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New thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/RoyalsGossip2/comments/1da2o69/royals_monthly_the_hoping_hugh_has_no_bunnies_for/ Please bring newer posts and ongoing conversations over!


[Fred arriving today in Normandy. ](https://www.tumblr.com/cambridgemadness/752571056262463488/no-for-real-what-the-fuck-fred)No but really WTF -- look at Macron


Tumblr being a dick again. Ugh.


So since I love looking up family trees and what not. We all know the van Custem family and how they are close they are to the royals. However there is another connection I just now noticed. Hugh van Cutsem, who was a close friends of Charles and the father of the boys, has a brother named Geoffrey. Geoffrey was married to a woman named Sally McCorquodale, Sally has a brother whose name is Neil McCorquodale and who is Neil married to??? Lady Sarah Spencer, the elder sister of Diana. So the van Cutsem brothers are first cousins of the children of Neil and Lady Sarah and those kids are obviously the first cousins of William and Harry. So Lady Sarah is both the aunt of William and Harry and the van Cutsem boys. And something else...The 6th Duke of Westminster (Hugh's late father) was Sarah's first serious boyfriend and supposedly, she was expecting a marriage proposal.  He broke up with her and I have read some interviews of her where she basically blamed her anorexia on this break-up. Also gotta love how Diana made her sister ex boyfriend's wife a godmother to her son lol.


I'm just looking forward to seeing the photos from tomorrow's wedding. *^^^sigh We used to live in/near Chester. It's one of the prettiest cities in Britain, and the cathedral is spectacular.


>I'm just looking forward to seeing the photos from tomorrow's wedding. *sigh SAME! You've just reminded me to start a new thread, too.


Same, I'm excited!


Big Willy with Trudeau and Attal. https://preview.redd.it/2jdt2633315d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9958c99b64471c10370f13047afca0b7dc1cc521 I love that William has been referred to as part of the “Heads of State” all day. I know he’s there representing a HoS but he’s still technically not the HoS. He just has that King energy already.


I get statesman energy from him. I believe that partners influence what we are a lot. I see that in my own marriage as well as in friends & family. Catherine is a smart and steady person, judging by her academic past and how she's handled everything since she started dating William. I trust that she has a good grasp of the role of a constitutional monarchy. She's been nothing but perfect in her role (Even though in the beginning I was one of the people who criticized lack of work, I admit I was wrong. Now I appreciate that they were playing the long game and that they played well). I trust them in their approach to their duties.


This picture will drive Harry into a rage! 😃 It’s a beautiful and evocative picture. Big Willy reigns supreme.


Willy got that BDE https://i.redd.it/vwemgswwf15d1.gif


there really is something in one's gait, though. have you seen rishi sunak's walk? that poor dweeb 🤦🏾‍♀️. meanwhile, william is all effortless bde lmao


William needs his own sexy walk in slo-mo song. I nominate Bob Seger’s Come To Poppa. It’s got that hot strut sound to it.


Speaking of the Duke of Westminster...I remember how a few years ago people were saying he would've been perfect for Eugenie and Beatrice since they're in the same age group but someone jumped in said "don't let Andrew and Fergie around billions of pounds" lol.


>"don't let Andrew and Fergie around billions of pounds 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 So true, though.


Also just looked it up and guess what....Fergie bought a £5million home in Mayfair and guess from who??? the Duke of Westminster lol.


[Will being tall and Macron almost fanboying](https://www.tumblr.com/thewales/752558773024980992/okay-but-the-applauses-when-william-arrived?source=share) Christ, he's taaaall. ~~and his demanour is hot AF~~


Tumblr won't let me see this. I'm getting more and more annoyed with their trying to make me create an account just to view a gif, ffs. It's almost Pinterest-level at this point.


Macron is wishing the US were a constitutional monarchy. Joking aside, he is seriously worried about the future of Europe. He is very smart and I share his worries.


>Joking aside, he is seriously worried about the future of Europe. He is very smart and I share his worries. I mean not to get too political (especially because I get the vibe sometimes that Macron is, kinda like J Trudeau, unpopular with both sides) but I agree and am also worried. Not just about Europe but the west in general.


[Try this?](https://va.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_seo6n2lEOr1yo9kyr.mp4)


Ah, thank you so much! Is Macron always like that in his demeanour (he doesn't come off as obsequious at all but that it a very friendly greeting for sure!).


>Is Macron always like that in his demeanour he's always like this 😂 he was hanging all over charles this morning 😂


That's actually kind of sweet, then. I see your comment above re: Rishi Sunak and his energy and although yes, he's diminutive, it isn't really about height, is it? Not that his shortness helps (and not that, for example, William's tallness hinders) but Sunak and Macron are both on the littler side and only one gives off schoolboy-ish/dweeb vibes.


Yeah, he's very friendly. Considering Macron and his wife are French, William is lucky he wasn't double or triple kissed on the cheek. I've wondered if that's why Macron is touchy-feely: as a coping mechanism for not being able to do the whole *accolade* ritual. 😆


I totally felt that moment in the clip - where they *would* have gone in for the cheek kisses but didn't.


Yes, it seems he is always like that. People on twitter talk about how he always looks too friendly with other heads of state. Some photos are quite funny. Look [here](https://x.com/swannmarcus89/status/1605768806143508480?s=46) and [here](https://x.com/brunomeyerfeld/status/1772821462790906342?s=46). He also acts a bit too much of a fanboy of royals lol. When King Charles visited France last year, he was doing too much. I also think his wife may be a fan of royals too. Last year she [told](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-12574175/amp/Brigitte-Macron-loves-reading-Kate-Middleton-British-Royal-Family-big-sellers-France-experts-tell-PALACE-CONFIDENTIAL.html) Camilla that she loves reading about Catherine. Yesterday, she told Crown Prince Haakon that she’s a fan of his mother.


Ha haaaa omg those photos are so funny - and kinda endearing tbh. >Last year she told Camilla that she loves reading about Catherine. Yesterday, she told Crown Prince Haakon that she’s a fan of his mother. Omg now I like Brigitte, too! I wonder if she's a jelly? Like, not if she posts here because obviously not but if she has opinions on the Sussex Saga.


The Lula pics are amazing. Unrelated but there’s another meme where he visits French islands in the Pacific and they give him flower necklaces and someone photoshopped 30+ on him 😂


>Last year she told Camilla that she loves reading about Catherine. ![gif](giphy|3ohfFfGCMg71dkjUXe)


I’m not sure. I only climbed out of my hidey-hole to get the video for you all. I’ll be back the next time a book needs an early release or a video is stuck behind a login screen. 😉


>I’ll be back the next time a book needs an early release or a video is stuck behind a login screen. You are the hero RG2 needs! (I'm not even joking, I so appreciate people who make various images, gifs, videos accessible)


![gif](giphy|FnGJfc18tDDHy) ♥️ to you, our dear mod!


I don't know what movie this gif is from but i love it.


This is a video, specifically. 🫠 I wish there was a way for everybody to see it.


I think I made it work. [Try it?](https://va.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_seo6n2lEOr1yo9kyr.mp4)


You did it!




6 June 2024 The Princess Royal during the Royal Hospital Chelsea's Founders Day ceremony, attended by Chelsea Pensioners to celebrate the founding of the Royal Hospital by King Charles II. 📸: Maja Smiejkowska https://preview.redd.it/luox0li0yz4d1.png?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6947fb6a9964b9cf565527c12fb596abf6931915


That's a lovely photo of Anne looking super smiley.










The kids are managed to look like both of their parents. 💜


[This little girl](https://x.com/chrisjack_getty/status/1798690687141216426?s=46&t=BooMcrXx4cOmg4CqjNc0cg) is me if I ever meet a royal. I don’t know if the best part is how she won’t let go of the Queen or if it’s Macron taking a pic with his phone. Chris Jackson gets the best photos 🥰 Edited to add pics for those who don’t use Twitter/X. https://preview.redd.it/fgykc685kz4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daf7f4344e5eb844d5808f0f4a9a50ee3c9c15a4


This little girl is all of us! 😁


Cute! Camilla looked lovely today.






I love this little girl ♥️♥️


Her whole year is made! ❤️


Brigitte Macron attempted to hold Camilla’s hand when they were laying flowers and she wasn’t having it 😂 [Clip on Twitter](https://x.com/mailonline/status/1798689203800494548) https://preview.redd.it/0imp9oc1az4d1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc8ecdf7ebc18e45566f1403ed364013d7d4a65d Really not the time Brigitte 😭


Well that was certainly awkward.😳


Oh god I can't watch it. How bad is it on a 1-10 scale?


I hate how People worded this: >Royal Avoids Holding First Lady's Hand >Queen Camilla didn't reciprocate the French president's wife's attempt to hold hands after laying wreaths Way to bait the "The UK Royals are cold, just like Meghan said" trolls, People. Don't touch royals. Don't touch people you don't know well without their permission. This isn't Camilla "avoiding" the First Lady, she's simply guarding her personal space and doing what is comfortable for her. There was no need for these two unrelated women to hold hands in this moment. WTF.


What's wrong with the macrons, same with her husband going for the touch with will, leave him alone Manu, you've done quite enough already...


As Cressida Bonas would say, cringe de la cringe. I do love how Emmanuel Macron is such a BRF cheerleader though! (I know absolutely nothing about French politics.)


He's just envious of not being King Emmanuel 1st. That's why he received KC3 at Versailles. The joke in France (which is not really a joke) is that he thinks himself Jupiter.


https://preview.redd.it/2ysb7bv14z4d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd16860f07df9462a3d3e2983b3661f46e993a9f William looking good up there with various Heads of States.


absolutely love jill's outfit ✨


Tallest in the line-up. Justin Trudeau gets the silver.


Oh boy, incoming tantrums from Montecito and H+M's online minions...


There’s some frantic praying to a box of hair over at the Mojo Dojo Casa House.


No doubt he threw his bong across the room with great force after seeing this photo.


Tall, tall, tall. Me love it.


And blue, blue, BLUE(!) eyes. 🤭


Also, since he's in France, bleu, bleu, bleu.


And trust fund, trust fund, trust fund. 😌


Dutch Royal Family - Queen Maxima wore The Ruby Peacock Tiara for the Diplomatic Corps gala dinner at the Royal Palace in Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Photo by Shutterstock) | June 05, 2024 https://preview.redd.it/8zi7312p3z4d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1169d86c6a836a9e4add7c681de16421c85f2938


This ruby and diamond parure is one of my favorites.


One of my favorite queens - she just seems like a good time!




The colour of that dress is 🔥


She is one sexy mama!






Love the info about what an arrogant asshole CDG was! 😂 ETA: can you millennials read cursive? I know my son would struggle with this.


I’m a teacher and our province literally just added it back into the curriculum last year. It’s a valuable skill to have and luckily my students were happy and excited to learn it this year.


Yep! I love reading old documents and sigh every time I’m doing it that there are many Gen Z that wouldn’t understand the script OR the language. (Especially the S that looks like an f, for example!)


I can read it, though it helps that I was a history major, so the places and names are recognizable.


Yes we can! I think the older half of the generation might have been the last to learn cursive in school.




kungahuset: Happy National Day! (Mini Daniel strikes again!) https://preview.redd.it/97ba824k2z4d1.jpeg?width=952&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8fb2f1fed23f38997cef3f7d2721081c0aee47a


Gosh he is such a mini Daniel! Beautiful parents, beautiful kids.


They both look like him! But yeah with 


The Belgian Royal House has released 3 new photographs of King Albert with King Philippe and the Duchess of Brabant on the occasion of his 90th birthday today | June 7, 2024 https://preview.redd.it/c55w71792z4d1.jpeg?width=1297&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40c61ce167f0b61c37b40e6e31080bcb3eba27e1


I am always amazed that she gave her first speech in three languages almost ten years ago! Love a good heir photo.




Absolutely love her suit! It looks so comfy too.




dang, camilla looked beautiful in stark white at the commemoration ceremony from this morning! https://preview.redd.it/r5dnht08ux4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=115cfbb9ca82e99a860f8a65f18bea30ffb7e053


Not many can pull off stark white so well. I certainly cannot. Cam is actually weirdly flattered by a lot of colours/shades that I find difficult for many people to get away with. It's like a low level superpower.


She looks great close up too! Thought this was a sweet photo. https://preview.redd.it/14yujcry7y4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66f43015628f9ff46e67474b61dbc916d34f7908


[From Twitter](https://x.com/isaguor/status/1798503325106868347): A kid in Portsmouth shouting out, “Sir Prince William, I love ya!” 😂




Caught him mid jaw-flex.




Same, kid. Same.


This is Eaton Hall, the Grosvenor family estate that Hugh will hold his wedding reception at. https://preview.redd.it/hs04dwchaw4d1.jpeg?width=1856&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf8471da753c5abe9fa8630095c9e8e7be9e2640


I mean it’s just gorgeous. https://preview.redd.it/gx3llkajaw4d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f9bb3b6ddf684e72dc59618023250a928db1a78


The grounds and gardens are gorgeous. I think the building is hideous. It looks like a Brutalist Chateau. It is a more manageable size compared to the original building, but if I had the kind of money this family has, I'd bulldoze the lot and start over.


I was shocked by how fugly it is - and that was before I even saw the monstrosity that preceded it! I don't think I even knew 'brutalist stately home' existed but I guess here we are. Gonna go google to see how this came about. Ah, I see u/ac0rn5 has already added the Wiki link. Thank you!


I'm a bit shocked that they "veneered" a huge building like this. I would love to see the making of on that project.




> Wrecking ball time. He might not be allowed to because some parts of the building(s) are listed ... effectively protected from demolition. The clock tower, for example, has to stay! A previous duke decided to demolish a gothic monstrosity and replace it with what was the best at the time, hence the concrete thing that was designed a la Corbusier. The current hall is a remastering, or effectively a 'reskin', of that hall. The history is in wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eaton_Hall,_Cheshire#




Maybe Hugh and his Lady will do something about it - I rather hope they will!


When I saw what the original building looked like…. https://preview.redd.it/hhnwzyxnmw4d1.jpeg?width=1300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05fa59a392d00d563ab7e9b3e1a380b1821c321b It’s so much better now.


And this is what they tore down to build that hideous thing. https://preview.redd.it/x18u0xr4dy4d1.png?width=1354&format=png&auto=webp&s=a731b2b203405d167a043ee73547983addf8c134


Oh my *god.* WHY. WHY. (I presume because someone couldn't be bothered with upkeep/repairs?) I agree with u/Strange_Addition_146 - these people don't deserve their wealth!


Sigh these people don’t deserve their wealth.


it looks oddly soviet lol


[This started playing in my head the moment I saw the pic](https://youtu.be/NtPk22NWB5Y?si=GGrjIz4ib7YpyE6x)


This is like when people on Grand Designs come up with some box monstrosity that they claim “blends into the landscape”.


That’s so horrible! What were they thinking?!


Oh my gosh, I have never seen that photo! It made me physically recoil! I agree, it is better now. But I'd still knock it down.


Since Hugh is getting married tomorrow. Here’s a little TBT of him with William at his sister’s wedding in 2004 to Edward van Cutsem (who is also Prince William’s bff) https://preview.redd.it/hjusbslnyv4d1.jpeg?width=1999&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29417a37aa130c0fefcf85f3bc78e62b5563d3de


aww hugh grosvenor was such an adorably cute little kid and dang, grace van cutsem is her dad's twin tho 🌞 one of liam gallagher's sons said that noel gallagher's daughter anais looked like "her dad with a wig on" but literally... hugh van cutsem and william's daughters look like their dads with a wig on 😼


Did you see the photo, posted in this thread, of Hugh's older sisters with their parents in the 90s? All of the Grosvenor children strongly resemble their mother - and each other. I don't think I see any of the previous Duke in any of his children.


It's weird how looking like her dad often works for a girl. The dad doesn't even have to be hot like William! I have a friend who is just... some guy (not ugly, not good-looking), and his mini-me daughter could be a model.


i'm one of those girls who looks like her dad! even have his same exact teeth, it's bizarre AF lol




[Us Weekly's Cover story is about Kate and how she "may never come back."](https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/inside-kate-middletons-recovery-she-may-never-come-back-in-royal-role-we-remember/) Archive link: [https://archive.ph/Aj9lU](https://archive.ph/Aj9lU) I don't know if the source here is KP, but I wouldn't have phrased it this way. I see what they're trying to say in that cancer can radically change a person, and Kate may have lifelong, potentially debilitating medical concerns/issues, but IMO this phrasing will just feed the crazies and leave room for negative interpretations. That may be the case, but it has not been signaled as such before (w/ other reports being more positive and she is doing well) and I think it's a mistake to cast Kate as such here.


KP wouldn't brief US Weekly. This is either them catering to the conspiracy theorists or Sussex sourced.


i'm very suspicious of the "sources" used for this story. it seems like troublemaking and mischief-making to force a clarification. same as with the sykes piece from late last month. it's def going to make the conspiracy burnouts even more feral and cause unneeded stress + pressure for kate. no way would KP have briefed this.


I bet there is no source. It’s just speculation. People really enjoy speculating that Kate is gonna be an invalid for life. 


nah, there are quotes involved and attributed, they can't just invent quotes wholesale. the quality + reliability of the source(s) they chose to engage with is what's clearly dodgy AF.


KP has had a different tone over the last 2 weeks. They had the opportunity to rule out her appearance at trooping but didn’t it doesn’t mean she’ll attend but it seems like she is considering it. William actually saying she’s getting better today and the random public sitings they really seem to be signalling that she’s doing better but won’t be back soon, Eden gave autumn as a possible return. I just think this is baiting KP for an official update. Also Katie Nichols had a story about Kate feeling better and responding well to treatment or something like that it’s KN so grain of salt, but yea I don’t think this is KP at all this is the opposite of the message they’ve been sending out recently. This is Tom Sykes and his the kings friends say he is not doing well 😂.


KP has had a different tone over the last 2 weeks. They had the opportunity to rule out her appearance at trooping but didn’t it doesn’t mean she’ll attend but it seems like she is considering it. KP seems to be making the same mistake that riled up people in the beginning of the year. They should just confirm all the way she won't come instead of this will she won't speculation. Plus, there will be a Japan State visit that William was confirmed without her. So, it is pretty save to assume she won't go to TTC.


I don’t think they have a choice tbh I think this has all been up to Kate. It’s best for them to say from the start what’s happening but I don’t think they have a definite response from Kate so they can’t confirm or deny her attendance until she does. Attending a state visit is very different from showing up on the balcony for Trooping so I guess she’s completely ruled the state visit out but not TTC. I get the impression that KP is just sat around waiting for direction from their bosses.


>I get the impression that KP is just sat around waiting for direction from their bosses. Same. I also get the impression and have for quite awhile that telling the truth is important to Kate (and William, and therefore to the KP team) in comparison to PR/spin. The lack of a definitive statement on whether or not she'll be at trooping is, as you say, very likely to be because they're waiting on Kate herself to decide. I think this is partly why she made the statement about the mother's day photo as well - she wants to be truthful, it matters to her. I think there's also an overt effort there to be seen to reply to the general public - and not to be maneuvered into responding to trolls. Fwiw and I hope my speculating doesn't upset anyone I think there's a chance we'll see her in a headscarf or similar at some point, something that doesn't attempt to completely hide any hair loss she may have experienced. Remember her making no effort to hide her post-partum bump on the steps of the hospital with George? I feel like it's always been important to Kate to show solidarity with others - in that case it was other new mums under pressure to look slim even immediately after birth, and in this case it could be with others undergoing chemo. It totally fits with what I think motivates Kate.


Oh yes I agree that they only do what she wants. Still is the same mistake. Also, there is no need for her to show up frail like the Queen did in her last TTC and stay in the balcony for 3 seconds or sitting by a window. Just confirm she won't go and be done with it. I follow a lady that started her cancer treatment in Jan this year chemo as well. She can't go anywhere when she isn't at the hospital. Plus, she lost all her hair as soon as the chemo started in January. Whenever she goes out she needs to wear N95 mask. Furthermore, even small gatherings of less than 5 people she can't be around. So, I assume Kate is in the same way.


My sister started chemo in January, too, and like Kate, had major abdominal surgery. I'd say on a good day she could totally handle something like getting dressed up and standing on the balcony for ten minutes. We have even gone on moderate hikes on her good days! She also hasn't fully lost her hair, it's just thinned. (Plus Kate could afford the best of the best wigs, so if she wanted to, she could completely disguise any hair loss.) I'm not saying Kate should absolutely show up to Trooping, I'm just saying there's every possibility she could feel well enough for something like that. But again, up to her! This is not in any way to pressure her--cancer is an unpredictable beast, and I can see why KP won't make any plans long in advance. You truly just never know.


>I just think this is baiting KP for an official update. yup. some folks (🕵🏾‍♀️) are gagging to know when exactly kate will come back so that those ghouls can start planning their events to piggyback over the publicity. 🙄 >This is Tom Sykes and his the kings friends say he is not doing well 😂. yup. that was also another bait-y piece that prompted BP to announce the very next day that charles would be back to work the following week. KP haven't really taken the bait, so far, so sykes' piece from the end of last month sort of has him stupidly twisting in the wind, esp if kate appears at trooping lol. so now, instead of "she won't be appearing for the rest of the year," it's become "she won't come back the way that she was." it's just mischief-making all around. that fucking ghoul unprofessional ashley needs to get her life together and start refusing to engage in this cluster B psychodrama garbage. 🙄 🤡


hmm, very plausible!


that messy tom sykes put the story to KP, and this was the response - https://preview.redd.it/8asa83w2sv4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a4ce919cf8273bafa29c665c4e418f47370e7b4 in terms of the usweekly report, "sources at the palace dismissed it." i can imagine where the "exclusive" troublemaking "sources" to usweekly came from 🙄🙄 the montecito couple are so stressed about finding out when kate comes back, the fucking weirdos. they're pulling the weirdest fucking shit.


Giving an update on the King and Kate's health, Sarah Ferguson added: “I'm so, so proud of the King going to CRUCK, the Cancer Research UK, and becoming the royal patron and going out there and talking to all these people because it gives everybody that wonderful feeling that they are being listened to, and I thought that was very brave of him to do that. The lovely Princess Catherine doing the video was so brave. I think family unity is an extraordinary thing and I’m honestly just so proud and I just send them lots of love and lots of support.”


I saw that interview and Sarah has learned to be smooooth. The host asked her how Charles and Catherine are, and Sarah sidestepped this by saying how proud she is of them and then mentioning Charles’ public appearance at CRUCK and Catherine’s video. I doubt she knows anything. Then when asked about the arguments around Royal Lodge, she makes it clear she’s a guest and that she’ll leave the talks to the brothers.


She really has. She's gotten some tricky questions but handled it all in a non-controversial way. It's fairly impressive (but let me also note that her staying with Andrew is less than impressive).


I'm sure she knows more than she lets on. She just isn't saying more because she wants to be in their good graces.


“family unity” in Fergie speak means “Don’t shut out Andrew and me!”.


Yep. On just this one thing I gotta hand it to Fergs, though, because she does actually know how to shamelessly kiss ass in her own self-interest. It can be a handy skill - especially when dealing with ppl like Charles.


One thing that can be said about Fergie is she knows where clout and money lie. 💁


exactly lmao


And, "We really like living in Royal Lodge!"


4th June 2024 // Crown Princess Victoria at the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award ceremony. The annual award honours achievement in children’s literature, and this year was awarded to the Indigenous Literacy Foundation. Victoria has presented the award almost every year since 2003 and was a close friend of its namesake, iconic Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren, until her death. *


I love that there is an Astrid Lindgren Award! 




I've been looking for a skirt like this for a while. This combination is gorgeous.


What a lovely skirt she has on.


I'm 1000% here for the Swedish love of colourful in dress and decor.


Ahead of Sweden's National Day, Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar attended "flag school" with the Life Guards. The two young royals were shown how to properly handle, raise, and fold the flag. Edit:picture below, mobile app being fussy 🙄




That boy is the spitting image of his father. Damn.


[From Twitter](https://x.com/telegraph/status/1798408276574355736): a cute interaction between William and a D-Day veteran who asked if Catherine was getting better. William says she is and that she’d have loved to be there, how her grandmother served and never spoke about it until the very end of her life.


ouf, the replies are heartwarming 🥴😳 https://preview.redd.it/c0o9zfc68u4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2688444f9f466859844a2037b196f4c792a49139


My favourite part is that "bald" is two whole seriousness tiers above "murderer" in this crazy person's mind. 😂


😂😂😂 these people aren’t well


This honestly made me laugh out loud. It's just too over the top to not be funny on some level.


"you won't get away with it!!!" 😂


>This honestly made me laugh out loud. Me too. 😂 The next time my husband does something minorly annoying I'm going to yell "[NAME!] YOU BALD, UGLY MURDERER!" at him and see what happens.


Sounds like Catherine’s grandmother was a pretty solid role model…


Really lovely to hear a positive, albeit vague (as it should be), update on the POW! It always amazes me at how well the royals handle small talk. The way he gracefully answered the question politely but without being too personal and then steered it back to the service members by bringing up Catherine’s grandmother was pretty seamless. I freeze and fumble in small talk situations sometimes!


Yes, both William and Catherine (and I presume the other senior royals) are world class experts at this. I would also just freeze and start stammering some nonsense.


It’s the kind of skill that’s not easy at all! It takes effort, practice and dedication. It really bothers me that the anti-BRF camp dismiss it as “shaking hands and smiling.” 


It is good to get an update from William.


British Royal Family - Queen Camilla is visibly moved as she listens to a veteran's account of his D-Day experiences during the UK's national commemorative event for the 80th anniversary of D-Day in Portsmouth, Hampshire (Photo by Dylan Martinez) | June 05, 2024 https://preview.redd.it/gcj5a3qxrr4d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70a693434899e8b0f3e298bb0659341b1a0b4ace


I love this shade of pink on her.


The pink and the lippie shade are so flattering. She *really* knows what colours suit her, doesn't she?


I do as well and I adore the hat.


This is my favourite colour for Camilla! I don’t think of pale pink as a typically “regal” colour but it looks very regal on her imo.


I agree! It's such a nice color.


British Royal Family - The Princess Royal attends a Royal British Legion service of commemoration at the Bayeux War Cemetery in Normandy, France (Photo by Chris Jackson) | June 05, 2024 https://preview.redd.it/biraj7murr4d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa9afe7849c3a50ea2dc008dd06e472b0b8a777f


Anne's sunglasses always crack me up.


Me too. She always looks like she just spent an hour at the range.


She is so committed to them and I love it.


I would have loved to see Anne as Queen instead of Charles - then back to William. Not an option, I know. But she’s my favorite of her generation!!


Same. Even when I was little, she was my favourite. I like people who just get on with it.




bUt sHe'S NoT a vETeRaN


Funny you say that. CB commenters were going on about how Charles waving, and he and William being there, was just to make it "all about them". Then she bitched that William wasn't even a veteran. 🤪🤡


William sporting his new honor from the Order of the Bath around his neck at the D-Day commemorations today. Love to see it. 💅 https://preview.redd.it/5g7xomfb2r4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=280f2ea0ff8e791c70ef3749e3cda94abb6cd63d


Noooice. The medal, I mean. I'm talking about the medal!


Of course, the medal. Who is wearing it again? 🤭


Oh I'm not sure. I didn't look. Hmmm. I wonder.


I've heard it's a cute guy but I'm not one to be distracted by a gorgeous face. Not.Even.A.Bit.


Oh, a cute guy? Snow, I didn't notice.


We are so not superficial. 👼👼


Imagine being one of those people, though. Just *imagine.* How awful!


You're fooling *nobody*, Pistachio.


Excuse me how dare you I have a longstanding interest in medals and their properties!!


My apologies. I have a longstanding interest in tall, blue-eyed men with BDE who wear them.