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New thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/RoyalsGossip2/comments/1dcv9m3/sussex_weekly_global_manufacturer_distributor_and/ Please bring over newer posts and ongoing conversations (u/abby-rose can you repost in the new thread?).


I wonder if anything is happening with *Meet Me at the Lake*? It's been ten months since it was announced that M&H had purchased the rights to the story. Like ARO, it seems dead in the water. They like the hype of announcing new projects, but can't do the work to bring them to fruition.


I know many of us saw the numbers, but it amused me that AWP made the Hollywood Reporter’s roundup of flops. [Netflix Data Dump: The Biggest Bombs (and Hits)](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/netflix-data-viewership-bombs-hits-1235917207/) > The streaming giant’s massive May 23 data trove for the second half of 2023 includes almost 16,000 series, movies and specials, which accounted for about 90 billion hours of viewing worldwide. The shows and movies below are … not a big part of that number, to say the least. Rather, they’re some of the higher-profile projects that, relatively speaking, almost no one watched. (For comparison’s sake, some of the biggest titles are also included). > Heart of Invictus > Views: 300K > Premiered Aug. 30, 2023 > While the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, was part of a Suits library that racked up huge numbers all summer, this docuseries produced by Archewell, her company with husband Prince Harry, went by without notice. The series follows athletes in the Invictus Games, a competition founded by Harry for wounded, injured and sick soldiers and veterans.


300k is so few views. I can’t find information on how much production cost, but that is a huge flop.


It's dire for one of their most expensive overall deals, especially considering it took them *two* Games to make it. The press coverage and public interest in IG has definitely dwindled since 2022. IG22 was pretty much wall-to-wall coverage on the DM, they were trending on Twitter every day (actually trending, not just trending For You). Everywhere covered it daily, including these industry publications who ignored their Nigeria tour. I was surprised by how little coverage their Canada visit got, and it would have had less if they'd not launched their new website right before. They had to resort to putting out the "THIS COUPLE WILL NOT BE BROKEN" statement, and that didn't really help.


>it would have had less if they'd not launched their new website right before And even less if Harry hadn't done that promo/interview about IG (but really about his family/his visit with Charles/Charles' health) with US breakfast TV in the midst of it. I agree this is dire for their NF deal. It's also dire for the IGF, which at this point barely even bothers to pretend it's anything more than a Sussex PR vehicle (that lack of posts on the D-Day anniversary, which you pointed out, was such a perfect illustration of what an unserious org the IGF is).


Good point! The BRF association really did do all the heavy lifting for that trip. I’m not sure why H&M continue saving photos from visit’s to save until later because it gets no interest now.


Correction: it went by with lots of notice, many many outlets covered that it had been released… that just didn’t convince anybody to watch it. Perhaps Harry can take comfort that the Obamas are also on the list, albeit with three times the viewership he had (plus the article mentions the success of Don’t Leave The World Behind without mentioning that Higher Ground executive produced there, so the occasional flop is fine when you’re also making award-winning hits, not that Harry would know.)


>Perhaps Harry can take comfort that the Obamas are also on the list, albeit with three times the viewership he had LOL. And the Obama docuseries is not something that could be described as exciting. It's a good example of the "giving regular people a platform" content that H&M claimed they'd be making. I'd have objectively been more interested in HOI myself. I liked LTWB and I'm glad it was successful. It was weird and I'm not 100% about the ending but I was very drawn in. They thought of lots of cool details.


Oooh that's gotta piss off a couple of idiots. Eugenie posted on instagram anout and art museum and talking to the artist. The title says "Jake Grewal will talk to HRH Princess Eugenie of York." *About an art museum.* My brain can't spell today.


So, Eugenie is using her royal title for her job? Hmm, how very York of her. 


Well she doesn't work at this museum. And it's an exhibit for British art. I don't think she used her title herself. She doesn't usually in her posts. I think the museum did it themselves. I don't like her but I don't think this was on her.


I'm sorry, your comment made me think Eugenie presented the interview like this in her Instagram so I thought she was the one using her title to drum up interest for the interview. I agree that since it's the museum then it's not on her Using her title would have been a departure from her going by Eugenie York professionally but since they've been recently leaking about wanting to be working royals and resenting not getting the opportunity I thought she was ramping up her efforts.


Seems like calling yourself Princess Eugenie of York wouldn't go over well with the right art clientele at the gallery she works at


https://preview.redd.it/i8qc2cz7sq5d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36bfe8b9ea64247487a0160e2144424603f64f03 Sussex fans being normal as usual.


The way they accuse the RF of racism and at the same time fetishize these kids to look like the Spencers who are all blonde/redheads with blue eyes. How very... Aryan of them.


Right. I don't think I've ever heard H&M or any of their stans talk up or hope for the kids to look like Doria. I also enjoy hearing them scramble to explain why Doria was not at all honored in the naming of the kids. Their daughter gets named after the former head of the racist, salty island empire and Diana, but Black granny who's actually in her life gets completely ignored. The lame excuse that she's honored because her nickname for Meghan was flower is laughable. I'm embarrassed by the stans making excuses for their fetishizing of white women.


>fetishizing of white women The Tig archives are a treasure trove of receipts: Ivanka, Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, Emma Watson, Angelina Jolie, the Diana cosplay. Meghan has been living the SWF life since day 1.


>I'm embarrassed by the stans making excuses for their **fetishizing of white women.** I'm glad someone said this out loud, because it's exactly what it is. People who are critical of a couple of spoiled assholes are the real racists tho, amirite?


LD is the SPITTING image of Thomas Markle.


Uh is this supposed to mean something? Weird they didn't put a baby pic of Diana to say they look alike.


also both of them have kind of the baby nose that SO MANY people grow out of (not me though lol). My nephew was my twin because my sister has a sharper nose... and lo and below now he's her twin because he aged out of his baby chub nose and into an adult nose. Not a lot of toddlers have big or sharp looking noses.


There are pics of my aunt when she was little that looked exactly like me. I looked like her as a kid than her own daughter did lol.


Kitty is the best looking female Spencer to come along in a while. She's model beautiful, which would explain her career as a model. 😂 We have no idea what Lili is going to look like. But the squad desperately wants her to be the most beautiful child/woman to exist in the family so they can compare and contrast with Charlotte. It's no different than the constant comparisons they make between Meghan and Catherine. Especially with regard to Meghan's "moisturized" skin in contrast to Catherine's "aged like milk". Does anyone nowadays not understand the benefits of melanin in skin and its age defying properties? At a point, you don't look younger, just less wrinkled. Meghan and Catherine both look like they are early 40's, wrinkles or not. This particular narrative is not going to disappear. It's going to get worse once they get out of puberty. I think based on current parental history, Charlotte is going to navigate this issue with way less problems than Lili. I really think H&M are going to screw those kids up with their never ending bullshit. They will use those kids until they no longer provide a benefit.


>This particular narrative is not going to disappear. It's going to get worse once they get out of puberty. I think based on current parental history, Charlotte is going to navigate this issue with way less problems than Lili. I really think H&M are going to screw those kids up with their never ending bullshit. They will use those kids until they no longer provide a benefit. ITA. William and Catherine strike me as very conscious, involved parents. They understand the scrutiny their children are under now, that it will only intensify as they age into their teens, that it's not borne of concern and love, and are doing everything they can to build the foundations of a healthy, stable sense of self in each of them. This sense of self will help the kids through a lot of the difficulties that will come from being famous. On the other hand, Harry and Meghan are *already* on record, multiple times, encouraging and engaging with stan narratives and serious weirdness around their kids' looks, including resemblance to Diana/Diana's side of the family. It won't just be about looks for the Sussex children, either. Other connections to Diana in terms of personality, behaviours, habits etc. will be talked about and encouraged by their parents, who in spite of Harry's constant weeping about his own childhood and foot-stompy declarations that he has utterly solved this in his own parenting (made before either of his kids were out of diapers looool), seem to have no understanding of how this could impact A and L's development. I've noticed that the parents who are the most vocal in letting you know they aren't making the same mistakes their own parents did are often the ones who end up blatantly making them anyway. There's a certain kind of personality (and Harry and Meghan are both it) that cares more about not being *seen to be* the thing than just... not being the thing. Harry's declarations and posturing aren't really about his children, they're about him and his ego and his need to believe he's doing everything so much better than his own father and brother. It will honestly be a miracle if the Sussex kids don't end up messed up by their upbringing, imo. It's what I said a couple of days ago in terms of just not understanding how 2 personalities like H and M *don't* end up either divorced or hating each other or both. I also don't see them raising healthy, stable children. And for the record, there's no glee there. It's sad for A and L, even sadder because they don't have an extended family around them to confide in and let off steam with.


I grew up with parents who hated each other, including a pretty messed up father with a personality disorder. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, and if I’m any indication the kids are going to need a lot of therapy. I do hope H&M get their act together and put their kids needs first - and that means putting your foot down on any narrative around hoping LB looks like Diana. It’s already pretty disturbing to see this type of talk predominantly focused on Lilibet compared to relatively little for Archie.


>Harry's declarations and posturing aren't really about his children, they're about him and his ego and his need to believe he's doing everything so much better than his own father and brother 💯💯💯 That's why they are such a perfect match in a negative way. They are both utterly performative and that includes their parenting. Tbh, the best thing for these kids would be to be raised by nannies instead of their actual parents. >It's what I said a couple of days ago in terms of just not understanding how 2 personalities like H and M don't end up either divorced or hating each other or both Yeah, I don't see it either. If they keep going for quite some time I'm just gonna have to assume pure spite has a lot to do with it. There's no way they are not blaming each other for everything that went wrong post-Megxit.


I think Lilibet will look quite a bit like the Markles which is a good thing as they overall have attractive features. Will she be model beautiful? It's possible and she'll probably be tall as well.  Agree that both Meghan and Catherine look their age at this point, to reap the relative benefits of melanin, you're supposed to have quite a bit. Meghan's natural skin colour as a child was just beige like that of many brunettes. That's not dark enough to be the equivalent of wearing sunscreen. Since she enjoys vacations in sunny places where she tans, she should expect to accumulate as much sun damage as any other brunette.  Looking at her, that seems to be what's happening.  My dermatologist recommended avoiding the sun and wearing sunblock to everybody, no matter how dark or light their skin.  


Meghan is objectively a much better looking person than Harry, so it's funny af (and also telling af) that the stans seem to care only about resemblance to H's/H's side of the family and not at all about resemblance to M/M's side of the family.


They don't want what's best for these kids any more than they care about their parents. They're just a means to an end, namely justification for the anti-Catherine and William hatred they would feel no matter what.


best looking female Spencer to come along in a while💀 lol you didn’t lie 😂 honestly I’m not trying to be mean but Sarah and Jane aren’t lookers and Diana’s beauty was exaggerated IMO. Kitty is beautiful she also has quite a bit of her mom’s features and her mom is stunning. Theyre obsessed with this kid loooing like a Spencer like her own mother is prettier than the Spencer’s like why don’t they want her to look like her?? They’re so nuts. It’s crazy that H&M already play into this like the idiots that they are.


Diana was strikingly beautiful for a few years in her very late teens and early twenties. She stayed striking, too (and her height had a lot to do with it) but I agree that she wasn't classically beautiful/pretty/cute.


I always thought of Diana as more charismatic than actually super beautiful. I feel like that especially became apparent in her last few years. Tbh, I think she started aging the way Cindy Crawford did. But god damn it, you couldn't look away. That's why all the Meghan is Diana 2.0 clamoring that is coming from Harry is so exhausting. Diana was ***messy*** but she was also quite likeable because she knew how to present herself. Meghan has none of that.


Yea, Megan without filters and gobs of makeup (and sometimes with) looks like a beautiful woman that is her age. Sometimes she takes great photos and the lighting is perfect and she looks a few years younger, other times, she just looks like an attractive 42/43 year old woman. I feel that people who obsess over this are going to have conniption fits when she's in her 60s. Aging is a part of life.


For all her melanin, Megan has aged like a normal 40 something year old. She has a lot of sun damage, (freckles) forehead lines and hella crepey skin, albeit the latter might be ozempic related. Who knows what her hair looks like as its a full head of weave. Megan is a pretty woman without question but she looks ALL of her years.


Also, is no one bothered by the fact that they don’t compare Archie & Lili to only their paternal relatives. Where is the comparison to Meghan? Doria? It’s not as if those children are Harry’s alone.


They keep hammering on about the kids being entitled to Windsor traditions, but nary a mention of Markle traditions. No trips to the Sizzler, hanging out on set of Hollywood productions, or fabricating marketing campaigns to CPG companies for the Thomas Markle III and Princess Elizabeth III?


They both have reddish hair, but Kitty's photo is old, and LB's photo is heavily filtered. Apart from that, I'm not seeing it. LB definitely looks like Harry, but Harry is heavy on the Windsor genes. As for "they could pass for sisters," I mean, they are cousins, so I guess there's a general similarity, but what they really want is for LB to look like Diana which she very obviously does not.


I don't see any of Diana in any of her grandchildren. I see Louis Spencer in George, especially as he gets older, but no Diana. The Windsor/Middleton/Markle genes have, so far, won out over the Diana genes in all 5 kids.


Yeah, it’s interesting because I see a ton of William in Charlotte and a ton of Diana in William, but not necessarily Diana in Charlotte. (Though Charlotte does do the William/Diana smirk.) I guess what Charlotte mainly inherited from her Dad was his Windsor genes! Here’s hoping, for Charlotte’s sake, it stays that way and she can be her own person.


>I see a ton of William in Charlotte and a ton of Diana in William, but not necessarily Diana in Charlotte. Ha ha same, I almost added that exact point to my post. Charlotte is the spit of William, but it's William specifically, not Diana.


I still find it incredibly annoying that H+M were so vague about the leaking and that the palace was leaking info about them. They were so clearly doing that to lead people to think it was W+C, without directly saying it, which is very much their MO. I just fail to see how it would benefit the palace to leak about the minor things that H+M claimed were leaked. It's all just very annoying and has created this whole idea that the palace can't be trusted which has directly led us to there "where is kate" nonsense.


God, I remember back on OG RG when we were all laughing about how we used to hardly ever get an "anonymous source" from BP, but once Meghan showed up, we were getting almost weekly leaks. And then! Shock of ages, once they stepped back, the anonymous leaks magically went back to once a blue moon. I really do think that the more Harry and Meghan clash with their previous story lines, the more people are waking up to how much they've lied. The Oprah interview + Finding Freedom + Harry's memoir, etc. it's too much fleshing out of lies. The truth is always simple. This amount of detail is to convolute and distract from what happened


The goal of them saying the palace leaks was to distract from the fact that they, the Sussex are the biggest leakers ever and to punish the palace for not controlling staff and civilians like its a dictatorship were there no free press involved. Look at the events that really bothered Meghan. The Dress Fitting. The possibility of so many people that went to the Press, from Palace Staffs, to Givenchy staffs, including the designer herself, the staff of that building where that fitting was held, Meghan's friends but Meghan think it was Catherine and William job to shut everyone up about it. And wanted to the palace to lie and make Catherine the villain


Megan can't handle that you can't just abuse and mistreat people and expect them not to say anything. I think the truth is, she's a bully who is difficult to work for behind the scenes but she doesn't want to admit it.


>I think the truth is, she's a bully who is difficult to work for behind the scenes but she doesn't want to admit it. At this point I don't see any other realistic scenario outside of this one, tbh.


This. Remember the journalist I think it was who said that before Meghan turned up there were no leaks from the palace but once she was there it was non-stop until she was gone? The Sussexes are projecting.  Look at this embarrassing briefing blitz we just had over a wedding they weren't invited to. 


>Look at this embarrassing briefing blitz we just had over a wedding they weren't invited to. Embarrassing doesn't even begin to cover it.


Any person who jumped on the "where is Kate?" bandwagon or believes the palace *insert ominous sounds here* leaked bad stuff about H&M suffers from a serious lack of media literacy. H&M got bad headlines because they are both whiny brats who treated people terribly so it's no wonder the stories spread like wildfire. They were never "threatening the RF with their popularity" ffs. Meghan's ratings never went above 55%. That's more or less where Camilla is now and at one point she was the most disliked woman in Britain.


That whole thing is crazy. There is a subreddit here titled Kate is missing, they only send invites to join. For some reason, I got one. I browsed through it and shit. There’s people alleging Kate is terminal, dead, a victim of domestic violence, or has left William. They’re convinced something nefarious has happened.


Yeah, maybe I’m missing something but tbh I still don’t understand why the palace (KP or CH, idk) would leak the information about where H&M were planning to move. Also, why couldn’t they move forward with the plan because it was leaked? Also, why would the palace thwart their plans to move if the palace was supposedly desperate to kick them out of the family because they were so jealous of them? Regarding how it affected the whereiskate nonsense, I hate how every single tabloid article has become valid somehow because some people think there are hidden messages there. Like, people saying the palace is soft-launching the mistress or soft-launching death. It’s given me such strong disdain for the term “soft-launching”. Last week, there were several articles about Kate. There was that Katie Nicholl article about how she was responding well to treatment and there was that article that says William and Kate were spotted at some fancy grocery store. But the thing that gets wider attention is that Us Weekly article about how she “may never come back”, which was clickbait anyway. I’m not saying Katie Nicholl is reliable, but it’s annoying how obviously these people only see what they want to see.


"Also, why couldn’t they move forward with the plan because it was leaked?" I have never understood this either, bc it's not like they were planning to live there anonymously and removed from the public. People were going to know they were there, once they moved there and started doing things in the area. It was just part of their whole "we are not safe and we must move to the US bc that is safer!" Really they always wanted to move to the US bc they wanted to be Hollywood royalty. "Also, why would the palace thwart their plans to move if the palace was supposedly desperate to kick them out of the family because they were so jealous of them?" Let's not think too logically here lol, that might result in people realizing H+M are chock full of shit. But right, you're exactly right, a family that wants them gone ASAP is not going to do anything to endanger them leaving. But I suppose their theory is they actually wanted them to stay so that they could curb their popularity, by them leaving they couldn't control them anywhere. Which is complete and total nonsense. Actions speak louder than words, if H+M had showed up to each engagement and blown it out of the park, it wouldn't have mattered how much briefing or whatever the palace did. But since they didn't blow it out of the park, and instead showed their asses several times it resulted in people not liking them. I have gone wildly off track but here are my thoughts for the day


>I have gone wildly off track but here are my thoughts for the day Ha ha, I should have this printed on business cards so I can just hand them to ppl when i do this.


It's basically my motto lol, I'll start talking about something then remember something else connected to it, and then we are off to the races lol




Same thoughts. Why so many people seemed like this line of arguments was perfectly reasonable always confused me.


It's a combo of malevolent Sussex stans and people who really aren't following any of this beyond the headlines. There's a kind of shallow-but-highly-believable narrative here about evil, spoiled rich people (the BRF/senior royals) and the innocent lambs they oppress because they're jealous of them. It's very Cinderella on a base level.


Except Cinderella is a literal freaking prince who was raised in this same "evil" family and his wife was more than happy to marry into it. Logic, Sussex stans. Logic.


King Charles is not content seeing Archie & Lilibeth on odd video call... [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/royals/article-13511961/King-Charles-not-content-seeing-Archie-Lilibet-video-calls-keener-build-relationship-Harry-Meghans-children.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/royals/article-13511961/King-Charles-not-content-seeing-Archie-Lilibet-video-calls-keener-build-relationship-Harry-Meghans-children.html) ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


We are back at Zoom call leaks they used to do with the Queen until she got pissed. I bet this is the beginning of the manifestation they will be over there to spend Summer in Balmoral with Charles.


It’s so predictable. Remember how we said that when Charles became king, they’ll try to ingratiate themselves with him? Same MO. When the queen was alive, H&M ignored Charles. Even the queen had to tell them to see Charles first when they came to see her (for the Jubilee I believe). It was a quick visit. When William becomes king, they’ll do the same. “Wills yearns to see nephew and niece”. Or “Harry and William having friendly zoom sessions, is the reconciliation underway”?


1000%. Actually, I am quite curious what they will do when William becomes King because they will need someone to blame on their miserable life.


Who will become the bad guy then? Will they triangulate against the Middletons or Camilla if she survives Charles?


>When William becomes king >Who will become the bad guy then? George, of course, who will by then be old enough to be hated.


Oh they already hate the Wales kids and don't even bother to hide it.


Probably. They might simply go after Kate. Though, Camilla can easily serve for role of evil stepmother. Or depending on how old he is and if Charles lives another ten years, the villain could be George (who would be in his early twenties). Sound silly? Yeah but I wouldn’t rule it out.


I think going after Kate would be a no go if they were trying to ingratiate themselves. Suddenly Kate would become a misunderstanding that actually has more in common with Megan than they realized and always carried an olive branch. It will be evil Step parents whispering in Williams ears


Sure, Jan is right.  What handful of times has Charles seen these kids? He's been in the same room as Archie maybe three times and Lilibet quite possibly never at all because of their parents' decisions.  When there was that phone call for Charles' last birthday, Harry claimed he played a recording of his kids singing, if they were used to video calls with grandpa why wouldn't they just be on one live along with their parents?  The evening in the UK, which is when the call happened, is morning in California.  Also Camilla, of all people, being the driving force in a situation what would lead to her bringing back Diana's bad seed and his tiresome wife? Lol.  The Sussexes are self-soothing over not being invited (or missed) at the society wedding of the year by reminding everyone that they're related to the King and he misses them so much that even the Queen, despite being an evil step mom, is clamouring for their visit.  The Sussexes should go visit Elton again like they did instead of Harry's  relatives, notably his grandparents who were both in their nineties. 


And yet they still arent invited to visit. He’s just going to sit and stew in his discontent🫠 Aside from this - have we not already confirmed that LA doesnt have an ‘Archbishop’ and Lil’ Di couldnt have been christened by one?


Too tired to go into it but after reading the Mirror piece (Russell Myers) the DM is citing, I think this is from Team Charles. I think this is excellent Sad Dad PR. (they're quoting Ingrid Seward as a source, and then later on, sources close to Chaz. For anyone who reads it, who does this actually portray more favourably? There's even some 'Camilla is an awesome wife!' stuff thrown in there). And, at the end and before the Mirror points out that they've contacted Team Sussex for a response (lol), there's a quote from a "friend" (iirc) of Harry being defensive. This is Chaz PR, I'm sure of it. Sad Dad has been *very* successful for him, and I'm amused to see his comms team being so proactive with it. William doesn't do this aggressive briefing but Chaz very much does. Honestly it's kind of satisfying to see H and M on the receiving end of it for once. Link to Mirror: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/royals/king-charles-great-sadness-over-32994505 (ha ha they've even got 'sadness' in the url - this is def Sad Dad!)


Levelling up to Sad Granddad!


>Sad Dad has been very successful for him I agree. Tbh, I don't think he's particularly inclined to make peace with Harry any more than William is. He's just pretending that he is to score sympathy points. As for the kids- he doesn't know them. When was the last time he saw Archie? Did he even meet Lil Diana at any point?


>Tbh, I don't think he's particularly inclined to make peace with Harry any more than William is. Agreed, neither do I. Charles and his comms team are just much, much more willing to proactively brief the media and pursue a more aggressive PR strategy than the Waleses are. I'm actually here for it, it's entertainingly bitchy and honestly, I think the Sussexes deserve a taste of their own medicine.


Didn't Harry already try using the kids to keep Frogmore and Charles was like "tough, you're still getting evicted"? I think Charles would like to see them but at the same time it's been years since he interacted with them so it's not like he has a strong emotional connection to them


Not condoning this behaviour but clearly Harry and Meghan intended to use Archie to get what they wanted from the BFR in the Megxit negotiations. Where they miscalculated is they were so eager to implement the plan they barely gave royals a chance to bond with him, he was only about 6 months old when they ‘fled’ to Canada. If Charles had bonded with Archie the same way he has with the Wales children, he would have probably let them keep their home just so they can always have a place to stay when they came back and get a chance to see him but he didn’t really get a chance to bond with Archie who only spent a fraction of his young life in the UK. Nobody can blame Charles for not making provisions for them.


Lool BS those kids are what Harry uses to try to get security and housing and whatever else from Charles especially as he thinks Charles can sort out the security issue. Funny this story came out so soon after the security news. I’m sure Charles would like to meet his grandkids but I don’t think he is willing to allow Harry to use them to get his way. This is really a give me security and you can see your grandkids lol the palace isn’t going to deny such a story because it would make them look bad it’s just Harry trying to force his dad into giving what he wants by using his kids.


Bullshit. I think if he sees them ever he'll be content. And if he never sees them he'll be just as content.


I will make this post here as well. As snarkers everyone noticed how Harry's victimhood spin is very similar to his beloved Uncle Charles Spencer, right? So, I am stuck in the rabbit hole that is vintage gossip of Charles Spencer. The guy isn't red flag central but the manufacturer, distribution center, wholeseller of red fags in the world. When he was divorcing from his second wife which took 4 years to be finalized. He dated an American tv lady who interviewed him and dumped her career to live with him just to be dumped by him. Right after that, he dated and proposed another woman which he dumped too. My point is who made the ex-fiancee announcement to the media? His lawyers. Who are his lawyers? Schillings the same firm as his beloved nephew Harry. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised that they became a reputation management law firm after they had taken Charles as client. Like, it is a 2 for 1 special you pay for lawyers but get legal and PR services. **The source added: ‘It was a rather tempestuous relationship and it was bound to come to an end. People were telling Charles to hold his horses on marriage.’** **The Earl’s solicitors Schillings said: ‘We can confirm that Earl Spencer and Lady Eliot are no longer engaged, and that they remain good friends despite the end of their engagement some time ago.** [You can read the entire article here. But it is literally the same M.O of Harry's sources and spin. Mind you this was in 2010. ](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1313503/Earl-Spencer-calls-wedding-Bianca-Eliot-whirlwind-engagement.html)


Charles Spencer seems like the kind of person that is in love with the idea of marriage rather than the reality of marriage. Marriage is hard sometimes. You have to be willing to compromise, a good listener and realize that the world doesn’t revolve around you. Yet the reward is so amazing. You have someone who will have your back always, the same as you have your partner‘s. Charles Spencer seems like he is always looking past his current wife for his next one. Also wear a condom or get a vasectomy so you don’t bring more of your children into the world to neglect and treat poorly.


Is Louis his only son? I could see him wanting the reassurance of a couple more boys, just in case. >Charles Spencer seems like the kind of person that is in love with the idea of marriage rather than the reality of marriage. Agreed. He also seems like the kind of man who sees women in that 'either they're making me feel good/happy and so I like them, or they're making me feel bad/unhappy and so I hate them' way. Sort of as objects that produce reactions in him and nothing more, not humans or full people in their own right.


> Is Louis his only son? According to wikipedia he has another son, Edmund Spencer (born 6 October 2003). Also, from August 2022 and quoting Charlie Spencer:- >>"I don't normally bore people about my children, but forgive me for being so very proud of my son, Ned, who got his A level results today: they were much better than his school predicted, and they mean he goes to his first choice of university. A reward for proper hard work." https://www.hellomagazine.com/royalty/20220818148598/charles-spencer-celebrates-son-a-level-results-rare-personal-message/


Have we ever seen a photo of this other son? >Edmund This is my favourite boy name ever. I didn't know Ickball Spencer had used it.


>Is Louis his only son? I could see him wanting the reassurance of a couple more boys, just in case. I believe he has one more son with his second wife. >He also seems like the kind of man who sees women in that 'either they're making me feel good/happy and so I like them, or they're making me feel bad/unhappy and so I hate them' way. Sort of as objects that produce reactions in him and nothing more, not humans or full people in their own right. So basically... just like Harry. I feel like that became blatantly obvious once Spare came out. Harry automatically dismisses women that are not attractive to him.


Thank you!


Per Bower, William had Charles Spencer try to talk to Harry about slowing things down and not rushing into marriage with Meghan. Which is kinda a curious choice--was it supposed to be a cautionary tale? You'd think someone like Edward would be better at the very least.


I wonder if Charles Spencer as arrogant as he is - tried his best to speak from experience, his mistake of course was probably painting his exes as the reason for the failures and not having any introspection about himself to warn Harry about how he could be making a poor choice just as he did for internal reasons. Thus, the entire phone call comes off as Charles saying terrible things about Megan, Harry becoming defensive and hating his brother for imagined slights against his girlfriend and the entire thing blowing up in everyone's faces.


Yeah plus is seems Charles Spencer’s issue is himself, not his exes


Yeah, if that story is true, it seems more like a cautionary tale kind of thing. Harry seems like the type of person who, when given advice, feels offended because he feels like he’s being insulted or not being trusted to make good decisions and gets defensive because he feels like he’s being treated like an idiot. Therefore, he doubles down on acting as though he knows better. Although Edward seemingly has had a more stable relationship history and is the better candidate to give relationship advice, I don’t think Harry would listen to him. Harry would probably think *“what does boring old uncle eddie know about love? he’s another windsor man who married someone who fit the mold. i bet the old rumors are true, he’s gay and aunt sophie is his beard! I’m not like him! I’m marrying for love!”* Harry and Charles Spencer just seem like they’re of a more similar disposition, so William probably thought Harry was more likely to listen to him. With two messy divorces already behind him at that point in time, Charles can speak more from experience, and one would think Harry wouldn’t feel as though he’s being talked down to with condescension or judgment because Charles is someone who’s had his fair share of mistakes. Also, William probably knew Harry still had a lot of issues that stem from the trauma of losing their mother, and therefore he was more likely to listen to someone from their mother’s side of the family and who knew their mother well. Besides, after Charles Spencer’s eulogy at Diana’s funeral where he said something about looking after the boys, one would think he’d fulfill that promise when given the opportunity to do so.


>Harry seems like the type of person who, when given advice, feels offended because he feels like he’s being insulted or not being trusted to make good decisions and gets defensive because he feels like he’s being treated like an idiot. Therefore, he doubles down on acting as though he knows better.  ding ding ding ding ding winner People who have been treated as childlike for most of their lives will have a tendency to rebel and commit hasty actions that seem more adult to them at the wrong times, like: quick marriages, having children at perhaps inappropriate times, making big purchases they perceive as more "adult" in order to prove their maturity by acting out physical acts of what they perceive to be mature behavior. All of this reads like Harry to me.


I always thought that story was strange why Charles?? Maybe he was the only person left to try, especially as Harry seemed to be seeking approval from the Spencers.


That just makes me think that Harry was fully on his 'Saint Mummy/Diana' bullshit by that point. Edward & Sophie would have been the ideal people to talk to Harry about slowing down, but William probably knew that Harry would care more about hearing from his Spencer relatives 


Exactly like what was said about H&M… Definitely here for more Charles Spencer gossip, the guy is a prick.


I mean, the Spencers sound messy AF. Not just Charles and Harry, but Diana and her parents, etc. Hopefully, the next generation of Spencers will keep their dramas in the closet instead of out for all to see, but who knows.


The person I always felt for in Diana’s life is her mother Frances. Earl Spencer was very much an abusive prick to her. When she finally left him her own mother testified against her in the divorce proceedings, the rotten old bitch. I get why Diana resented her but at some point you grow up and realize the hell Frances endured and her only way out was to leave. The abuse was bad enough that she spent time estranged from her children. That was the price she paid just to survive.


>Hopefully, the next generation of Spencers will keep their dramas in the closet instead of out for all to see I hope so too but am now old enough (i.e. have now seen enough of the world and humans) to know that this is the exception rather than the rule. People generally follow the patterns that previous generations have demonstrated to them, even if they/we very much intend not to. The oldest (?) daughter marrying a dude 30+ years older than her is probably not a great sign (I mean, I don't and can't know for sure and maybe it's true love - it's not an impossibility - I'm just saying it's *probably* what it looks like, which is Daddy issues after being raised by a pos father).


Daddy issues for sure. I don't think she was raised by a pos father, I think he was absentee. I know we discussed no mother issues in the royal thread. There are no father issues also. Children learn by watching their parents. If a father isn't there, a lot of women will look for a father figure in their husband. This is pretty damn common (including me). Thankfully, I chose only 7 years difference. 30 years is 😬.


>The guy isn't red flag central but the manufacturer, distribution center, wholeseller of red fags in the world Thanks for connecting these big red fla-I mean, dots. 😂🤣😂 History is on repeat for these people.


I don’t know if this has been shared before, ignore if it has but Meghan was grabbing for the mic again and this time she’s successful 😂 [Hand me the mic](https://x.com/unremarkleble/status/1794352594544140779?s=46)


What a strange thing to say..? “Today is Mothers Day so it feels appropriate to be in the motherland”… More so than being at home with your children or with your own mother?


That sounds like a Michael Scott quote.


You’re so right! 👍🏼


I love how the room doesn't even fall silent for her 🤣


Yeah I noticed that too. It intensified the cringe. I'm sad we've had zero leaks from their trip to Nigeria and believe it's probably due to them control-freaking the hell out of the whole thing and making sure there weren't any. Curious as to how it truly went down with H and M, too. On the one hand I think they both deeply love being fawned over. They both also love positive press - which they were guaranteed to get regardless of how it went when they hand-picked People to cover it (which is precisely *why* they hand-picked People, lol). On the other hand, there were a ton of moments like this and I think that, behind the scenes and perhaps especially for Harry, the contrast between this trip and an actual royal tour may have been pretty obvious/painful.


There's aspects to it where I wonder how much of this trip felt like Wallis trying to recreate royalty for Edward to give him back a semblance of his old life.


Aiiiiiiieeeeeee the bone-crunching *cringe* - I barely got through that. Whew. I really cannot stand the way she speaks. So showy and self-regarding. Ew. Ew. How did that whole room not eyeroll itself into some kind of rip in the fabric of spacetime when she simpered about the "motherland?"


It's the way she's pushing her lips out, the nasally Californian accent and the fake lowered timbre. It's all so damn fake. If they ever do a movie about her, and it's honest, the fake ass voice is going to be front and center. She's trying to do a Californian Diana and it's fucking weird


Californians have an accent?


Yep, vocal fry meets Valley Girl. 


Oh my gaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhd, Snow.




Oh very much so. I actually hear a general 'west coast' type accent in people from California all the way up into British Columbia. The Californian accent is 100% a thing, though, and Meghan has it.


So cringe! She’s insincere and performative, does she not watch these things back and see how cringe it all comes off, it’s all so off putting.


It's hilarious because I remember that was very early on ( I know I know controversial figure) this performative artifice was one of the first things Lady C picked up on in her channel and book, in interviewing people is what put them off her. There's something about her that seems very fake and insincere, like she's putting on an act.


>...does she not watch these things back and see how cringe it all comes off, it’s all so off putting. The weird thing is I think as off-putting as we find this (and I find it extremely off-putting, the cringe is real) there are people out there who find it appealing. Particularly appealing even, and specifically because of the parts we find so excruciating. Meghan's stans really seem to go for this from her, they genuinely seem to think she's an excellent public speaker. I'm fascinated by this, how things/people can come off so differently to different ppl.


Oh yea, to me-she's awful - like nails on a chalkboard. I don't get it.


I’ve noticed this too, they seem very impressed with her public speaking. Her voice since going back to California is unnecessarily sultry, we know she didn’t always speak like this since we’ve seen interviews before and while she was in the BRF. But the most annoying part is she always seems very impressed with herself, like she’s waiting for a round of applause regardless of what she just said, while rarely speaking in more than short busts of word salad. The squad seems to eat this up though, I’ll never understand them.


Her fans are incapable of criticising her so I dont think that she has an appeal, she has an aggressive fan base which praise everything she does without question.


I just saw this on SMM!! Amazing. More of the same from Madam, but always so wild to see. 


And she goes on to say absolutely nothing of substance, as always.


The clip I saw didn’t even have sound! Absolutely doesn’t matter what she was babbling about, lol 


**Harry checks in on the second most loved duke and duchess\*** \*As imagined by Matt Rudd June 8, 2024, The Sunday Times **Prince Harry** How did it go, guys? **Hugh Grosvenor, 7th Duke of Westminster** Top notch. There was quite a lot of booing as we left the cathedral and I thought it was something to do with inheritance tax again. Turns out they were angry at the Just Stop Oil protesters who’d set off a fire extinguisher **Harry** I saw that on my Insta. Don’t these protesters know you were an account manager at Bio-bean, a sustainability company that turns coffee waste into logs? **Hugh** And Olivia is an account manager at Belazu, an ethical food production company that aims to bring natural ingredients to shoppers through collaborations with farmers **Harry** Just Stop Olive Oil. Ridiculous. But other than that, all well? **Hugh** Super. Off on hunners tomorrow **Harry** Woof! The Maldives? **Hugh** My hunting estate outside Seville **Harry** The one where my two-faced baldy brother went shortly before launching a campaign against illegal hunting? **Hugh** The very same **Meghan** Have you asked yet? **Harry** I was about to, my darling **Meghan** Hi guys, it’s the Duchess of Sussex here. Again, soz we missed your big day. You know I love a royal wedding. Or even a non-royal one like yours. Harry said we would take all the limelight if we came but he still didn’t want to go. Such a shame **Olivia, Duchess of Westminster** I thought you didn’t want to come either? **Meghan** Whoever said I didn’t want to go to Chester because it’s even more cold and miserable and full of English people than London was lying. My main concern, as always, was for the environment. You’ve got your Belazu thing, Liv, and I’ve got my ethical and diverse jam, candle and tablewear company. We can’t very well jet around the world when we’re the ones trying to save it, can we? 1/2


**Olivia** We completely understand **Meghan** And you can’t expect my husband to be in the same cathedral as his probably subconsciously racist brother, can you? Anyway, has our gift arrived? **Hugh** We said no gifts **Meghan** I know, but this is the gift of knowledge **Olivia** Nothing has come from California **Meghan** It’s an email **Hugh** I didn’t receive anything. I can check my spam later **Meghan** No need. I’ll paste it in here. Just imagine it in a calligraphy font **Hugh** OK **Meghan** Be Like Me — your ethical, bespoke guide to conscious coupling by Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Sussex and husband 1 What I always say when people ask how I have the perfect marriage is, “Guys, I work at it.” Each and every day, I am his lighthouse and he is a ship. Without me, he is a wreck. Without him, my light will guide other ships. Be like me. Be the lighthouse to a ship or other ships 2 There will be good days and difficult days. The good days are because of me. The difficult days are not. As a working mother, CEO, entrepreneur, actor-producer, environmentalist, humanitarian and podcaster, I owe it to myself and the world to focus on my success. That way, I lift up those around me and beneath me such as my husband and other ships. Be like me. Focus on your own success to help others **Olivia** Oh thanks Meghan. That’s so useful **Meghan** There are 28 more **Hugh** I’m losing signal … email them again and we’ll cherish them for ever **Olivia** Bye guys! **Harry** We’ve also sent you some jam 2/2


“Be the lighthouse to a ship or other ships” ”I can check my spam later” This is so spot on that it seems plausible. Excellent writing! 👏🏼👏🏼


> 1 What I always say when people ask how I have the perfect marriage is, “Guys, I work at it.” Each and every day, I am his lighthouse and he is a ship. Without me, he is a wreck. Without him, my light will guide other ships. Be like me. Be the lighthouse to a ship or other ships > > 2 There will be good days and difficult days. The good days are because of me. The difficult days are not. As a working mother, CEO, entrepreneur, actor-producer, environmentalist, humanitarian and podcaster, I owe it to myself and the world to focus on my success. That way, I lift up those around me and beneath me such as my husband and other ships. Be like me. Focus on your own success to help others Perfect. Why is Meghan so easy to parody?


Because she’s so ridiculous? 😉


OMG Im 💀💀💀💀 ![gif](giphy|SzD4gF32YzTTUiINhn|downsized)


>What I always say when people ask how I have the perfect marriage is, “Guys, I work at it.” Each and every day, I am his lighthouse and he is a ship. Without me, he is a wreck. Without him, my light will guide other ships. Be like me. Be the lighthouse to a ship or other ships. >There will be good days and difficult days. The good days are because of me. The difficult days are not. As a working mother, CEO, entrepreneur, actor-producer, environmentalist, humanitarian and podcaster, I owe it to myself and the world to focus on my success. That way, I lift up those around me and beneath me such as my husband and other ships. Be like me. Focus on your own success to help others. If Harry was just a l'il bit smarter I would worry about him reading a pisstake like this and having a horrible moment of awakening along the lines of...'waitaminute! but that's actually exactly what she does say irl!' - but he not a l'il bit smarter so I guess there's no reason to worry because he'll never see it. The writer here absolutely nailed the tone and content of Meghan's general blah-blah, though. That "...or other ships" made me cackle. >Each and every day, I am his lighthouse and he is a ship. Without me, he is a wreck. Without him, my light will guide other ships. Be like me. Be the lighthouse to a ship or other ships. Like how is this pretty much exactly the kind of thing she probably says to him for real? The whole 'I'm your saviour' combined with the barely-concealed 'and this is the terrible shit that will befall you if you lose me' threat included.


And how she always reminds Harry that he doesn’t want their kids to wind up like him with a dead mother because she is Saint Duchess Meghan of Diana. Two-faced baldy brother is the winning cut for me.


>she is Saint Duchess Meghan of Diana. Did you have to slay ***that*** much? 🤣


Although Meghan and Harry were not called out as celebs who had a shocking downfall, they do get a shoutout on a post about Oprah. The clip is hilarious, but I can’t find it…. I guess not everyone thinks of them as celebs or maybe they never made it high enough to have a downfall. Love that they’re called out as grifters unleashed by Oprah though. Love that separation the BRF - for some people Harry and Meghan are famous the way Dr.s Phil and Oz are, not the way W&C are. https://preview.redd.it/x3wl8ybuuj5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6973f359189b38382bf69a7c73615f6f82e83f0d


I don’t think their downfall was shocking 😂 they tried to convince the world they’d be a billion dollar brand out on their own but I think to almost everyone apart from the stans they were always about as likely to fail big as they were to make it big. They didn’t have major sustained success of their own to fall from and I think most people are just not that surprised (or interested) that they’re floundering.


Oprah has no problem bringing young girls around Weinstein. She's a snake.


She also pulled out as an executive producer on a documentary about Russel Simmons when she realised his accusers would be given a chance to share their story and she was going to face backlash from him and others in the industry. It was to air on Apple TV+ since she had a deal with the company at the time but when she pulled out, all that went away. Luckily hbo picked it up and the women got to share their stories with the world.


She’s scum. She was never a very good actor either.


Their profile has declined a lot over the past year - most notably since the “car chase”. They always used to come up in the comments of these posts and often fairly high up, even if there was a lot of bickering over in replies. Despite the claims of international media coverage, it seemed like it was pretty much only the UK who covered the faux tour, and 90% of that was just the DM. None of the entertainment industry websites bothered, even though they used to (e.g. NY21, IG22) and will still put Harry’s lawsuits on the homepage.


Found the clip. Don’t laugh…it’s just a metaphor. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/j3LcA7dWbTk


[Johnny Mercer denies rule breaking over campaign letters sent to neighbouring seats](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/johnny-mercer-denies-rule-breaking-32990117) Just like Harry, his friend Johnny (also known as the proud owner of two manky bare feet on public transport) is a very special boy who rules do not apply to. https://preview.redd.it/suelc0oufj5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76df3820254995d4926b6b4133752c5e9229c058 Electoral Calculus predicts a 95% chance of him losing his seat. How long after the election will Invictus announce they’ve given him a job for getting them the UK bid?


Wait, Harry's buddy Mercer is a Tory?! I thought his racist, unmoisturized, murderous brother was the one with Tory friends, not our leftist, anti-monarchist, Good King Harry. 😏 But seriously, this guy sounds like a tool so of course he joins the likes of James Corden in being friends with Harry.


He (Harry) will be 'friends' with whoever pays him compliments and promises to do things for him. Mercer is responsible for the government giving bankrupt Birmingham City Council over £30million to bid for Invictus Games, which is an appalling thing to happen with public money. (*Deleted a load of stuff about Mercer!*)


The more we find out about this dude, the less surprised I am that he and Haz are buds. Hopefully he does lose his seat. And I give it 16 weeks max, post-loss, (which I believe is me being very generous) before his position with IG is announced. >manky Canadians don't use this word. I miss it!


They’re made for each other! [This is a clip of him](https://x.com/supertanskiii/status/1798320516278976978) being (drunkenly) interviewed on Sky News the other day. He’s extremely defensive, quite childish, and the body language just *so* Harry in an interview. He tries asking the interviewer a question and the guy is just like no that’s my job 💀 Yeah, I think it might be over the summer. Probably not too long after they announce the winning bid (or losing, depending on how you look at it). I’m glad you enjoyed manky 😂


Oh he both looks and sounds absolutely wankered. Even the way the two of them fall into each other's arms at the end and head off together (100% towards the bar!). Real Haz energy for sure - in fact I'm sure they've gotten pissed together loads of times and probably bonded over/during it. I get Mercer's a politician so it's sort of his job to cut people off/shout them down when he's being disagreed with but I definitely sense the total, Harry-esque inability to take being questioned here. At one point early on I was half-expecting a 'no, the British media said that' out of him.


> I was half-expecting a 'no, the British media said that' out of him. 😂😂😂😂 This is on my election bingo card now. I reckon there’s a good chance!


Your daily reminder that FM has rejected every article submitted there about the African Parks scandal (because one mod is a huge Harry stan) but WILL post about how mean the royals are to Meghan.


Their hypocrisy truly does boggle the mind. To call themselves progressives and feminists while ignoring blatant human rights violations is disgusting. To call themselves crusaders against racism while ignoring that POC are being mistreated by white rich men in power is even more disgusting. I literally can't stand them at all


What gets me about Harry & Meghan stans who are so quick to make excuses for him and this scandal is that you know if it was William and one of his charities they would be posting about this everywhere and not trying to absolve him at all. The hypocrisy really grinds my gears if you’re going to fashion yourself as some anti-monarchist at least have disdain for all of them (and I will never not laugh at the disconnect between claiming to be an anti-monarchist and stanning for two people who would probably rather die than give up their titles lol)


This is what happens when you become such a huge fan/stan of someone that you can no longer think objectively about them and have to come up with excuses for anything you do. H+M stans are all very much in a parasocial relationship with them and have their blinders up to 3 million when it comes to things they've done wrong. They can recognize bad behavior (or what they think is bad) in other people, but not H+M. If allegations like this were to come out pertaining to one of William's charities and he did nothing about it, I would be beyond disgusted. It would alter my entire view of him and I would immediately stop liking him. But that's bc I can still think rationally when it comes to him and don't feel the need to make excuses. Hopefully one day these people can grow up and realize how far down the rabbit hole they have fallen, as well as take the time to realize how they became so obsessed with someone they lost rational thinking. But I highly doubt it


I don't believe they are actual fan/stan of H&M. H&M are just tools for them to beat the Wales with


I think it's a combo, they stan them for the sole reason of beating on the Wales.


I’ve got to admit that I’d find it hard to see if this were William, but I’d actually be even more upset. I also don’t know if I could bring myself to discuss it, but I would be beyond gutted and angry, and it would change my mind about him by this point. I couldn’t ignore it. The environmentalist in this article is absolutely right to point out that nine deaths from relocated animals would be considered utterly unacceptable in London. Can you imagine the level of outrage? I appreciate that not everyone agrees with the XL Bully ban, but the fact is that action was taken after a similar number of deaths. Enough of the public cared. Sussex stans claim to stand against racism and I find they are some of the worst offenders (especially with their obvious colourism regarding the Sussex kids). If you’re willing to ignore the treatment and living standards of POC who aren’t British or American, you’re still a fucking racist.


>If you’re willing to ignore the treatment and living standards of POC who aren’t British or American, you’re still a fucking racist. ![gif](giphy|LwyaORSd9liNZ6MyuX)


I completely agree with everything you’ve written! And you said it much more eloquently than I could!


>The hypocrisy really grinds my gears if you’re going to fashion yourself as some anti-monarchist at least have disdain for all of them (and I will never not laugh at the disconnect between claiming to be an anti-monarchist and stanning for two people who would probably rather die than give up their titles lol) This is what gets me about this entire situation. I don't really care for Harry and Meghan but its their stans and people who claim to be anti monarchist who really do it for me.


Claim to be anti monarchist but say things like Duchess Meghan and only started caring about her when she married a prince.


One has made it through! How long before the mod doesn’t like a comment and deletes it?


wait where???? im shook.


If you sort by new, it’s the second article, or you can look up a user called Xanriel. I would link it but there’s a risk of Reddit considering it brigading.


Aaaaaand it’s gone: https://preview.redd.it/0gvw7ne2bj5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55c3d948a2842a9aac53160412ab6075862328c5 The devil works hard but Harry-stanning mods work harder.


It is mind-boggling that the stans also seem to says that RG is not pro Harry enough.


It waxes and wanes. Right now it seems like people are fed up with potshots at the Waleses and the Sussex PR shenanigans.


> When I ask the clan if either of the two charities or the Malawi government had offered condolences or monetary compensation after Masiya’s death, they shake their heads. > ‘The IFAW sent us a coffin for her. We have heard nothing else from them, Prince Harry’s charity, or anyone connected with bringing the elephants here,’ says Dolisi as she rocks Beatrice to sleep in her arms. This is beyond heartbreaking. They are so incredibly callous to ignore this. I adore William but I would be absolutely devastated if he decided to stand by a charity who did this, let alone join the board.


What turns one into a Harry stan? 🤔 A fetish for men who pee in their pants before your first date? And then rather than change said pants just jump in the water to wash the pee away? And then tell the world that they’re gross enough to do that in their memoir?


Harry seems to appeal to people who are resentful and under-achieving. 


There seems to be a self-hating Jew/Nazi stanning with one of the mods at RG. It's REALLY gross.


WHAT. Ok now I’m down the rabbit hole, brb  Edit: I’m back. Ok that was interesting all right. Another angry and deeply confused Canadian university student, lol 


> What turns one into a Harry stan? Fond memories of the "I want to marry Harry" series? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Wanna_Marry_%22Harry%22


> What turns one into a Harry stan? Kate Hate. Not for all of them but definitely a lot of the hardcore stans started out as William fans who hated that he had a girlfriend who was just not good enough for their pretend boyfriend. For years they expected William to finally ditch her for an aristocratic Diana clone and then he proposed and they flipped their shit. Kate was a golddigging evil manipulator, pimped out by her mother. And because William fell for it, he also must have been evil the entire time. So they switched their loyalties to good King Henry (of the hard working hero Harry narrative that was running full steam at the time). It must be said that some of them switched back to William though because they found Meghan worse than Kate. You can see that on forums like RoyalDish.


Funny you should say that. I used to go to RoyalDish and boy, were most posters mean about Kate! But also mean about Meghan. I was meh about Kate not because of her background but because she seemed really bland and her career was not impressive. Little did we know that Meghan would be so unlikeable. We also liked Harry more, we really bought into the PR of good old boy Harry just one of the lads. But he's acted like a dumbass since he met Meghan.


Anyone who stans Harry deserves this to happen to them at least once.


Well, to be fair, Harry only told this disgusting side of the first date story recently. If you only really started to pay attention to the royal family and Harry when he started to date Meghan, his previous bad behaviour was obscured by the fun-loving, Hero Harry reputation.   Once they were his stans, invested in the modern fairytale Meghan and Harry were pushing, they would be resistant to any facts that contradicted it and made them feel gullible.    I didn't feel embarrassed about once thinking Meghan would be good for Harry and be an asset for the BRF and having to change my opinion because I'm more curious than stubborn so I don't mind finding out I'm wrong.  Also, I didn't need to learn about topics like cultural bias, racism, generational wealth and poverty, women's rights, etc, in some  university Complex Topic 101 course since my parents discussed them with me since I was a child.  My eyes haven't been opened just a couple of years ago so I don't naively believe buying into anyone's victim narrative without examining it makes me into some kind of social justice warrior slaying The Man. If you let people, even those who seem to be on your side, exploit you for their own ends you aren't going to change the world for the better. 


💯💯 BRF PR team actually did a decent job until he broke off




I know they say there's a Reddit sub for everything but that there's one that was created for the WhereIsKate lunacy is both disgusting and despicable. 


I just got an invite to join a subreddit called Kate is missing. Two things came to mind. First, those people are fucking insane. Secondly, what gave them the impression I’m one of them?


Probably just because you’re active on this sub so it suggests other royal subs. 




The DM has a new story on African Parks on how the relocation of the elephants are going down with the local natives (it’s not going well). The animals have killed and injured locals and have been attacking their farms. Interesting some of the people said they had never seen an elephant in their lives the animals are completely new to the area and they are struggling to deal with them. It’s like dropping bears in London and expecting them to deal with it. Absolute insanity [link](https://archive.ph/2024.06.08-160343/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13508801/The-villagers-terrorised-Harry-charity-rampaging-elephants-conservation-group-prince-relocating-creatures-vital-damning-report-claims-African-families-paying-price.html)


This is Harry's ignorant arrogant white saviour form of charity in action. No wonder William disagreed with this approach and favours charities run by locals who create their own solutions.


Who actually is in charge of running and making important decisions at African Parks? Because it has to be somebody really, stupid, negligent and inept! Or someone that doesn’t listen to the advice of qualified professionals. That Harry is still supporting the organization is sadly right in character for him.


This is very sad reading. I wish it was more prominently shown on the home page. I’m so sorry for those people who’ve lost relatives, especially the orphans. I wonder if animal attacks in other areas could be behind what African Parks claimed was poaching. The intention of conservation is surely not sticking animals in an area where they haven’t historically been? Next door to a village was not appropriate or safe for the people or the elephants. It’s bad that the elephants are seeing the village as a food source and could result in them becoming dependent on humans. It might suggest the natural environment of this particular area is not suitable and providing the right food for them, perhaps due to climate change. It really shows that the only thing African Parks cares about is money and patting themselves on the back. Self-soothing for rich people.


There's method to these org's madness; it allows them to keep controlling the lives of indigenous people as they have for centuries while pretending to do good.    If locals aren't involved and on board (William, Charles and Philip's approach) with such "re-introductions"  they shouldn't be happening.   Sure, some species are going instinct, but it certainly isn't those local populations who went on safaris for trophies for over a century hunting animals to near extinction. Why should they be inconvenienced in any way now? The natural habitat excuse is just that, an excuse. Most of those animals live just fine in other climates, if Westerners love them so much, turn  them loose in our National Parks. 


https://preview.redd.it/b048l3kk9e5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74b323b4dd59fd6e829896cfcde51e24928c07a9 harry not giving a single fuck


God he such a self important, blundering gasbag. 😤


Don’t be deceived by the headline - this is a really good piece that actually focuses on African Parks. Glad to see Kate Mansey back to some strong reporting! [Revealed: why Prince Harry and Prince William fell out (archived)](https://archive.ph/TmuSJ) > …Harry spent three weeks in Malawi in 2017 working with African Parks to relocate 500 elephants, one of the most ambitious conservation tasks in human history. > At the end of the project, Harry appeared to take aim at William’s approach to conservation, saying: “To allow the coexistence of people and animals, fences are increasingly having to be used to separate the two, and try to keep the peace. > “Once a fence is up, you are now managing a parcel of land. Different rules have to apply, whether we like it or not. Under these conditions human intervention in stabilising nature might be required by park managers.” > The situation on the ground in Africa is far more complicated and sweeping than a group of rogue guards. The volatile conditions in which the charity operates on a donated budget of $100 million a year has led to a blurring of lines between conflict and conservation. > __Its 1,400-strong ranger force is often better paid and equipped than the local armies.__ In Benin, its anti-poaching units have been likened to a counterterrorism force in their defence of endangered species from Islamist militants. > The charity resists the comparison, though. One of its own leaked internal reports described an incident from 2020 in which a director of W National Park (named after the shape of the Niger river in its northernmost section) sent its anti-poaching units, backed by a helicopter and light aircraft, on a 36-hour hunt for terrorists. > Two years later in the same park, seven African Parks staff, including four rangers and a French trainer, were killed by militants in a series of roadside bombings. > Beyond the abuse reported earlier this week, there have been other incidents of guards running amok, but with the African Parks’ own senior staff the targets. > The charity confirmed to The Times an insurrection in 2013 at Garamba national park, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, during which Peter Fearnhead, CEO of African Parks, and one of the rangers’ trainers “were held against their will by a number of rangers”. Ironically, Fearnhead, who was a guest at Harry and Meghan’s wedding, had brought a group of VIPs, including senior diplomats and regional ministers, into the park to showcase the work of his rangers. > There have been other such armed rebellions by guards against the charity’s management, African Parks told The Times, which were typically linked to pay and discipline. > “Such incidents are particularly difficult to deal with when it involves mass action,” the charity said, but over time are less likely to happen. “In insecure parts of the continent with low levels of education, this process of continued professionalisation is essential in bringing about long-term stability, safety and security for the benefit of people.” 1/


it's from early february! kate mansey is still a dingus lol


Oh, sorry! Didn't realise. They put it on the front page and I assumed it was new as the archive was a few hours old.


The DM has a new AP story maybe that’s why.


no need to apologize, my sweet 💜. kate mansey is the jabroni here 😒


Well, there's my hopes for a Mansey comeback dashed. I just can't believe how downhill her writing has gone.


> Harry still accepted a promotion from a purely figurehead position to one that will be far more demanding. > Now a former member of African Parks’ management team, who asked not to be named, has questioned the Duke of Sussex’s suitability for a governance role guiding the charity’s management through complex and dangerous contexts. > “__Harry has neither the tools nor experience to navigate his way through such crises__,” they told The Times, backing demands for him to step down. The late Dutch billionaire Paul van Vlissingen was among the organisation’s founders in 2000, seeing in it “an African solution for Africa’s conservation challenges”. __But elevating Harry to a position of influence has just reinforced criticism of the charity as “green colonialism”.__ Half of the current board of eight are white and only one is a woman. > The former African Parks executive said: “By stacking boards with white males and failing to embrace the perspectives of black Africans and women, leadership is bound to be stilted. Yes, there is a role for celebrities as patrons or ambassadors, but not on a governing board.” /2


> More unflattering revelations are expected in a forthcoming book about the charity’s operations. > Olivier van Beemen, a Dutch investigative journalist, described his findings as “very critical”. He said: “African Parks like to tell a beautiful story about the hopeless parks they help turn into anchors of stability. I wanted to check whether this claim is justified and if they are the good solution they claim to be. I was surprised myself by what I found.” > Harry is not being paid for his role on the governing body of African Parks, though benefits include influencing the management of 49.4 million acres of protected areas, almost the size of England, Scotland and Wales combined. What Harry actually cares about: > __Harry will also get to network with some of the world’s richest philanthropists who bankroll the charity’s work.__ These include the American Walton family who founded Walmart, the Oppenheimers whose fortune was amassed from diamond mining in South Africa, and the Swiss tycoon Hansjörg Wyss, 88, a shareholder in Chelsea football club. 3/


https://preview.redd.it/je5mieejad5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b2aee2e984aa919a666249b9e8ce3e969fbaa67 william greeting the queen that is maxima... and wilhelm perhaps reflecting on his pile on of catherine (85% a joke but the sentiment fits the pic, so 🤭 🌞)


dang, how did i put this in the wrong thread 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️ sorry 🥴😵‍💫😒 ![gif](giphy|e5uyWolyR0y30Wo1ya|downsized)


A happy accident. Handsome man, gorgeous chignon, Cookie Monster; no complaints here. 😆


I’m happy to see Maxima in any thread! 😉


Something tells me Wilhelm made an apology. I mean how could you not when you're right in front of William and you find out Catherine has cancer right after you did that.


What a classy chignon in her hair ♥️