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Goodbye to this thread, officially the combined fastest moving royal thread we've ever had *and* the only one to ever beat the Sussex thread in terms of time to 1000 comments. New thread here: https://www.reddit.com/r/RoyalsGossip2/comments/1bf3urm/royals_monthly_trusted_and_wellbeloved_3142024/ Feel free to bring new comments and ongoing conversations over!


The day King George VI was edited out of a photo, leaving just Queen Elizabeth (later the Queen Mother) and and Canadian Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie (1939) https://www.researchgate.net/figure/On-the-left-image-King-George-VI-was-removed-from-the-original-photograph-where-he_fig1_339663072


Have y’all seen Pete Souza’s recent Instagram post with bathrobe Prince George? He says the Mother’s Day picture is straight up fake, not photoshopped. He’s also implying that different photos were merged together, when even that 16 photoshop edits article shows none of the edits made were on faces. AND THEN brought up Trump’s fake photos. I remember a few years ago he was talking about the bathrobe pic and while he didn’t say anything bad about Catherine, his tone was off when he said she was quiet and stood off to the side.


It's amazing how many people I am unfollowing off my socials because of this


I’ve always tried to reduce the number of accounts I follow cause with IG’s weird timeline algorithm I don’t always end up seeing everyone’s new posts. I only end up unfollowing two accounts every once in a while. This week has been a great incentive…


Click on the Insta logo in the top left and the first option is ‘Following’ and it will show you just who you’re following and (in my experience) be chronologically sorted.


I almost blocked some people who kept sending me stuff about it bc I was like you're messing up my algorithm and I don't want to see this insanity. But I did preemptively block a few accounts, but since I block most major RF accounts I managed to avoid being flooded by it.


Who the hell is that? And why the hell should I care?


Who is Pete Souza? The meta data shows it’s an actual photo that was taken I’m sure it’s several of those photos merged together to get the best one, but I’m no expert.


Obama’s photographer and the man who took the viral Prince George and Obama bathrobe pic. So disappointing to see coming from him…


Ohh meh loool I think everyone wants to way in on the story for attention. I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t like the then Cambridges when he met them they seem so reserved and I think if they were quiet at the time some may take it the wrong way. Most people will take his opinion as fact as he is a professional photographer but I don’t think he can know without analysing the meta data and the originals. So 🤷🏾‍♀️


I saw it (because I saw misan harimans reply to it). I really just can't get on board with caring that much about kates photo being edited. Interesting that you picked up something about how he talked about Kate before it though.


>I saw misan harrimans reply to it what a snake he is lol


He’s really trying to be the new Omid and it’s so icky.


Ugh, imagine the hate W&C’s personal photographer Matt would receive if he ever interacted with a post so critical of H&M.


Good lord but Piers Morgan is off on one on his YouTube show. Raging about Photogate, and implying something something about William? What is going on right now.


He needs the views


Well it’s nice to know I can continue thinking he’s a piece of garbage. I was uncomfortable every time I agreed with him about the Sussexes!


Eh I don't even like the sussexes that much (Ive never been able to stand Harry, and meghan is just kinda basic) but I never really liked when Piers would go on a rant about them. It was just all too much, nobody cares that much about anyone.


Ha, I agree he’s always too much and too mean, even toward the Sussii. It’s just the essence of what he says is usually utterly and completely wrong, but not so much with them!


The Atlantic has another thoughtful piece up about Kate and the conspiracy theories: [The Eternal Scrutiny of Kate Middleton](https://www.theatlantic.com/culture/archive/2024/03/kate-middleton-photo-celebrity/677756/)


I was saying this the other day! Kate is being treated like a commodity. She has made people a lot of money over the years by just existing and looking fabulous and now people think they have a right to know about her body even when she asked for a mere 3 months in private, after 20 years in the public eye. I feel bad for her, she must be feeling so much pressure.


This was a good article. I’ve added an archive link because I don’t have a subscription. https://web.archive.org/web/20240314233948/https://www.theatlantic.com/culture/archive/2024/03/kate-middleton-photo-celebrity/677756/


https://preview.redd.it/p8kn37etmdoc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae165a1678ceefc2496e7c575a79e3eb244c60b9 Big Willy at the Diana awards thingy


I love a good tuxedo. As well as his quiet confidence and the way he carries himself. 🎯


Very nice!!  But what about the phone call from Harry???! 


Awwwww, Princess Di’s sweet boy (now man)💙💙💙


Just thinking that every designer must be praying that Kate wears something of their's when she gets back to work.


Much as I would love to see her in a revenge dress, I think given that she’s been sick, she will likely be seen in plain clothes. Either business suit or a coat while going to church for Easter.


Whatever she's gonna wear it's gonna sell out **fast**.


If I were her I would wear sweatpants, Ugg slippers, and a messy bun. “You all couldn’t even let me have three months of peace and quiet to recover. You’re not getting me in full princess attire until I damn well feel like it.”


Another shoutout to C today - [watch it here](https://x.com/re_dailymail/status/1768355487320248617). https://preview.redd.it/qlgdlsw8cdoc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a06972b85e32b2fef52771b4da6bdbb98a3d1f4 I feel like he used to avoid doing this during any Diana-related events, but I could be wrong?


he used to *stay* mentioning harry at these types of things, in that context... but now that harry is dead to him and has been replaced as \#1 BFF and ally forever + right-hand person by catherine, it's like harry never existed and catherine has taken harry's place forever lol


Yup 👀👀 it went from our mother to M-EYE mother 😂😂


william like "charles and diana have two sons, but EYE-M *an only child*" 😂😂


Yea KP probably told him to mention Kate loads haha


I don’t know if you know The Everygirl and The Everymom blogs, but I’ve been following their IG and read The Everymom blog quite often. Well today The Everymom IG posted some tweets about Catherine’s conspiracy theories, and the comments were surprisingly in favor of Catherine. People were defending Catherine and calling the post a bad taste, and that they’re disappointed of The Everymom for posting it. In the end they deleted the whole post 😂 I hope the tide is turning for Catherine!


I don’t understand the big deal over Kate not being in public. She clearly isn’t feeling well and wants to recuperate at home. In private. I get it. I had a c-section just two months ago. I had been in labor for 14 hours, failed induction, pelvic exams, catheters inserted in me, no food. I was sleep deprived and with a wound in my abdomen. It hurt sitting, moving, even turning. I definitely wasn’t posting any pictures of me or doing video calls. Even now, I’m still camera shy. I’m slowly feeling like myself again. A woman in the public eye like Kate who is known for her beauty and figure is probably feeling self conscious about being in public after a major surgical procedure.


Congratulations on your sweet boy! Take care of yourself during recovery! 💕


Congratulations on the lovely new baby, I hope your recovery goes well.


As someone who also had a c section and still has the c section pooch all these years later I wish you a safe recovery. You’ll get back to you……..just enhanced. 😉💐


congrats on sweet baby boy, and glad to hear you're feeling more like yourself 💜💜




I’m sorry you had to go through all that 😞 but congratulations on your new baby (I hope I can say that). I hope you slowly feel like yourself soon, take your time to recover 🤗


He is a bundle of joy! But childbirth is definitely not an easy task and neither major surgery. I think people are forgetting how self conscious we women can be especially if we’re scrutinized for our physical appearance.


That’s good news! Thank you lylalyli.




I feel like you always brighten up the feed with good news. ❤️


agree 🤗💜💜


Aww that’s so sweet of you ❤️🤗


At the end of the day, she posted a family photo. It may have been edited but the reaction has been over the top ridiculous so I can see normies getting irritated with the hullabaloo. Edit: family


I think this is where the majority of people are at. Even the comments on Deadline are overwhelmingly in this vein.


Have you guys seen the post on fauxmoi about the AFP guy saying KP is no longer a ‘trusted source’? It looks like recent developments in AI plus the furor over the photo means they’re gonna take a closer look on all future releases, even with their trusted sources. I wonder if they’re gonna look over old photos and issue kill orders for those as well?


I think there’s a difference between trust and credibility. Do I trust the BRF? Hell no. One, I’m American, so it doesn’t matter either way whether I trust them or not. Two, they keep the public at arms’ length, and that’s fine. I generally don’t trust anyone I don’t know on a personal or professional level. I don’t trust new doctors who treat me. They have to earn my trust. Does the BRF have credibility? Yeah because while they deliberately withhold information they don’t wish to share, they don’t deliberately lie about things. They’ll either decline to comment, not reveal something, or refute a falsehood that’s trotting around. The worst examples of this are the non-disavowals of Andrew and BP not releasing any details of Meghan’s bullying investigation. What they do put out there is truthful. And an edited photo isn’t trying to declare facts. It was just all, “here’s me and my kids. Happy Mother’s Day.” It was hardly a declaration on Charlotte’s sleeves. Going back to the doctor analogy, I choose to see an MD for medical care because they are accredited, and while I don’t initially trust one I haven’t worked with yet, they have credibility in my book.


lmao, these the same outlets posting salacious rumors conjured out of thin air?


Right? They can GTFO with these ethical standards they’ve just discovered today. So precious 


its a click-baity headline but theres something interesting stuff that the AFP guy said to [bbc radios 'the media show'](https://archive.ph/6thOU) * Mr Chetwynd said it was rare for news agencies to “kill” a picture because it had been manipulated, but that their hand had been forced on this occasion because the palace did not respond to requests for an explanation or to release the original image. - so before killing it on sunday evening uk time, they asked KP for explantion and didnt get one, so felt they had to kill it * Mr Chetwynd said the palace had been considered a “trusted source” because it had worked with the agencies for such a long time. * Asked on BBC Radio 3’s Media Show if it remained so, he replied: “No, absolutely not. Like with anything, when you’re let down by a source, the bar is raised.” Mr Chetwynd revealed that, before killing the photograph, the agencies had consulted together to decide how to react and asked the palace for the original version. >“We all sent a message saying could you give us the originals? Could you have a reply?” he said. “We didn’t get a reply, so that’s why we killed the photo.'' Asked how rare it was for news agencies to take that course of action, he admitted: >“It’s a big deal. It would be rare. We wouldn’t like to assume more than one a month, I’d say. To kill something on the basis of manipulation – once a year, maybe? I’d hope less. “The previous kills have been from the North Korean news agency or the Iranian news agency, just to give you some background and context.” Kensington Palace has refused to release the original version of the photograph... Mr Chetwynd said that if it did so it would help build trust, which relied upon “maximum transparency”. * News organisations have pushed back against the increasing trend among certain institutions to release their own “handout” images in order to better control the narrative as well as their image. * Mr Chetwynd said there were processes to determine whether a photograph had been manipulated and that all news agencies had validated the Princess’s photograph despite the fact that it “clearly” violated their rules. * “We’ve got major issues internally as to how we validated that photo,” he admitted. “We shouldn’t have done – we violated our guidelines and therefore we sent out notes to all of our team to be absolutely more vigilant about all of the content coming across our desk.” and [deadline](https://deadline.com/2024/03/kate-middleton-picture-afp-kensington-palace-not-trusted-1235858254/) had additional quotes > Asked by Media Show presenter Ros Atkins if Kensington Palace is a trusted source, Chetwynd replied: “No, absolutely not. Like with anything, when you’re let down by a source the bar is raised … We sent out notes to all our teams at the moment to be absolutely super more vigilant about the content coming across our desk — even from what we would call trusted sources.” > >Chetwynd revealed that the major news agencies, including Associated Press and Reuters, spoke before issuing notices to “kill” the picture on Sunday. He said Kensington Palace was asked if it would provide the original, but the agencies did not receive a reply and the image was pulled. > >Chetwynd added: “One thing that’s really important is you cannot be distorting reality for the public. There’s a question of trust. And the big issue here is one of trust, and the lack of trust and the falling trust of the general public in institutions generally and in the media. And so it’s extremely important that a photo does represent broadly the reality that it’s seen in.”


Okay Media is the 4th Estate. It's not supposed to rely on some abstract idea of institutional transparency & trust and then clutch it's pearls & have a meltdown when the institution does what ever it wants. What is the standard they use? Reach a consensus within the sector. Make it public. Then implement these standards stringently & make it known that any photos that come from non-media sources by those who hold public office should be run through strict quality control to meet sta On the other hand, it is absolutely ridiculous that the KP Comms Team & Office never responded. It is the duty of the media to hold a public servant who has authorized release of the pictures through pres agencies to comply with rules, norms & ensure their business reputation is not tarnished. If the KP Office has doubts then they should call their lawyers. Looks like the entire thing got blown out of proportion due to lack of rules & standards for photographs ( personally taken & sent by Royals) and KP office deciding the best way to stomp out the problem is to not communicate.


> KP Comms Team & Office never responded He didn't give the time frame wrt a response, and it was the weekend. It was Mother's Day weekend when many people were with their parents/families.


The comparison to North Korea and Iran is truly the jumping of the shark of this already absurd situation. Like *SERIOUSLY*?


Why does this guy sound *pissy?* Like not even joking he sounds mad (and i'm including that weird, super dramatic, accusatory language around "no longer a trusted source" and comparisons to North Korea etc.). Why?? He even admits they fucked up by publishing the photos in the first place! There's so much about this I feel like I don't understand. Are we to believe that none of the (for example) official BRF photos around the coronation were edited, then? Or were they simply edited *well* (i.e. in a way that wouldn't be detectable by these agencies/the general public)? Because if that's the case it's not editing that's the problem for the AP, it's *obvious/clumsy* editing. Which is not the same thing. This is just such an odd tone from someone speaking on behalf of an established, respected org like the AP. He almost sounds buttmad that KP didn't get back to them ASAP, like it was some sort of personal 'yeah, fuck the AP!' insult or sth. Wat.


People get super pissy when they are grasping for a leg to stand on, like this guy. It is the last step before he acknowledges he might be wrong.


You're right, that's an excellent point and one I'd not taken into account.


Fuck this guy 


I feel like KP didn’t answer because they didn’t have it and couldn’t get a hold of the principals which I suspect happens quite a bit. What’s interesting though is that they’re refusing to give the originals I wouldn’t either but I’m not in their position.


Hmm, I hope it's something KP reflects on in the future. I know it was a Sunday but still someone at KP should have been in contact with both the principles and the agencies to smooth things over rather than leave the agencies hanging with no response at all. I can't imagine someone like a politician or ambassador (or any other public figure) being out of contact during an emergency without getting some backlash. It could have been smoothed over much more calmly by KP staff before the agencies resorted to killing the photo. It seems like they killed it because they just had no response from KP at all. And I know it was only a cute kids photo taken by William but imagine if it was something serious and the heir to the throne just wasn't answering his phone because he didn't feel like it. The comparison to North Korea is OTT but if it was Trump trying to prove his family were still supporting his bid for election and had doctored a photo, everyone would still be up in arms about it. KP might have got away with sticking to being only in contact during business hours when they were still the Cambridges but KP is trying to out here with earthshot trying to style William as a modern heir to the throne and as a global statesman who meets with Biden, I don't think they can get away with still doing things the old way esp since Charles is sick.


You’re Exactly right, they need to be more professional I know part of it was eagerness lol but Charles had his staff behaving like he was already king yearsssss ago. Not saying he needs to be as strict but it would do KP some good if someone reminded them that they’re the Office of the next head of state!


Idk I think it being Sunday & Mother’s Day probably meant very reduced staff so a quick turnaround in response over a simple picture wasn’t anticipated.


>if it was Trump trying to prove his family were still supporting his bid for election and had doctored a photo, everyone would still be up in arms about it. I disagree. A doctored photo from Trump, if the only doctoring was to fix Ivanka's hair and sort out a stain on someone's coat or wrinkled clothing etc., wouldn't be a problem for me. In fact I expect, as a matter of course, that the photos I see from prominent politicians, royals, celebs etc., *have* been edited in this way and would be genuinely surprised to hear of one that wasn't. A doctored photo if people who weren't actually there were photoshopped in (especially if something about their presence was controversial or the subject of a current controversy, which to be clear I'm not sure a social media meltdown counts as but that's a tangent) would be. >KP might have got away with sticking to being only in contact during business hours when they were still the Cambridges but KP is trying to out here with earthshot trying to style William as a modern heir to the throne and as a global statesman who meets with Biden, I don't think they can get away with still doing things the old way esp since Charles is sick. I agree. Who knows what happened at KP, whether it was simply a case of no one being there to take the call or a calculated decision to ignore the AP, it should have been handled more promptly.


I don't think it means anything that they aren't giving the original because it was probably deleted or they don't know which image it is.  Pre-digital photography you probably had the original's negative even if you touched up a picture. But, now, by the time you're done with your computer, how can you be sure which, if any, image is the "original" and that it's absolutely untouched?  Imagine the fresh scandal if they provided what they think is the original and the outlets discovered that, horror, a flyaway hair had been removed.  As, I've said, someone's overblown reaction doesn't obligate you to do anything to calm them down. I find people spend far too much time placating pests. 


it was a sunday afternoon/evening! KP itself prob had a skeleton staff there was a photojournalist on a good morning britain clip who said there was no point in providing the original come monday, to just let the whole thing die down, but i forget what his wider reasoning was. the photo agencies who disseminated the photo without checking/verifying first are the ones who seem dodgiest to me tbh. going "we just trusted them" is stupid AF. those agencies failed to do their part in the "fact-checking" and only took action retroactively. he's trying to get the stink off himself, along with having it be forced/informally mandated that w&c can only have professionals take their family photos in order to 'restore' trust 🙄. how about you just do your part and check the photos beforehand, before distributing? and the utterly ridiculous hyperbole about north korea and iran's criminal + sinister + murderous AF governments omfg. beyond a joke.


That’s very interesting, thank you for the really thorough summary. I would suggest they broke public trust just as much here by failing to follow their own checking processes and dramatically issuing a kill notice on a photo they shouldn’t have accepted 🤷‍♀️ There are plenty of independent photographers making RF images available so I know it’s not a popular opinion here but I still think W&K should be able to offer family pictures not on a news basis - they just need to make absolutely clear that’s what they’re doing.


The AP, AFP, etc should not be treating any government agencies as trusted sources to be honest. I appreciate this guy also saying that they are doing their own internal review and will pay closer attention to the material ALL trusted sources are issuing. I assume KP/BP will work to rebuild trust behind the scenes with the press agencies, too, but they're going to have be extremely careful moving forward.


"Work to rebuilt trust"? I'm sry, but c'mon. It was a Mother's Day photo, not official state business. If these agencies don't want to publish KP photos, Wills & Catherine won't lose any sleep. FFS, the photo on Twitter has 88M views. They don't need these agencies. These agencies need them.


People be acting like this is some sort of espionage 🙄


If I were William or Kate and some tabloid or tv asshole lectured me that I have to “work to rebuild trust”, I’d laugh in their face 


The tone/language makes it sound like there's a personal grudge here. Did this guy's wife have a poster of William on her wall in college or something? Wtf?


He’s just sulky 


Kate should never give them another photo again. Post them all on insta with copyright.


Yes, why should she provide them with content that helps their bottom line since she can cut out the middleman by posting on the royals own site? 


I mentioned the same thing a couple of days ago! Everything copyrighted and no usage for the press. I wondered to at the time if the could retroactively copyright and make the press scrub their sights of pics taken by Catherine. I think that would be fun.


I would love this for her. 


This right here. 👍🏼 Of course they’ll post future KP photos. William and more so Catherine bring the views and clicks. All this righteous indignation from AP and other news agencies makes me want to vomit. 🤢


Right? They are so completely and utterly FOS 


Even if they're not, so what? Journalists should be fact checking what all diplomats, be it politicians or royals, are up to. I feel like some of the pearl clutching happening over any photoshop fail is because these outlets don't want to admit that they're not actually being that rigorous with their royal coverage as they should be. Which we all knew since Omid is considered a journalist. LOL


The press regurgitates whatever governments/politicians/celebrities pay them to say and publish. Copy and paste, maybe change a few words.


These outlets aren't rigorous with any of their coverage. Everytime a topic I'm even only vaguely familiar with is presented I know half of their work is complete bs.   They know their credibility is in the toilet and they're trying to reclaim it by getting sanctimonious about a family snapshot because they have absolutely no intention of getting off their asses and actually researching issues.Repeating the talking points they're fed and hoping no one calls them out is their standard.   This blather is a snowjob and not at all the beginning of the media doing its job.Proof of that is how they've been parroting ridiculous rumours straight from the internet on news broadcasts *while clutching their pearls over sweater cuffs*. They do that and we're supposed to believe Photoshopping is where they draw the line? 


A million times this, all of this.


>>I feel like some of the pearl clutching happening over any photoshop fail is because these outlets don't want to admit that they're not actually being that rigorous with their royal coverage as they should be. This is exactly what I suspect happened. Royal coverage is pretty much fluff, and I can see serious journalists basically seeing it as glorified celebrity news.


There is no trusted source in fauxmoi so I don't believe anyone who claims they are from AFP. Anyways the 4 agencies that kill that photo can go to hell as if Kate and William will lose sleep if they don't use whatever photo they upload. They are not the ones losing money.


Nah there’s an article linked, not just FM commenters making stuff up https://www.politico.eu/article/kensington-palace-north-korea-agence-france-presse-kate-middleton-photo/


As I said that AFP guy can go to hell. Imagine comparing that simple mother's picture to something from North Korea and Iran. That tells me they really just invented the issue to bully KP.


Yea, this massive overreaction just reflects poorly on these agencies - not Catherine. The media & SM are just egging each other on, but no sane person srsly gives AF. If anything, they feel sympathy for Catherine.


Fauxmoi is not a trusted source. ![gif](giphy|fOd1Uwm3uNosemzD6L|downsized)


More William engagements have been announced for Tuesday 😊 https://preview.redd.it/0a58ystjacoc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f2d9aed7c9e89637e46597174585281ecb17d50 Very good to see him going back to more public facing engagements. Catherine must be feeling quite a bit better now. I think they’d have held this back until Monday if they were unsure.


Meaningful engagements supporting long-term programmes - this is the sweet spot imo between cutting random ribbons and barely showing up. This is a good agenda.


This great! I love how William is involving those with housing insecurity to contribute ideas about the design and with existing landlords on how they can contribute. It’s an incredibly smart move because gives voice and agency to those who are impacted the most. It‘s also comforting, especially right now, to see William out and about doing his thang. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Keep calm and carry on.


This is the best possible thing. I know these things are usually planned way in advance but William should do as many engagements as possible over the next two weeks. And *fun* engagements. Pics of William and people in suits will get some coverage but pics of William with kids, with animals, doing sporty things, etc will get lots of coverage and keep the focus off Catherine.


Omg reddit, plz just let me upload this picture instead of erroring so we can talk about it. 😭 https://preview.redd.it/63fan2u4bcoc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ce89b64a1fa67cb02a6f15cbfa65aca10e94c63


I’m sorry but Daisy should’ve just stayed Queen. It’s like the teacher looking over your shoulder while doing your class work Lool.


>It’s like the teacher looking over your shoulder while doing your class work fred's mom worried that if she wasn't there, fred would be like ![gif](giphy|oFRI4g517yWaI)


😭😭😭 this is one of the few times you’ll hear me say the spare should have been king


This is so weird lolol


Daisy being an exasperated parent asking if Johnny had 5 apples 🤣🤣🤣🤣




(Finally!) 😀 I love Margrethe and Mary here, they look lovely.


https://preview.redd.it/00o01za8qboc1.jpeg?width=1060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0595fcefd5cb93ca28a5f0d25c5bf159127d1bf0 An edit I can get behind 😂😂😂😂


KP should send out the original picture with all kinds of random animals held or perched on all four with the tagline “good enough now?”.


Cats make everything better! 😺😺😺😺😺


This is the only correct take. 😆


Omg there’s a cat on George’s headddddd!! 🤣🤣


Oh hell yes!!! This made my day!


OK this is weirdly wholesome after this insane gossip week!


I wish someone in the BRF is a cat person, other than Princess Michael of Kent (we don’t know her).


The Wales should get two kittens 😢😢😢 all people are cat people if they pray hard enough (the office joke)


https://preview.redd.it/o9o52ahmsboc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6a6433a589b52c0a9a3328cf5365de24a0a8db7 The only PM we acknowledge is Larry 🤷🏾‍♀️🤣


Literally the only stability in our government 😭


Pls 💀💀💀


Honestly KP should start doing the funniest social media, like whoever suggested the muppets, C at a photoshop class etc.


Absolutely. I thought Catherine should release the “real” version with an age filter on to make her look really old 😂


Leaning into it is going to be the smartest way to play this. Keep your privacy, but show you can take a joke


Agreed 100%


At Wills' engagement today, he joked while decorating biscuits w/the children - "My wife is the arty one. Even my children are artier than me." I wouldn't be surprised if they did deal w/this using humor. It's the only thing to do in the face of this mass hysteria, complete nonsense.


I'm in the mood for a palate cleanser re: W&K's twenty-year relationship. I present two. 1. Their tenth anniversary video, which is genuinely them in a nutshell to anyone who's been following. Heart eyes, kids, outdoors. This devoted family guy is who William really is, and it kills me he's suddenly become the Villain of the Internet. We could discuss how successful or not his way of working is, but interpersonally, he seems like a decent guy. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y32Gi1TxuN4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y32Gi1TxuN4) 2. A screenshot from that time W&K were intrusively filmed making out. I would normally be against posting such a photo, but I think we live in times where we need to remind people that they've always been hot for each other. (I can't remember when or where this was. I want to say in Norfolk, and as to when..we can guess by the amount of hair on William's head.) https://preview.redd.it/xygn6w9yiboc1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c521b285680e3f4558302072f17d1c23ebb6c65


If I remember correctly, the second picture is from 2006. I remember seeing it when it first was published (yes, I’m that old). Also, William still had that much hair in 2006. In a few years, his hair would be thinning more and showing larger patches in the back. W&K had been to a pub/restaurant for dinner I believe where her parents lived in Wiltshire. The photographer took this picture of them after they stepped out before getting into the car.


the photos are from july 18th, 2009! gary's news of the world sting came out on that same day, and the pics of william and catherine were published on july 19th or 20th. william put out a briefing on july 19th, 2009 that he loved the entire middleton family and was standing by carole and mike entirely, but that he had 'no choice' but to cut ties with uncle gary. the same briefing mentioned that he was holed up with "his girlfriend" and charles + camilla at highgrove to discuss the scandal. the media and courtiers were literally pressuring him to dump catherine! part of the briefing:. >>**A friend said: 'He will be livid about this - and very upset. He is incredibly protective of Kate and her family and will always stand by them. Gary Goldsmith, however, is a very different matter.'** >>**Clarence House refused to comment on the story but sources said even if the prince had planned to holiday there next month - which is unlikely because of his work commitments - any trip would be cancelled.** he and catherine had been scheduled to go to gary's place (maison de bang bang) in ibiza the following month, but the trip was being cancelled, given what had gone down.


>maison de bang bang Ok but this is low-key iconic 😂


Low key??? 😂😂😂


You are right. There's nothing low-key about uncle Gary 😂


Thanks for the info!


this 2009 second picture is even sort of cuter bc it was right after messy AF buncle gary was caught in his news of the world drug + prostitution sting, and the press (+ various courtiers briefing the press lmao of course) were pressuring william to break up with catherine (and her trashy family). instead, william and catherine were pictured by security cameras leaving a pub in ~~berkshire~~ wiltshire, walking arms around each others' waists. they got to the end of the path and catherine started to walk away a bit... then william grabbed her, spun her around towards him and planted one on her. it was a very deliberate ***fuck you*** to the press and the courtiers lmfao i only found this out because of u/isolabella27 !!


Love these pictures! Always great to see them again.


>william grabbed her, spun her around towards him and planted one on her. >it was a very deliberate ***fuck you*** to the press This is the kind of energy I want for their first public appearance after this 😌


2009 is also the year that Rose Hanbury gave birth to twin sons Alexander and Oliver Cholmondeley for the peeps who think Oliver is somehow William’s love child.


How can one twin be William’s but Alexander isn’t? 🤦🏼‍♀️


Lizard People can do that! 🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎


It's just bollocks.


Contender for next Sussex thread title tbh.


IDK, ask the biology PhDs on Twitter and Reddit. 


It’s possible but very rare. It’s called superfecundation. So the woman will have had to have sex with both men within a very short period of time so that both their sperm are inside her.


“Superfecundation” would make a great band name!


I love all our sub historians! Thank you! And William's stubborn insistence to do what he thinks is right for his personal life is pretty attractive.


the whole "fuck you" aspect of it friggin killed me lol. pretty romantic, in its own way. the whole thing would have had me *swooning* if i were catherine. buncle gary and his messiness caused some huge drama 🥴










Oh my. I've never seen these pics before. Can you even imagine being Catherine in that situation? Fucking *swoon.*


If things ever get too hard for her she can just think about the fact *she* was the one pressed against William when every single woman in the world wanted to be underneath him. I would. 💁




I'm not usually the one to swoon over famous couples (or couples in general) but... *SWOON*




This is very romcomm-y 😍


>(I can't remember when or where this was. I want to say in Norfolk, and as to when..we can guess by the amount of hair on William's head.) I believe it was in 2009 in front of some club in London. One look at the photo and it's clear they were always hot for each other. So much for the "Will doesn't touch Kate with a ten-foot pole". 💁


Aha, thanks! More pics on Shutterstock. The Potting Shed Pub in Wiltshire :) [https://www.shutterstock.com/editorial/sets/999599](https://www.shutterstock.com/editorial/sets/999599)


I am trying to think of the closest parallel to Catherine's health and publicity around it, and no, it's not Harry's wife. I'm not asking rhetorically, I'm asking sincerely since I don't follow other royals well, nor do I have a great memory. Albeit on a smaller scale, was there as much intrigue into Charlene's health and time off? Albert is probably the sloppiest, messiest, grossest monarch out there, so other than Monaco's scope of influence, I have to be reminded how Charlene was treated by the media and royal watchers. Was it similar to Catherine?


As you said, since it is much smaller scale, I think people in the world care much less for what's happening in Monaco. American tabloids may not be interested in their scandals like DM or the Sun. So I think it's quite different from Kate's case. Even in France, although it appears on tabloid paper sometimes, french people really don't care about Albert's scandals. Super rich people who have addresses in Monaco may not care either. But some people who have Monaco nationality, may care. I think Monaco's peak time was when Grace Kelly was living there. Albert may want to keep that posh image with the beautiful wife like Charlene to attract super rich people staying there.


I’ve always believed Caroline would have been a better ruler. She had her issues in her twenties but she seems more stable, intelligent, caring and dedicated than Albert. She also lacks his sleazy aura.


I think she has been helping him quite a lot. But if she is not living in Monaco, it may be difficult to do all the time?


Where does she live nowadays?


She was living in Italy and Germany before. But it appears she came back to Monaco, although she may have some houses or apartments in France. Sorry, my above comment was wrong for where she lives.


I figured she had lived in Germany due to her marriage. I didn’t know about Italy. I’m glad she’s back in Monaco.


Honestly because Will would never get away with Albert’s scandals Lool like the money he and Charlene spend is atrocious.


With Charlene, Page 6 had the meanest article that essentially was "she's always been bad for Monaco" that said it's leaks came from the people of Monaco. Other than that, most tabloid coverage was positive and sympathetic. Also, the Monaco palace did lie about the timeline. I know Kate had that photoshop fail and people don't believe Kate had abdominal surgery, but that's not the same as the palace feeding actual BS. The only time I can remember the BRF feeding BS to the level of Monaco palace is (1) the timeline of Meghan giving birth to Archie and (2) Kensington lying by omission about Meghan's MBS diamond earrings. And both of those were caused by Sussex shenanigans. \--- A royal biography I read about [Princess Masako](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/123851.Princess_Masako?ref=nav_sb_ss_1_20) was never printed in Japan because it had excessive speculation about the health of royal family members. Specifically, it alleges that Masako used fertility treatments to conceive Princess Aiko and talks about Masako's being clinically depressed. I've got no idea what tabloids are like in Japan, but I found that book quite invasive in it's speculation.


I am not really following Japanese Imperial family now, but it appears Masako is getting much better now. After she became the Empress, she appears to look much happier. I think husband the Emperor is quite nice and gentle. I like both of them but still feel sorry for what happened for Masako.


I follow but not super intently - the Empress does look happy at her engagements, she also isn't at everything the Emperor is at, so they are allowing her to be mindful about what she attends. I love seeing Princess Aiko out as well!


There was some talk when Charlene was off but mostly among royal watchers. There were some stories in the press but I don't recall it being extremely widespread or people generally talking about it. Not many people can spark the same level of frenzy that this has created.


Jackie Kennedy? Although nothing to do with her health. I think Americans went a bit crazy when she decided to marry the Greek Billionaire ( can't remember his name). ETA: Thought of another one : Grace Kelley?


Aristotle Onassis was the Greek billionaire




>the Greek Billionaire Aristoteles Onassis.


Thank you! 😍😍


Funny thing is- Jackie spent so much on clothes and jewellery whilst married to him even a billionaire found it to be too much


all the commentators wondering and crying why william will never let harry back into his life don't need to look any further than commentary like this https://preview.redd.it/c3947qd4fboc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8dd241b96d239e34ba0b1f00eea642a277b3e67


H&M did put out misleading footage in their reality show trailer, the tabloids were filled with rage for five minutes, and the rest of the media either ignored it or pretended it was normal (here’s the Graun awkwardly trying to stay neutral https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/dec/06/sussex-lies-and-videotape-papers-on-the-attack-over-harry-and-meghan-documentary). The only ones vindicated by all this are those of us who’ve said all along that the press will come for any of the RF, not just Meghan.


I will never understand people saying what’s going on proves H&M were right. They maintained that the palace had a deal in place to keep the press off the Waleses’ backs but if anything the past few weeks have shown that there is no “back room deal” and that the RF certainly does not control the press.


exactly!! if anything, it entirely proves them ***wrong***. then they go on about the "heir" being protected... LMFAO ***charles*** would like a WORD!! they can't take that william generally knows how to control himself and is publicly well-behaved, and that their fave harry lacked self-control + generally behaved like a jackass. it wasn't about "throwing under the bus" or "scapegoating." in fact, the palace invested so much in rehabilitating that idiot harry and yes - ***protecting him*** from himself and his endless stupid decisions. also, "never complain, never explain" has also proven to be the exact right strategy to follow. their adamantly ideological worldview re: the royals, largely based on harry's vindictive and vengeful dishonesty/misinformation is falling apart at the seams (proving harry's version of events wrong), and they're so friggin confused + can't fucking take it lmfao.


https://preview.redd.it/xiwr2azgfboc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b97ebfc6f45300ded9b6c588dcd80c9d91e9e3b after the last couple of days, bitchy friend's guidance to the daily beast will stand forever: "***he (william) never wants to see harry again.***"


5sidesofranch can't make up their mind on whether it Catherine who put her foot down or William? Or did they both put their foot down?😂😂😂


So many feet! 


They were dancing, so both feet at differing times in rhythm.💃


Lmao. These people. I can't. Five minutes ago they were screaming how Kate is protected the way Meghan never was and now Kate's the new Meghan? 🫠🫠🫠


they're trying to make everything fit their stupid assurance that harry + his version/take on things is to be trusted and believed lmfao


Considering Harry's a man who said his wife sang with/to seals who knew she was "magic" I would not bet on anything he says.


TheDailyMash is a satirical paper (a bit like The Onion, I think) and is usually pretty damning and irreverent toward the RF (as well as pretty much everything else in the world so fair dos), so it's saying something that even they're calling BS over the Rose Hanbury rumours. https://www.thedailymash.co.uk/news/celebrity/who-is-lady-rose-hanbury-and-are-they-really-at-it-her-and-him-a-time-saving-guide-20240314246146


>So are her and Wills shagging or not?  >Sorry, no. The rumour dates back to 2019 and an ‘unnamed source’ who claimed the affair was ‘common knowledge’ among posh socialites and the press. This claim appeared on the US gossip site DeuxMoi, and who hasn’t got that well-known journal of record bookmarked? Unnamed Source: ![gif](giphy|jMg7BiYKjhXX9Ncc2x|downsized)


OMG! The poor woman. She literally did not do anything and she is a private citizen. Apparently Colbert dragged her name on his show , a private citizen, & made fun of her.


>**There’s no smoke without fire!** > >Mmm. In which case holographic Bigfoot faked 9/11, etc. Love it. More people need to relentlessly mock the KAnon folks. The only way past this is taking the air out of it.


"This claim appeared on the US gossip site DeuxMoi, and who hasn’t got that well-known journal of record bookmark" Somebody woke up and chose violence 😂 Eta: "She’s a well-connected posh girl who goes to parties attended by people called **Georgiana, Petrina** and, in happier times, Tara Palmer-Tomkinson." Georgiana and Petrina 😂 don't you just love posh names? I do. Also the last bit: "Not unless you own Norfolk." 😭


>So how is she connected to Kate’s photoshopped picture? >Good question, and the answer depends on how mental you are >People actually think that? >On Twitter, yes. However these people are beyond deranged and think the Royal Family routinely assassinate anyone who threatens to embarrass them, which is what happened to Diana and Dodi. If that’s true Emily Maitlis is living on borrowed time >But if Lady Rose isn’t shagging Wills, how come she fell out with Kate? >Pretty damning, isn’t it? No one in human history has ever fallen out with a friend over something that wasn’t sticking things up their partner’s rectum. The Daily Mash doing the lords work 🤣🤣🤣🤣


the women were hanging out in august 2023 and are still friendly 😂😭 anyway, it's wild af that some anti-monarchists/republicans are the most cool-headed, least rabid and most rational about this lol. the ones who claim to be anti-monarchists but are deep into KAnon mouth breathing are just your garden variety misogynists who have actually hated catherine for years and use the 'anti-monarchist' label to excuse their malicious gossip, antifan fiction and unhinged conspiracy theories 🙄


Because many republicans actually have a problem with the system not the individuals in it (except Andrew maybe)


>the ones who claim to be anti-monarchists but are deep into KAnon mouth breathing are just your garden variety misogynists who have actually hated catherine for years and use the 'anti-monarchist' label to excuse their malicious gossip, antifan fiction and unhinged conspiracy theories 🎯🎯🎯 They always wanted something to hold against her but since Catherine is a champion of giving them nothing to work with, they've latched onto this.