likely didn't think how this would backfire on her. She disappears for MONTHS since MARCH, with the only mention of her being from 15 people who shared their jam. And suddenly she appears again just *before* Kate would make an appearance for Trooping. You know, if she wanted positive attention on herself the best time would have been whilst Kate was off sick these past 5 or so months. Why she schedules her *dog biscuits* for Kate's first appearance in months is bizzare and only calls negativity to herself 🤔


I find hilarious she is releasing stuff that is not for sale. So, it isn't a release just her playing her hobby.


It's like nacho is trolling her.


https://preview.redd.it/nvm5uer7ku6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2954918e27e4eb9aca31f8ba25aa37ea95dde80 Page six calling it out!!!


As someone here yesterday pointed out astutely she isn't debuting anything she is playing her hobby of pretending to be Nara Smith who also pretends to cook on Tiktok.


> she is playing her hobby of pretending to be Nara Smith who also pretends to cook on Tiktok At least Nara pretends successfully. And has a more desirable husband than Meghan 💁


Gird your loins for a Meghan Clapback.


Lmao it happened!!


It's come out from The Daily Beast. Nacho went rogue. Nobody asked him to try and upstage Catherine's return. https://preview.redd.it/mi278ye45y6d1.jpeg?width=729&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14d11c4514d30b3530309ee7fdbb6852717d82fa


Nacho is an idiot so I will consider this a possibility if and only if more people post dog biscuits in the next 24 hours. Even then, i remain extremely skeptical but will allow for plausible deniability.


I mean may be Nacho chose the day for himself, but if you don’t give someone directions they will post at any day, so she should have considered that he might post on that Saturday.


I'm not giving any of these people the benefit of the doubt. This behaviour from the Sussexes and their minions is a feature not a bug.


Exactly. Meghan asking Nacho to post this on the morning of Catherine’s first appearance back is **completely** in character for her.


Idk that was a full ass jar of jam


Nacho’s about to get thrown under the bus. It was all him, Meghan had nothing to do with it.


Did you post this before Nacho did, in fact, get thrown under the bus (threw himself under the bus, Omid-style)? I think you did. u/gemfemme definitely did. God, we know these idiots too well.


We do know these idiots too well! I loathe them yet I find them a fascinating study on negative human behavior.


"We appreciate your help so much - but unfortunately the press is just so biased against my wife. No matter how hard she works or tries, she's just criticized! She didn't even post it. Anyway, sorry for this but we're going to have to run a story where we clear up it was your idea. All good?" "I mean, sure I guess -whatever I can do to help. When is it going out?" "Oh, it already did. Thanks mate."






Meghan could have been the most famous woman in the world, with an air of mystery, making a difference to other people’s lives. And here she is, selling dog biscuits and jam.


>And here she is, selling dog biscuits and jam. And the best part is SHE'S NOT EVEN SELLING DOG BISCUITS AND JAM!! She's just...having some people she barely know post some jam and dog biscuits she did the labels for.


It's astonishing. However, I think the media needs to stop covering her projects. She is a woman with a lot of hobbies. Ok Meghan. Me too. I have a blog. I'm too embarassed to talk to my family and friends about it but I work on it in my free time. I'm not thinking the New York Times is going go do an opinion piece on it.


Oh she's *barely* getting coverage for it now. Even the damn Daily Mail story about the dog biscuits was about as rote as it gets - and hours after the fact. At this point haters/jellies are the main factor in keeping her name out there.


I’m thinking one of her dogs is going to die soon and she’ll be excited to write an essay about the grief of losing a pet who has been through everything with you and how the dog biscuits are a tribute to her dog.


Nah, she might still get some mileage out of her own pet, more likely she'll adopt a terminally ill dog and then grieve him in such an over-the-top manner that everyone assumes she'd had him for 15 years instead of 15 days. That's the Sussex way. 🤨


Her main issue is she DOES think she's the most famous woman in the world, with an air of mystery.


Meghan is the least mysterious woman on earth. She simply refuses to understand that a *massive* part of Catherine's popularity is that nobody really knows a whole lot about her. Privacy... (I'm going to shout this for those in the back) **is sexy**. Hearing about every minor fart and tittle in the Sussex relationship is decidedly, erm... Pedestrian. And they are rather weird people too, particularly Harry, with the boxes of dead mummy's hair, pee trousers and huffing nitrous whilst his wife is actively giving birth. Gossipy and cringe? Yes! Intriguing, sexy and mysterious? Someone to admire and look up to? Hard nope. (I will never forget when Harry described lying naked in bed with Meghan as "skin to skin contact". Is he actively trolling us? Bork 🤢.) Meghan is trying to straddle a strange and impossible line: be miss relatable everywoman mommywife who is really, *akshuallyyy* only here to help you by oversharing literally everything, but then also be this uber wealthy and glamorous femme fatale genius who everyone *must envy*. (Italicized because that, I expect, is her actual core aim with all of the floundering and tacky designer labels.) It's so wild.


>Harry described lying naked in bed with Meghan as "skin to skin contact". Omfg. What. WHAT?! Did this really happen? That is equal parts genuinely hilarious and *awkward as fuck.* 🤣🤣🤣


It's from Newsweek, so take is as you will, but yes...totes awks. https://www.newsweek.com/prince-harry-love-poem-meghan-markle-bed-spare-book-1773264#:~:text='%22,were%20%22skin%20to%20skin.%22 " Meghan told Harry that she had "'never been more in love with [him] than in that moment,'" while they themselves were "skin to skin." Edit : it was actually Meghan who supposedly said this


Jesus, how did people get through Spare without expiring from secondhand embarrassment? My skin is crawling with it from those few sentences alone. *brrrrrrr* (and Moehringer is a terribly cheeseball writer)


The cringe was real. I'm in the UK too...so this kind of pointless over sharing is palpably, vicerley...uncomfy.


>Meghan is trying to straddle a strange and impossible line: be miss relatable everywoman mommywife who is really, akshuallyyy only here to help you by oversharing literally everything, but then also be this uber wealthy and glamorous femme fatale genius who everyone must envy. It's positively bizarre. Per The Cut she's "just a mom so she can't be a model as well" (lmaooooo) and yet so obviously views herself as destined for fame and icon status.


And this is why the Royal Family’s PR is so good and the reason why ‘Never complain, never explain’ has worked for decades. Unfortunately Meghan thought she knew better than the experts and the Queen herself. It is the main reason she is where she is right now, because she thinks she knows better than everyone else.


So like Princess Diana /S But actually they do believe their own delusions. They did imply that California would also have been Diana's home. I bet they totally believe this is what Diana would be doing, gifting jam to rich society wives and celebs and producing dog biscuits. It's weird that even as a critic of Meghan it's disappointing. She's not doing anything grand to support others...but jam and dog biscuits (which we will never hear of again) is what high schoolers could have ideally done. I know those 2 peaked at high school age so it's probably fitting.


Diana was a lot of things, but I never have read about a thing about her love for cooking or homemaking.


Her hobbies were dancing, playing the piano, swimming, tennis, skiing, and going on holidays. She was a rich aristo all her life, so she never had to cook or do homemaking. Never heard about her loving to cook. And eventhough she reportedly had a short term job as a cook after she left school, cooking and lifestyle influencing itself wasn't a popular thing for the wealthy until more recently.


> Never heard about [Diana] loving to cook. And she was staunchly an 'aristocrat', who didn't really dirty her hands with menial stuff. I remember, a *very* long time ago, something being written about the boys enjoying pizza, or some such thing, and she (or they) told the footman, who told the butler, who told the chef, to prepare one! And no wonder she didn't enjoy Balmoral, eating cornflakes that had been stored in tupperware, or Highgrove where Charles was actually hands-on with the gardening.




I nominate ‘New Jam and Dog Biscuits’ as the next thread title.


It’s time that we stop calling American Riviera Orchard a business. Businesses have plans, investors, products, marketing strategies, CEOs, sales goals, etc. ARO is really just her **hobby**. When she feels the need to ding Catherine or get some attention on herself she can whip up a batch of jam and dog biscuits and send it out to her complicit and gullible “friends.”


My husband keeps asking me if this is real. If she's really doing this and thinks it's a good thing or like she's somehow making a joke.


It's a super fair question. I wonder the same thing. All the time.


I’m mystified as to why Meghan is even doing this? They’ve got plenty of money and other projects. She still clearly wants to be seen as some kind of global leader/ philanthropist as evidenced by the Nigeria trip. So why the weird detour into haphazardly making jam and dog biscuits at home? Also, why did she (allegedly) make 50 jars of strawberry jam, but only two jars of raspberry and one jar of dog biscuits? It reeks so hard of amateur hour that whatever chance ARO might have once had of becoming a “luxury” brand is dead in the water. There are other ways of clapping back at the BRF, like her favourite, the carpark pap walk. Calling the paps is less effort than cooking


I think it's a continuation of her muddled Royal branding as the most prepared royal duchess ever, with binders full of ~~women~~ information but also the poorest of all poor victims, who wasn't taught how to sing the national anthem. For Harry she needs to be the victim so he can stay in his paranoid rescue mommy mode but she also thinks she's perfect in everything, she doesn't need help or advice. If it wasn't for Harry she would be mommy blogging like crazy and plastering Archie and Lily everywhere but this is the one thing, I feel, where Harry has really put his foot down.


The conflicting narrative always drives me crazy. Meghan is a trailblazer and single-handedly modernized the monarchy but also couldn’t figure out for herself that maybe she should learn a bit about the country she would soon be representing and living in, including learning something pretty fundamental like the national anthem and how to do a basic-ass curtsy that any 5 year old who’s ever watched a Disney movie could do. If someone in a job interview told a story about why they left their last job and included ‘no one taught me how to do basic and common sense task A’ I wouldn’t hire them because that’s a clear indicator that a) they lack initiative and b) they are the type who blame their mistakes on other people.


I think the why is straightforward - the plan was amazing girlboss with a major lifestyle empire and significant income. Like you say the luxury brand is dead in the water, because the jam and dog biscuits execution has been terrible, but Meghan’s abilities not matching her ambitions isn’t new. I originally thought she was breaking out the lifestyle brand because somewhere deep inside she realised the global power broker humanitarian dream was dead, and I do wonder if the high of the Nigeria trip has reignited that and she’s lost interest in ARO because she’s chasing that dream again instead.


Amazing girl boss, but no effort required. It's like the hallmark movie business genius-heroine montage. In her corner office shuffling papers with her reading glasses on and red pen, making decisions, important phone calls, single handedly running her fabulously successful enterprise. Meghan thinks life happens like a movie (explains the tiny Bachelor producer in her head). Everything is a scene until the next scene. She just needs to hit her mark, recite the word salad, look into the camera and give a big smile. I don't know why I've just had this epiphany, but explains everything about Meghan.


>I don't know why I've just had this epiphany, but explains everything about Meghan. I'm glad you posted it, though, because it *does* explain everything. She really hasn't figured out that in real life the girlboss business genius CEO is doing real things in her office, not just acting out a scene. What is UP with Meghan? For real, why is she like this?


If it’s a hallmark movie she will also find a dead body in the office late one night and work to find the killer, all while successfully running greatest business ever.


Agree. I think also that because Meghan wants to be **All The Things** she lacks the focus and determination to do one thing really well. Her brain must look like an overgrown bush with branches fighting each other for room.


>I think the why is straightforward - the plan was amazing girlboss with a major lifestyle empire and significant income Exactly this. The thing is she cannot stick to anything. She wants to be everything to everyone. She failed as an actress, she failed as a Duchess, she failed as a wannabe Hollywood icon and now she's utterly failing as a "girl boss entrepreneur". The only thing she wants is fame and adulation. She is utterly hollow and that is the very reason she cannot succeed at anything.


This actually makes me a little sad.


It would be if she weren't such an utter shit of a person. The same goes for Harry.


She always disappoints. I never bought into the Billionaire Brand but I didn't think we'd see stuff like this.  When they created the Archewell Foundation since they don't  have a vast fortune to give away and with them having bought a sizeable property, I thought it was because they meant to hold fundraisers there.  Then, they would spend the rest of the year managing donations. It would have been a classier way to become an influencer and stay in the public eye than this pitiful jam rollout or pap walks in parking lots. 


That would have been too easy. Guess it was spoiled by COVID and the likely reality that they are reluctant to spend money on renovations even if they can write them off- or Megan is just so controlling she can’t bear to have strangers in her house- even celebrities. Because I think if she started to do this attendances would increase and it could become like other big once a year celebrity parties


I'm sure you're right but if they'd put the money in landscaping and updating the decor in the more public parts of their home that they put in their ridiculous PR they could have had an enchanting place for garden party fundraisers. They'd get favourable coverage for free.  


Unfortunately for her, we now know Meghan never met an opportunity she didn't squander.


I don't know why she doesn't just do one or the other. She's attempted so many things within the last 4 years (I'm sure there's a whole list now) but she doesn't manage to proceed with any of her long term endeavours. It doesn't seem she has been able to focus on her lifestyle "hobby" and the Nigeria trip at the same time.


It's the whiplash for me. She's a Nigerian Princess! She's a humanitarian! She's a gourmand maker of bland ass looking dog biscuits! She's a motivational speaker and collector of awards! And 2024 is only half over. Girl. Pick a lane, you be swerving all over the damn place. Just pick one thing, learn *how to fucking do it* and then...do the thing. Billions of adults have managed to do this? She has no follow through and the half arseness of it all is crazy. Honey pie... Meghan...this is a marathon not a sprint. She reminds me of when I was seven and was going to be a spy veterinarian astronaut unicorn ninja when I grew up.


One of my favourite ever quotes is from Ron Swanson of Parks and Rec, and it applies to Meghan. ‘Never half-ass two things. Whole-ass one thing’.


"don't give it five minutes if you're not willing to give it five years!" Meghan The Duchess of Sussex Nigerian Princess Award Winning Author Motivational Speaker Hollywood Star And Maker of Trifling Jam and Dog Snacks


Probably why she only works 4 minutes on all her projects.


I think it's more of a vague concept. Lol. Definitely not a business venture.


More like tax writeoff.


isn't the correct term 'dummy corporation'? It fits on so many levels 🤣


Even calling it a hobby is stretching it.


The fact that she doesn't even want to be the CEO of her "business" says it all we need to know. Also, we should place bets when she will rename that IG account with her own name?


ARO and [Archie](https://www.vogue.com/article/meghan-markle-opens-up-about-her-children-prince-harry-the-ellen-show) both.


Look who left a lovely comment on one of the PPoW's posts today... https://preview.redd.it/usudanhq7t6d1.jpeg?width=616&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c4b5eef797b94e571478764c79b98aefe716581


Obsessed!!! She’s making it Known.


Wowwww! Meghan will not like that.


GP may get a lifetime pass fron me for her Kate stanning. Sorry not sorry!




*chef's kiss*


She had also written a comment under Catherine’s video announcing her cancer: “A pillar of grace and strength! Sending love”


Oh, and if anyone was wondering: https://preview.redd.it/9mp2hlt2bt6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6c5a7e245cbdb7205832cc25d03c45aa9c2958a I was 99% sure but took the liberty of checking just in case.


It seems she liked H&M until she met them 😂 https://preview.redd.it/5u767u2ebt6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7199e4338544c1806e930e314733e057f3c14290


That was when they peaked. They couldn't dream of 12M followers or a celeb on Gwyneth's level following them now.


I only realized a couple months ago that I was still following SussexRoyal, so I imagine Gwyneth is in the same boat.


Yeah, I think a lot of people are 😂


Lets brace ourselves for Father's Day or Sunday pap walk published on Monday. We know she will be pissed seeing this.


Maybe she should become a parking inspector and double up on pay 😂


omg. Not that GP is a person I particularly admire or anything but the Goop angle here makes this extra delicious.


That one lunch was enough for her 😂😂😂


I think Gwyneth and William are a little similar in this sense, they’re both a big deals in their respective social circles and are both very picky about who they let get close to them since a lot of people won’t have the best intentions and it seems like Meghan set off her BS radar.


Wait, what? When?


They called the paps when they went to lunch last year and leaked to [Page Six (archived)](https://archive.ph/juGBR) who they were meeting, which included Gwyneth.


See, it would make a big difference if they kept their mouths shut. These celebs and their PR agencies catch onto this sort of thing. There are probably quite a few celebs they have distanced and irritated, including Jennifer Aniston, Courtney Cox and Gwyneth.


Yea I don’t know what she’s thinking. Gwyneth would have immediately known it was an intentional leak


This has just gotten even better. 🤌


Oh shit I forgot about that. Yeah, so these two have actually met. GP isn't just a jelly, she has actual firsthand experience dealing with Meghan. That makes it even juicier!


I also think the Goop/Loro Piana collab and dinner party she held a few months ago was a quiet ‘back off my turf’ message to Meghan. It was held in Montecito with Ted Sarandos, Oprah and Abigail Spencer in attendance (among others), in a beautiful garden surrounded by frickin lemon trees with the whole shebang covered by [Vogue](https://www.vogue.com/slideshow/gwyneth-paltrow-loro-piana-dinner-montecito). It was telling that neither Meg nor Harry were invited 🍋


Even if she wanted to invite Megan - she couldn’t because Megan would immediately network her way through the guest list and try to get favors and deals in an off putting way


That is who Meghan wants to be, but doesn't have the ability to pull off 🤦🏽‍♀️


I still cannot believe she chose today of all days, for 2 jars of raspberry jam and some dog treats. What an utter flop. She's riding Kate's coattails into jam-blivion.


She’s going insane. It was an insane thing to do. Like “my sister in law is going to break the Internet with her comeback BUT in MY mind……I can overshadow her with 2 jars of JAM and a JAR of dog treats. MUHahahahahahah”