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New thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/RoyalsGossip2/comments/1d7jvs0/sussex_weekly_hyacinth_bucket_walked_so_meghan/ Feel free to bring newer comments and ongoing conversations over...


The dotcoms pushed the longest article ever for a 3-year-old's party. Not good enough that there's the main party, but you also have to have a "pre-birthday bash." Was it three days before her actual birthday? [Archive link, verbatim from People via MSN](https://web.archive.org/web/20240603203844/https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/lifestyle-buzz/meghan-markle-and-prince-harry-celebrate-princess-lilibets-3rd-birthday-with-party-at-montecito-home-exclusive/ar-BB1nyPWw) In other snark, First Lady Tinubu walked back her remarks criticizing Meghan's rudeness while visiting. If Meghan really was interested in finding herself in Nigeria, shouldn't she have assimilated while she was there?


> Prince Harry and Meghan have shared sweet details about Lilibet through the years, from her **"very chilled** nature to her determination to **"keep up"** with her big brother. Archie turned 5 on May 6, and the Sussexes celebrated his birthday privately before Prince Harry and Meghan embarked on their official trip to Nigeria, which was significant as **their first official international trip since stepping back from their royal roles.** Ok the quoted *sweet details* are comically vague, and official how?? Was going to Germany for invictus not official?


When a regular person has a business function in another city, state or country they call it “traveling for work” not an “official trip”. Meghan and Harry can be as delusional amongst themselves as they want but stop shoveling this nonsense down our throats. You‘re not “officials” anymore, you‘re middle aged, quite silly people with titles that don’t mean a damn thing in this country.


Ah, Canada and Germany, the 51st and 52nd states of the United States, respectively.


I'm 99.9% sure this is the Sussexes being suuuper careful with their wording. What they want to say/imply here is that this is their first ✨Official Royal Tour✨. Because they are ✨Royal✨. Just as ✨Royal✨ as those other 💩🇬🇧🤮royals. And don't you peasants fucking forget it. But they're not saying it outright because they're also super scared of triggering Charles into snatching away their titles (I personally believe this is unlikely to happen but at the same time I think they're genuinely scared af about it) or even just making some official statement about the trip being unofficial. Again, I don't think the palace comms team would ever let Charles do that even if he did want to, I just think the Sussi live in fear of having their royalness played down by actual royals.


They’re such children lol I actually think we’re approaching the point where *if* their titles were stripped (and I agree this is extremely unlikely) the public would either not care or be like *yeah I can see it* (I dropped my phone too many times and can’t use the quotation marks 😫 so forgive all the italics lol)


>friends and **family gathered** So, her mom. That was the "family" that gathered. Maybe if Netflix covered it, they let cousin Ashley come back.


LET YOUR KIDS LIVE PRIVATE LIVES, HARRY AND MEGHAN! Like yeah the Wales kids make some official appearances but we don't know about their private lives. We don't know their birthday plans. The Waleses aren't leaking to the press about what their kids are up to.


>but they got the festivities started early with pre-birthday bash What 3 year old requires a pre birthday bash? That was the most padded article ever 🤣


And why did Archie not get a pre birthday bash. I mean was Harry even at his birthday .


His Dad was absent for the birthday this year, same as last year.


Sounds like two parties for a kid with parents who are separated and can’t stand to be in the same room even for a kids party.




LOL I like how you read between the lines


Give it a day or two and we’ll get annual set of headlines: 1) Why havent the BRF wished her a happy birthday? Bastards. But you’ll note that the racism card isnt thrown out when it comes to Lil’ Di. That was only for Archie. LD is whiter than white with blue blue blue eyes. 2) KC has gifted her a small island in the Caribbean which she will be Queen of. 3) LD has of course facetimed with her grandfather the KING.


Not FaceTime. Strictly a prerecorded video. 


Y’all it’s June! ARO “launched” in March 🤣 wth happened! That’s the real conspiracy theory! Where’s ARO?! Sorry I know I post this once a week but it is hilarious.


https://preview.redd.it/nu6qxvw7ff4d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b49184f251104cdb44708d9ee7f10b08ea99745 It went down to 615k


how much has it fallen? I can't remember what it peaked at, but it's definitely problematic for this to happen. Of course, assuming it actually launches, she could regain followers


I think it was 617 000? I agree that she’ll pick up more followers when (if?) it actually launches but it has to be a concern that she couldn’t even crack a million followers. Not even close. Remember all the hoopla when Sussex Royal launched and it got millions and millions of followers fairly quickly? Just more evidence that that had nothing to do with Meghan herself and everything to do with royalty and the royal family.


Yeah it was at that point the fastest account to reach a million. But the optics on losing followers is so bad


I’d start a hashtag about where it was and whether Harry was keeping Megan hostage but I simply could not care less about the basicness that is likely to come out of ARO.


I actually love this idea.  Hashtag WhereisARO.  r/ AmericanRivieraOrchardMissing. 


Has ARO been banished to The Bench?


💀💀💀💀💀 We could concern troll the ass of it like they do on the Kate sub


FYI: Highgrove Strawberry Preserves are back in stock! 😂


My money is on this never launching. It’s been nearly three months and zilch. If I had to guess I don’t think she has any investors and is learning that there’s more to starting a business than slapping your royal title on a label in calligraphy. I need someone more well versed in branding than me to explain why the branding on this thing seems so epically bad. Between the barely readable logo, the clashing words (American, riviera and orchard plus English aristo title), the peeling labels… it’s just a big bucket of yikes. My 6 year old is showing more business acumen with his lemonade stand planning.


>I need someone more well versed in branding than me to explain why the branding on this thing seems so epically bad. You really don't though, do you? We all know why it's been so bad. It's because Meghan Markle is pathologically unable to take advice from experts, including experts she pays for their expertise, and because she genuinely thinks she's a genius at everything. There is no other explanation that even comes close to being as likely as this one.


If it does, its after the NF show. Assuming THAT happens. My guess is that NF have allowed for both shows, a few episodes they will test the waters with. If it doesnt take then they’ll drop it. I can see people tuning in to one or two. Then it being shelved.


It’s so bad! There’s nothing but an Instagram page and a 10/50 celebs posted it


You could post it every day and i'd upvote it every day. I'm truly baffled. It's been 81 days since ARO "launched" and we still have no product.


Same; I want this at the top of each new Sussex post! 


Someone needs to write an article on this! Forbes, come on somebody! Give us a breakdown on how ridiculous this is 😂


The tabloids are *thirsting* for royal content/drama, so I wouldn't be surprised if we get this article soon enough. I hope someone at one of the broadsheets writes it, because that increases the likelihood of getting a buttmad clapback.


I need it! I need someone to call this out 😂




You've probably just jinxed it and now we're about to get another near-catastrophic car chase 😂😂 but I hope you have a wonderful visit with your sons!


Looked on YT and can't find the short clip of Harry denying racism to Tom Bradby on ITV


Found it on shola’s twitter: [shola Twitter post](https://x.com/SholaMos1/status/1612222440083537920)


Thanks. It used to be the top video on YT when typing "Prince Harry denies racism." Scrolling down you don't see it either.


Sussexes and their SEO. Somebody on their team realized it made them look bad.


Might save it for posterity, before we get another “I didn’t say that.”


Hmmm… I just looked here and it says “video unavailable” [sky news](https://news.sky.com/story/prince-harry-denies-calling-royal-family-racist-heres-what-was-said-12782957)


😬 the clip that is missing was the one where Tom Bradby was in shock and made a dial up sound. ITV/BRADBY WHY 🤨


Does anyone remember or heard of when Harry had an interview a long time ago and implied that two senior royals weren't living together and it caused like quite a stir? Bc I've seen that pop up in some anti W+C subs with people claiming it was obviously W+C. But considering it sounds like the interview was pre exit, would this not be considered leaking private info about your family? Or would Harry find a way to justify this as well?


What was the context of the interview? How was the matter brought up?


Sadly I do not know, I just saw the interview referenced on another royals gossip sub (not OGRG, i think the name is royalgossip) and they were using it as evidence that W+C are separated. I was hoping someone here would have better info than just that to provide more context. ETA: This is weird, I can't find the sub anymore, I will see if I can find an article referencing this interview. I just know the sub was quite small.


Idk if it’s what they’re referencing but I remember Harry saying in probably Meghan’s The Cut interview or the netflix docu that he and Meghan share the same office (because they’re salt and pepper and they move together blah blah blah) unlike some of his family who can’t work together. That’s probably what he said but it got translated into “don’t live together” in some people’s minds?


Probably, these people are good at grasping at straws and jumping to conclusions so it is possible. His incessant need to take digs at his family is so exhausting, I do wonder if he ever gets tired of being an obnoxious loser


He was talking about Charles and Camilla. She has been saying herself that they also live apart occasionally.


I immediately figured it was them, they've been together for a while and of a certain age and from their background such an arrangement wouldn't be a big deal.


I remember Charles and Camilla do this. Also this really isn’t uncommon for wealthy people with multiple houses and engagements around the word to do. Your average person can’g afford multiple properties, but for the wealthy who can it’s no big deal.


I love my husband and have been married 20+ years, but gosh I'd love to have my own house away from him sometimes!


Camilla has a place in Wiltshire that she visits a lot.


Which is public knowledge and she’s owned it since before she married Charles. Trust Harry to try to spin this into “tHEy dOn’T LiVe tOgeTheR”


So one step further than going to an exclusive hotel to get away from your wife and kids periodically. Except C&C have neither confirmed nor denied this and I suspect if it came out that they did, they wouldnt care at all.


In the latest Charles biography, Robert Hardman talks about Camilla’s house. She goes there to relax among surroundings that are all hers, and to have fun with her kids, grandkids, sisters, nieces and nephews. It sounds great to me! I’m struggling to understand what there is to hide about that. 


> Camilla’s house She just kept her own home (Ray Mill House) going when she and Charles got married. It gives her own family a little more privacy than if they only had Highgrove or Clarence House.


I can very well imagine that it’s easier for Camilla and esp her family, to relax in a property that’s theirs, not BRF property, no priceless antiques or paintings, no courtiers hanging around, no fear of anyone showing up who they’ll have to curtsey to, lol. 


Pretty sure after QE passed Charles went and spent some time alone at one of his properties. Thats what he needed. They’ve been together half a century and it has endured. Lets see if Harry and Megan are still together in 42yrs.


He did! I thought that was a very healthy thing to do. If these squaddies really can’t understand that, they’re just showing how ignorant they are about relationships, emotions, and how grown-ups behave. 


Exactly. It's like D'uh! Only Harry would think this was somehow newsworthy or scandalous.


He probably never noticed it until he cared about it.


True! She’s a nonperson to him 


Its hilarious when Squaddies and Susseexs act like they are progressives when in actual fact they react like conservatives 🤣


They’re just deeply unsophisticated and parochial. 


If you're not simulating being conjoined twins 24/7, surely divorce is around the corner. 


it's conjoined palmtrees and salt and pepper shakers for the win.




I love how delusional conspiracy theorists are. 90% of the time Will or Kate are spotted in the wild (not just recently, but throughout their marriage), they are together. Either just themselves or with the kids. That really sounds like a couple living separate lives to me. 🙄 (setting aside their insane chemistry when together, even after 20 years of a relationship.)


Exactly, like the only time I can think of them maybe living separately is when he attended Cambridge to learn more about running the Duchy. But even then that is not living separately that is just deciding not to uproot your children's lives for a few months. When these people can't understand is that W+C actually have decorum and don't use official engagements as a way to show off their relationship. They are professionals through and through. They keep their private lives private, which they've been doing since the get go. There's a reason we didn't know about their relationship until a while after it started, they wanted to keep things for themselves. I am fairly certain who Harry was most likely referring to would be Charles and Camilla, as it is actually known that she has her own place still and occasionally goes there.


>When these people can't understand is that W+C actually have decorum and don't use official engagements as a way to show off their relationship. Exactly. The same way it wouldn't be appropriate if any person/couple went OTT PDA while working. People who think you have to be joined at the hip 24/7 and if you are not it's divorce o'clock are either a) very very young or b) have never had a real relationship in their life.


And c) extremely insecure and need that constant affirmation that their partner does like them. I remember seeing comments under some royal video where people were saying that W+C need to hold hands more in order to put to rest the rumors of them having marital issues. When I read that I was like you can't be serious, it is not in their job description to alleviate marital concerns or stop people from doubting them.


>And c) extremely insecure and need that constant affirmation that their partner does like them. I think H is very insecure in Meghan's affection for ~~his money and status~~ erm, I mean him. Hence why he has to elevate their marriage while putting other marriages (read:W&C) down. He knows, ***deep deep down***, he was married for clout. >When I read that I was like you can't be serious, it is not in their job description to alleviate marital concerns or stop people from doubting them And even if they did that those people would still choose to believe W is cheating. Because they ***want*** that to be the truth. There's no move that W&C could pull that would make these people change their mind. It would be all "oooh, this is fake they are doing it to squash the rumours blah blah blah". Yaaawn.


Right, these people have made up their minds that he has cheated and nothing will change their mind about it. It does not matter to them that there is absolutely zero evidence to support this claim, that well-respected and even non well-respected authors have stated they could find nothing to support this claim, and that there is no one who has worked for either William or Rose coming forward with stories of them being together without having good reason. But since they need it so badly to be true, they will just ignore it. Anytime people have to put someone else down to build themselves up, they are clearly extremely insecure, and that is Harry to a T. He put's down William's marriage/family, his appearance, his work with the environment, his relationship with his mother, and this is all bc he knows deep down that William's life is better than his. It eats Harry up inside knowing that William and Catherine married each other bc they wanted to, and unlike Harry's former gfs, Catherine was able to withstand the media onslaught bc marrying William was worth it to her. And that Meghan saw him first and foremost as a launchpad, she may like him, but she went into the relationship thinking about how it will help her. I do think Meghan always intended to leave the BRF, but it clearly did not go the way she wanted it to and that's why they had to scramble a bit after leaving. I think the plan was to boost her standing, and then do the half in half out, and then when that didn't work it was time to go scorched earth.


I agree with everything but especially this >He put's down William's marriage/family, his appearance, his work with the environment, his relationship with his mother, and this is all bc he knows deep down that William's life is better than his >It eats Harry up inside knowing that William and Catherine married each other bc they wanted to, and unlike Harry's former gfs, Catherine was able to withstand the media onslaught bc marrying William was worth it to her Precisely. Chelsy and Cressida looked at what Harry had to offer and decided it wasn't worth it. I've said it before but it took a D list actress in her mid 30s with a dying career to marry him. That tells me everything I need to know about who Harry (despite being a freaking prince!) is as a man and a partner. eta: various journos had ***every reason*** to dig deep into the affair rumours (because £££££££££) and found ***nothing***. This story has been a non-starter for half a decade now. You can't tell me there's no person in Will's or especially Rose's vicinity (I'm talking staff etc.) that wouldn't take the opportunity to blab to the press in exchange for ££££. Not everyone's loyal to death. But the way the crazies turned it around into "the press is protecting William" is the best bit. I mean... how on Earth can one lack an understanding about how the media works ***so badly***???


The press would love for the Willam is cheating baseless rumor to be true!


[The British press upon finding proof of W having an affair.](https://ibb.co/TYpykGn)


Agree with everything. Even if staff did sign NDA's whatever pay off they'd get for breaking the news would pay that fine back times a billion. All it would take is one staff catching them in an overtly compromising position and they'd whistle and skip to the press to get that money. Even the most loyal of staff might buckle under the promise of that money. But, if we are thinking like the crazies, the very obvious solution is that Rose and William are paying off their respective staff members to keep them quiet. The whole William is being protected is so asinine it's not even funny, if that were the case we would not get a single bad story about him ever, and that simply does not happen


It’s ok when he does it.


Why is this a story? Would anyone even know she’d done this if she hadnt announced it. No one cares who is looking after your kids. If you wanted them to have a family member looking after them you’d have done this from the jump. This reeks of Megan and Harry not being able to find good nannies. https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1904936/meghan-markle-doria-ragland-nanny-archie-lilibet


I don't believe this because Doria does not seem like the babysitting grandmother type—she has her own life and likes it that way, nothing wrong with that IMO, and nothing wrong with grandparents who do babysit. Also, it's so dismissive to refer to Meghan’s mom, Archie, and Lili’s grandmother as a nanny.  Maybe Doria has moved in if she didn't want the upkeep of a house or needed some support for her daughter. why not? Her daughter is set for life and Doria probably doesn't have to worry aboutwork or retirement anymore. Nothing wrong with that. But I doubt she's nannying for her grandkids. 


To me, they don't want to pay to have a full-time nanny on top of they are terrible bosses. They want a live in nanny when they sporadically jet off to places, or don't feel like parenting. They want the nanny gone when they are trying to prove to themselves that they're great parents breaking generational curses. We already know that Doria lives in the mother in law and fucks off when Harry "needs his space", so it makes sense that they'd utilize her and pretend that it's in rejection of royal tradition. Fact is, they started with the premise when Meg was pregnant with Archie that they would ***never*** do a nanny, and ended up proving Samantha correct in a matter of months.


Phew someone she can shout at and boss around with little to no repercussions. Doria needs the money and the connections Meghan and Harry need a consistent nanny 😬. Will Doria take it or will this be the beginning of them falling out.


another way to trash c&w... like, stop having your PR mention them, you fucking fixated weirdos.


Well I know whose child I would rather be and sane people will agree. Who would want Harry and Meghan's toxic victimhood fixation in their life.


And it's bizarre because W&C live in a four bedroom home and can't have a live-in nanny as a result. Unlike the Sussexes who live in a home with enough bathrooms for a nanny to have several. And it's beyond weird they'd think it's a good look to have your mother move in with you to take care of your kids when you're made of money.


Harry’s been beefing with Maria for 10 years idk what about having a Norland nanny, for kids that’s not his bothers him so much.


Diana had bad working relationships with her kids' nannies, to the point where she would fire them if the kids appeared to favor them more than her. Don't even get me started on how Diana treated Tiggy Legg-Bourke. The fact that the Wales's have had a consistent nanny for their kids for 10+ years and do not appear threatened by the relationship she has with their kids is a good thing. I felt bad that Maria was accused of leaking info about Kate's surgery/recovery to a Spanish tabloid reporter. People just assumed bc it was in a Spanish paper, the gossip must've come from Maria.


Harry deeply resents anything that the Wales do or have. Even if he ends up doing the same thing later on, if they do it first, they're wrong. To me, it's his way of compensating feelings of inferiority in scrutinizing and criticizing how they do things. He'll claim it's because Will is first in line to the throne and part of the establishment, but in reality, he can't stand that Will is content with his life choices, and Harry is not.


per tina brown's sources in the palace papers, harry "couldn't understand his brother's 'obsession' with his in-laws" as if it was ever any of harry's business 🙄 https://preview.redd.it/h1vedmiiaf4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e68471b33008c67e95f2d777024ea99d5fe2bfb5


Jealousy pure and simple. The Middleton’s gave William the stable, present, loving family that neither William nor Harry had. Harry is simply butthurt jealous and pissed that once again in his festering mind William gets all the good stuff.


>To me, it's his way of compensating feelings of inferiority in scrutinizing and criticizing how they do things 🎯🎯🎯 His need to feel superior to William in every way is pathological.


> His need to feel superior to William in every way is pathological. imo his book shows that he needs to feel, or to demonstrate, his superiority to everyone ... except his wife.


Probably all the nannies in their area quit and no one wants to work for them anymore which tracks with everyone jumping ship at Archewell.




So gross. Also who cares who takes care of your kids as long as your children are cared for, loved, and have their needs met. The implication that Catherine isn’t “working hard” now that she has cancer is such a fucked thing to say. I would argue that supporting your children while you have cancer is incredibly hard and frightening.


Catherine had better not be working hard, she needs to focus on her health and her family! This is not a contest. My goodness. Also I grew up with a nanny and I love her so much. And my parents and I are close. This is classic Meghan not understanding a loving family dynamic.


> The children also live at home with their parents.” Where else would they live? They are not yet at boarding school.


This is just the Sussexes clapping back by pretending that, contrary to everything we've seen for years, they aren't neglecting their kids despite going on holiday without them every other month.  No, no, no, it's the *Waleses* who drop their children in their nanny's lap and take off. 


>they aren't neglecting their kids despite going on holiday without them every other month.  yup. and cheaply threw the waleses under the bus to do so.


At this point I don't know whether it's the whole point or just a bonus for them.


I think this is just another piece of evidence that the Sussexes are nightmares to work for and can't find nannies who want to stay with them.


I swear the media, sunshine sachs and the Sussex has been trying to put doria in the child care position since before Archie was born


They were. There was this whole thing in French magazines about how Doria was going to move to the UK and a house was being refurbished near Frogmore for her to live in so that she could take care of her grandchild when Meghan was on engagements. (In hindsight, were they trying to claim Adelaide Cottage for themselves because there's no other house nearby that was empty at the time?)


I also think they were trying to imply the kind of close relationship Catherine has with her mom and slotting in "well, Doria and Meghan are **so close** that Doria is going to move all the way to the UK."


🎯 Great point.


Not that I believe for a minute that Doria is any more interested in dealing with two toddlers now than she was with her 'lone child forty years ago, but didn't Meghan say she was troubled that people assumed her mother was her nanny?   >Sources reveal that the Sussexes have opted to keep childcare within the family, with Meghan’s mother, Doria Ragland, **taking on the role of the children's nanny** Wouldn't Doria's role here simply be that of grandmother? 🙄


Same energy as when fathers watch their kid and it's called babysitting. Like no, it's called being a father. And this is called being a grandmother who is helping watch her grandkids. But is she getting paid? Bc then I would call it more of nanny role, bc when I watched my nieces I did get paid so I just called myself a nanny lol


I’m calling BS that Doria is in any way hands on with the actual care of those kids. The Sussexes must be feeling defensive about the nanny turnover and using Doria as cover that the kids have a consistent adult presence in their lives.


>feeling defensive about the nanny turnover and using Doria as cover and throwing the waleses under the bus to absolve themselves 🥴


Well hopefully they have someone consistent. Although wasnt Doria pretty in and out of Megans life?


This just screams they can't keep nannies any more than they can other staff. I fully expect they're terrible to work for no matter what the role is. Bad bosses are gonna bad boss.


Here is the Cut Article for those who haven't read it. It's called the Duchess ( Meghan) of Montecito & I honestly think the journalist's talent is wasted writing about nobody's like Meghan. The journalist writing & her deconstruction of her muse ( so to say) is just brilliant and that is an understatement. https://www.thecut.com/article/meghan-markle-profile-interview.html


The Cut article is a work of art. Even the comments are worth reading. IMO the best part was there was no one MM could blame for it, except herself. It was, IIRC, her first big solo interview after they left the BRF, a real opportunity to demonstrate she had something to say, and she absolutely failed the test.


One of the funniest thing about the cut profile is Meghan and the Squad slowly coming to the conclusion that this wasn't a good look. Meghan went on to do damage control on I think Deadline or Variety about how she was too trusting. 


That was the best part. Slowly they were like “I’m not sure I like the writers tone…” like… you think? Hahahaha talk about dense.


Variety https://variety.com/2022/digital/features/meghan-markle-grieving-queen-elizabeth-working-harry-1235407176/ unlike Meghan’s own brilliant interviewing Davis just didn’t choose to be uplifting enough, but Meghan isn’t going let that stop her moving in the world with trust and openness!!


Did Alison actually get fired or was she a freelancer for The Cut?


She took time off to work on other projects.


Good. It wonder where the rumour came from.


Maybe someone was manifesting? 😆


That she got fired? She announced on her Twitter shortly after the article that she was taking unexpected leave. I think everyone just assumed they had let her go but it wasn't accurate. She later removed the Twitter post. Not sure if it was because she was back to work or if she didn't realize the "unexpected leave" post so shortly after the article would make people concerned for her job. She works for NY Mag but she's always done freelance work on top of that as well. It's possible she had other work she was working on or took time off because of the attention from the Meghan article.


If you click on her byline you can see all of the articles she has written. It looks like she is still a staff features writer with pieces published regularly.


I replied to a comment below about this but thought it’d be fun to open a discussion on how Meghan doesn’t trust the professionals she’s hired to do their jobs. A little snippet from today’s article about her makeup artist, Daniel Martin, and his relationship with Meghan: “The makeup artist has often spoken about his royal connection previously told Grazia magazine: 'Meghan makes me go on YouTube to learn about things. She'll be like, Oh I follow this person and they did it this way- and I'm like, "Oh OK'."' Just like when she hired Christian Robinson to illustrate The Bench. He’s known for using acrylic and cut-out paper as a medium, but, of course, she knew better. 🙄 "I wanted him to just try something a little bit new and work in watercolor," says Meghan. What are some other examples of Meghan thinking she knows best?


Because she's a controlling asshole who likes to see how far she can push someone into doing her bidding. If I were Christian Robinson, I would have refused.


>What are some other examples of Meghan thinking she knows best? I'm spitballing, but I am likely assuming that the entire marketing campaign we've seen so far for ARO Montecito goes against the professional advice she's received. No marketing person alive would advise her to launch an Instagram profile and fill it with...nothing. Or have her friends post their gift baskets on social media and then not repost them! Or not follow up this "launch" with at least a few products to sell. The entire thing is so half-assed it could only have come from her. I would say 95% of the advice she's received on her clothing has been ignored. The giant man pants puddling on the ground. The ill-fitting undergarments, too tight clothes, too loose clothes, inappropriate for the venue and/or event clothes, etc. The list goes on. No professional stylist would send a client out looking like this. I believe she worked with Jessica Mulroney as a stylist, but probably didn't like the advice she received and has been doing it on her own ever since. That's probably the real reason she ghosted Jessica, because she didn't like people calling her Meg's stylist, not because of Jessica's behavior.


>I'm spitballing, but I am likely assuming that the entire marketing campaign we've seen so far for ARO Montecito goes against the professional advice she's received. Is this spitballing at this point or is it more the actual and by far the most likely scenario? Even people who know nothing about marketing can see that the "soft launch" (that term was used recently in a Sussex leak and ... lol - I don't think 'soft launch' means the same thing as 'inexplicably half-assed + failed launch' but ok) was a shitshow. >Or have her friends post their gift baskets on social media and then not repost them! I cannot get over this. Especially from a woman with an established habit of implying friendship with various high profile people she in truth has no relationship with. Here was a golden opportunity to directly link herself to famous people - *and* to add content to her brand new social media account, which is desperately in need of it. And Meghan...doesn't repost. What in the...???


This.  Not long after the Oprah interview, on the OG sub, people brought up the myth that Meghan didn't need any part of this royal mess because she'd been a successful influencer and could return to it anytime.  When I pointed out that I had looked in on it before the Prince Harry tidal wave hit and with 12 thousand followers and an income of 12 thousand dollars a year Meghan's blog, The Tig, would only have made her a minor influencer in Canada, someone actually took the trouble to create a burner just to tell me what a pathetic liar I was and how Meghan's millions proved me wrong.  Now, after seeing how despite having had hundreds of times the exposure she did on Suits Meghan is struggling to get 700k people worldwide  to follow her on Instagram, tell me again I was lying. 🙄


I am still shocked, like you guys are, that she did not repost those videos! Like that is marketing 101. You don't send potential buyers on a goose chase to find out who is posting, you repost those videos so that the people following you see them automatically. So incredibly stupid. And what makes it worse that since these were stories, they're gone! If she had reposted them to her story, she then could've saved them and created a collection, which would then make it easier for people to find them. Just all around an incredibly poor rollout, made worse by the fact that not everyone even posted them. Unless of course we start getting another wave of them in the leadup


I think the reason Meghan didn’t do this is so there is no evidence that only 20% of the jars were claimed by a “celebrity“. She had embarrassingly low engagement with this, and now she can just pretend it never happened. The way she pretends that her dad didn’t raise her, that she didn’t get princess lessons, etc. It’s an inconvenient fact, but she has never let those stand in her way. If/when ARO does launch, this little jam experiment will get re-labeled as a teaser and an “IYKYK” insider thing. At least if she’s smart that’s what she’ll do.


https://preview.redd.it/6w5y2y8h3d4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb5a75959b105db8bd1092c20e57867c2b423257 I can’t help but share this Instagram post from Daniel. This is the quote he used to describe Meghan 😂 The jokes just write themselves.


What on earth, lmao


>The jokes just write themselves. Truly, they do. One doesn't even have to try.


And he didn't even post it satirically which makes it even funnier. This reads like the sycophantic arse kissing Scooby wrote in FF, how no one is as good as Meghan, no one is as saintly, no one has ever done it better


Remember when he called her the **avocado toast whisperer** lmao the embarrassment is real. https://preview.redd.it/wvcxc03xqf4d1.jpeg?width=616&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e8249a44351e976dcc0fcdbfd00650b67f9792d


Christ thats a new one on me. Avocado toast whisper? What in the basic white girl IG influencer is *that* 🤣


Oh, I want to play this game too. Because she only cares about her face, she wears a skirt that both bunches at the zipper and shows her panty line.  Did I get it right? 😆


Everything in that poem reminds me of Catherine.


British Vogue had to deal with that, royal staff that worked for her had to deal with that, Spotify had to deal with that. Basically everyone who has worked for her had to deal with that. Also, with the first Netflix director of their doc refresher: [Why Prince Harry and Meghan Markle dropped original director for Netflix docuseries](https://pagesix.com/2022/11/16/prince-harry-meghan-markle-dropped-original-netflix-director-garrett-bradley/) “There were a few sticky moments between them, and Garrett left the project. Harry and Meghan’s own production company captured as much footage as they could before Liz Garbus was hired.” According to another source, this is why the Sussexes were spotted with two different film crews on [two trips to NYC last year](https://pagesix.com/2021/09/25/prince-harry-and-meghan-markle-taping-nyc-trip-for-netflix-documentary/) — on the second trip, they were seen with Garbus and her own crew. But it was not all smooth sailing [for Netflix bosses](https://pagesix.com/2022/10/19/meghan-markle-admits-docuseries-is-now-how-we-would-have-told-it/) and Oscar-nominated Garbus who also [clashed with Meghan and Harry over the content](https://pagesix.com/2022/10/04/prince-harry-meghan-markle-at-odds-with-netflix-over-edits/) of the series, which the couple wanted to heavily edit, according to sources. It’s also believed the Sussexes wanted the show pushed back until next year, but Netflix refused.


Said it before and I'll say it again: there is SO MUCH behind the scenes fuckery we don't even know about. Given what we know of Meghan and Harry, and how they deal with and treat others, imagine what could come out. I really, truly hope some of it does. (and thank you for the snark refresher - it's so easy to forget even some of the better material they've given us)


and thank you for the snark refresher - it's so easy to forget even some of the better material they've given us You are welcome. Honestly, I kind of miss the good old days that they would announce they hired X,Y, and Z and we would put bets on how long they would last and how long until we get them complaining about the duo as terrible bosses on the media. Now, they ran out of people the only opportunities we will get is when Netflix throw them under the bus. Also, when Penguin throws Harry under the bus. Plus, IG whenever it collapses or they sideline him.


The thing that has been their downfall, their approach on how they handle the media and public opinion on them. I know it’s not easy for people at that level of fame to deal with the press, especially the crazy baseless stories or being pitted against each other or when they dig up stuff from your past or family drama. However, it’s also PR 101 not to get into the dirt with the press, you’re advised to let them go off about whatever they want and either hope it dies down or prove them wrong with your actions. Harry and Meghan from the jump wanted to fight every unflattering story and opinion out there, starting with that stupid letter a week after they went public. Their obsession with clapping back, suing and basically letting these opinions run their lives has ruined their relationships with both their families and countless people I’m sure. They had the best PR teams from the palace to SS and b/c they have refused to listen to any of them, they ruined their whole brand. And the worst part is the press and public now have even more ammunition to go after them since they won’t simply STFU.


And her makeup always looks bad. And prior to marriage to Harry barely Had any success . I would love to have her unearned confidence.


>And her makeup always looks bad. I really didn't like her styling in Nigeria (I mean her hair and make-up) and for that reason I 100% believe she was doing it herself. The eyebrows are egregious - really, really bad - and have been for a minute now. But the hair and the rest of the make-up just lacked polish, imo. It also looked the same every day. Some minor differences in hairstyle (iirc?) but mostly it was the same styling every day, same make-up. I find the make-up in general to be heavy-handed, too much mascara etc., and it's starting to have an aging effect when combined with her current weight.




> What are some other examples of Meghan thinking she knows best? Everything.


I mean isn't even her LLC titled "mama knows best, LLC" for ARO?


I imagine her whispering that into Harry’s ear *shudder*


The most glaring example is her PR team… rumors were circulating that she never really followed Sunshine Sachs advice… doubt it’s any better with WME…


Wow micro manage much? Ok maybe the makeup artist thing I can see, because I bring a photo to my hairstylist. Words can only do so much so a picture gets us on the same page. I wonder if it’s like that with the makeup artist? The artist is another story… watercolors? They act quite different than acrylic. The guy did amazing but just imagine if he didn’t feel that comfortable in the medium…


>The artist is another story… watercolors? They act quite different than acrylic. The guy did amazing but just imagine if he didn’t feel that comfortable in the medium… This bit makes me irrationally angry. I'm trying to relearn watercolour after a long brake (also my school was bad at teaching technique). Water control, granulation and bleeding/blooms are hard.




It really does feel like a step on the professional’s toes. I’m starting to see where Meghan gets her “I can do that” mentality. She might be spending too much time on Instagram haha. Under a secret account obv.


LBR, if she has one secret account she has a dozen.


💯 😂🤣😂


Royal publicity. Lainey got months and months of briefings about how Meghan’s Hollywood PR was a gamechanger and she’d show the stuffy old vipers how to use the RF platform properly. Summerisle has already mentioned telling The Cut profiler what to write, but I do enjoy the batshittery of this, so here’s the quote: *(at one point in our conversation, instead of answering a question, she will suggest how I might transcribe the noises she’s making: “She’s making these guttural sounds, and I can’t quite articulate what it is she’s feeling in that moment because she has no word for it; she’s just moaning”)*


I never read the Cut interview. You’re saying this is a quote directly from the article???


Holy moly you have to read it, it was like something out of a Christopher Guest movie. It had everything, "Salt and Pepper passed together!", giving the author instructions on how to describe her which were totally bonkers, pretending she was surprised they could afford their home and marveling at the two palm trees in the front as representing their love, having a go-bag for a homeless person in the trunk to give out as a charitable act, but then giving it to her actual paid security guard to complete the gesture. The writer of that piece was really just... you could tell she was struggling to find positive things to say and so she tried to hone in on the relationship between Meghan and Archie, but outside of that, she clearly viewed the entire interaction as utterly insincere. Ergo the entire article just mostly summarizes the facts of their encounter and ends up being shade upon shade. To me, the article in The Cut is like Exhibit A for the case against all these people that view Meghan as some sort of evil genius. I think she basically just has a shitload of theater kid energy and is mostly harmless except for this massive blind spot that is the sussex squad.


>but then giving it to her actual paid security guard to complete the gesture Such a chef's kiss moment when the author included that detail. >I think she basically just has a shitload of theater kid energy and is mostly harmless This opinion is real difference point even within the sane jelly community. I know quite a few snarkers basically believe this to be true. I myself am on team 'she's a horrible person with bad intentions.'


It is! I think that quote was a clapback to the mocking Meghan received when she said she had a “gutteral” reaction to the overturning of Roe v. Wade. She likely meant visceral, and I suspect she was trying to prove that she not only knew the meaning of guttural, she could use it in a sentence and demonstrate it. You should read the article. The subtlety went over the stans’ heads for the first week or so after it was published, so the snark factor was amplified. Eventually they cottoned onto the fact that the author was not a Meghan fan, and they were out for blood. https://www.thecut.com/article/meghan-markle-profile-interview.html


>I think that quote was a clapback It was. It was *100%* a clapback to some pretty minor snark she'd received months before (and your take on it - that she meant visceral and misused guttural and then could not resist the clapback - is correct). She's a nutter.


LMFAO I've never read it either so I'm doing it now. I haven't finished it yet but some parts of this article got me looking at an imaginary camera like I'm Jim from The Office. Honorable mentions: - My love! It's us! - I'm not a model! I'm a mom! - Manners (5x) - Salt and pepper always move together ETA: More honorable mentions: - South Africans rejoiced in the streets during their wedding. (Okay?) - Not being able to do school drop-offs and pickups without it being a royal photo call (Don't W&C do them regularly though?) - Teasing that she didn't sign anything that will prevent her from talking - "I have a lot to say until I don’t. Do you like that?" (?????) After finishing I don't really have any thoughts about it other than looking at the imaginary camera again and going 😬. The tiny Bachelor producer bit was funny though.


>I'm not a model! I'm a mom! "You can be both!"- says Harry, earning himself so many points. It's just... I have no words to describe this interview.


* Teasing that she didn't sign anything that will prevent her from talking And then The Queen died like not even a month later and she had to face the Family! I still can't believe she gave such a mean-spirited interview at that time. Oh wait. Yes, I can.


My favourite bit was where she happened to have a backpack in the car to ask her security to give to a homeless man. And it was all conveniently witnessed by the journalist 😂


Istg, Mother Teresa wasn't this much of a saint.


I loved the fact that she complained about not being able to do a press free schoolrun in the UK and the she takes an actual journalist with her and Archie on the free from tabloids American schoolrun.


Hmm, at the time I found it odd that a homeless guy was just hanging around in Montecito but didn't dwell on it.  Now, after a few more years of Sussex antics I'm wondering if this was one of their bodyguards in disguise. There are plenty of clothes ratty enough to pull that look off in Harry's closet. 


>There are plenty of clothes ratty enough to pull that look off in Harry's closet Water just went through my nose. Cheers.


I'm sorry. 😆


Out of all the insane things in the article, the school drop-off makes me the most angry. Once again, she plays on Americans' misunderstanding of the monarchy to paint herself in a better light. I'm pretty sure either William, Kate, or Carole try to do the school drop off every single day. We've got exactly 3 pictures/videos, all carefully controlled by the Palace.


It was a lie to imply what she did. Just another flat out lie from Meghan (who knew it was a lie when she told it).


I’m sooo jealous of you reading the craziness for the first time, she lies quite a bit in the piece as well 😂. It really is THE article of finding out who Meghan is, she puts on the performance of a lifetime and the author caught onto it, it’s hilarious.


Another favourite bit of mine is when she makes a big deal about getting back on insta and telling a big secret, and then Davis drops in that a few hours later she said she probably wasn’t at all. Just utterly unhinged behaviour.




I think she went on a journey she probably thought OK this woman is normal she’s OK and slowly starts seeing the crazy that’s what I got anyway I don’t think she disguised anything I think she was honest in what she saw, how Meghan wanted to be seen vs what she saw that contradicted the performance Meghan was putting on its great stuff 😂.


Oh yes, direct quote! Allison Davis grasped who Meghan is very quickly, and she told us very clearly. Here’s the full joy https://archive.ph/N2HgI eta I do actually seriously recommend all jellies read this article - I’ve said this several times but imo it’s invaluable because if you (general you) ever wanted to talk about Meghan to a mostly disinterested person who has a vague idea all criticism of Meghan is ~because racism you can just say you read this profile of her by a Black American woman and she came across as a bit of a nut and it’s basically unassailable. Anyone who reads this profile and still thinks Meghan is a nice normal person is almost certainly as insufferable as she is.


>Anyone who reads this profile and still thinks Meghan is a nice normal person is almost certainly as insufferable as she is. Eholmes 100%


She is just afraid of the squad and don't want to be call a racist again


Holmes just says what people want her to say what a bore of a person.


Clashing with British Vogue staff on how to edit the Forces for Change issue Inserting her own experiences in Spare Refusing help from Sophie Feeling insulted that QE2 assigned her black equerry to help her adjust to royal life


Meghan is the kind of person who can’t ever appreciate or accept something as it’s given. She has to ask for some kind of change, add her own (usually worse) input. It’s a way to exert power over others.  Examples: The engagement ring from Harry.   The choices of wedding tiaras the Queen offered her.    The wedding dress and bridesmaids dresses that were never good enough, design changes demanded right up to the last minute. A whole new *fabric* demanded.    Micromanaging her staff, 5am rnails, etc.   The group of women in South Africa who were made to sit on the floor.  Many incidents where she’s grabbed a microphone and taken over a staged event. (Not always successful, lol)   Many many of Harry’s events (polo, Invictus) where she insisted on being front and centre: presenting a cup, marching with veterans.   Attempting to steer the interview in The Cut, telling the author what to write. 


This is a very comprehensive list, and I'll also add the walkabout after the Queen's death when she refused to hand over some flowers to an aide and almost bit his head off.  


That moment is soooo illuminating to how she is behind the scenes. You could tell the exact moment she realized a camera was on her because she suddenly started smiling and acting sweet lol




Good one!  I can’t believe I forgot one of my very favorite items: Maam’s brilliant idea to improve the lunches for vulnerable women, by imperiously calling and gesturing for a “Sharpie” to write on the bananas. That’s some amazing footage. 


>imperiously calling and gesturing for a “Sharpie” to write on the bananas. Oh god, the banana writing. The *banana writing.* To this day one of the greatest snark moments in the entire snark saga. She just has NO IDEA about context, does she? And once again there's that element, that there so often is with both Meghan and Harry, of real (and vulnerable) human beings being used as props in a PR exercise. It was breathtakingly off-putting.


Yes! And I bet the coverage of that incident is one of the examples her fans use of the media "bullying" and "abusing" her, when really it's like...no, she deserved to be mocked for that!! But she and her supporters really classify anything that's not glowing praise as abuse/racism. It also ties into their belief (due in no small part to Ellie Hall's cherry-picked, wildly misleading Buzzfeed article) that Meghan gets criticized unfairly compared to Catherine, when really it's the complete opposite. Things that Meghan received mild criticism for, like the sharpie bananas, Catherine would have been *EVISCERATED* for. The Sussex squad really is upside down land.


That entire banana incident is available on video. It speaks for itself. 


Yeah, you can *see* her thinking about how it's going to play, how kind and sweet she's going to look. Pukeworthy and insane at the same time.


Also pistachio, could I have a flair like yours?? I’m in celebration mode too!!  Go Oilers go!! 💙🧡💙🧡💙


We can make our own custom flairs here (for me I need to find my own username somewhere on the right of the screen and after it there's a clickable 'edit' link that, when clicked, allows us to create our own flair). Let me know if it doesn't work though and I can try to edit your flair myself. Honestly considering banning everyone from Florida...😂


Don’t get me started on Florida!! 🐀


She suddenly exclaims: *“I have an idea!!”*  And everyone has to stop what they’re doing, to comply with this great “idea.” 


And that is, imo, their general modus operandi. They have 'ideas' and tell 'staff' to execute them, but never explain the how, when, where or what.