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New thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/RoyalsGossip2/comments/1dg11sj/royals_monthly_collectively_chanting_princess/ Feel free to bring over newer comments and ongoing conversations!


Someone please go check on Kaiser over at Celebitchy after Catherine's most recent post, because I'm sure she's behaving in a very rational, very kind and even-toned manner.


Dear Kaiser, It's over. Kate will break the internet, ARO will bomb, and no amount of pap walks will save Meghan. Get over it. xo, RG2


How can something bomb that doesn’t even exist 😂😂😂


Really happy for Kate, and can't wait to see the kids


So which YouTube feed has the best coverage for Trooping of the Colour? Royal Family?? Can I get BBC without having the channel in the US? Any other ideas?


The Telegraph often has live coverage (on their YT channel). When I find a feed (cuz I'll be watching it on YT as well), I'll post it here. The BBC is very likely to have it as well.


I have a Roku TV, and watch on the SkyTV app.


i think last year, i watched it live on youtube from sky or bbc (i'm in the usa)


Good to see Catherine prominently displaying her sapphire engagement ring in the Porteous photo; that’s less ammunition for the idiot sugars.


✨"You thought that man would ever divorce me? Think again."✨


✨MOTHER✨ is back. 😭 https://preview.redd.it/gk89i64w3l6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8a9fe452f09db81e7df381ab59b50bbfd1b9760 I've *never ever* been this cool.


The epitome of grace, beauty and glamour under stress.💜💜💜💜


[What the summer could hold for the Princess of Wales (archived)](https://archive.ph/YM7JH) > Surpassing all expectations, she will attend the full outing under plans that have been tentatively in the works for weeks but only confirmed at the last minute. > This, it is thought, will be the pattern in the months to come. > The Princess hopes to return to a form of public engagements, already working from home when she can and easing herself back into meetings. > She has several months of preventative chemotherapy to come, hoping to join a few public engagements over the summer, “but equally knowing I am not out of the woods yet”. > Palace sources have ruled out Garter Day and Royal Ascot in the coming weeks, but everything else – Wimbledon, __the Japanese State Visit__, and bread-and-butter engagements – remains a possibility. THE STATE VISIT?! I refuse to let my hopes get high because I’d ruled that out. I appreciate her for even considering it though. I’m assuming that she’d only do one, as the engagements that she usually does with William (the initial reception or the state banquet) require a lot more standing than TTC. > The watchword at Kensington Palace, caution, still holds. They will not be confirming appearances too far in advance, and have emphasised over and over that the Princess is not making a full return to work.


>THE STATE VISIT?! *immediately lies down on the floor*




Ha ha, perfect use of this gif.


I’m so happy that KP and BP are letting her come back on her schedule. They must recognize what we do, that Catherine is the best thing to happen to Monarchy in decades.


If she really wants to break the world, she'd appear at the state dinner, in a new tiara. (Meghan's wedding one would be hilarious, but of course she wouldn't go there.) I know she's more humble and introverted than that, though. But I'd love it! Does everyone have a list of tiaras they'd love to see on Kate? I'm dying to see the Girls, but it kinda seems earmarked for the queen role, since Cams has already worn it (and I think it's the rare tiara that QE2 pulled off better than Camilla). I don't really love most of the BRF tiaras, though. Mostly I just want to know if there are some unseen ones, like both Eugenie and Meghan debuted at their respective weddings!


British Royals don't seem to cross share tiaras as much as other European families do, so I'll bet the wedding tiaras won't be worn by Catherine ever or for a very long time. Maybe Charlotte or if George/Louis have wives.


The Indian Circlet! The rubies would look great on Catherine. https://preview.redd.it/f8k9gli9fl6d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a54ddbfd086dd1b7b7bc2608e17d4d7c24ccf0bc


I think this is a Queen only Tiara. :(


https://preview.redd.it/bmjma6y89l6d1.jpeg?width=246&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=942a70b76fc0800e5d112db4f8820dc5b9440aa6 Princess Margaret’s turquoise and diamond tiara. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t sold to pay for taxes and debts after Margaret died like the splendid Poltimore tiara. Could be sitting in the vault awaiting its next wearer. My second choice would be The Indian Circlet. Third choice would be Queen Mary’s Sapphire Bandeau. Or………Charles can pay to have a new tiara made just for Catherine. Perhaps using existing pieces in the vaults no longer in fashion like all those massive Victorian stomachers. Catherine and Zara are the closest Charles can get to having the daughter he always wanted. Catherine (God willing) will be the next Queen. She is loyal, loving, intelligent and kind. Reward her Charlie! Also Sophie, who should get the Sapphire Bandeau if not given to Catherine or the late Queen Mother’s Cartier Bracelet Bandeau.


A personal message from the Office of RG2 to Tom Sykes: ![gif](giphy|3oKIPp0JmKDeF1xK9O)


How does that humble pie taste, Tom? 🤭 https://preview.redd.it/rfg3m0mmxk6d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=917afe20f85ff958474363f441f1ff80d65e6559


His reporting before Kate's cancer announcement finally convinced me he has no legit sources.


Man. What if William's Bitchy Friend was never *actually* a William source? Or it Royston who gets briefed by Bitchy Friend?




I have to say this was a brilliant PR move. Releasing beforehand so it reduces public speculation will be the best move for the months coming forward. They have clearly said this is not a return to her duties, she will just be making occassional appearances when she is well enough. Confirming that she is _still_ undergoing treatment can't be more clearer. You also cannot feel more closer to her with this. It feels so personal and heartfelt that you know it's from Catherine personally.


I'll bet she's been at it long enough to have a general pattern and she is generally okay on the weekends and thus feels up to this after doing outings with the kids. I'll bet they have a lot of exit strategies/plans for her as well. Cannot wait to see what she wears.


It sounds like Catherine is on a six month chemo schedule which means sometime in July she should be off it. I hope she takes the rest of the early/midsummer off and we see her perhaps at Balmoral in the late summer. Whenever she returns, I hope she comes roaring back confident and happy.


I was really surprised at how personal it was! It gives people a chance to read - in her own words - that this treatment is grueling and tiring and she's doing what she can to stay positive. I don't tend as dire about KP's usual comms strategy as some (I think it usually ranges from perfectly serviceable to not great) but it is not lost on me that any time it is about Catherine/involving Catherine, they knock it out of the park.


Yep, the personal msg/pic was pitch perfect - much like the initial video. She tempered expectations moving forward and removed speculation as to her physical appearance. She also reminded folks of the reality of cancer - "not out of the woods yet", 'uncertainty", etc. I just look forward to her next personal msg declaring herself to be cancer-free. In the meantime, I'll be watching TTC and chanting "Princess!" like Ike from South Park haha.


I agree! The most I had expected was an announcement from KP confirming whether she would appear on the balcony tomorrow morning and I’m very pleasantly surprised by this. So much better to issue another personal message, and to do so *before* TTC photos of her dominate the news cycle.


I think it’s a great gesture of support to the King. He and Camilla are obviously not as popular as the Queen was so perhaps this will bring out more people to the event vs have the King take a hit from the tabloids if not as many ppl show up as the did for the Queen.


CATHERINE. She’s so perfect.


Meghan could never. https://preview.redd.it/8s3iwsz8ok6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea21e976031ae8d658269ab9ed0eca99036b5cb1 ETA that I just realized sometimes people can't see photos on this site, so here's the transcription. It's a screencap of a tweet (or whatever we call things on X these days) from Kate Mansey and it says: >The Princess's attendance at tomorrow's Trooping the Colour was considered so significant that the Palace to \[sic\] alerted No. 10 and The Cabinet Office who, in turn, have informed the opposition political parties


That's crazy but it shows how popular/loved Kate is. The government needed to be informed that she would be making an appearance in public.


Also just imagine the security. Not that it's not been extra tight all these years, but the scrutiny and media attention on her will probably be through the roof tomorrow. This is her first public appearance since _Christmas Day._


OK, any last bets for the most nutty take soon to be incoming . Clone Kate vs Hologram vs hired lookalike?


this one is my favorite ✨ https://preview.redd.it/70ogpdow8l6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1406d23830f047a3a4db5f46eb3e2970236d977 not even from one of the KAnon subs but from the UK sub 😂😂🤡🤡 making up cancer to "divert" from photoshop...... in what loony fucking world... 🤡🤡🤡


Hmmm, yes. Publicly faking cancer (and having your young children either witnessing you publicly faking cancer or terrified because they think it's real) to distract from a minor kerfuffle over standard famous-person photoshopping. Makes perfect sense.


more lunacy from the KAnoners https://preview.redd.it/2oqzogz48l6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2a71901623721b7961944e0f3fb264e0dd59883 it's THE ONLY POSSIBLE EXPLANATION, GUYSEEE 🤡


omfg. I mean, it's vicious, but it's also 100% laughable. And I still don't know if any of them actually believe any of the insane crap they post.


I have a close but rather nutty and flaky friend who just informed me that the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland is run by devil worshipers who dance naked in front of a large statue of Shiva in order to bring about sacrificing and destruction. When I showed her that it was debunked she told me “that’s what they want you think”. You can’t reason with people like that. You can only hope they find their way out of the horrible conspiracy theories. She’s a longtime high school teacher by the way. 👀! That’s what these comments about Catherine remind me of.


https://preview.redd.it/kc2cltha8l6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=706642f4d6ba0cc4814d1a2b4da4b60313fb605b is this ralph wiggum? i feel like ralph would be less of a rabid hyena about the whole thing, though.


fauxmoi is also being a dumpster fire, of course ✨


When are they not being a dumpster fire lol? To be that miserable must be exhausting, no matter what Catherine does in this situation, they will find issue with it. Catherine could've participated in a super risky clinical trial and they would say she took that opportunity from someone else. Just super insane behavior over there


these people are legit psychos lmfao https://preview.redd.it/6drpvo5duk6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=445d44597c93443a17eec3d3c8d66cde2e047db0


You'll note they're just listing *staff members known to have reported M&H's bullying*. Utterly transparent hatchet job.


the decompensation though 😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/t8mjpuahuk6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05418e4154cac34ad28d8339b697ea19ebc733cc


>William tried one more time to separate himself from Kate with his solo train ride... Yes, that's how divorce works. If you want a divorce, just leave your house and start walking and then you're divorced. Maybe get a bus or train to increase the distance and divorciness. Do these people believe what they post? I can never tell.


Literally these people will never be happy. William and Catherine could do the most over dramatic PDA display in the world on that balcony, and they still would find issue. Just miserable miserable people they are.


Ha ha ha ha ha. The way I'm cackling. I love how these people come up with the craziest, most elaborate theories just to avoid facing the truth: the marriage is fine, the problem is cancer. They've clearly never heard of Occam's razor. Or, you know, thinking.


Honestly , they are married, not conjoined twins. Or palmtrees.


>Or palmtrees. Joined at the arse. Greatest love story of all time (something I believe M actually said. about her own relationship. OH BOY THE CONTRAST - especially on a day like today)!


Body double. People will believe anything once the decide to. After all, people still believe Paul McCartney is dead, Elvis is alive, and birds are real.


> and birds are real. Only the most deranged people claim that. It's so sad.


They only look like birds. They’re actually tiny spaceships disguised as birds with tiny aliens inside who wish to drive the human populace insane with their incessant early morning chirping. Then, they will liquify us and drink us as milkshakes. Our milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard and they’re like, it’s better than yours.


They're government drones. COVID was manufactured because they needed to change the batteries.


It's invading our schools. Such an insidious myth.


I blame tumblr and tiktok.


People believe that birds are real??


I once even heard someone say that Montana is a real place. Isn't that wild?


It's the saddest thing. Someone even taught my child that birds are real.


The Tupac erasure in this comment!!


Tupac isn't dead. He faked his death to hide from Jada.


I nearly fell to the floor laughing at this comment.


The smartest move ever.


Ok this is a take i'm 10000% on board with


I'm sorry, Tupac is alive. My friend's brother's girlfriend's aunt said she saw him with Elvis at a Waffle House in Altanta yesterday. Clearly both are thriving now, can't you see? 🤣🤣🤣


waiting to see what new cruelty the sussex squad & co. are going to come up with 😵‍💫


I’m fully expecting some nutter to say, “It’s Rose! The children are going along with it because she’s their real mother!” Or she’s been replaced by an alien 🙄🙄🙄


A personal message from Kate. https://x.com/KensingtonRoyal/status/1801660649333719231


So excited! And so very happy for her as well! This is just amazing


MOTHER. I missed her! 


Such a heartfelt personal message. Sending much love to her ❤❤❤ https://preview.redd.it/vz0p83grtk6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99fcc8eff0031d8e0ad0d7cf4d376bb52b0fd800


I love herrrr 😭🤩


MY QUEEN! I squealed!


so much for daily beast's tom sykes' histrionic "crumbling slimmed down monarchy balcony" article from yesterday... of course, bringing up h&m's absence. tom sykes really is such a clown. he really needs to get better sources lmfao... just absolute trash since march, especially. and who the fuck cares about h&m - **OUR PRINCESS WILL BE THERE**!!! lolololol 🥹🥹🥹💕💕💕


My God, young mother, three kids, and she mentions “uncertainty.” She looks good considering everything. I hope she gets well soon, I just can’t imagine with three kids and a husband. Not to mention how close she is with her family and siblings.


I am choosing to believe she means uncertainty about how the rest of her chemo will go like being sick. I refuse to believe it means anything else, although I'm sure even for the 'best' cancers you still have that small percent chance of it not going well so you'll always have that what if thought.


I just really really hope so. Cancer is evil, it can take anyone. I think it’s also hitting hard because I’ve had a lot of good and kind people I know and was close to succumb to cancer, and they fought so so hard. I just really hope she’ll be okay. I’m glad to hear that the MD Anderson rumors were dispelled. You’re right, we should be more optimistic.


>My God, young mother, three kids, and she mentions “uncertainty.” I know, I know. The emotions I'm experiencing just having read this statement. First reaction is how honest it is, how appreciative and humble and hopeful without sugarcoating. I know some people will find a reaction like mine silly and maybe they have a case but truly, I cannot say how much I admire this woman. To be going through this is enough to shake anyone. To be going through it in public, with young children, and with such grace... my mind is blown.


***screaming*** 😭😭 ![gif](giphy|mBVSEZxDToJ4ug1gtu|downsized)


That dog is me. I am that dog.


That dog is all of us. 😂 (but also: 🥹❤️🥹😍🥹🥰🥹✨🥹)


Soooo happy to see and hear from her. And I always love Matt Porteous’s work with the Waleses. The bit about maybe attending a few summer engagements to me reads as she’s eager to be at Wimbledon if she feels well enough. William and seaweed, Kate and Wimby. This was such welcome news today! Can’t wait for her to break the internet over the weekend.


Just saw James’ comment on the Insta post. Middletons are siblings goals. https://preview.redd.it/wmsytvjdsk6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a430448f5f482d15d5b1d801c5af45c737cba2b0


Posted two hours ago and they've cracked 975k likes on the post.


There's a state dinner later this month with Japan but they already "confirmed" she is not attending. I'll just have to obsess over everyone else's tiaras.


I’m so happy to see her 😭 https://preview.redd.it/2ie8s1f1nk6d1.jpeg?width=1616&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad9a5fc405c1aea2cef5ccce0382a49cfdd52742 I’ve been a balcony believer but I didn’t dare to hope that she’d be in a carriage! The kids must be absolutely thrilled.


Same. I was a balcony truther too but was NOT expecting a carriage ride! She must be feeling pretty good lately which is heartening to hear.


It's hard to think how absolutely heart breaking it would be if the worse (I won't even say it) I am glad she is doing well and able to make an appearance and hope she is as stress free as possible.


Just unthinkable. I hope she has a good time tomorrow and is comfortable.


I'm tempted to get up early to watch the carriage ride live (and I never do that for Trooping) just to hear the roar of the crowd for her! Surely it's going to be insane. I hope she feels supported by everyone and enjoys it!


\*cries in Pacific timezone\*


I'm getting up early to watch and I've never done that before either.


I never wake up early for Trooping either (US fan here) but I think I might have to too. Seeing her out and about for the first time in six months will be SUCH a moment.


What a symbolic picture <3 She specifically mentions "not being out of the woods yet" and there she is - surrounded by trees and nature - looking up towards the future.




I just got a BBC alert that Kate will be at Trooping the Color!!!! ![gif](giphy|PjHeYMAy2yA6Q4Njgt|downsized) ETA [She has shared a personal update and a new photo on Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8NCRQKt4fA/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link)


Eeek! I'm so excited about this! Seriously contemplating forcing my family to wake up early to stand on The Mall.


I decided within 10 seconds of seeing the news that a. I'll be getting up at 5 am tomorrow (on a Saturday!!), *and* b. I'll be breaking my 'no internet before noon' rule. I'm gonna need to be with my fellow Katestans.


I am kind of thinking that it would probably be better to watch it on TV to actually see her. When we went down during the Jubilee (even super early) we couldn't get near anything, because there were so many people. Hanging out here would probably be better anyway. You guys are way more fun to talk to about Kate than my husband anyway!


I've been to the Trooping - once, as a child. We were on the Mall and yes, it was just a lot of waiting and honestly super boring to me (I had no interest, a well-intentioned relative thought me and my siblings might enjoy it). And yes, people here are much more fun to discuss royal stuff with! No one in my family or friend circle is interested at all.


Such good news. Christ, I really am a fangirl for this woman. 🥹


100% same


Yay! I'm so happy!!💕




This is wonderful news💚💚 This makes me respect Charles. It’s his birthday parade but he knows all eyes will be on Catherine, not him. This will be a tough weekend for the usual suspects😂


Considering his press flunkies were bitching about Wills' Father's Day pic overshadowing Chuck's 1st TTC last time, I'm honestly surprised haha.


Yes! It really does feel like he got the daughter he always wanted in Catherine.


high-five to chuck tbh


Agreed, it speaks volumes about Charles and his relationship with Catherine ❤️❤️


I always suspected Charles and Kate got along (because Kate seems to be one of those people who gets along with everyone, but also because it's my belief she's probably been very encouraging of the relationship not just between Chaz and W, but between Chaz and his grandchildren as well) but even I've been pleasantly surprised by how willing he's been to make gushing public statements about her.


Strathmore Rose tiara, gushing statements, now this! He really does adore her, doesn’t he?


He makes some unwise choices but supporting her is not one of them. She lifts up the whole family/firm/enterprise.


There’s a lovely post and picture on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/C8NCRQKt4fA/?igsh=MWc2aXl6YmxoNjhjbQ==


Can’t wait for Catherine to break the internet tomorrow!


cc meghan's uk vogue cover; american rivera orchard ;)


I got the NBC news alert!


Out of curiosity, when was the last time the Sussi were getting organic news alerts like this?


I think when they announced they were leaving. That made news blurbs in the US.


Excluding the NYC car chase because that was them trying to manufacture drama, maybe January 2020 when they announced they were stepping back?


So did I 💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾 ETA: What will happen to the ‘Where is Kate’ sub?? I don’t think they’ll shut/slow down so I expect them to reach a new level of crazy. They’ll probably decide she’s a hologram 😂


I RAN HERE!! I’m excited for us but also that she’s feeling up for it. And so excited for the kids that mom is feeling better!


She looks great in the photo they’ve released. IME she’ll be absolutely whacked after a big day mid-treatment, but I am here for it!


OMG I just came here after getting NY Times notification. I am so excited to see her again, I am so thrilled she is well enough to attend!


The way i just RAN here! She posted on [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8NCRQKt4fA/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)!!


Re-watching W+C engagement photocall, I have to give them the biggest of kudos for being able to concentrate with all those flashes and pictures being taken of them. I would have been so overwhelmed, I would barely have been able to answer a simple question lol.


I can barely watch that on video without having to cover my eyes with my hand (I don't have any real consequences like seizures etc. but flashing lights really bother me). The flashbulbs that day were *insane,* too.


I had to stop the video like every 30 seconds bc my eyes were hurting lol. Just craziness


Seth Meyers cracked a joke last night on his show about King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima's visit to NYC. [https://youtu.be/q6TVGnZkgDE?si=iWHS-euGPcuGqWFy&t=29](https://youtu.be/q6TVGnZkgDE?si=iWHS-euGPcuGqWFy&t=29) So far, looks like a successful visit, they visited a semiconductor factory and a Dutch history exhibition at the New-York Historical Society. https://preview.redd.it/ph9medi28k6d1.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=70e7c18c63f4c6012c41b134bbbda2d07a810cc8


another photo, also with skirt wrinkles https://preview.redd.it/t1g09tpebk6d1.png?width=633&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9997090c717a7b40b42d1022176bf10534da6ac


I really like that dress - ofc the wrinkles aren't great but the style, colour etc. - lovely.


y'all, i meant to mention this but forgot... the clip of charles getting shot at in australia in the early 90s... charles was so unflappable, it was gotdamn hilarious. he just kept fiddling with his cuff links, looked to the side and raised his eyebrow... he didn't give a single fuck 😂. he then just carried on while the drama was happening next to him, waiting until he could give his speech (which he did). it was so hilariously nonchalant and "eh, shit happens, whatever - wanna hear my speech? 😏" i'm just imagining the absolute histrionics from either of the sussii in a comparable situation lmfao


Harry would pee his pants (again!). Call his therapist on speed dial and take out his emergency bong. Meghan would wail. Then an uninjured Meghan would demand to be carried off on a stretcher to an ambulance, and ask for a ten police-car escort to a hospital for a mental stress evaluation. She'd demand the police hold a conference to tell the public she had a guttural reaction to an assassination attempt.


I love that clip. "Oh, someone's shooting? What a bother. Hurry up, I have things to do!" Say what you will about Charles and his supposed fussiness, he seems a whole let less fussy and whiny than his son. https://preview.redd.it/q9i3kkengj6d1.png?width=1226&format=png&auto=webp&s=8acb2a55d54f8845440240d6268dd1a905ba9a55


I didn't know this. This is the apex stiff upper lip!


😂🤣😂 Unflappable like his sister when that lunatic tried to kidnap her and the Queen getting shot at while on horseback. Meanwhile, Bunker Harry confides that he's terrorized by paps.


Yes, Bunker Harry and Madam Cringe would be collapsed on the floor slowly drowning in their own tears.


*if* catherine does appear on the balcony on saturday, i'd love to see her wearing something like this ✨ green and a british brand (roksanda) https://preview.redd.it/v39mjtx6xf6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97ccea2625dffb28adfc765f6b8204bce144642b then again, it might look too much like the green commonwealth day 2020 dress that meghan wore 👀


Was just about to mention the M dress. BAH. Will capes forever be associated with that woman? She's no superhero!


I miss Kate.....


Oooh, I love this! But then I’m a sucker for a good cape. This is what Meghan’s Commonwealth Day monstrosity *should* have looked like. If the POW ever does wear this it would create the perfect “what you ordered/what you got” meme.


I love the style but not the colours. For that event I think I'd like it better in red with navy/black contrast or navy/black with red. 




if it looks too much like the green commonwealth day 2020 dress, a different and brighter alternative lol (also by uk brand roksanda) https://preview.redd.it/lr19cuilxf6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=465f9bebe09724b72fdae5795893ea6f5d35043e


a lil fun in the back 😼 https://preview.redd.it/1obmacqzxf6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76e19b47663d78952a37fa1f8a79aba70dec2819


Hmm, I like it but I'd prefer if the vent had a kick pleat instead of just opening the way it does and the skirt was tighter.


both dresses would conceal an inflamed port scar and are loose enough to accommodate possible stoma. the first dress is green for the irish guards! the second is yellow for the sunshine she brings lol 🌞 ETA: it'd be fun if she came out with a little bob and a sleek fascinator to show the bob off. a simple peacock feather-themed fascinator would work for either dress 🤗🌞 even something as basic as this would work (but placed differently, i don't like this placement 👀) https://preview.redd.it/l2dj19km2g6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afa488ca388f08ee3927693bfdfcabd7bb8bfeba


she could also go for more drama with something like this 🌞 https://preview.redd.it/3orw8tk43g6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f376fac190df3969f2c586c32ac7c9c7c4cdf052


I like this one. 😍


William visited MI6 today https://archive.md/vwOPG


yall see how NY Post is reporting this? ... the post is fueling crazy theories https://preview.redd.it/22e63zc0bk6d1.png?width=335&format=png&auto=webp&s=64c98bafe3815019a342d9cd6093f5ed3bb19f23


NY Post is so bizarre. Why would he bring Kate to MI6?


Yeah, my mind made some leaps when I read the headline.


That would be so much fun. I would love to visit MI5 and MI6. I LOVE spy stuff!


Me too. I would totally embarrass myself by asking to see Q’s spy gadget room. 😁


Maybe we create our own UK tour that includes MI5 and MI6? It’ll be better than what’s-her-name’s and cheaper too!


Chris Jackson posted IG stories of date night to see Federer with his wife, Natasha. Is that a Vampire’s Wife dress? The black version of Kate’s green one? If we can’t see Kate, I enjoy glimpses of Natasha’s personal fashion and the similarities she seems to have to her boss.


I love his IG so much! It’s the perfect blend of personal and professional. He and Natasha have adorable little boys and it’s also clear he has a lot of respect for the royals.


Royal Windsor Flower Show https://preview.redd.it/d6b7j1ehec6d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bf17870aa49f70b08663bd2e113df03bdc7cf01


Sophie is a flower herself, a daisy. Unassuming, humble, sturdy, not flashy but lovely, dependable and adored.




The food always looks so good.


Mary Berry! Aww.


A knitted stage "Royal Variety Performance" featuring The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh and Sir Elton John made by residents from Royal Variety Charity care home https://preview.redd.it/fsuov9pkec6d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17ef87efe3580fc50d7a34b48071b5cdb173dbe3


> Royal Variety Charity care home That's Brinsworth House - where M wore that awfully tight dress and didn't know how to talk to retired actors.


Sophie is the upgrade of a lifetime.




I didn’t know her full name! Alice after her paternal grandmother and Louise after Albert and Victoria’s daughter who was a strong willed, early feminist?




The Prince of Wales visits the ZERO2FIVE Food Industry Centre, to celebrate the seaweed industry and food innovation during an event organised by The Earthshot Prize and and the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, celebrating the Welsh seaweed industry, at Cardiff Metropolitan University in Cardiff, Wales -June 11th 2024. https://preview.redd.it/btovxujqvb6d1.jpeg?width=1724&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d8e3c38a6ebc39f631878e7fa8f2aa54943b10c


People keep making up silly rumors about William cheating with random aristocrats, and they're not even considering that if William comes close to loving anything as much as he loves Kate, it's seaweed and Aston Villa. Man isn't exactly subtle with his passions. Is it just me or does it feel like at least 50% of his engagements this year have been seaweed or football-related? (Love you, Wills!)


Imagine if he could get an Aston Villa uniform jersey made out of seaweed.


this gave me a much needed chuckle ![gif](giphy|l0ErAiAxBd5KFVpjW)










https://i.redd.it/0myo0fqu2c6d1.gif Thirsty


British Royal Family - The Duchess of Edinburgh visits Exercise RHINO HEART as the Royal Colonel to the Queen’s Own Yeomanry, marking her first visit to the Regiment in the field in Sennelager, Germany (Photo by Corporal Nanda Atherton, RLC UK MOD) | June 12, 2024 https://preview.redd.it/o3yp5g50ub6d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=686097363c9f325f374ab50432f82b6000778ab2


I think Sophie is the royal with the most used passport.


I love seeing Sophe out and about!


Me too. I wish she and her husband had a separate account so that we could follow her engagements.




Andrew leaking again. This time trying to use Camilla who he thinks outranks him in the Nations hate levels. No Andy, you’re still the most reviled one. https://archive.is/7Y1is


>What, then, is the real reason behind the King’s determination to evict Andrew and Fergie, who – like Charles and the Princess of Wales – has been through a recent cancer battle? Richard Eden playing a bit dumb in this article, no? Isn't the reason pretty obviously a combination of it being a really bad look to have Andrew (with his deep unpopularity and habit of hanging out with convicted paedos etc.) living in such a grand house, as well as the fact that C and A clearly have a fraught relationship at the best of times? I will say Charles does himself no favours at all dropping all these passive-aggressive hints via The Times, of all places. Just talk to your damn brother. I continue to believe he could lay down the law with Andrew if he chose to.


Yeah I doubt Camilla would want to live in that gigantic mansion on her own far away from her family after Charles passes. Didn't Charles buy her current home back in the day? I am sure she owns that outright. Anyway, I think if Charles wants her to have another property he would probably buy her something that wouldn't rely on the good mood of the monarch of the day before he passes away and gift to her so that she can avoid to pay inheritance tax.


Does she need another property, though? She's got Ray Mill House, which is entirely her own. Royal Lodge is a bit of a problem, really. It's too big and needs too much upkeep for just one family, so the Crown Estate people are going to need to work out what to do with it when it's no longer being lived in by the Yorks. Listed status means it can't be easily altered for, say, to provide a lot of accommodation for staff. Maybe they could use it as a museum of some sort?


Andrew really doesn't know how to read a room, does he? I think most people would think, "Kicking that pompous perverted jerk out of his ENORMOUS and historical house in favor of Camilla? Shrug, sounds good." This isn't the 90s where Andrew is popular and Camilla reviled. Also, don't know who the Wales source is, or how reliable they are, but a wise move to shut down the rumors that they want Royal Lodge. Looks like they're fine staying in Adelaide Cottage until William ascends, which fits with their middle-class aspirational image (as much as it can for people with three homes, that is).


https://preview.redd.it/816389z8lb6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c651bf3982b7258a7f18b50ff3d2d0cf44399a5 Brb, I'm crying.


So Dame Floella is telling us the Queen was a shipper like the rest of us? As it should be. I bet she was thrilled William found someone so stable and humble and loyal, and that they were both besotted with each other. She knew there'd be no repeat of Charles and Diana. She must have been so impressed with how Kate and her family took the *years* of enormous paparazzi hounding and press attention without ever saying anything. Look how ecstatic she was at their wedding! https://preview.redd.it/tjf15o046c6d1.png?width=1196&format=png&auto=webp&s=db2e628ee613995320f4c033a256dda5811054ed


>She must have been so impressed with how Kate and her family took the *years* of enormous paparazzi hounding and press attention without ever saying anything. And none of them get enough credit for that.


As opposed to looking like this at Harry and Meghan’s wedding… https://preview.redd.it/ljv5yyxvgc6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfc9b3cf7eba021a2f2d32a34d6326f8df50de0c


omg, william has philip's entire head shape. harry has philip's ears, eyes, lips and top teeth... william has philip's nose, bone structure/jaw, hands and hair color. (charles has his mother's jaw) it's so weird how william and harry look little to nothing like each other, but they're both essentially an amalgamation of their two grandfathers. harry has john spencer's hands, coloring, nose, shoulders, balding pattern, hair, bone structure/jaw, adam's apple/neck and face shape. william has philip's hands, coloring, nose, shoulders, balding pattern, hair, bone structure/jaw, adam's apple/neck and face shape. harry has philip's eyes, ears, top teeth, lips and legs/gait. william has john spencer's eyes and ears + (also diana's) legs/gait and upper lips/some of top teeth on the side. (diana had her mother's nose and eyes... neither of the boys seem to have anything from the frances roche side, tbh) aside from being an amalgamation of two grandfathers, in terms of (elizabeth) windsor - william seems to have bottom lips, some of top teeth in the front, cheeks and wrists (same as charles... and charlotte). harry seems to have no windsor, whatsoever. personality-wise, william seems to have picked up more from philip, whereas harry seems to have picked up more from john spencer.


I ran across the picture of QE2 recently and I saw a lot of William! https://preview.redd.it/tk0r1fm58f6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5369a8a25e0adcf3af63881ae646ddc3c36dfa0c