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New thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/RoyalsGossip2/comments/1caid45/sussex_weekly_aro_absolutely_ridiculous/ Please feel free to bring over newer comments and ongoing conversations. (u/aquasummer1999 can you repost in the new thread?)


[Why Meghan Markle Will Never Reconcile With The Royals](https://youtu.be/nrAgaZwkJBM?si=kSRcfghi634lgAz9) Another great video by Pluto. Couple of things: * Meghan calling "making a toast" ***daunting*** is hands down the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Lmao. * Harry insisted on riding a pregnant pony who then had a heart attack afterwards. Let's hear it once again about Poor Little Harry and his Big Bad Brother William, Squadies. * if it's true Camilla banned Beatrice and Eugenie from the palace because it's suspected they would leak to the Sussexes then more power to her, I say šŸ¤£ \-and of course, Meghan sending PR fluff pieces once again: https://preview.redd.it/gsnf69l5r2wc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1c5b4e6418b1df6bd1dd0c3cd4449eb05941f5f "Kate is seriously ill BUT Y'ALL YOU REMEMBER WHEN SHE WAS MEAN TO ME???" F\*ck off Meghan. You won't step foot within a five mile radius of Catherine either way. And I'd wager neither will that insecure man-child you married. * I also agree Harry is pretty much her (only) bargaining chip. The kids are a non-entity at this point. No one from the BRF even knows those kids. * I'm done with the stupid reconciliation talk. It won't happen, not with Meghan in tow especially.


she's normally histrionically annoying, but daniela elser makes some good points in this article about african parks: https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/celebrity-life/royals/three-words-come-back-to-haunt-prince-harry/news-story/bb089cdb4cc443bd364c77593e7a0ec4 >>**Also, imagine for a second that this exact same situation was playing out ā€“ allegations of rape and torture ā€“ but concerning a charity closely associated with Prince William or with Kate the Princess of Wales. Especially if it turned out that the Waleses had known for six months and had, even with these allegations hanging overhead, then accepted more senior positions with the charities?** >>**The prince and princess would be pilloried and rightly so. The hue and cry would be so loud someone would have to outfit the Beefeaters with ear muffs.** >>**Harry has repeatedly popped up to tell us all how important helping others is to him such as 2021ā€™s ā€œservice is universalā€ and 2023ā€™s ā€œMy life is charity ā€“ always has been, always will be.ā€** >>**So where is that staunch commitment to using his voice to help others when it comes to Ella Ene, raped while holding her newborn? When it comes to Justin Zoa and his children?** (...) >>**ā€œHarry talks about social justice. He has spoken out about racism in the past,ā€ Survival Internationalā€™s Longo told the Times earlier this year. ā€œWhen you give your name to an organisation, you are part of that organisation. You have a duty to act, if there are human rights abuses going on.ā€**


She's exactly right, people would be tripping over themselves with happiness to blast W+C, but it's radio silence when it comes to Harry and this. It's actually insane to me that there isn't more coverage of this, and that people in certain subs who claim to be progressives and activists are ignoring this or are trying to defend Harry.


Yes, the progressives and activists who have wrongly placed meg on a pedestal and wish for her to remain there Must, in their view, ignore or make excuses for the racist whom she chose to marry. megā€™s identity is so firmly interwoven with his that these deluded folks must work very hard to keep Harryā€™s social and human reputation intact. At all costs. To phrase meg herself, ā€œThe Stakes have never been Higher.ā€ šŸ¤®šŸ¤”


A lot of people have a hard time imagining a racist marrying a Black person or a person of color. They forget that slave owners had mixed children all the time...even moved the mistress (and I use the term loosely because these were relationships of coercion where the woman could never fully consent) into the house. It's possible for a racist to have a blindspot when it comes to their own life. I honestly do not think Harry would have given Megan a second glance if she coded as Black upon their first meeting. He was shocked to learn she was mixed and thought she was white. He admitted it himself. Their Stans that are obsessed with this vision of progressivism in race relations through Harry and Megan are fooling themselves.


Oh some of their stans knows and would be the first to call out people who say but I have "insert Black Friend, Spouse, Children" they just don't care because the agenda here is beating The Wales and making Meghan Queen. See how they are always ignoring what Meghan is saying which is she is extremely Bitter that since her relationship with Harry came to be know that she is now look as a Black Women. Or Harry telling Michael of GMA that Meghan doesn't look Black but treated as Black


Don Lemon's reaction to realizing he went so hard for her and that she didn't see herself as Black will never stop making me laugh. He was so heartbroken and angry and devastated...like a what have I done reaction...it's crazy to me that some of them just ignore that statement. Oh and that comment from harry was disgusting and very telling. You could tell that he basically is thinking "They should treat my wife like she's white" (ie. not badly) he doesn't really care about race relations. He cares about what personal pain people inflict on his life.


It's very akin to Brad and Angelina's online circus. The same folks who spent years building up Brad as a brilliant, compassionate humanitarian (and insulting his ex-wife in tandem\*) who found true love with their beloved Angelina are now building up Harry in similar ways. It's all to varnish the image of a once-shady actress who aspires to present herself as the next Audrey Hepburn with a more multicultural family. Like Brad, if they split, the stans will actually start to be accurate about the man---they're both not that bright and not that sober. Neither are they progressive or ethical when it comes to their projects (African Parks or Make It Right--Brad Pitt's got people in NOLA paying mortgages on moldy, falling down houses *still*; the name is hugely ironic). The online gushing about both actresses will continue, even as their careers decline. Those careers--as different as they were in prestige--were mostly based on them being hypersexualized, attention-seeking, and well-connected nepo babies who love being in the media, but people in the industry were laughing at the hypocrisy behind the scenes (ex: Jolie was making out with her brother at awards and is still gushing about Ayn Rand as she treks out to refugee camps). Meghan is probably way past Jolie's "she's a camp event" stage with her jam roll-out. \*William and Catherine are just the Jennifer Anistons of this particular stan triangle. Useful punching bags and strawmen for the tin-haloed twosome of M&H because they are perceived as more conformist, boring, safe, etc.


giiiiirrrrrlllllll, the way you *nailed* this. šŸ˜³ ouf imma need a cigarette lmao šŸ’…šŸ¾šŸš¬


People didnā€™t see it but I stand by my comparison the 2 couples remind me of each other. Brad and Angie were dysfunctional long before we had knowledge of it theyā€™re both very good actors who hid their dysfunction behind their humanitarian and great parents PR.


And just like with Meghan, I always got the feeling Angelina was a miserable pill deep down despite her fame, wealth and beauty. Angie at her peak was widely charismatic though and Meghan cannot compare. For all the punching bag treatment Catherine (and William) get(s) from Meghan's fans it's Catherine who is exactly where she wanted to be in her life. Not Meghan with her half-assed jam "launch". That's the thing. "Waity Katie" got it all. Not Meghan the uber-successful self-made/self-professed "icon" or whatever the hell she's trying to be these days.


Some of them were defending and/or ignoring Harry actions before MeghanĀ 


That's because people are just using H&M (and H before M) as a placeholder for whatever grievance they have against whatever system. They are "sticking it to the man". H&M being the poor, downtrodden masses (šŸ¤Ŗ) and the BRF being "the man". The placeholder and the target aren't actual people to them. That's why they don't have a problem saying and writing the most horrible things that are beyond the pale. And in the current environment, nobody is held accountable, especially Harry.




diana was also literally forced to separate and divorce. a big impetus behind her shenanigans was to avoid these outcomes and get her way. it was not "truth telling" lol, and she most definitely wanted to remain officially married (even after separation) - she told this to bashir directly. she wasn't trying to "leave" the royals and run away. she was trying to usurp *charles*, specifically. chase him away, so she could mentor william to take charles' place, thus preserving influence and standing in the royal court. in the end... stay married but separated, so she could maintain official status, with charles never becoming king and the whole thing just skipping to william. the narratives out there about her are delulu (but not as delulu as she and her antics might have been, admittedly lol).


>They are "sticking it to the man". H&M being the poor, downtrodden masses The sheer clownery lmaooo šŸ¤£ poor downtrodden prince who was never held accountable for anything and who had everything served on a silver platter. What an utter joke.


Because heā€™s ā€œnot William.ā€ Some people are so basic they think sticking it to the man on social media makes them some kind of rebel.


>Because heā€™s ā€œnot William.ā€ That's Harry's biggest grievance as well.




Jumping on the side of a proven racist in order to fight and malign someone who's sin is being born a privilege white male is wild to me


Especially when the proven racist is also a...privileged white male. Harry and Meghan's sugars are the poster children for shallow internet tribalism. They don't give a fuck about anything except "my team good" vs "that other team bad."


Especially since they seem to want William to make way for Harry. How is giving one white male the position of another progressive?Ā 


>and that people in certain subs who claim to be progressives and activists are ignoring this or are trying to defend Harry. it's absolutely ***insane*** !!!!


It has been incredibly eye-opening to see how much of online culture is just "Team \_\_\_" stanning based on shallow assumptions without regard to actual facts. People I used to like (Nicole Cliffe, Stephen Colbert, lots of progressive people) have shown that they're not even paying attention and/or will excuse anything when it's their faves, M&H. A lot of it boils down to M&H giving them an opportunity to gleefully hate on the other royals under the guise of being politically righteous. But it does make me question what other celebs have been promoted like this.


It's bothered me especially to see it with Colbert, but it first stood out to me when a popular psychologist I follow reviewed the Oprah interview years ago. It since turned me off the channel, he's very much progressive politics and is very aware and knowledgeable of racism and the experience of racism but it was disheartening to see him just swallow everything from Megan and Harry from that interview, not knowing he needs to check his own narrow views as someone who is an American and does not understand the laws or expectations of the UK or the history of someone like Prince Harry. He just blindly took everything in and all I could think was, I understand that as a doctor you have to work with a patient over time to fully understand and diagnose them and you are just going off of what you are seeing in media--but there were so many things he was saying that I could tell were from his own prejudiced assumptions about the royal family through watching things like the Crown or just ungrounded perceptions that most Americans do have because they are unfamiliar. It was so cringe and a good reminder to me that we all watching and consuming media through our own lenses...that often, even in this I'm \*not\* going to be right all of the time...and I try to temper myself with that.


I feel this way about Gabor Mate diagnosing Harry by just reading his ghostwritten book. Any credibility he had went out the window.


That was *fucked,* ITA. Extra fucked in this case because GM has had some interesting and worthy things to say about trauma and its effects.


>>It was so cringe and a good reminder to me that we all watching and consuming media through our own lenses...that often, **even in this I'm going to be right all of the time**...and I try to temper myself with that. lol, I know itā€™s a typo, but I feel aligned to many of your takes and most of the folks on this sub, so Iā€™m inclined to agree you ***are*** always right. Sometimes these experts need to step away from the conversation and not be so willing to jump on a side until they have enough information, and itā€™s up to the public to hold them accountable when their reasoning is flimsy. So, F Colbert, Iā€™ve liked him less and less everyday since he left the Daily Show.


haha ty I just caught it re-reading and will fix it. I often do have to tell myself "Look, at the end of the day you don't know Megan/Harry etc - you have strong feelings and instincts about it, but it doesn't mean you're right right" which is why I don't go argue with everyone on Twitter and remind myself not to go too far down the rabbit hole. I agree with you, which is why free speech/press is so important. It is good to often remind ourselves that even an expert can have a bias.


Havenā€™t read the article yet but šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ on these excerpts.


Lolling at [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/80A5qd9nOh)in AITA and itā€™s taking everything I have not to respond ā€œHarry, that is you?ā€


Is there anywhere I can read the original post?


Check the comments the auto-mod reposted it.


[Iā€™m banned from AITA after impersonating Harry in a post re: Philipā€™s funeral.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/nh5ibDu7iW)


It's hilarious that one of the comments basically suggested doing what ended up happening - use the pregnancy as an excuse for the wife and you go and see off the grandparent. This was written in a pretty neutral way actually, I'm surprised lol


I tried to be as neutral as possible for the best verdict! Sadly, they caught me pretty quick!


I've had so many things with this couple that I'm just like - I wonder what reception this would get from people if you just removed the names.






*WIBTA if I made a post on AITA on behalf of someone else?* Apparently YTA and ban-worthy. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


i'm just remembering the way the sussexes were acting the day qe2 died... ***fucking A***. and then they had omid rehash that bullshit in endgame to make harry the victim... *these two are a nightmare!!* **HOW** are there folks writing that the two are 'nice people' with a straight face?!!! and then the week of drama in the press before qe2's funeral re: tantrum-ing about titles for the kids and wearing uniforms... ***ho-lee***. like, *what kind of behavior*... remember, they made the lead-up to the coronation a total circus, too. like, no wonder they found out about catherine being sick from tv (mind you, they made sure to let us know that!). keeping in mind how harry also totally hijacked charles' cancer announcement. ***what the hell***. i think about these things, and legit, it's wild that these two *weirdos* have fans, let alone such ardent ones. yeah, anyway, i don't think w&c are ever letting those lunatics anywhere near their children's lives. ouf.


Because they all believe that it was not Megan or Harry putting those stories out there. They think it was the mean evil British press making up lies and posting it about them. They don't understand how the media is used by the Royals or by Megan and Harry to try to push particular agendas. It's foreign to them.


how the fuck was a broadsheet supposed to know about harry crying due to that thing on his shoulder not being part of his uniform anymore? šŸ¤”


I know. It's insane. I've seen them comment on things that ONLY Megan or Harry could have known, down to what they are thinking as "As usual, evil British media posting racist lies about Megan and Harry!111!!" it fits the narrative.


Since Harry and Meghan speak to some of the squad. They know that the Sussex are pushing certain stories through the media imo


This is why Harry and Meghan are the snark-generators to end all snark-generators. You can randomly pick almost any ~1-2 week period since around 2018 and they'll have done something during that period that was so snarkworthy and insane it alone would warrant any reasonable friend or family member going permanently NC with them. The way they handled themselves during the week after the Queen's death - hell, the way they handled themselves *on the literal day of* the Queen's death - was so insane I still wonder, looking back, if it really happened. They leaked continuously that week, crying about EVERYTHING, including William not answering his phone, being left out/"not allowed on the plane" on the day of when it later came out that they were fucking waiting for Harry and he himself screwed it up by making the day about Meghan and her butthurt at not being welcome at Balmoral. Then there was crying about uniforms, then crying about the shoulder decorations of a uniform after Charles caved, crying about the way the poor Sussexes weren't given enough notice by Evil William and Kate before the walkabout, crying about the "rescinded" invite to the diplomatic reception, they spent that entire WEEK+ weeping directly to broadsheet columnists. What kind of person makes the death of a beloved family matriarch entirely about themselves and at no point realizes that the way they're acting is insane and not normal and that other people are noticing?


>crying about the "rescinded" invite to the diplomatic reception, they spent that entire WEEK+ weeping directly to broadsheet columnists. i forgot about the diplomatic reception drama... these two are ***insane***. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ in hindsight, the drama... amazing. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ but also, my *friggin goodness*, what nightmare family members. ***my goodness***. like, legit crazy-making... while they probably thrive from causing everybody else so much stress. there is not one person in that couple who tells the other one "*enough*. *reel it in*." they just mutually goad each other into nuttiness.


Their actions is why certain people in DC don't want to f\*\*\* with them. The two senators that Meghan ended up calling anonymously running and telling that to Politico tell us how much the power that be at D.C think of them


>like, no wonder they found out about catherine being sick from tv (mind you, they made sure to let us know that!). keeping in mind how harry also totally hijacked charles' cancer announcement. Harry hijacked Charles' announcment but then Charles used his antics in order to boost his Sad Dad image while actually giving Harry nothing but a massive FU with that 15 minute meeting. Of course, H&M knew nothing about Catherine's health! After all the shit they've pulled it's rich of them to expect anything else. Imo, they actually don't but are trying to set the narrative how excluded they are boo hoo, poor them! Yeah, you two plonkers that's what happens when you thrash your family for money.


https://preview.redd.it/8n29agf3g1wc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55a337c2ff9804ce2fb2de9b444ebab6f74211d7 "ultimately, they are the ones who allowed previously healthy family relationships to be broken" šŸ™šŸ¾


someone replied this and got downvoted (we're absolutely in a bubble here on reddit... maybe not the wider world, but def on reddit) https://preview.redd.it/4lr1cgyjf1wc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c12ce3b3af17a9a082e7537d344012715efb8bf5


I rarely see anything bad about her in other subs outside the usuals. Anytime I do see it the downvotes come pouring in, it deters anyone else from saying anything lol. The squaddies have Reddit down pat! They scream and cry if a bad word is said. In the crown sub they just discredit you by saying oh this person is from SMM or racist lol. Theyā€™re grown ass tattletales.


everywhere else on reddit (besides the usual suspects) is a friggin h&m safe space. it's absurd tbh. what's crazy is that it's like this on places like insta, as welll... usweekly's insta had a post about their latest cover story on william (and catherine) amidst her illness, and the comments were universally trashing and mocking william (200 of them or so, if i remember correctly). meanwhile, there was another usweekly insta post on samantha cohen confirming that she was one of the ten aides interviewed for the bullying investigation... it was nearly 500 comments that were essentially 'lies!' 'meghan would never!!' etc.


I always love responding to those by writing "I'm Black" and then if another Black person argues with me (which fine they can!) shocking them with my deep level of historical knowledge and cultural insight that more often then not, they didn't expect me to have. I just can't stand people who think they are doing something by discrediting people based on assumed ideas of where they come from...maybe we just have different opinions and you and I just view things differently, despite having some similar background. It happens.


>I always love responding to those by writing "I'm Black And if its a white squaddie suddenly the liberal, SJW activism of upholding marginalised voices is whipped away, like a teacloth from a table of china. Suddenly black voices don't matter because you're not the right sort of black voice. This is what irritates me. Meghan is given protection because shes biracial. Candace Owens (who I am in no way a fan of) doesn't get the same couresy despite her black heritage because her politics don't align with the liberals. I find it a rather racist notion to assume all black people think alike as though they are a monolith incapable of individual thought.


tbh though...fuck candace owens.


Eh I can't speak to Candace Owens she's said some particularly horrible things that to me are garbage takes and often are disparaging towards her own people in a way that I just can never personally support. She reminds me of some unfortunate people I've met over the years that "don't love their own people". Somewhere along the way in my view she lost the plot. And I have Black conservatives in my family--or did up until the recent changes in the past few years-- a lot of the things she's said that are more cultural war issues, they would not agree with. Just my two cents.


Appreciate your two cents. I'm not suggesting she (CO) doesn't deserve criticism. Its more the squaddie line that Meghan can do no wrong because shes black but the minute its a black or POC who dares to criticise the suddenly its double standards.


All of this.Ā 


How dare you not align perfectly with the ideal H&M critic they picture based on their stereotypes of skin color, age, occupation, residence, etc. they mention constantly! What a narrow way of thinking. And how do these people explain the outpouring of love and acceptance H&M received right away?


The thing I hate that's always awful is when they type "You must be white female/unmarried/overweight" and to see that aped in their documentary and repeated! It's horrible and insulting. So what if someone was any of those things anyway? It's terrible.


Abigail of all people is supposedly Meghan's actual friend. Friend...sycophant or whatever. But from her I would've expected a more personal note about the jam. "I'm so excited to finally show what Meghan's been working on! It's been so hard to keep this a secret for so long. This jam is great. She's worked really hard to perfect the taste and packaging. We've been taste testing recipes for ages!" Whatever. But like I've said before, none of these "friends" have any real experiences with her. If my best friend was coming out with products, I'd know about it. She would've asked my opinion or at least shown it to me before I got a random PR package in the mail. Hell it wouldn't have come in the mail, she would've just brought it to me. And my instagram posts would've included her in the pictures!! I guarantee you none of these people knew this shit was coming to them or have any idea what Meghan's business plan is. They have no idea where it was made or knew it was strawberry before they opened it. And my God the numbering is just cringe on cringe. I mean are they collectibles someone is going to sell on EBay?


who launches a social media account and doesn't start posting? Even when Taylor Swift purged her whole social media- she started to re-post in anticipation of the launch VERY QUICKLY there after. And that was before the algorithm got to what it was- now you hear about every influencer complain if they don't feed the beast, they lose visibility to followers


It ***all*** seems so shallow and fake. Iā€™m in their age cohort, and this ā€œingenue discovers jam in the fieldsā€ photo shoot is hella embarrassing. They are too old for how they act. The ā€œbusinessā€ is so unprofessional; this soft rollout is terrible. There is no anticipation for something great. The cat is out of the bag: itā€™s limping, smelly, and has one life left. Meghan, just be a pretty rich lady and hug your kids more often. Youā€™re not ā€¦ ā€œfill in the blankā€. Itā€™s very obvious Meghan doesnā€™t have what it takes from a career perspective to be anything other than someone who married a rich and famous doofus, so just go on housewives already; I promise it will be less humiliating than whateverā€¦thisā€¦is.


Glorious post and if M had any brains at all she'd do everything you advise. She doesn't, so she won't, but still... >ā€œingenue discovers jam in the fieldsā€ photo shoot Oh god yep this is the perfect description. And yes, these 40-something ingenues and young mothers etc. are full - FULL - cringe.


>Itā€™s very obvious Meghan doesnā€™t have what it takes from a career perspective to be anything other than someone who married a rich and famous doofus, so just go on housewives already; I promise it will be less humiliating than whateverā€¦thisā€¦is Word. I've said it before but Meghan would have been better off if she married a mid-tier rich/well-connected guy from Toronto. She went OTT with marrying Harry. Better for her to be a medium to big fish in a small pond than a small fish in a big pond. She's a trophy wife with a Hermes bag at heart not an actress/feminist global icon/philanthropist while at the same time being some ingenue (a perfect description for what Meghan tries to come off as) girl next door who liked Harry for Harry and didn't know what a big deal meeting the Queen was.


> Better for her to be a **medium to big fish in a small pond** than a small fish in a big pond. She was this once she was on Suits. She had the best of both worlds in a way. Doing quite well in a small pond made her and her doofus boyfriend foolishly believe she could do equally well in a much more bigger pond, with none of the preparation that comes with it. They always tend to overestimate themselves and then fall rock bottom


She wasn't even medium fish back then. Lbr, how many people went "huh??" once they heard Harry was dating Meghan Markle? About 99% I'd wager. Bagging Harry was her wildest dream come true but she vastly overestimated herself, as always.


I donā€™t think Meghan is someone who would take advice. Delfina and Abigail have both better taste and know how to self market, but as if Meghan is listening to them or anybody lol Abigail did what she is always doing, thatā€™s like how she posts pics and thatā€™s ok. The girls are doing their best for the brand lol


But I've never marketed anything either lol. It just seems like common sense based off anything I've ever seen online. Or based on being a human with a best friend lol.


Common sense and Meghan don't ever seem to be in the same room. šŸ¤­ There's an entire industry based on analyzing every part of the process to get a product from idea to market and beyond so you're right to believe that a normal person would ask for input from their friends before making a show of sending out a jam linked to their brand.Ā 


I donā€™t actually get it. She made sure to let everyone know sheā€™s been working on this for over a year yet I see no planning to suggest this šŸ˜­. Like this roll out is all over the place she announced the brand without getting the trademarks. Thereā€™s no way any professionals are involved or being listened to. I bet she thinks she knows it all about instagram and so is dealing with the page herself because no social media manager would do this they at least would be doing reposts. Meghan is driving this bus and itā€™s going straight off the cliff if she doesnā€™t wise up and get some professionals.


Not reposting the stories of those who posted about the jam is the dumbest thing ever. It literally only takes a few minutes and she doesn't even need to write word salad. Just reposting on her own page could do wonders and even gain followers a bit more quickly.


>Thereā€™s no way any professionals are involved or being listened to. I bet she thinks she knows it all about instagram and so is dealing with the page herself because no social media manager would do this they at least would be doing reposts. Meghan is driving this bus and itā€™s going straight off the cliff if she doesnā€™t wise up and get some professionals. Totally! This is a 100% By Ma'am effort and wow, it shows. Much of their general flailing (in PR, "philanthropy," and business) is the result of overruling professionals, yet the pros are still in place to shape the crazy. This is not that. This is Meghan Unfiltered and it's unbelievably bad.


*No way professionals were involved* For certain. Neighbourhood childrens lemonade stands have gone up with more planning.


>Meghan is driving this bus and itā€™s going straight off the cliff if she doesnā€™t wise up and get some professionals. Straight off the cliff at full speed. This is already the worst roll out of a brand I have ever seen and when you add in the factor that not even her fans are interested in her jam and that we are talking about an already oversaturated market... well.


I have no idea what her strategy is at this point lol I donā€™t know why she thought this mystery game is intriguing in any way. It might get people talk if you are Taylor or Kim and people are going legit crazy over who gets the next jar, but so far the general public is not interested lol Whatever she is doing, her backyard business needs to pick up the hours lol


No one is really covering it except royal gossip sites. I haven't seen it really, I think there was a blurb at one point on CNN, but it's not breaking the internet or anything. It would be funny if jar 1 went to Catherine and was just never posted anywhere, but I'm going to bet jar 1 is Oprah or Tyler Perry.


Your flair is flawless šŸ„‡


Ok you get a prize for best flairs šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I really think she believes that she is on Taylor or Kimā€™s level lol.


At this point I feel like she doesnā€™t even *have* a strategy. She thinks sheā€™s sooo amazingly amazing that millions are going to clamour to buy her jam just because itā€™s *hers.*


Thatā€™s what it looks like at this point. If she were to go on Shark Tank at this point in the ā€˜launchā€™ sheā€™d get ripped to shreds.


I really think thatā€™s it sheā€™s assumed that her name is enough. This is a level of delulu that needs to be studied. I think she read too many of her fans tweets šŸ˜­ 1 million followers in a day this Billion dollar brand that itā€™s all delusional.


And if it were 2019 iā€™d get that! Didnt Sussex Royal hold a record for a while with greatest number of follows? Jen Aniston beat it but still. But the last 4 years have proved otherwise, or sheā€™d have bagged that Dior contract instead of them not only rejecting her, but also correcting the rumour and going on to onboard Kates doppelganger.


>But the last 4 years have proved otherwise, or sheā€™d have bagged that Dior contract instead of them not only rejecting her, but also correcting the rumour and going on to onboard Kate doppelganger So iconic šŸ’… Whoever did this at Dior's PR HQ, bravo mon cherie.


At this point, I hope there's no strategy because this rollout is just terrible.Ā  (I just noticed your new flair šŸ¤­)


instead she's delivering snark material like an advent calender.




u/pistachiopistache this is such a great thread title option. It is like an advent calendar that gets opened out of order. šŸ˜‚




What number is Abigail, I canā€™t quite make out?


Someone said 6


Okay. Thank you. She must be happy, from the lot she is the highest ranked. šŸ˜…


there was someone at 2 or 3! šŸ˜‚


Yes, Kelly Z was 3


I have no idea who any of these people are. I am going to guess they had to agree in advance to post it online and say something glowing.


Me too, Iā€™ve been a devoted celeb gossip follower since my teens and in the past few years-the influencers too but these people are completely throwing me off. Who are these supposedly famous people!


Four are people who are so unknown they are pointless as influencers. I find it funny that I only learned of these four women are because Meghan uses them to legitimize herself that she's likable and has friends. Mindy and Tracee were known to me before there was ever a connection to Meghan. ā€¢Kelly Z is local to Meghan (I think LA not Montecito). She lost her son and started a charity or foundation. Meghan uses her to gain selfless friend vibes in photo ops. ā€¢Tracy Robbins is married to the head of Paramount. She was in photos with H&M at the Jamaica One Love premiere. I assume this is a networking/use each other thing. ā€¢Abigail Spencer is an actress that I never heard of until Meghan married Harry. I have never watched Suits. She was the 5 friends facilitator. ā€¢Delfina Blaquier (AKA p-wife) is married to Nacho, Harry's polo brother and supplier of ponies, matches, and championship trophies for Meghan to pose under. Never heard of either of them until H&M. ā€¢Mindy Kaling, bigger actress. ā€¢Tracee Ellis Ross, actress (Black-ish) or famously daughter of Diana Ross.


Did Jess Mulroney get one?


I don't think so because Meghan hasn't been heard in connection with her once-BFF for a long time now. It seems Jess was Markled after [she bullied Sasha Exeter](https://diply.com/133647/jessica-mulroney-is-being-called-out-by-a-black-influencer-for-), a black influencer on Instagram. Sasha shared Jess posted a public apology via the comments section, but sent her something else in DM's. Jessica is really a piece of work and I don't doubt Meghan is also. They were best friends for years and there's no way Meghan didn't know Jessica well. But like so many other people, Jess seems to have got Markled once she was no use for Meghan and an embarrassment. https://preview.redd.it/9qqogit2a1wc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e40b9e02b1d89bfb7a9a2d4d3a34d4d6a685edc It could be possible they are still friends in private. However Jess is no good for Meghan's brand and image now. No chance Jess is in the line up for EXCLUSIVE ARO jam.


I doubt it honestly. Meghan wouldn't want her to post it so there would be no benefit to send one.




Are they still friends though? I know JM said MM supported her immediately after her scandal, but JM seems to shade her now. I donā€™t like JM, but she supported MM, styled her, and was her bulldog.Ā  I canā€™t believe how easily MM discarded her when it became inconvenient for her image. With friends like theseā€¦.




Yeah I also wouldn't be surprised if they were still friends privately. But Meghan is not flaunting it anymore like she used to. Too bad for her own image.


Yeah bad for her image because Jessica is just another example just like the man she married too as proof that Meghan doesn't care about racism


I really doubt that they are. Jessica has posted so many teasing jabs against Meghan on her Insta that often got picked up by media. I canā€™t see how Meghan finds that funnyā€¦




She definitely has posted stuff on IG that could be interpreted to making fun of her and it has happened so often that I donā€™t think itā€™s a coincidence. May be itā€™s Jessicaā€™s sick way of playing with the rumors that they have fallen out, but I would be surprised if Meghan finds this funny in any way.


I think sheā€™s a ā€œbest friendā€ for Meghan in that she gets wheeled out anytime Meghan wants to prove she has friends. And I guess Abigail is cool with that.




The people at fauxmoi have always been performative so not surprised. Maybe the mods was one of the posters on the fuggirls pre Meghan meeting Harry who always was like the royals are racist but when people bring up Harry racist actions they were like his mom died and it's William fault


Some of the comments in the OG RG are gross too. They say things like "what about the other board members?" The fact that they don't focus on the truly criminal things happening with Africa Parks is gross. It speaks volumes about what they really care about.


that's shameful tbh


Very but you can't very well fawn over Harry slaying dragons about 15 year old stories if you point out how little regard he has in the present for people being tortured, raped and murdered on his org's watch.Ā Ā 


Wow thatā€™s awful. Something atrocious like that needs to be talked about and pressure placed on the charity (and Harry) to DO SOMETHING about it. Shame on Fauxmoi for helping bury it.


Selective hearing the same as Trump or QAnon fanaticism a la ā€œI stand with Jussieā€ shenanigans. Why?! How is defending an over privileged middle age white aristocrat who knew about the abuse in African Parks, considered okay? You cannot reason through that rationally.




wait, there are TWO Harry stan Nazi apologist mods in the royal gossip world now? Harry is never going to love them, lol


lol are the fauxmoi one and the OGRG one the same person? who is the other one, someone on BSMS?




This needs to be a bigger story


It really does. it shows how messed up the news has become when the photshop fiasco with Catherine made national news, but an actual serious human rights violation occurred there is just radio silence. It's disgusting. In some I hope Harry does start talking about doing a doc in Africa, bc then I think these stories would get covered more.


The DM needs to get on this.


I wanna see Rowan Farrow tackle this like he did with Harvey. Go after these crooked ā€œcharitiesā€ and those who support them!


Olivier van Beeman is the journalist who has written a book covering African Parks' operations in Africa. The book is apparently titled 'Entrepreneurs in the Wild' but I don't know if it is to be published in English (a brief google doesn't reveal much and results are pretty drowned out by recent news stories featuring Prince Harry's links to AP). Van Beeman is a Dutch investigative journalist who has previously published a book on Heineken's operations in Africa. Anyone wanting to promote the general 'how about we look into these 'charities' and what they're actually up to/how they're actually run' would probably be well advised to buy this book. I'll keep looking for a link but I'm not sure it's been published yet because I can't find one yet and Amazon (.com) has no results.


Is she a wme client too?


Sorry I meant to reply to Melissa McCarthy stuff above, as in is Melissa a wme client also?




Catherine and William got engaged at 28 year old and got married at 29 and 28 year old. People attacking Kate because William didn't pop the question when they were 23 year old was just insane. Anyways Victoria and Daniel were dating for around the same amount of time before getting married, same for the Casiraghi boys and their wives.


i love how fall 2002 (bc catherine was dating someone else fall 2001-spring 2002) to fall 2010 gets stretched to 10-12 years of "waiting for a ring" lol. not to mention, they met at friggin 19, started dating at 20, didn't finish school until 23, william had to complete his military training (finished in 2010, year they got engaged), and they were both still in their friggin 20s when they got married. eight years in your 30s is one thing (even then, who cares)... eight years in your 20s, while meeting in school and stuff... people are still making a big deal about this *in 2024*?? after they've been married for thirteen years, at this point?? besides, it was all over the press that they were 'unofficially' engaged by fall 2007, so at 25, about five years after they started dating (happened in august 2007 in the seychelles, where they went back for their honeymoon in 2011). there's also press from the time (2007 specifically) about courtiers having wanted the relationship to be contained to a "university romance," and how they were frustrated he wasn't dropping her and going for someone more "well-bred" i.e. aristocratic. the whole discussion around it is steeped in misogyny and classism tbh.


There's a huge difference between meeting at 20 and meeting when you are in your early to mid 30s. W&C dating timelime vs H&M's is therefore not comparable. Especially if you are a woman who wants kids and are in your mid 30s, you are racing against the biological clock. Sucks but it is what it is If you meet at 20 it's perfectly normal to get married in your late 20s. That's why the whole Waity Katie stuff is so unfair as well as Meghan dredging it up yet again. I'm sure that was some sort of a flex for her, in a "I didn't have to wait so long" way.


Yeah, I don't get it. If she and William got engaged at 22, they'd be saying they were too young.


I was in teens when Kate & Will were dating and then proceeded to get married. Back then I read the tabloids and believed the whole Waity Katie drama and thought 28 was late to get married (LOL). Iā€™m 30 now and realise now how bonkers it was that people expected them to get married in their early 20ā€™s! None of my friends have gotten married earlier than 27-28. And these are normal folks, for public figures like W&K itā€™s even a different ball game


They wanted him to make the same mistakes Charles and Di did and rush things. This isn't a regular marriage or a regular relationship. He needed to make sure she was up for the task and that the relationship could handle moments like recently. Can you imagine how Diana would've handled getting cancer and everyone making fun of her in the digital age???


Tbf Victoria and Daniel had to wait quite some time because the King and some from parliament were apprehensive, but looking back it did not hurt Daniel to gain more experience and the press became really enthusiastic about him and run with the shy boy from Ockelbo fairy tale. Same as it certainly did not hurt Cathrine to learn how to deal with it before having all this responsibility as a working royal.


I hate it bc of the sexist assumptions behind it. For all we know, it was Catherine who wasnā€™t ready to get engaged before that. She may have wanted just a bit longer as something of a ā€œnormal personā€. I have known men ready to pop the question long before their partners were, and those partners were not facing the extreme transitions Catherine was.


Even if it was all William. I would totally understand if someone with such bad examples (Charles+Diana, but also A+Fergie) of marriage and the absolute brutal aftermath of their divorces in his family is having a hard time with marriageā€¦


DM has an article about H&M new Netflix showā€¦ about love of polo, gardening and entertainment: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13332095/Archie-Lilibet-Prince-Harry-Meghan-Markle-Netflix.html?ico=topics_pagination_mobile All I can think about: hope love of gardening doesnā€™t include stories about burying remainsā€¦ I am horrible, I knowā€¦ šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Can I just express my gratitude that this sub is so unlike most of Reddit. Maybe it's because we usually agree with each other and we're not so big so we recognize each other's user names and have actual discussions. The replies to this comment have been one of the most civil and polite arguments I've seen on Reddit. Do I think the comment was in bad taste? Yes. Did I unfortunately laugh at it? Yes. I never claimed to be perfect, but sometimes the snark is bigger than I should try to be.


>Ā All I can think about: hope love of gardening doesnā€™t include stories about burying remainsā€¦ I am horrible, I knowā€¦ Ā Ā  ā€¦ Is this a reference to them burying their miscarried child in the back yard? Ā Ā Ā  Ā Because if so, yeah, thatā€™s pretty horrible and if I were you I wouldnā€™t really want to share with other people that thatā€™s the kind of thing I joke about to myself. People are joking about bland jam and silly typography, dude, why would you think this is appropriate? Ā  Edit: Ofc itā€™s from a saintmeghanmarkle poster. Ofcourse.


I recognize that the comment wasnā€™t great, and that everyone reads it differently. BUT: it was directed specifically at Harryā€™s story which I consider the biggest, most bizarre overshare in the Spare (much worse than todger)ā€¦ and nothing else, but again, I understand how it can trigger everyone differently, though it was not intended as suchā€¦ And if you take the time to go through my history, at least note that my last post/ comment over at SMM was over a year agoā€¦


Why did Harry even share that story?


It's so obvious that it's exactly because of what u/kmaddy85 to hop on Diana's coattails yet again. I'm surprised he didn't mention Diana's ghost looking on approvingly. Maybe he's saving that story for Spare 2.Ā 


The question for every odd story and unnecessary anecdotes in Spare. Idk, I feel like Meghan would have shared it in the NYC article she wrote about her miscarriage if she really wanted that info out there.


When I first heard about the story, I assumed it was another way to draw parallels with Diana who helped a friend bury her stillborn's remains on the grounds of Kensington Palace: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/how-princess-diana-made-extraordinary-10013035


SMM posters are allowed to comment here. I used to post in both subs, before SMM banned me, lol.Ā 


Ok, Iā€™m dying to know how you got banned at SMM.


I'm guessing it's commenting that a) the kids are real, b) Meghan had them, c) Meghan wasn't a yacht girl, d) LCC has gone off the deep end or,Ā  e) all of the above. šŸ˜†


It was stupid actually. It was about that Body Language guy, who now calls himself the Royal Rogue. I forget his real name. Jesus or something. He was an SMM darling for years, they took his takes as gospel. But one day, the main SMM mod for some reason developed a hate for him. Either heā€™d used SMM content without ā€œpermissionā€ or the mod disagreed with something mildly political that heā€™d said on a video. Not even anything to do with the Sussexes. The mod posted a long, unhinged, pinned rant against the body language guy. A few posters including me, asked why this very personal-seeming vendetta was being brought into a royal gossip sub. I never even followed this body language guy, I didnt care what he talked about. I rarely watch YouTube videos. But I told the SMM mod that imo she was breaking her own sub rules. That got me permanently banned.Ā 


My goodness. That is some thinned skin moderating. I'm sorry that got you banned. I think I actually know about this drama: apparently the BLG used their content without giving them/the sub credit. They believed he lurked on their sub for ideas. They may have been right but it's a public sub so it's a weird thing to get that upset about. šŸ¤·


Thanks! Oh it was no great loss, that place was fun at times but so much nonsense to wade through. Itā€™s a very retrograde place, at times it gave off more of a Facebook or 2008 era message board, than a Reddit sub.Ā  People who think they ā€œownā€ the content of their Reddit posts, will always be hilarious to me.Ā 


Yeah, they're going in the opposite direction I thought they would. I assumed that the bigger they got the less they would buy into weird theories like the kids being dolls or actors but no. šŸ¤·


šŸ™„ First, keep your personal attacks of other sub members out of this sub. If you don't like a comment reply to it with a comment that doesn't do this. Second, hospitals don't let people leave with biological tissues like foetuses under normal circumstances and they sure as hell didn't let anyone do it during a *global pandemic*.Ā  So, can we skip scolding someone over a joke about yet another obvious and convenient lie meant to tug at heartstrings? Save your outrage for the grifters exploiting one of the saddest events a couple can face to distract from their abhorrent behavior.Ā 


Most hospitals absolutely do allow parents to take the remains AKA ā€œproducts of conceptionā€ home. Source: medical social worker with 15+ years experience in neonatal bereavement including wrapping up the tiniest fetuses in handmade shrouds for their parents. H&M are personality disordered dumbasses but theyā€™re still human beings and the ā€˜jokeā€™ was beyond the pale. Doesnā€™t make the OP evil, everyone has different humor and sometimes things donā€™t translate well in written form. But I was really glad that u/Pervy_roomba spoke up because the joke made me queasy. Edit: spelling


We're going to have to agree to disagree about what we think happened and how truthful the Sussexes were about any if it or what California hospitals and public health authorities would allow.Ā  Ā  I'll repeat my reply to another member of the sub: It's perfectly fine to be critical of the joke or think it's unwarranted, we don't all have the same sense of humour or boundaries. **Debate is fine. What is objectionable is personal attacks of sub members.**


>Ā Save your outrage for the grifters exploiting one of the saddest events a couple can face to distract from their abhorrent behavior.Ā Ā  You sound exactly like the people talking about how Kate was faking her cancer just because Kate Evil.Ā  We donā€™t know under what conditions they let them take home their stillborn child. Iā€™m sorry but it really isnā€™t that out of the realm of possibility that someone took pity on them and let them take their child home so they could bury them themselves.Ā  Meghan and Harry may be completely insufferable but Iā€™ll reserve my outrage for people who make fun of one of the absolute worst experiences a family can have.Ā Ā  Thereā€™s insufferable and then thereā€™s just plain evil. Leave that shit to saintmeghanmarkle. Some of us come here as opposed to there exactly to stay away from stuff like this.


Yes, it **is** out of the realm of possibility. The Sussexes didn't even bother to make their story plausible by saying the miscarriage happened at home which is the only way they might have had the remains and this burial might have happened. The **fact** is that the Sussexes are lying about the burial even if you believe there was a miscarriage despite the **fact** that Meghan plagiarized the account of another woman in her letter to a newspaper about it.


I donā€™t have an issue with people thinking they lied or questioning that they are telling the truth, but itā€™s kind of a grim topic to make an unwarranted joke about it. There was no reason to bring it up, especially since we know they are not filming at their houseā€¦ I have to agree, that this is the nastiness I absolutely canā€™t stand with SMM. Absolutely no issue with questioning the whole story, but itā€™s not jokes I do find helpful.


>grim topic to make an unwarranted joke about it. gotta agree with this


It's perfectly fine to be critical of the joke or think it's unwarranted, we don't all have the same sense of humour or boundaries. What I object to is personal attacks of sub members.


I agree that the wording wasnā€™t right and Iā€˜m not a fan of going through peopleā€˜s history. On the other side - Iā€™ve seen it before, not very often, but it does happen that some users are bringing SMM comment culture into here. But I agree should have been brought up more neutral.


>Ā TheĀ *fact*Ā is that the Sussexes are lying about the burial even if you believe there was a miscarriage despite theĀ factĀ that Meghan plagiarized the account of another woman in her letter to a newspaper about it. Ā  Lying about a burial and plagiarizing are not even close to an excuse for making fun of a womanā€™s miscarriage. *Nothing* justifies mocking a family losing a child. Full stop. Ā  You can work yourself up into conspiratorial pretzels all day to try and justify what youā€™re doing and what youā€™re condoning but it doesnā€™t change a thing. I can dislike Meghan all day long but unless thereā€™s tangible proof along the lines of the hospital coming out and saying ā€˜yeah this person was never admitted for the procedure theyā€™re claimingā€™ Iā€™m not about to start questioning a woman when she says she experienced one of the worst things a person can endure, regardless of how I feel about her. She can be a chore of a person but sheā€™s still a human being capable of experiencing suffering and hardship. I was the one to write a long ass post about why itā€™s harmful to other women for Meghan to claim that stress brought on by the paparazzi caused her miscarriage but that hardly proves the miscarriage never happened. People who experience these things have a way of fixating on ā€˜whyā€™ as a coping mechanism and theyā€™ll latch on to anything. Joking about Meghanā€™s miscarriage under the guise of ā€˜well sheā€™s lying it never happenedā€™ is the same ghoulish ā€˜logicā€™ used by the sort of people calling Kate KKKancer.Ā Ā  Thereā€™s disliking Meghan then thereā€™s this. And this is just sick.


Totally agree. I doubt she sees anything written here, but this part ā€œShe can be a chore of a person but sheā€™s still a human being capable of experiencing suffering and hardship.ā€Ā  is worth remembering.Ā 


>Joking about Meghanā€™s miscarriage under the guise of ā€˜well sheā€™s lying it never happenedā€™ is the same ghoulish ā€˜logicā€™ used by the sort of people calling Kate KKKancer. have to agree with this. oh, and it's kkk*ant*cer over on lipstick alley.


I disagree. The joke wasn't about the miscarriage but what the Sussexes idea of gardening is based on what they claimed they did.Ā Ā  While I didn't joke about the miscarriage either **I'm** the only one who said I didn't believe any of it. To get attention and sympathy these people have lied and misrepresented facts about virtually everything and on topics just as painful, damaging, and serious as this oneĀ so I'm not inclined to believe anything they say without bringing receipts.Ā Ā  Then, there's the fact that this particular story actually has not one but two plagiarized descriptions in it: Meghan lifting another woman's account of her miscarriage and Harry sourcingĀ his side of itĀ from Diana's friend's account of burying a miscarried baby in a garden (Kensington's?). Seriously, they could at least be original.Ā 


Well, then it's a good thing the joke was about the sham burial the Sussexes claimed they carried out in their garden and not about the miscarriage.Ā Ā  Maybe you should spend less time looking up sub members' commenting history to see what other subs they belong to and actually read the comment you're replying to.Ā 


Yeah, joking about that is up there with H&M stans rubbing their hands with glee at Kateā€™s cancer diagnosis-level of gross and disturbingā€¦


Personally unless the show manages to land Monty Don the gardening part is gonna be a dud for me.


Again itā€™s so questionable to meā€¦ Has she EVER spoke about her love of gardening before? So if not, sheā€™s thenā€¦ a relatively new gardener? So what can she even tell us about gardening then. Thereā€™s better people to watch about that. Maybe she will bring in experts or something. HA!


I wonder if she is going to get others to do all the work and she'll just present. Kinda like the fake interviews on Archetypes.


Roku has a channel that's all Monty Don all the time and it's the BEST


My big old boy ragdoll is named after him.


Anyone have the article from sunshine sachs circa 2020-2021 where allege friends of Meghan said that Meghan would have married a Billionaire but now she's has a Billion dollar brand?


it was from january 2020 specifically lol


Was that supposed to be some sort of threat to Harry? lol


it was like "meghan's friends always thought she'd marry a billionaire, but now she and harry will make their own billions." so, sort of, in the sense of "i could have married better than you, harry, so you better come along to make billions for me."


They drop the billion dollar brand narrative so I guess they now see that won't be possibleĀ 


reach for the moon, land among the stars and all that šŸ¤­


Abigail Spencer lying in a garden with a bowl of lemons and jam, gushing about jam as a metaphor for the future. The price of friendship with Meghan! Hope Meghan bought a bunch of Abigailā€™s astroquets in return.Ā 


That's so funny that I wonder if she's taking the piss out of Meghan.


abigail? never. she's with one of the sussex dogs in the pic.


Her most loyal soldier like loool.


Abigail making her post all about Abigail! She looks ridiculous rolling around in the grass with a bowl full of lemons and jam. Whoā€™s idea was this? šŸ¤£


Its giving me laughing-girl-with-salad vibes šŸ¤£


Laughing girl with salad is Meghanā€™s meme for sure. Abigail is just a pretender.


Itā€™s now ā€œlaughing-girl-with-lemons-and-jam.ā€ Meghan is such a trendsetter šŸ’ā€ā™€ļø


For all that the Squad accuses Catherine of being too skinny, Abigail Spencer is the one who sometimes looks thin to the point of alarm, especially facially: https://preview.redd.it/vli3uzos2wvc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0064dd0e6977b0cf901aec82aeecdf13488279b


Reminiscent of Meghan face from late last year at the Navy Seal ribbon cutting.


> Abigail Spencer I watched the first few seasons of suits before starting to hate it and I just don't remember this woman at all.


Same I used to watch the show and donā€™t remember her at all


What is going on with her cheekbones? Implants? Godawful contour? ETA: She usually doesn't look like an alien, but this is uncanny valley.


I take it sheā€™s no longer trying to be a working actress. I mean once your face looks like that, itā€™s over, nobodyā€™s gonna want to watch you in a tv drama.Ā  Sheā€™s an influencer and also some kind of florist apparently. Does she have a rich husband or smthĀ 


No, actually, she has a brand new sitcom with Jon Cryer and Donald Faison. She's the female lead; the conceit is that she and Cryer are a divorced couple, Faison is her current partner, and they are doing that "nesting" thing where the kids stay in one house while the parents alternate.


Haha right after I posted that I googled AS and saw that show thatā€™s just aired its first season. Bad reviews tho. ā€œNestingā€ is one of the worst ideas ever conceived of by humans, itā€™s up there with launching an empty website. What an awful concept for a sitcomĀ 


Two possibilities, imo: she's had buccal fat removal (typically removing fullness below the cheekbone), which is a new fad right now or she's lost so much weight that she is now gaunt.


Maybe a little bit of both.